.11... - ! ..a . fl 'i T 'S i 'i Pag 1 The Daily Nebraskon Monday, Nov, 13, 1961 EDITORIAL OPINION Visitors Go Home With Invaluable Impression 3 Over the past weekend the campus was virtually flooded with visiting high- schoolers from all over the state convening for the Nebraska High School Press Associa- stion conference. To be exact, 1,000 teenagers and their faculty members spent two days in our classrooms, hous- ing units and Student Union. Their main objective was, naturally, learning. They, f took part In several workshops and discussion groups which were designed to aid them, upon returning to their s schools, to produce better yearbooks and newspapers. A certain portion of these students will eventually continue their studies In Journalism and what they learned here 1 aided them on a purely personal basis. However, the greatest product of the conference was not the specific journalistic knowledge they took home with them. Of these 1,000 visitors, many were on our campus for the first time. Naturally they were here to observe the state's leading educational institution func- tioning in its many aspects. They were given examina- g tions which are of the college level in actual college class- f rooms. Workshops and lectures were carried on in sev- eral of th buildings where we go to class each day. They heard some of our best instructors and received a real- istic picture of the caliber of education available here at NU. They also watched the non-academic aspects of col- I lege life. The Student Union personnel and the Builders did their utmost to entertain them and make available I to them the same privileges we as University students enjoy. We congratulate the School of Journalism, the St- dent Union, the Lincoln business men, the University administrators and the Builders for a job well done. Not only did the high school juniors and seniors have a chance to learn more about journalism but more about this Uni- versity. The general impression of Lincoln and the Uni- I versity that most students carried back to their communi- I ties was as favorable as it was invaluable. We venture in tfiipa the niihHf relations trained over the weekend I far surpasses any booster brochure or series of lectures given to college-bound high school seniors. This group Is only one of the first of its kind that will observe the University this year. It is our belief that other groups will receive the same reception and oppor tunities. The responsibility to see that they do rests upon the shoulders of each student, faculty member and ad ministrator. (N. B.) p 13" Negro Students at Texas File Suit For Integration Special to Daily NebrasKan By David T. Lopez Managing Editor, Daily Texan Austin, Texas A suit ask ing complete racial integra tion of University of Texas Dormitories was filed in Fed eral Court here, Wednesday, by three Negro students. The action 'came only two days before the Board of Re gents begins meeting Friday with a review of integration policies on its agenda, An estimated 800 Negro stu dents form a part of the 20, 396 enrollment. There is one segregated dormitory for women, two segregated dor mitories for men and one de segregated wing in a men's dormitory. The suit, filed by Sam Hous ton Clinton, attorney for the state AFL-CIO, asks the court to take jurisdiction un der authority of the 14th Amendment, the authority used in the 1954 Public School desegregation case. The petition asks that "The court adjudge the plaintiffs and the class of students sim ilarly situated are entitled to use and enjoy all dormitory facilities .... on the same basis as white students7 By a vote of 308-34, the gen Aral facnltv voted last week to call on the administration. to revoke rules regarding seg regation of dormitory and eating facilities. On the day of the faculty meeting, the . administration posted a bulletin contending that "residence halls for men and women are not public buildings, but are reserved by contract with the occupants for their use and enjoyment subject to dormitory rules and regulations." The suit seeks also to hav segregation rules judged un constitutional, to prevent en forcement of segregation rules, to require the Univer sity to accept residence hall applications "without regard to race or color," and to re ceive" such other and further relief as is just." ' house of mourning" I WAVE AWAY$ MOWH ujmc -tq ym vflTH IT WASN'T pwre FWME WK,lt ' Russians are Stronger Than We;' They Have 'Strength of Shameless' Letterip Tb DUy Wrhrmkan will publlnh tnly thnia totti-n which an drm. Thar may Be inhmltted with pen nine or lnlllls. However, lett'n trfU be printed nnder m pen name or Initials only at the editor' dU- retlon. Letters inoold not exceed 200 wordi. niien letters exceed this