The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1961, Page Page 3, Image 7

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    The DciSr fkeixoiko
Fans To Get First Look
At 1961-1962 NU Cag ers
?. lr f ..... f.VKMT. AP
. .t'MM .
-. W twwlibi
' '''
A ft lovk t Wtofc'
SiittJI3 (team ie jw
C;.!atti J?ry fcuti'
IMS teu -uJw fyjf
f fe JVC ifkiim,
A if, (clonic o3 jtJ
7:3V wjsb (foe ttwticsf
fciM to :viniA-
TV fitkir ;aw 'base
$IUtr4 tmm rb of Um
tiM mk:k tun slowed
f,iH J tum H t 1 1,
tfn -tii 4 V,My Dwfc
"V fc p foe wrfjM
v4 it.;
V ytirtMZ," Qv:h Busk
ima (inti:, 1XpttA. M
k'wwt mpfmtmfA 4mi.
tlx riy J'j,i, vmrtwz t
A gradaate of Oass K bas-U-tbalJ
at B?moj, Big Utt b
U g rttf ag Bvtr r t 4
r4 ih brJ" d k i
sboot'ajr bat fmpmed,
Tb Hvtkr vaj.ty h (m,
iA poujbfy e-ven( lxUrmn
returning rtm lt year's
tan The mtirMr 'f tetJr
e available wil djxrftd or)
,iMir Jan Wall's mUir4
In respond to rMtv,intU
an4 whether gidr J m
HaiC choo to j i n th
Mud. K m e 1 1, fWr,
kwrtl, Ompr ! Jm Yi;,
for 4 refund? I a t
i4 I'iJI Viwwrt, Daryl
l'tr,'h, C b c k SbuJovrick,
Smwi, Charles
iMw, Ytih an1 Hogttr
liM'liy pxkar, a (hitimr
$xAw,, Kun, .Junior Col-
i iLt" U'A Ui d'rtrth
-J , !
,--"'',! , . ' --
?rri 771 MJ:
i , 1 till .
Sellers Meelin :trT :. L. F.
Bi Ebht Roundu
Fiher Named
Acting 3Iana2cr
igr f kftijs. H it ?
sktd t: s2iri tc A. J. L-
tiri:' :t ;b. ..f .k ?.e
E:F!-ff tj- r.c
SiiiKii Crj. Ms, i
t; cJjaur.-fwn aflr' 4K ff'Mjre kati h eeeitf! St m-
mt. Ttei. Seated ua . f rU to pre fim pU
; Saturday, Cd the Jay- - 15 oompktonf
hatf J or sewwd pAace bon-,'r 223 yais
ri; in kxyp. Both teams ? H'pprnana hat gaiind l.V
' have reorjrdi in B;g Eigtt jardi. Wt 1C fwiitt gaia
piy. For the teason, lxnre.s( 2 i ZS carrin t take a
er. Ka.ias u uBiie u-f-anT iea w tu eusfiiica-
Undisputed Title
Trip to Miami
a SE. average aaS
; f !-va State
Phi Gains Win
Fall Tennis Title
Fe Carrr-a DeiJ wsa
AS-CsiTtrEiy fall tezais
va.s tie ktiiidsal fiar.a.
Jajtant Curtis
of the class
twin stands 7-Z-L
i Next rms Oklabvma
ilvva Ktate Oklahoma
fa hi first )ar a trkmn
ra-b at ,raka aft-r mjv
rral uctvfI .'tn at
Omaha Mly Nam;, has a 17-
man fmhmun qua4 uk ail
Bush's' varaity ffls the
rjjuJar campaign Dec. 4 at
Wichita and mits 5futhern
Mh)d;t Dec- 7 in th hyme
7 rm
hut (' f Ihfti frm Ne-,
brasia. The t t-i-late .
platers ar Bob (ek at
Jom I Jwyd, 4-2 forward frm
Arnwi th tp players
or .'i;)r-j!;i;a hf'i school
are Gary Haas, a standout
athlete at Lincoln Hji; Lar
ry VfOrti;hU?'4, a clati H all
stater from ficneva; Iarry
,V1aJ;n a tJik 1) ail-staU-r
from Sprlnjs;' and Don
Otlj, a nwmUir of fiurwcll's
slate tournament finalist
State Z-4, Nebraska
Kaatas State t-7.
Th final conference games.;
be played this Saturday
hen Oklahoma State travels
to Norman to take on the;
ti0. Bin 7Kmts ha a net
faia f (IS yards ta 1?7 car
ries t fans secad place.
nd hea llemaa f Kaasat and
fJim Ih'Hard f Oklahoma
goes to the be.
s poiias an z ai-ra-portant
sconrg category, Kil
Sebrand, Had awl Toim of
Msouri are tied for secosd
pJac-e 38 points. Tboratoo
n in a three ay te for
fourth place ith 3(3.
513 M. KIM.BAX1 AVt.
Force Academy.
Except for these two
rames, bere are the final sta-
vv. Ustk-s for the conference,,
I W I. r) Hum ft r DMU Sx
r K a
r. p
1 1 .
.State are next fa line.
