The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1961, Image 1

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7 n v n
LI lr
Vol 75, No. 33 ARCHiycs
Constrnction Bids
For New Art Class
r -
Opening of bids for con
struction of the HX),000 Nelle
Cochrane Woods Memorial
building on the University's
city campus has been post
poned to Nov. 21, at 2 p.m.
The bid-opening for this new
art building was originally
scheduled for Nov. 15. If the
bidding is within the available
funds, construction will begin
immediately, said V e r n e r
Meyers, director of planning
and construction.
Used primarily by the art
department, the building will
include rooms for sculpture,
graphics, pottery, painting,
and the history of art. How
ever, some rooms will be
made available for other
campus classes.
Construction will be fi
nanced partially by the Uni
versity and primarily through
a gift of $250,000"by the
Woods Charitable Foundation
Inc. It is to be built in mem
ory of Nelle Cochrane Woods. I
a picr;er Linco'n woman who
served on the board of trus
tees or the Art Association
for many years.
d so? unrest of the:
Sheldca Art Ga'iery zni di-
icctly south an! west of the
Grant Memorial Bn'Ming, the j versify Thursday, Nov. 16. to j cago faculty as an instruc
cxterior or th building will ; deliver the 90th Avery Me- j tor in 1934. In 1948. Dr. Olm
be de5i;n?d to be harmonious j mortal lecture. isiead was appointed a full
viih t'ze Shc'.uon Art Gallery. Dr. Charles E. Olmstead. professor, and in 1953, as head
It will be 163 feet Ions. 44 chairman of the department f of the bntanv denartment
feet "Xz, and three stories
high. The interior will navejot uiicago, wui speaK on uie
moveable partitions and be topic, "Are Scientists Trained
suitably equipped for art
work. Architectural plans
were designed by Hazes and
Robinson Architects.
The old administration
building will be torn ddwn in
conjunction with this develop
ment, possibly next spring,
although the Woods building
will not be built on its site.
Med School
Plans to modernize the five-'i
story outn Duuamg on ine
College of Medicine campus
in Omaha were accelerated!
recently with the appoint- i
ment of the Omaha firm John
Latenser and Sons as arcai
tects for the project
Renovation of the building
will provide increased re
search and student labora
tories for the development of
biochemistry, physiology and
pharmacology, preventative
medicine, and physical medi
cine and rehabilitation.
No estimate on the cost of
the project will be available
until the architectural plans
have been completed. Financ
ing will come from the state
building levy for the College
of Medicine.
Galleries Receive
New Paintings
Fifty-eight thousand dol
lars worth of art work has
been presented to the Univer
sity Art Galleries by the
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
of New York.
The University Calleries
were presented with ten
paintings of the Kenaissance
period valued at S3,000. The
paintings will be placed on
display in the Sheldon Art
Gallery as soon as it Is com
pleted; at the earliest, in the
spring of 1963.
The gift is . part of a na
tionwide series of gifts to var
ious schools known as the
Kress Study Collection. The
purpose of the gifts is to en
able schools offering art his
tory courses to enrich their
presentation of the subject
The pictures and their art
ists are: "Madonna and Child
with the Infant St. John," An
tonello Da Saliba; two panels
depicting Saints Bartholomew
and Paul and Saints John and
Peter, Andrea Di Bartolo;
"Christ Washing the Feet of
the Apostles," anonymous Ve
netian painter; "Portrait of
a Young Prince," Giuseppa
Maria CrespL
"Portrait of a Man in a
White Wig," V. .GhUlandi;
The Voyage of Jacob," Gio
vanni Benedetto Castiglione;
"St. Martin Dividing His
Cloak with a Beggar," studio
follower of Jacopo Bassano;
a 16th century portrait, Dau
phin Henry; and "Portrait of
an Unknown Man," M. Mer-an.
The "old" Administration building, west of the new
Sheldon Art Galleries, now nnder construction, will soon be
torn down. The new Nelle Cochran Woods art building
will be constructed north of this site.
