The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1961, Image 1

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Les Elgart Pleas
Innocent; Bond
Posted at $2,500
"Innocent" was the plea of band leader Les Elgart
to a charge of illegal possession of marijuana in the
Lancaster County Court Monday.
The plea was entered before County Judge Ralph
Six members of Elgart's band, plus the band leader,
were charged en the same count and they pleaded guilty
and were bound over to Lancaster District Court on $509
One. man, Stare Swensoa, is being held for the fed
eral authorities pending possible charges of illegal pos
I gmmm ji. b..
Vol. 75, No. 29
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1961
ft mm a a m m mm s s mm w
session of heroin.
Kenneth B. Tucker, 25; Grant Waffia, 27; Stare
Swenson, 26; Charles Russell, 28; Ed Levensohn, 34; and
Keith Thomas, 22, entered guilty pleas.
Elgart was represented in court by Dale Fahrnbruch,
former chief deputy county attorney for Lancaster County.
Lancaster Cnunty Attorney Paul Douglas and Lee Cox
f Omaha, Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent, questioned
the seven men.
Elgart s preliminary hearing will be held in Lancaster
County court, Nov. a at 2 p.m.
Elgart and the band members were arrested after
they finished playing at the University Homecoming Dance
Saturday night at Pershing Auditorium.
After a pharmicist reported that two of the men had
bought excessive amounts of medicine which contains co
deine, police officers entered their hotel rooms and found
the marijuana. Ten pounds of marijuana and 3 packets of
heroin were confiscated from 5 rooms at the Capital Hotel
and two rooms at the Lincoln Hotel, according to Captain
Robert Sawdon of the -Lincoln Police Department
Sawdon said that the rooms were searched with the
permission of the betel managers.
The bandsmen told County Attorney Douglas that they
did not plan to sell or give the dope away, but that
they bad it for their own. use only. Douglas quoted the
men as saying they picked the marijuana from beside a
road near Saoux City,. Iowa.
Elgart and his band played at the Muetoellbaca Hotel
in Kansas Otv, Missouri last night
The possession of marijuana is a felony under Nebras
ka law. Penality for conviction is a Em up to $3,090 and
two to five years in the penitentiary.
Also, passessiip of narcotics or its toaBspcitataa
across state limes is a federal Cense.
- If" I
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r " . J j
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Red China
YerDwfc, pen name of
FraacSi atfttuar, wester and
art critic Jan VnaHcr, will'
speak m ""Bed C&iaaa" at fee
Union BaHmosKm Timrsday at
11 a.m.
He m fee aufetr of Tbe
SQeuoe off fee Sea and Ton
Shall Knew Them," w h I c h
was a Book k fee McmSh CU
.selecliaa. Kw ferariaag the
United States as a Hecteer,
be bas uSooe cxteCTe tra
wling la Eel China, Russia
mi Vaagaslavia.
Trained as a iroecfcamcal ess
gaiaer, Yanrannrs it tamms far
ms aaaany altanas of iQraw'aaags,
(eftdimEE and aaavwtaoiss. Mis
test iaaowB kivesnJttan is "caS
IktasnBe" a mefeal of re-
piaiocxag color pkctaires.
Vfjrcars was active ba the
French omdergr.swiBd daring
World War II aad was alsa
President fee Ccfflgress f
Frenda Writers lor mm years.
It addifcaa, be as wel known
as am iflJasteator f cmutrem s
books and ftocmder of fee Edd-j
tKmffiiztit PaSsMag C ra-i
Unhersity Press
To Exhibit Boofo
The tMwrKtty Press mill
ethJM bodkc ad itbe Lao3
GraiJt CettomM CosEnwwsaliai)
tf tfiae AEKsieaa Associstei
f Laol-CiraiA CMieges asl
State Vsamsnst&es.