NX' s Garidge leads the
punters having punted 50
toes for 1568 yards and an
Sooners, and Colorado tket-" w a'-
on the Au
la mmiT w mI in yr pfcafw, ID'i. I
llmdquortm for He-lifious Supplies
Nebraska Church Goods Co.
Freshman (iai:b Bob GaUrs, ti;am,
w . ti t m-a . r
kv f a
t, i tn t
t I t m, Hum 1,iMm fjWm-R it
T m tm VSi Iwlu Tutu a TtMM
t ' m. lf)i, l'wil,.f, M n Siou
KM rouiw a
Colorado, behind the strong
pit.hinz arm of Gale Weid-
ner, rushed for 1,641 yards
and passed for 1,077 in nine
games for an average of 302
yards per game.
Weidner has completed 5
of 143 attempts for t9t yards
to take first honors in that
category. Dave Hoppmano, of
Iowa State Is second having
Cornhuskers Finish Hopeful Season Sadly
By Dave Wohlfartb
The Nebraska Cornhuskers
rnded a disappointing season
on a sour not laot wknd,
blowing 14-0 halftlme h;ad
before twwlng to Okiaioma
The Ut was the sixth of
the year for the lluskers
against fhrw wins and a lie,
Nebraska, picked by the ex
pert to have its first winning
season in many years, can
finish no brtter thn a tie
for sixth in the conference,
depending ii'son the outcome
of this week's Oklahoma-Oklahoma
SUite yiime,
Saturday's ?,nmt was actu
ally two games in one, The
Huskers completely drnln:t
ed the first half, scoring two
touchdowns and almost 'let
ting a third in lead H O at
the half.
Coach Bud Wilkinson's
Kooner rebounded In the see
ond half and corn blued a solid
offense with Nebraska's ina
bility to move the bull (the
Huskers (jalned only two
yards net In total offense and
were not able to make a first
and ten In the second hulf) to
overcome t h e Cornhuskers
for their fourth straight win.
The Huskers scored first on
a two-yard plunge by Willie
Ross In the first quarter, The
Huskers hnd moved from
their own .1ft In nine plays
with Moss and Iludy Johnson
doing the ground work and
sophomore fjuarterhick Den
nis Clnrlrigo pitching uerlul
strikes to end Don J'iiitcII and
halfback Dennis Sluewe,
Nebraska scored again In
(he second qmirter again
marching from their own 35.
Clurlilge, fading back from
the Hooner 25, completed a
fiMHH to Pureed at the eight.
I'urcell sidestepped the Okla
homa defender and went up
the left sideline for the score,
Hon Mcudo's second sue
cesslul extra point f the doy
gave the Huskers a 14-0 lcid
with 6:fM) left in the hull,
The Hunkers almost scored
Kiialn before Intermission
when I'urcell, who turned In
n of his finest efforts In his
tlr ee year career, recovered
Sooner fumble on the OU22,
Dick Callahan swept right
end for nine yards and Ross
added five around the left
side to move the ball to the
Okhhotna eight. On a fake
field goal attempt, Claridge's
puss to I'urcell was off his:
fingertips In the end one,
Meade, whose toe was re-j
sponsible for both NU victor-'
Irs over the Sooners the last!
(wo ye:irs, tried a field goal '
from the eight but the kick
was wide.
The Sooners picked up their
first score In quick style on a
nine-yard pans piny from
Jimmy Carpenter to Mike
Mcf'leflan, a IB-yard run by
fullbuck I'hll Iihmann, a pil
ing penally against Nebraska '
and a .10-yard scoring pass
from quarterback Bob 1'age
to end Roaay Payne. George
Jarmaa added the extra point
to make It NT 14 OU 7 with
only 1:21 gone in the half.
Iater in the third quarter
the Sooners marched in to
score from the Husker 33
with Carpenter speeding
around right end for the final
nine, Jarman's PAT tied the
game, 14-14.
Nebraska apparently had
the Sooners in a hole when
Claridge's booming 70-yard
punt from the Nebraska 28
rolled dead on the OU2 late
In the third quarter,
From their own two, how
ever, the Sooners marched 98
yards In 25 plays to score,
eating up more than 12 min
utes of time in the drive. Car
peoter went around right end
from the Husker one to score
and Jarman's kick made in
21-14 Oklahoma with five
minutes left in the game.
The Huskers, who turned in
their best performance of the
year in the first half, were at
their worst in the, second. Ne
braska managed only four se
ries of plays the entire lacst
half and only one series in
the last quarter.
Standouts for Nebraska in
cluded Purcell, Claridge ( who
completed six of 15 passes
for 110 yards), Ross, Johnson
(M yards on five carries) and
up front, Gary Toogood, lion
Michka, Monte Kiffin, Mc
Daniel, Dwain Carlson, Dyer
and Tingelhoff.
1 1 2
"1 '
fit ft
Out olJhiL WoJdcL" ,
Fellow fhe duet given below
1o fhe hidden envelope and win:
1. Tux Renl-A-Tux , . , $7.00
2. Dinner for 2 Tony & Luijri'g ' 7.00
. Tickets & Expcnw-f AFROTC Dept. 9.00
4. Flower Roaeweir 7.00
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