Dr. Olmstead Will Present
Avery Memorial Lecture
reared in Eastern Nebrask:
and gained national recoeni-
lion at the University of Chi-
cago will return to the Uni-
of botany at the University
or Educated?" The lecture i
will be at 8 p.m. in Love u. and then editor of Bo
Library auditorium Jtanical Gazette, in 1946.
ine rauaman uicmry 30-
- -
Dr. Olmstead, a native of
Colorado, attended etemen-
tary and secondary schools at enm,c. uoJvernorsf .ue
Rokeby in Lancaster County ca Academy of Sciences,
from 1914-22. He attended the ; - r m .
University of Nebraska from! OICC iTlcllOr
1924-29, where he earned his J
Bachelor Arts degree. He K Ac T?Z vAf
was second in academic ltllivS J. II SI
standing in his graduating ;! T t
C. Jin -Review
also was elected -a member
oi vm Beta Kappa ana ig-
ma XL
in 1931.
he obtained bis
Wjiwm- In Ar.fIrHi,dThcre Was You"
major at the University, a
singer in the University op
era "Cosi Fan Tutte," and a
distinguished researcher in 1 member of Delta Gamma so-
chemistry; will be the guest r0"ty.
lecturer at a meeting of the Second place went to Clark
Nebraska chapter of Sigma Metcalf. He played the fla-
Xi Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. I
in Bessey Hall auditorium.
Dr. Wazer is the 1951-62
Sigma Xi lecturer. A native
of Chicago, be was assistant
director of the Monsanto
Chemical Co. for ten years
ringelson Terms Liberia Pro-
By Sue Hovik
Liberia is a decidely pro
American country although
a firm believer in "P a n
Afrkanism." a proud de
sire to be African, not East
ern or Western.
This was the international
political situation in Liberia
when Rich Bringelson, pres
ident of Ag YMCA, spent
four weeks there last sum
mer. Bringelson 'was a mem
ber of a fifteen student
work camp group which
west to Liberia nnder the
national YMCA's Buildings
for Brotherhood program.
The team spent four weeks
is Greenville, Liberia build
ing a YMCA program of
fice. Liberia's constitution is
patterned after that of the
United States as is their
system of government. Re
cently a bill was passed
forbidding students studying
in foreign countries from
traveling in countries not
listed on their passports (no
Communist countries are
listed), said Bringelson.
"Head From Sand"
He said that he believes
the United States should
"get its head out of the
sand" because it feels that
anything against status quo
is Communistic." Bringel
son also said that he now
believes that just because
the American government
has recognized a govern
ment in the past doesn't
mean that it's for the best
He found that people there
was. Master's degree from Okla-
raskaihoma and ua a SfAriiml
i Fellow at Yale n-her hp
earned his Ph. D. in 1935. He
joined the University of Chi
Among his honors were the
j prf sideDCT of the American
IecoIopv Sociefv botanical ed-
jtor 0f "Ecoloev" from 1943-
He has been a member of
the board of directors of The!
Grassland Research Founda-
?ace " "e f ?
","wt,"' ",c 1 t !
Christy Johnson won first
paace in tne Au-umversiry
ToW Rmriatir C.inHaw
ning. singing "Look Me Over
T..-, T" rl Till
" "
menco guitar, a type oi gypsy
nance music irom spain. Aiei- a course in taxation for the
calf has played guitar for legislators was entirely sep
five years. arate from the tax institute
Marvin Ruback won third for out-state Nebraska resi
place with his rhythm skit dents, but that the two may
called the "Hambone" act have been confused.
' .-.4R
are much more interested
in international affairs than
are Americans, and that
they knew more about the
United States then he knew
about Liberia. "The people
down there are not naive,"
he sa'd.
Bringelson cited as ex
ample of a headline in a
paper which said "Space
mas Says He Took a Good
Look at Africa." A high
school s t a d e n t assured
Bringelson that they (Soviet
Union) were just trying to
impress them.