Unit the Nebnukan reserve the rlfbt to condense them, retaining the writers ytewa. Student Disagrees With Columnist Dear Sir: The sports pages of the Nebraska press have devot ed much of their space to criticism of our football coach. Last Saturday after the game a group of phys ically mature but emotion ally juvenile men subjected him to humiliating insults. The popular pastime at the moment is degrading our coach. Individuals who do this certainly show no original thinking; as long as football has been played, the losses have been attributed to the coach. They remind me, moreover, of a pack of jackals yapping at a crip pled gazelle. A similar situation exists In Oklahoma this year. Bud Wilkinson is, at the mo ment, apt material for a lynching mob. Only three years ago this same man was being touted for the governorship of the state. By the nature of the game, one team wins and one team loses. Must the losing coach always be strung up by the thumbs? Nebraska is not a foot ball factory. Its primary purpose is not, and should not be, to turn out the best gridders in the world. The traditions, the honor of our school and our state de mand better than that. Yesterday I noticed in the press that football practice was held at 1:30 and was abbreviated to accommo date the players who had forthcoming exams. Three weeks ago it was reported in your columns that Coach Jennings cancelled football I practice one day to permit the players to study for exams. Bully for him! I A similar sense of values on the part of his profes- sional colleagues at other I schools is rarely observed, s When I contrast this behav-1 ior with that of a recent opposing (and "successful") coach who taught his play-1 ers to evade the rules and then defended them with lies when they were caught, I feel that any man whose I son plays for Nebraska is fortunate, and can feel se-1 cure in the knowledge that, I if his son doesn't make All-1 American, at least he will have an education, and his moral fibre will have been strengthened by contact I with a coaching staff who know which values come first. 3 Robert C. Henney Grad Student, Chemistry Frat Man Backs Polenz Dear Editor: 1 I'm afraid your editorial, "Campus Election Signifies Trend," was read with much disapproval. So what if our Queen is I an independent! It is my opinion along with many other fraternity men that the proper candidate was chosen this year. So far as title, position, etc. is con-1 cerned, Nebraska U. does not have to look down to anyone this year. Congratuatlations to Judy Polenz! A Fraternity Man Larry Stevensonf Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press I Representative: National Advertisfna Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD 14th & R I Telephone HE 2-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 Subscription ratw are S3 per semester or 5 for th academic year. 5 Entered aa second class matter at the post office In Unenln, Nebraska, E sakter te act of Auirost 4, 1912. : The Dally Nebrasftan Is published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Prl- : a diirlns the school year, except daring vacation?, and exam periods, by indents of the University of Nebraska under authorisation of the Committee a Student Affairs as aa expression of student opinion Publication under the : Jurisdiction of the subcommittee on Student Publications shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee or on the port of any aenoa ontslds the University. The members of the Dally Nebraska staff are personally responsible for what they say, l do, or causa to ba printed, s lebTuary S. lo. 1 EDITORIAL STAFF j MrM.'.. .. .Norm Beatty S Vaaactnt Editor Ontchea Shellberf fiew Editor . Ann Moyer ports Editor Dave Wohlfarth At News fcditor Cloyd Clark Copy Editors Eleanor Bllllnta, Louise Rolbert. Hm Forrest rflKlit News Editor Louise Holbsrt Hroff Writers Raney Whltrord, Jan Hack graff Photorranher Paul Hensley junior Staff Writers Tom K atone, Bob Nye, Mike Mac Lean, Sue Hovik s BUSINESS STAFF I Unslneoa Bfaaate -.... , Don Ferguson Assistant business Manaten John Zollinger, Bill Gunllrks, B Bob Cunningham 5 Gtrrttlatkm Manager ... Jim Trester s Eric Sevareid Khrushchev has turned down the thermostat un der Berlin by a few de grees as this is written, and whenever the heat is off, for however obvious a tactical reason, there are those in the West who im mediately brighten up, cheerily announce that we ought to look at the cred it side, and proceed to do so. These find comfort as they consider the recent events inside Russia itself. The. de-sanctification of Stalin and the first inti mations to the Russian -people that their country really did break its word to the world and to them on bomb testing must, so the cheerful