Tbe Centetmijal CfoOTBEafias
wal be tie Crstt. anapr ever
off he Laofl-Graat CesDSsamal
jaaing cbBert'el (Staliiig fee
J96J-SE2 tii&oil year Its coma
jaemarale tbe sigiosig off 42ae
Federal Laal-GraiA AdL
The litoaa&mal AdM
Cei aal ReptmirjMIijfies f fee
Land4Jrani IiiESitolatKa is
fee fees ff fee ctTOca&H3
and espreEKkig JMs feesz, fee
easijlBlB wa emyiutaze fee
jaigjiiig )ff knoirteflge i2mmgh
Tie diJ3Asy partaoa
1!ariy stress feose hmls wliadb
jave beef t18 widely aimad
fee '0rld iba feeir EtlisiM aod
;w,ding 4s Brat KkxSl, S0rac-
tta-ttffee Kftaajxa nets.
Drop Deadline
Saturday. Dee. 16. to the
deadline for droppiag
coarses. accordiag to Mrs.
Irma Laase. assistant regis
trar. To dr a coarse, a sto
dest Bsast bate bis adrisor
sign aa add-drop slip. Vp
perclassmea mast thtm see
the deaa of tbeir college and
fresbmea most see tbe deaa
f joxkr dhisioa. Tbe sto
Aent sbovld notify bis ia
strnctor to be sere of
dropping in good standing.
Tbe add-drof from (Ms year
bat a space provided for
tJ BOtat of lie sta&dixg
f fee stedaalL Tae sip ratast
fees be left at tbe regis
trar's office wila tbe drop
fee of $ZSL
Edncalional TV
Surrey Planned
A state-wide edacalionil
tetoisjcm surrey to indode
aa evaluate! of fee rarrest
KUOX-TV program begaa ttes
E will demise a sp&em to
provide fee ciaKsroomi of Xe-ta-atia.wiflj
iiiiKlractional tele
vmm. A paael tS emsss&s,
headed by Dr. Jsba C
Scir-arr-al4r of Manescta,
mil pmdnace a bloaejaiia for
aa coica&fflalL tteJeiisicm pro
igram wMdb potentially coslJ
reach maery per ceat ef fee
ststo's peds&m.
Tbe Erector eff fee Vsavex
siirj's KTON-W, Jack Mc
Bnde, 31 be a csMainaa
eff fee ssarey, wbacfa wffl be
Eaaucel by a $1Z5C grscat
frois fee Ftcrl Fcoialatioa asl
from jadividaals aad associa-
Talent Prevails
By See Eotfk
Taleat plus wl preval at fee A14M
versiry TatoJt Eeview at S pjL Eaaafiay ia
fee CnioEB BaHr KEa.
Bttl BardansL. cormt Xebratka State
diampkm aocflrdiaffl player
sals "IMaiagneaa." KIies fiaraoig, w 8a sax to ma
staited plsjicg mm years ago ami bas
been playirg prtesEioria3y for five years,
win represent Xfbraska at a csdest iu Xew
Yark ia Jsfly.
Tons and Saly Brewster wi3 tap daaee
tbe story of "When a Sigma CM Meets a
Ff PM. They bate been daacisg for eigM
and twelve years respectively and have been
rosone as a team
This team iuaa first plat am a Lv. coo
test m &9sfJa Dakufta tMs ssmoer mi re
ceiflf appeared oa a cbaxmel sbsw on aa
aialia Lv. atatlxm.
Jady Teahiilzen. a voice mwr, i3 ssmg
a solo fat tbe talrat show. She bas won
local contests and now slags for weMags
and &ker social evestc. Mss TeriWzrn is
a professional slsgrr nw.
Ghrii4y Jc&nsm, a vcke tstajor at fee
UEiiverfiity, will KBg "Lbe Over axe
r Ti" aad 'Til There Was Ym." be
is new Sa fee Uersary cpwa "Csa Faa
The Zeta Tones of Zeta Tan AJjj&a win
kj for tbe Talent Eetiew fw tbe seead
eosMstite year. Si&glag tgeSbr for a
year and a half, tbe triple trto bas swg at
Skifoiua, EvKse aBotbers CbjUstmas party,
Coooeo 03 eoBvestlon, Kkrinta's eomixlion,
a4 eharitr bentfits.