Bringelson said that he
learned a lot about race re
lations as three of the boys
on the team were Negroes.
In Liberia -it is unconsti
tutional for a non-Liberian
citizen to own land, but no
white man can be a Liberi
an citizen.
Racial Problems
He said that Liberians
know about the racial prob
lems in the United States
and that they are difficult for
them to understand. They
hear about the disputes con
cerned with violence but
don't hear about the ones
settled peacefully. The
space given to these prob
lems in the papers is mostly
a matter of personal inter
est in the matter.
The general secretary of
the YMCA in Greenville who
invited the team to Liberia
met the team when t h e y
first arrived and told them
that their job of construct'
ing a building was of sec
ondary importance. The
The Nebraskan
Tax Stand
Purpose: 'To Educate
Rather Than Advocate
By Nancy Wbitford
The University's position
that its tax institute work
shops are for educational
rather than propaganda pur
poses was reaffirmed today
by Everett Peterson, profes
sor of agricultural economics.
The tax institute is co-spon
sored by the agricultural eco
nomics department and the
extension division and will
consist of 12-15 workshops
throughout the state in Feb
ruary and March.
Peterson said the purpose
of the program Is to "edu
cate, rather than advocate."
He said, "Our purpose is
to present basic factual infor
mation on public affairs is
sues to the people of h e
state. This has no relation to
the budget, but is part of our
continuing program of pro-
j : : r :
vi? formation,
The decision is
up to the
' people- We only indicate the
lvarious. methods (f govern-
ment finance) available.
Sen. Richard Marvel, chair
man of the Budget Commit
tee, said people were asking
him about the tax institute,
but that he "didn't know the
University s reasons
The persons who conduct
these workshops are in a very said.
delicate spot if they are to "The real conflict is be
avoid being accused, of at- twees the U.S. and Russia
tempting to do more than in- and not the West and Corn
form the public" .Marvel monism Wd aiMi
j noted
Sen. Kenneth Bowen, "Chair
man of the Legislative Coun-
cil Tax Committee, had said
aiso: ine universuy teeis
it lost a fight this year on the
budget and has given the; im
pression it wants to broaden
the tax base." j
Peterson had appeared! be
fore Sen. Bowen'i committee
last week to give information
oa the University's tax insti
tute. Peterson said the confusion
tion wilJi another Droblem he
was on at the
" - "
,fn r cnHt!nni a fa linnr
t the committee might proceed,
Among his suggestions was
the idea for a short course on
taxation for the legislators,
He said this would sot neces
sarily have to be sponsored
by the University, but that
University facilities would be
available if desired.
He said the sueseslion for
----- -
main objective was to bring
about better understanding
between two different cul
tures. Bringelson said that they
lived in as elementary
school School was in the
middle of the term but the
students moved to ether
buildings in the town. For
the arrival of the YMCA
team the townspeople bad
sprayed for mosquitoes so
they wouldn't get malaria,
screened is the windows,
hung curtains, cleared away
the brash, and set op a
schedule so the teachers
could do the cooking for the
The school term disrupted
the work of 17 Liberian col
lege students who also
worked on the project. Two
students from Kenya, who
had been tribesmen in the
Mau-Mau uprisings, also
worked on the project.
Judges, Senators
Bringelson said that the
social-economic groups that
helped worked on the build
ing were astonishing. The
chairman of the building
group was one of the su
preme court judges of Li
beria and senators from
the Greenville area also
helped. The team left Li
beria with only one-third of
the ioof left to finish.
Bringelson said that it
was amazing how well the
college generation in Li
beria approached their new
position in an entirely new
life. Most of their fathers
had three wives, and were
Nehru: World
Rests on UN's
In War,
By Tom Kotouc
The only way that the
world can survive is if the
United Nations has supreme
and sovereign power in ques
tions of war and peace."
This is the opinion of Jawa
harlal Nehru, prime minister
of India, speaking to the 1,500
delegates from 43 states at
the Nov. 10-11 Collegiate
Council on the United Na
tions in New York City.
