The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    the Daify Nebraskon
Monday, Nov. 6, 1961
Page 2.
t. ?.
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'" if
Students Question
Queen Prediction
We question the qualifica
tions of the sports depart
ment to predict the Home
coming Queen and her at
tendants. Also ' we do not
feel that it should be the
Rag's policy to print such
predictions on the day of
Dave Griffin
Harry Hamilton
Ak-Sar-Ben Lelterip
Receives Answer
JWJ seems to be suf
fering with , a psychologi
cal d i s e a s e sometimes
called "sour grapes ra
tionalization." There are,
in Nebraska, undoubtedly
some people whose taste
is such that they can see
little to appreciate in such
a lavish spectacle as the
Ak-Sar-Ben Ball. These
people probably do not ap
preciate opera, long-hair
music, Broadway plays,
Charity Balls, nor Barry
Goldwater, either. How
ever, that is their right.
I do feel that taking per
sonal slams at the one
social event which puts
Omaha in the Metropoli
tan City class, and includ
ing in this attack such or
ganizations as the Ameri
can Legion and the Ne
braska Human Resources
Research Foundation nec
essitates a reply.
I am sorry that JWJ's
physical condition One
which evidently includes
partial if not complete
paralysis prevented
him (or her, it is difficult
to discern sex through ini-
Staff Views
All Right!!
Sleep soundly tonight,
the juniors in advanced
Army ROTC are current
ly delivering speeches on
such character-building
and vital subjects as ''im
provised Sanitary De
v i c e ," "Panoramic
Sketching," and "Rodent
Borne Diseases and their
Control." Needless to say,
such exercises are abso
lute requisites not only
to a properly trained offi
cer, but to national de
fense as well.
"Today we are going
to talk about seven im
portant aspects of "Kitch
en and Mess Sanitation"
1r & b
Did you ever stop to
ponder what goes on be
hind the locked doors of
faculty restrooms?
Hmmmmmm. The telling
of shady stories? Crap
games? Discussion on
how to conduct a Chem
istry lab with a hang
over? I wonder.
When an instructor first
starts in a department,
he probaibly has to go to
the office and ask for the
key every time. But, he
knows he's got it made
when he get his first
raise and his own key to
the restroom. Then he is
a real hondo. We have a
new statues symbol, fel-
Daily Nebraskan
Member Anoefated CoHf late Prett, International Pre
Representative: National Advertises tervfo. Inw)rpcratd
Published att'Room 51. Student Union, Lincoln. Nebraska.
14th R
Telephone RE t-76Sl ext. 4225. 4228, 4227
pmrlpt!m nim an 11 pt mvnnu or M for tin amlmto nar.
Enwnxi u Mwofia ctMi mntuir at ttw poot offlM ta Uneola, Nabraaba.
anT ui an sf ,
Tho lalls NhnHf-aa ia anhlliilMe Monday, TnnOar, Wadimeaf an4 Pit
Any dirfa tha arhoal yar, apt dartnt vaflatkms and mm nrfiMfa, ky
tu4nf af thr I'ntVftnHy af Nchraaka ananr anthartKattna af tha Oammlttaa
'tHotttoa af tha Rhfmml(t aa fttnant Pnhllratloaa ahall aa frr from
e.!HoriJ aaa.onhlp an tha part nf th Aiibromrnlltrf ar aa tha part af aay x
pwrwn tiil tha I'nlwmltir. Tha mamhari at tha Balli Nabraka afaff am B
E-r.ot.Biiy rmponMbla tat what than
lekraanr a, t6a.
I""" t- ""r
Bimrta fcdltor Am
f M rutor. Rlaanor
Nirht Nawa Edlt.r.
Smflinof::;:;.'::::::: ::..
dit etau wntan Tom EtW
tials) from ' changing the
television channel. If JWJ
could really detect the
scent of cattle which,
by the way, was not at
all in evidence at the Ak-
Sar-Ben Coliseum
I would suggest that he
(or she, again) clean out I
around, behind and inside
his (or her) TV cabinet.
I would be interested in
knowing JWJ's sex. The
use of sentence structure, f
analogies and similies in-
dicates masculinity; how-
ever, the logic and reason- f
ing is purely female.
Joseph E. George
Writer Predicts
Letter's Effect
My only comment is
that, as a psychologist, I
would predict that Mr. ,
Siegel's letter has b e e n
clipped out and will be
widely quoted when the
Nebraska Legislature
meets in two years to dis-
cuss the University
Budget. This is the type
of evidence which con-
vinces publicity-s e e k i n g
politicians that the Uni-
versity is a hotbed
of Communist activity
and, therefore, not deserv-
ing of tax funds.
Joseph E. George
Reader Proposes
Long Trip for Siegel
Enclosed is one dollar.
Please add it to the fund I
for Mr. Siegel's airline tick
et to China.
Cheer up, Mr. Sie
only $589 to go!