Inozoe Fe33z, smhrnxm traaifer fitwoi
I Dtsi-ta: UaiversSj, wi3 sicj
Dr. Fuemiino: .
" ft -
tudent Health- Rate
Editor's note: This is the
first in a series of artidrs ex-
plaining tbe various functions
of stadeat services available
on cam pas.
By Tom Koioac j
A student at this University
gets more for his student
health dollar than students atj
-p ,j
' I . ,- - N
n " - N M
,' jr M- , N.
iy.l ' -r
.-.a-- IK n--3
J ) . 5
Bow do yon say "neb" ii tbe native
langaage of India? Ragkbir Saga CUuna
a graduate student hi aril engineering
RAM Considers Possible Formation
Of Selleck Quad Discipline Board
By Xaney WbMord
RAM CamsM. is stmdymg fee
psiMay eff torraiDg a Dis-
cipliie Board mtiich wsiddl
bear cases krr&Uving pnoba
tann, sisirje!B$iC3i cr diEHniKsal
frns fee Qaaaraiigle aod
wotM saggst cmsrms f ac
ts be takm go
Tbe discipline board wmM
bmffle al cases meferrel to
at by fee Diraion cl Student
Aflaasrs fervOtigh tbe readesst
advisor bat final demisms
wo!ll td be made by Stu
dent Affsris.
Frank EzStren, Dean f
Men, sail tie plan pmides
a ndaij fr SeHecs residests
to bare some, t oke as to tie
apsriasisle nweislnent f
persons wbo violate the rales.
Efe said ypa erperkaoe
m-jfe fee StudeEi Trimal bas
beea very food daiog fee
Ipt feree years.
She it a mime major mi a mefiaber off fee
University SexSet.
Pat Cesfiia wll play a pUaoo 'Med3ey
tJL Tbree FaviCBtto." Sbe bas prem&m ap
peared ia sereral fated resiiews aaafl a
wil play fee biMn. I!is
Clark M tca!lf
tar. Be ezjamai feat feas mnuK as tbe
psy daiace iwasac f Spaia. letea!!ff, wb"
bas beea playamg for five years, bas s$vea
redtate, played aa programs, aad mow
Marvk Easback w!3 present a rhythm act "
ealkd tbe uHas.bnen act. Be ami a friead
wrked cp tbe act and be bas presaeied
it ia big scbMd sklls fr shwsl six years.
Jim .Saaeed wiM i Grmaia" mi "I
Cffiaald lave Danced Al Xiigfct' SS is a
fresliaiaaaj ia pre-aaa!!, a raeaBber tisff Saaf-sfflaa
axkd baM.
&tts'w Oberk, b will play tbe 5aa,
bas been pfafijKg fur eigbt years ad it a
music raar. Mm Obetie wa seomid place
in tbe stale Urns CIjt'j cstet and bas wa
many latent sbtws and cocteft. Sfee bas
eJBterMnad fr evests Eke tbe Dean's Tea,
By Swwt Jassboree and has played at
PersMatg Asi:.rism.
Tbe lota Mils Ksmfomiia Jazz baaod, play
feg ifli Darfea ami "fcup at fee
aviy,w wil ps fee euttabt sa fee pro
gram aoooirfliag to Ura Special Ev&s&s
osmmUm, isposasrors f fee irevirw.
Tn3f4aes far first, semai, aaad tbird
place aria be awarSel after fee dtosiscai
fudges Dsm McKeen, KLfX; Em Hb33,
KUOK-TV; aivl Jm Flzg-arall, Li aacslo
Atoaisiiaa is fifty ceads.
lor aims a
a vacsl sola.
any other college or unlver-j
sitv in the nation.
j This is the opinion of Dr
S. I. Fuenning, medical ci
rector of student health serv
ices and program, after visit
ing 40 student health centers
throughout the nation.