contend, have shaken the faith of the people in their Commun ist leaders. In 45 years of Bolshevist rule there has been precious little evi dence that policy revers als and re-reversals, how ever much popular faith may be s h a ken, a c t u ally shake the Com mun 1st r u 1 e and noth i n g else r e a 1 ly counts. They find c o mfort in the ideological quarrel between Moscow and Peip ing. However venomous the quarrel may be, there is not the slightest evi dence that it is diverting China from her aims in Southeast Asia or Formo sa, or slowing down the Russian terror drive de signed to produce Western capitulation on Germany and open the first serious cracks in the Atlantic Al liance. If it be a blessing in disguise that it is Rus sian, not Chinese, inter vention in Laos, or that the Russians and Chinese compete with differing brands of conspiracy in Africa and South America, then the blessing is well disguised. As the historian, Theo dore Draper, puts it, "Struggles for power with in Communist movements must take ideological forms; if there were no ideological differences, they would have to be in- vented." The Chinese may cling to their belief in the inevitability of outright war against the Western powers and Khrushchev may cling to his belief that hot war can be avoided. All this seems to mean is that, while the Chinese have been getting nowhere in their No. one drive, which is for Formo sa, Khrushchev has every hope of advance 'in his Sevareid sort of war diplo macy of terror. That he clings to his position is a matter of the most dubi ous comfort. There are those who cheer themselves by the reminder that, after all, Russia doesn't seem to be moving ahead very fast in the Middle East; she finds Africa about as sticky as everybody else; and since Cuba no more Latin American countries have collapsed into waiting Communist arms. The sad irony in these instances of whistling in the dark will be apparent to anyone who stops to remember that a few years ago we didn't even think about effective Communist influence in these regions, because only a few years ago' it' didn't exist there. It was Demosthenes, 1 think, addressing the Greek council, who turned on those deploring his gloominess, and said, "There are times when a patriot can say nothing pleasant." What is so disturbing is not only that we have en tered a time of great peril but that it is a period without any logical end to it, with the possible excep tion of a terminal point produced by a direct, fin ger - on the - trigger ultimatum to Russia, and by the time that comes, if it does come, events are likely to be out of man's control. From all that he has recently done, from all that he has been saying in his public and private in terviews, we have to as sume that Khrushchev ac tually is convinced that the world balance of pow er has swung, decisively and irrevocably, to his Side; that now, as he puts it, "Socialism is working for history," which is a program of action, as dis tant from the old abstrac tion that "History is work ing for socialism." As long as the power balance was -adverse. Russian leaders contented themselves with trying to split their op ponents. But now so his torian Draper is con vinced, and others find jthemseives obliged to agree "The Soviet lead ership feels strong enough to defy and intimidate the entire non-Soviet world." Diplomacy by terror is last - phase diplomacy, The Soviets cannot go be yond it save into the atom ic war they wish to avoid, and they cannot easily re treat from it. They can not even pursue it at an even pace; almost surely they must accelerate their pressures, as the note to Finland suggests they are doing. It is absurd to be lieve that any "settle ment with them over Ber- - lin will stay settled or do anything more than brief ly relieve present pains. The Soviets are strong er than we, whatever the comparative numerical count of bombs, planes or missiles because they will use the threat of their power for political ends and we will not. They pos sess "the special strength of the shameless." Of course, one yearns to believe that an out ranged world will draw to gether, defy this mons trous force and say, "No farther, even if we must die." But one searches in vain for solid evidence that the world, or any ef fective part of it, will do that. ir Sc: S Courtesy of Omaha World. Herald Read the Daily Nebraskan Classified Ads ELECTRONICS UNLIMITED 414 So. 11th 10 .m.-9 p.m. 432-3930 Consultants Components STEREO HI-FI & Kits Sales Service Mke note of t. ' I , C,Qss''eds I f -JO i' .85 f f . f I 21-25 f US If I I 26-30 '1 j j 1.ZS If f I l it 1S0 I I nfAT for I -n mK 8:30 P.M. $1 Ticket THIS FRIDAY 'QUIDONS' ATO COMBO (s H, L G (a 0 0 (im IT - C3 D d 8 FREE ORCHIDS TO FIRST 400 GIRLS I I