Larry Popeg
By Mike McClean
low Americans, rest-room I
keys. I
The next time you are
Friday afternoon clubing I
it, consider the following 1
philosophical problem of I
Descates', which is cur-
rently being discusses in I
one of the philosophy b i r d Sevareid ,
courses. I ' I I watchers still think the
You are .driving down a creatures are actually on
country road and look I the wing, it is necessary
ahead and see a tower to fire and exhibit the
that looks like it is round. carcass.
You drive little further, I All orthodoxies eventu
get out the opener, and I ally become squint-eyed
look at the tower again. I and short-sighted. This
Now, if you are close has happened to orthodox
enough, you can see that I liberalism in the United
the tower is square. Be- States. Since any defini
ng a true philosopher, 1 Won of a true liberal
you turn around and must Include willingness
drive back down the road to accept plain facts, let
and look at the tower us withdraw the old and
again. Sure enough, it honorable label from the
looks like it is round I myopic and call them
Now then, is the tower g "liberalists," as Mencken
round or is it square? Or, 0r somebody called rou
does it change? The re- tine preachers "religion
suit is likely to be a thor- its."
oughly confused individu- Among the influential
al who either wean out liberall8ts excitedly ex
the opener or swears off g clalmlng M they bird
completely. m wat.h in)Uh the wrone
T ah v TnM.. SK
philosophy wonder
ful? Wonder if Descartes
ever went Friday after
noon clubbing? No, of
course not! It sure does s
auunu u hc was u- m the, beguiling Mr. Jules
pmg a few out by Ray-, 1 ,peiffer, who confuses the
mond, though, the way he g nature of individuals with
describes foe tower the nature g0Vern
changing shapes and aU. mentg as even trained
CoorUar of Omilu World Hrald
aay, aa or eaaaa ta ha printed.. 3
Nana lUwttr
Oratehaa ahriioart
AnB Mnrar
Oara Wotilfarth
ex ark
ftllUafa, Umlaa Holhart, m rorrMt
jsiar illin, Tarn Koloo, E
"n" .W1,,,m'2' tsrnH:,5 I
Bat Kr Miba ttatVm. s "hwUl S
il I n mill iiii mnmmmmmmiJL " -f---- r - -a.,.,,.,.,.., ,, -
Liberalists in United States Forget
IWhat Term
By Eric Sevareid
. Shooting at sitting ducks
I is not regarded as either
I fair or fun' in sporting
and editorial circles, so
I I feel slightly embar-
I r a s s ed
i i 1 i p-
chamber '
But since,
optical il-
lusion, so
many im-'
port ant
" ' . . "
end of their rusty tele
scopes are some of the
supper-club and phono
graph record political sat
irists and at least one of
tne gifte(1 new cartoonists,
1 psychiatrists so often do.
I It is Mr. Feiffer's per-
I ceptive observation that
I "people make up fairy
1 stories about themselves
i and cast these as their
I real images and then try
i to relate this image to
i the fairy tale image of
another person."
( Substitute the concept
of countries for individu-
als in the above passage
g and this is precisely what
Mr. Feiffer does himself
i when he goes on to say,
I "Politically, we're a stat-
us quo country and our
whole orientation is
I against change. One of
s the reasons we're ham-
pered in the Cold War is
s that we feel change any-
where IS 8 threat.
No wingless duckling
lies flatter an the ground
than this proposition. The
most distinguished hall
mark of the American so
ciety is and always has
been Change. It is In
this sense that the blare
and thrust of America
has been the greatest
force for voluntary up
heavalpolitical, econom
ic, technical and cultural
the world has known in
u. inf M j
" lan' vcHMiry Una B
half. The most powerful
exierior engine driving
today's "revolution of ris
ing expectations" is the
Influence and example of
Amprlpn tint thnr nt Tin.
America, nOl mat 01 KUS-
gla- Allowed a free vote,
filne-tenttis of the literate
.... N
Entails; Past
.populace in ninetenths
- of the "underdeveloped ;
countries" would unques
tionably adopt to change
as America, not Russia,
has changed.
When all South America
threw off Spain in the
last century, the United
States endorsed and pro
tected the change. Lin-
- coin's emancipation of the
slaves sent electrical cur
rents of intellectual
change through half the
western world. It was the
United States that brought
the change to freedom in
the Philippines and in
Cuba, that inspired the
drive for "self-determina-son's
When ' Britain's Social
ists were re-making that
society, we continued our
absolute support of Brit
ain with enormous loans.
Dedicated Americans la
bored to change funda
mentally the political and
social institutions of both
Germany arid-Japan. We ,
made possible " the im
mense change of the Mid
dle East represented by
the creation of Israel. We
have not opposed the pro
found social changes Nas
ser has brought to Egypt.
We encourage, not dis
courage, the great change
that the European Com- .
mon Market means, even
though this may hurt us
economically. We have re
fused to oppose the fre
quently violent and dan
gerous change-over from
colonialism in the vast
stretch from North Africa
to the Congo, in spite of
the frequent fury of our ,
closest allies.