Of the $12 increase in
He said the Discipline Board
would have two areas of re
spcsdMlity: to promote better
iatersal discMine within Sel
leck Quadrangle and to be aa
example ia an area that ea
eeres all University discip
line. Dave Scbsk, BAM vice
presides!, saM fee bsard
xmM be of vabie to fee sta-
ideat diirecitfy. wurail aM tbe
resident advisfflr mm fee D&-i
nam of S&ittksat Affairs aM
miM be a step toward mesne
self - gwemmass. became aft;
gkes BAM Csmmcl fiidkial
power iaa addstaaa to presets!
lieislafe'e aad esecimltive psw-
Tbe praeasffied Diicaf&e,
Eaarl wM ossaeiit fflff seven
Bankmsbers twa residsais, two
jjbKate preatenlts. t catmm-
nans ami fee HAM vice pre-:
deaat OinSy fee viae piesi&sQi
and sae cciuififclor wm&i be
GtaMin bas tafcesa k-tf-ans sr
1 play fee JSaffi&eacs gtai-
tion fees adopted for this fall
oy me Boara oi negems,
.5Q went to the student
health budget, making a total
of $13 paid through fees each
semester for student health
"The reason we can make
toi-jsuch a claim
froia India, shown as Deanna Frederick,
ILX-. administers polio shot ia Stadeat
penmaBest nuenibers for fee
sake of cmSmiMj.
Tbe fflfeer five roenibers w3
each, serve tor five eases, teat
ome DBdivMaal wiM be re
placed ate each case. The
twffl residents wasrald be cbosea
at omdpim from iatfavadsials
wba bare livel ia fee Quad
rangle ffw at Beast two semesters-
Tbe bsiase presidents
aol cwmekurs wmM be cb$
eo Pmemioas are provided far
dastpalfacaticm f board sanennt
bers iaa case off prejudice aod
for iepTacenDeot of maesiDbers
wbo say be absent.
Those appearing before tbe
board would be allowed one
character witness and other
witnesses having infornafiea
perti&ecl U the ease.
Tbe cfcaarmam cf fee discap
Um basard wusoaM be osSafied
of aM cases feat ds met come
betore fee board. However, ia
todfei cases al names aad
edfics will be kept aBf-
Tbe repwts f board rec
majasadstiMis wiSI be given to
tbe resident adviser. Pe
nodacalSy a mepsrt wHd be
k4 t RAM Csamxal coas-
cenakig fee gtaaeral naatsare ff
caL'Sec beard aaal fee reosrei
BBeadafifflDS gaveaa. Spedfic
cases wswM aat be roeiiitMKaed.
Tbe exisieiKe eff fee board
waaBd pm'Bst basily ded
sjsnts,' SdMz saC "s?4
waM tml to BBaaaalaia ceaisas
fcsit pslMaes m fee matters
f disdplaaae.
Sewer Oogs Up;
Union Gels Wet
A clog-asj aai fee asaaaai sew
er Jaaie caaased me acrap
amd lesaaStaag m&wg iaa fiae
3mm yesterday, acosrdaag
to G. C. CMaO McKeesa, cteef
Tbe cteg was caaased by as
ascmijm!!afiOT f grease ,amd
slikdge fneiat fee Uaaacsa gar
bage dispoisal Eaaffibkae Mc
Ks said.
JtoKeeaa aol bis ftaff
worked Smm t ilibsl to 4 p jo.
raaaaaaiEg an" singer tbrsKBgb tbe
papes aal vacasaxmiaiig lap fee
MtKasi said feat fiber
was aa psnmaaaeaat darBage,
bat feat al f fee aSected
areas v&iM have to be dis
Mected. A regular deaaaiiDg
itde bas beeaa set sjp to
ai-yii a resocaarreMe, be
service to the student is par
tially due to the unique way
we bouse our entire student
health services and program
under one roof, including
many of the athletic health
facets, mental hygene, the
hospital, the public health
program and the educational
program, Fuenning said.