"I do not advocate world
government," Nehru said,
"but ask that the United Na.
jtions be given supreme au
thority In tunes when war
and mass threat to human
lives face the world."
Three University students
attended this unique confer
ence which studied the chal
lenge "1961, UN Year of Cri
sis." Students
The students are Jim Sam
ples and Barbara Tanner,
seniors in arts and sciences,
and Arthus Hughes, graduate
student in history.
"Nehru said that we must
breach the gap between the
technological and scientific
complexities and t o d a y's
mode of tiiinkins" SamDles
Sunday AVF Pancake Feed,
Lincoln Drive Nets $631.25
Crippled by pledge class
sneaks and the official migra
tion to the Iowa State football
game, the All University Fund
Pancake Feed netted only
231.25, while the afternoon
LujCOm solicitations totalled
! m c,earLn8 the original
goal by $200.
According to Helen Landis,
Lincoln Drive chairman, more
I n!M up rlas fnnrtinns are
scheduled, and the AUF board
will solicit Thursday night in
Builder Directories
The 1961 Builders Stu-.
dent-Faculty Telephone Di
rectories will be on sale
this week at the front booth
of the Student Union, S
a.m.-4:30 p.m. The direc
tories, which are a new
size this year and have a
colored cover, sell for $L
subsistance level farmers.
Now their sons are in col
lege. Rubber Exports
Bringelson said that the
sole source of income is
from the exportation of rub
ber. There has been eco
nomic domination with the
coming in of Firestone Tire
and Rubber Co. in 1926, but
now some of their execu
tive positions are being
held by Liberians.
The YMCA had a small
projector with which they
showed movies and cartoons
to the townspeople. After
work the townspeople would
collect for the c a r t o o n s
which they tirelessly sat
through five or six times.
Bringelson reported that
their object in going there
as a whole was with the idea
of "establishing a close
association with the Liberi
an students, but ended up
with a close association with
the townspeople.
In the African system, no
one goes hungry. People
will feed others if they pos
sibly can. Bringelson said
that their ability togive is
also much greater than
ours. They give a gift in
the pure sense of the word.
One of the students met a
family who wanted to give
him one of their last chick
ens when he left. This was
the ultimate gift because
they were giving a part of
themselves, related Bringel
son. Good Image
The team tried to present
Peace Questions
"Nehru is not the starry
eyed neutralist painted by the
American press," Hughes
said. Nehru said it would be
insane for any nation to un
dertake unilateral disarma
ment Yet he has an unshak
able conviction that the
greatest hope for the world
is universal nuclear disarma
ment followed by non-nuclear
Basic Necessities
"We in the U.S. must put
ourselves in the place of the
n o n-aligned underdeveloped
nations who are facing prob
lems of securing the basic
necessities of food and cloth
ing for their people if we are
to understand and cooperate
with these non-a 1 i g n e d
groups, Nehru emphasized,"
added Miss Tanner.
But the impressions of the
future of the UN that the
University delegates got aft
er studying the body in theory
and fact of observation are
"The greatest strength of
the United Nations is her
positive influence for peace
in the world through her
functional agencies, such as
UNESCO, food and agricul
tural organization, technical
assistance programs and oth
ers," Hughes said.
"And one of her greatest
weaknesses," added Samples,
lieu of their-weekly business never knowingly aid our ene
meeting. mies and abandon our allies
Expenses for the Pancake
Feed which had a total atten
dance of 375 people, jumped
this year from $146 last year
to approximately S170 with the
added cost of renting grills,
AUF charity profits will be cut
to around $100, according to
ALF treasurer Mike Milroy,
Mary Weatherspoon, AUF
Special Functions chairman
expressed her thanks to all
who helped put on the feed.