All over Latin America
our political, technical
and educational e m i s
saries work day and night
for change in the direc
tion "of democracy, en
lightenment and econom
ic progress. It Is, indeed,
the very premise of the M
'Alliance for Progress"
that thealocal elites must
give their own proofs of
change to qualify for our
Neither the American
people nor its govern
ment "feel change any
where is a threat." Be
cause we have been
obliged at times and
places to work with and
through dictatorial re
gimes, rather than aban
don the field entirely, is
no proof of love for those
regimes. To assume, for
example, that our mili
tary money has prevent
ed Spain from throwing
out Franco and installing
a progressive -democratic
regime is to make an
. enormous assumption. It
is also true, though liber
alists won't face the fact,
that there are places in
this world Viet Nam
seems to be one, like
Greece, Korea , and Ma:
laya before it where
Communist attack has to
be beaten off, and with
the instruments at hand,
before fundamental social
reform can proceed.
America is a tremen
dous influence for change
in the world. Even the
African nationalists who
berate us are quick
enough to adopt our meth
ods and send their future
leaders here for study.
For America to be a di
rect agent of forced
change is another and far
more hazardous proposi
tion, though we have done
it in our past and shall
probably be forced to do
Jt again., But in our last
Tattempt, the 'bungled ef
fort to restore freedom to
the Cubans, the liberal
ists were the first to
scream protest that we
should even try to change
that status quo.
0 4,S00-a-year job fo the U. S. -
Are Greek-letter
sororities and fraternities
good for American Colleges
Expect more...
get more from
The rlch-flevor leaf among
iAM's choice tobaccos gives
you more body In the blend
...more flavor In the smoke
. . . more taste through the
filterrSS lots more L&MI
On Films
On Sunday evening, a
powerful, hypnotizing ver
sion of Graham Greene's
"The Power and the
Glory' was presented by
CBS-TV. The two-hour
version of the novel was
outstanding television en
tertainment, present
ing the tragic story of a
p r i e s t's martyrdom in
revolutionary Mexico in
the 1930's.
A' film version called
"The Fugutive" was pre
sented in 1648. It can also
be seen on television on
the late movies. Both the
film and television show
are excellent.
Sir Laurence Olivier
played the priest in the
TV version with such
complete control and gen
ius, that his over-powering
performance occa
sionally seemed too com
plex to be a Mexican
priest. Henry Fonda
played the part in the
film, employing his char
acteristic under-playing
for a finely etched per
formance. In the TV version, the
priest had, at one time,
fathered a child, and he
was also alcoholic. In the
film, the priest is alco
holic, but both have suf
ficient shame to judge
themselves as bad priests.
A strong asset of the film
not in the television show
was the juxtaposition of
the priest's flight with
that of a real fugitive of
.law, a bandit the priest
later blesses when "their
paths cross."
Others in the case of
the TV show were Patty
Duke, Mildred Dunnock
(excellent in a bit as a
spinster in prison), Mar
tin Gabel, Thomas Go
mex,' Julie Harris, Roddy
McDowall (almost unrec
ognizable in an imag
inative performance),
0 Which would you
upon graduation .
Q or i
j i a t Mr p1 . m i B''ftak
- " III
and Things
George C. Scott and Keen
an Wynn. In the film, Do
lores Del Rio played the
part of a Mexcian woman
who has an illegitimate
child the priest blesses,
similar in character to
the Harris part. Pedro
Armendariz played the
Scott part of the Lieuten
ant who searches for the
fugitive priest.
The film, directed by
four-time Academy
Award winner John Ford,
had a distinct advantage
in its authenticity, a huge
advantage of film over
live or most taped tele
vision. Del Rio and Ar
mendariz, since they are
Mexican, have that inher
ent foreign quality that
Harris and Scott, though
excellent, could not com
pletely put over.
Both "The Power and
the Glory" and "The Fu
gitive" are excellent in
their own right, and
worthy of attention, when
repeated, be sure and see
both and make your own
comparisons . .
A tremendously success
ful film because of act
ing, directing and techni
cal aspects rather than
script is concluding its
run in Lincoln the first
of next week. If you
haven't seen "Splendor in
the Grass," do. Natalie
Wood, Pat Hingle, Audrey
and newcomer Warren
Beatty and the entire cast
give compelling interpre
tations, a combination of
their talents and the di
rection of master Elia
Kazan. An original
screenplay by playwright
William ("Picnic," "Bus
Stop," "Come Back, Lit
tle Sheba") Inge, "Splen
dor in the Grass" is a
major film on a compell
ing theme the idealism
of youth is not the reality
of adulthood . . .
. .
Peace Corps job in Africa?
'liTT Mai. aT I CL. .1
0 Do men expect their
dates to furnish their
own cigarettes?
' J -DYES 0 NO
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9doodjo; tffiJBOp jo,
Ll on
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'Alt sdJ03 9rwd
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