"This allows an integration
in crevention. detection, and
rehabilitation phases with the said, "but prevents coin
benefits of better service and plications from seeing in. For
lower expense." example, if a strept throat is
The greatest health need at 001 checked soon enough, it
the University today is for wM cause heart or kidney
increased Kaowieage h wiiaia
the student should do when
illness strikes, Fuenning said.
A recent check of college
freshmen who bad a history
ef rheumatic fever, for ex
ample, revealed that- less
than 19 of those who needed
roatiinsed treatment with an
tibiotic drags were receiviBg
it, he said.
Drinking water which con
tains about one part of fluor
ide per million parts of water
can provide lifetime protec
tion against tooth decay, ac
cording to a U.S. department
of .health bulletin.
"These and othef similar
facts illustrate tbe great
crisis developing today from
tbe time lag between the day
that tbe advance ia medicine
is made and the day that tbe
puMic realizes bow they can
benefit from that advance,":
Fueaaning said.
Future expansion of tbe
student health program will
be in the direction of dental
health service coordSnated
with fee outpatleinit services
f dental college, an improve
ment in tbe eye clank to per
mit a better diagnostic job
and as increase in overall
jlagBsslSc espipt&eaat.
Tbe cost of mabstataing
tbe stadent health program
has increased 9 over tbe
last Eve years." FneamEg
said. "Since ISfj tie salary
of a narse has dosMed, as
an example, while inflation
has eashed nw tbe price of
equipment and drags."
"Actually we corfd pay for
fee eaatire student health pro
gram b v baadget and tamaon
fees." Fneiraiiig said, "but
psycbolisgicaly it wsrald be an
eSedtive. As Dr. Tom Duoky
said in IinD&In several years
ago, a fnan vil mt respect
fee medkal services yom pro-;
tide for Mm mnHess be bas to
pay for them, even ttoaagh tbe
paynaestat is as smaal as a
When fee present stnadeaat
beaJab pro,gram was set tap
m 1547, we bad visled ami
$Jmdi&d suiHiie 25 stm-dest bealb
ceaaters acress fee UJL, Ftea
susg said. .
Tbe cMef ctojectSve f tbe
pwgraaa was aaal is to pre
vent fee aEaaess r accideiat
ratber ttban ddtest at ami care
for aaad iidaaMiitale tbe pa
fieaL Tbus HBsaaey wbicb
would feerwise be aassvested
m diagnostic aaad tospital
(eardsscDent is cbajaaaeled aasto
preveaatkm, redwasg fee taeed
tor tbas exranmeasL
One phaie f tbe health pro
graia, tbe Dhielsn f Eavi
twaoeslal BeaMb and Safety,
supervises and impeets fmi
fca&dSiag and stora ge ia Iring
sails. Tw years after this
Students Will
Nuclear Policy Issues
Tbe threat f naaclear aaa
cMlsJiciH, fee bSJiiOiSS f dol
lars speaat ssmmSSf tor arms
prdaacttigca aaal fee bacxeasiaag
ide f fee miliary in fee
feoaagbt amd aSairs f fee
world are qpestascs wbkb
wiil be discaassed at aa r
gaflfeatasiaal maeetassg to form,
a esaaaiaiatttee for a SAXE Ku
cSear P3ky.
Al ndergradaiiate aaad grai
saalte staadeiits iiiteested ia
discaissaiag these issaaes and
takaajg pssalave steps to fona
a SAME Xaaclear Polky are
istvited to attead tbe meeCtsg
at 2 p.m. SswSay in fee Stu
dent Uaaisa, said Herb Pro
basco, me f tbe orgaaaizers
of tbe caaaiBilee.