We had a working force of
approximately 75 persons,
with every organized house
and dormitory on the campus
represented by either its pres
ident or a substitute," said
Nancy Eriksen, assistant Spe
cial Events chairman. Is ad
dition to the AUF board, many
AUF workers serve the pan
Steve Joynt's Delt combo
provided music for the Pan
cake Feed.
a good image and a high
example of Americans but
found that it was hard to
associate our economy and
standard of living to that
of Liberia. With the little
money they did have to
spend on souvenirs buying
tbem gave the impression
that they had a lot and could
throw it away.
One of the customs of Li
beria that is a little differ
ent from American customs
is that of a unique hand
shake. Bringelson explained
that you shake hands, slide
hands to fingertips and snap
fingers at the end. He said
that he was 'hard to stop
shaking hands in this man
ner after they returned to
the United States.
Bringelson said that they
were told before they left
for Liberia that no young
man could participate in an
activity like that and come
back the same person.
Bringelson found this to be
very true.
"The United States has
more responsibility than
most of us realize and we
as the college generation
have to accept it, because'
if we don't, who can we
expect to accept it?",
Bringelson said.
lis added that if t h e r e
are any sophomore or jun
iors who would like to par
ticipate in an activity like
this, they should contact
Ray Preston at Farmhouse.
Next summer a team from
this area will go to Hong
Tuesday, Nov. 14, ',961
"is that she faces bankruptcy
from these very endeavors."
Basic Obligations
"When many nations fail to
meet either their basic obli
gations or to pay their share
in the special actions of the
U.N. as that m the Congo,
the United Nations collapses
financially," Samples said.
"For instance, The U.S.S.R,
failed to pay her share in the
Congo operation (which ap
proaches 50 of the costs;
because she did not original
ly vote for the operation and
because France was not
meeting her obligation."
"I was amazed at the en
thusiasm and dedication of
every U.N. delegate and offi
cial, from ambassador to
guide, "that in the UN lay
the last hope for world
peace," said Hughes.
"And this enthusiasm and
interest was captured bv
these 1500 delegates from 43
states," added Miss Tanner.
Russia win not let the U.N.
collapse," said Hughes, "as
long a it continues to serve
her as a propaganda forum."
"And even if the U.N. fails
politically, the functional
agencies will 'probably con
tinue to operate if they can
obtain financial support," he
Miss Tanner had this to
say about the admission of
Red China to the U.N.:
Dr. Vladimir Petrov, lec
turer in Russian from Yale
University said in our panel
discussion that we should
as we would be if we allow
Red China to enter the U.N.
"By this action we would
give tacit "moral" approval
to Communist actions in
Asia," Petrov added.
Dr. Friedman
Dr. Wolfgang Friedman,
professor of law and director
of the international legal re
search institute at Columbia
University said, "It is unde
sirable to keep 600 million
people from participating in
a world forum on problems
of war and peace. This dis
advantage more than out
weighs the moral and friend
ship characterists required
by the U.N. Charter for ad
mission to the U.N.
"And what agreement on
world nuclear disarmament
or ban would ever be mean
ingful without Red China'f
signature," Friedman added.
Hughes brought back these
(Continued on page 4)
Eligible For
Queen Title
Nebraska coeds are eligible
to enter the eighth annual Na
tional College Queen contest
which searches for the "na
tion's most outstanding col
lege girl.';
The judging is based 50
on attractiveness, charm and
personality, and 50 on aca
demic record, campus activ
ities, hobbies and community
The judges said that the
next National College Queen
will be a "typical American
college girl bright, alert and
Regional winners will go to
New York to participate in
the . 1962 National College
Queen pageant held next
June. It will highlight the
"New York Is a Summer
Festival" celebration spon
sored by the New York Con
vention and Visitors Bureau.
The winner will receive a
sports car, diamond ring, and
many clothes.
The current National Col
lege Queen is Miss Patricia
Weaver, junior at Wilson Col
lege in Chambersburg,, Penn
sylvania. Coeds from the Uni
versity of Cincinnati and
Montana State college placed
second and third.
To enter, write to National
Queen Contest Committee,
Suite 1606, Paramount Build
ing, 1501 Broadway, New
York 36, N.Y., for an official
entry blank and complete de
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