At tbe iseetiag, a talk ti
lled "Szaity and World
Peace" wZl be ghen by Dr.
Jernse Framk, pttbfrl;glst
at Jbn f!.p!ds tiversf!y.
Tie gsals f fee SANE
c&mmsUee are to Jsaai staa
dents aaad ymaEg pej1e to
gelber to deasatDd that tbe ssa
tiis I fee world disarm
3.1 cease to fesJt4j war as
phase was initiated," Fuen
ning said, "gastric intestinal
epidemics where a whole fra
ternity or sorority was 01
were eliminated.
One of the most critical
phases of the student health
program is the diagnosis of
illnesses at an early stage.
"Early detection and diag
nosis not only checks the
spread of the disease," Fuen-
xetvp mia oepauus.
In response td the student
complaint of "being slapped
into a hospital bed" for every
minor illness, Fuenning said,
"Of all these students we
treated last year, only 1,000
cases were admitted to the
hospital. Of these, the major
ity remained for only t w s
FneaniBg boasted a staff f
2t specialists as part-tbse
consultants to tbe disk, each
coming in the same time each
day or week. "We are alsa
oniqae ia onr empleynseat of
a f nil-time psychologist on the
staff, added Faenmiig.
The final division of student
health services is that of
health education, with effec
tive programs being carried
out through the Co-op Cam
el Pan-HeI!erJc, TFC, and
residence balls. A resolution
was passed last year to re
qaire each house health chair
man to have taken a course
in first aid before he is quali
fied to serve.
Coeds Vie
Kim finalists for tbe 1961
Htsnorary Commandant title
have been saaonsaced.
The finalists were selected
from 33 contestants by a
board comprised f cadet
representatives from tbe serv
ice branches, officers from tbe
Air Force staff and Air Force
.Major Blake. The girls were
judged en intelligence, poise
and appearance.
From tbe time finalists each
f .fee services chase three
candidates as oomtenders for
their service peems. Tbe Hon
orary Commandaaat will be
classen by an al cainpis elec
tion from all taane of tbe can
didates. The candidates are: Amy:
Diana Caheta, Vkky CsSea,
Katby Madsen; Air Forces
Jadi Zadiffla, Pat Johnson,
Bath Ann Bead; Xavy: Jean
ne Garner, Maribele Efflsf,
Sherry Foster.
Each canisftd&ies will appear
a tbe Wayne West Show, at
7:M a-m. on KOLS-TV Nov.
7-13. asd Nov. 13-17.
Tbe separate services will
elect their faeeas en Sot. II,
and the Ibtwnsj Cenamaad
aat will be elected by tbe sta
dent body befe tbe Military
Tbe fiaaalists wM. also be
presenated at tbe haM-tim
cereiiffiiMaes at tbe Kebraska
CtiScrado gssae, Nov. IS.
an acceptable iffistrvsaeiat f
Mersiiatinal relatkiaas.
TMs iaefndes ctrId,
bmpected disaraaameBt with
a permanent cad to seSear
tests tor all wt&m. a stand
preseirfed by PresideBt Ken
nedy to tbe I'Bfted Xaite.s
in September.
The stisdaat cbapler wal bo
aviated wife a caJimal
csiBSjaiittee for SVXE Nodear
Pficy wkh is beadfld by
Xraiaai Comins aod Clar
eace Picket!
At present some 2$ chap
ters bare beea ferined at
leges and enfversities arrtss
tbe aatka. Aa adult grwp
was also reeeslly formed in
These graips have begua
such activitieji as picketing -tbe
Soviet Eassbassy and UM
Mmmi agaiasst tbeir testaaf
ard plaaas for a S3 caegstoii
blast, aal ' holSasg cmfer
eaees to prjasle a Peace
Race" tmcepL
Tbe grscps promste tbeir
activities ferwga street
aaaeffitiEgs, rallies, aiaarcbes,
leafleti. dsaums aal de