.-U.-t-l.t-.. nNiWsm of nh' UBRAkt NOV 6 mV m-nt -v tn ' - -.A j. Ji Vol. 75, No. 28 v The Nebraskan Monday, Nov. 6, 1961 3 m if IL, n , I l-f . ' UIVm r ummm mm yT-, e ix - Bandsmen in Jail E-3 1 i ,i K M .. 1c -I .ElgartcS ' ' - ' "' " t4 . W - ) ' ' p -4r 4- 4 4 i ' 4 . p.. ' i LTrsi r-. Krf v. "', ..5"-" Virj 4 A NUMBER-ONE DISPLAYS The Kappa Sigs and Zeta Tau Alphas winner were announced at the llome emerged as first place winners in the 1961 coming Dance on Saturday night. Homecoming displays competition. The Judy Polenz, Kappa Sigs, Zetas Revealed Winners As Homecoming Closes SMILING QUEEN Nebraska's own 1961 Homecoming Queen, Judy Polenz, beams after she received the coveted honor during the half-time festivities at Saturday's Homecoming game. By Sue Hovik Judy Polenz was crowned the 1961 Homecoming Queen at the colorful, but chilly half time "ceremonies of the -Ne-brask-Kansajs football game, Saturday. Her attendants were Nancy Jacobson, Alpha 0 micron Pi, and Nancy Sorensen, Kap pa Delta. The three coeds were announced as finalists after the effigy burning at the rally Friday night. "Miss Polenz is a member of Love Memorial Hall; Stu dent Council; Phi U p t i 1 o n Omicron, an honorary home economics society; board member of Tassels, women's pep group; and the Inde pendent Women Assn. Miss Jacobson is a member of Union Board of managers, Red Cross chairman, Associ ation of Childhood Education, and rush chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Standards Chairman Miss Sorensen is standards chairman of Kappa Delta sorority, Tassels junior board, Associated Women's Students board, YWCA, Miss Superior, and semi-finalist for Miss Nebraska. Mary Burbridge, Home coming chairman of T a s sels, reported that 2700 votes were cast in the Homecom ing election.. Nine of them were invalid because the voter had voted for three girls instead of one. Last year 1500 votes were cast for Homecoming Queen. John Bischoff, Homecoming publicity, chairman, said that 3100 people danced to the music of Les Elgart at the Homecoming Dance. He said that it was a "very success ful Homecoming!" The dance featured the presentation of the Homecom ing Queen and finalists and the announcement and pre sentation of the winners of the displays. Small Houses Delta Sigma Phi won first place in the Men's small-house division with "Swat Those ,Jayhawks.M Burr Hall, "Re cipe for Victory: Jayhawks Well Done," and Alpha Gam ma Sigma, "Huskers Shoot the Moon," won second and third place respectively in this division. First place in the large house J division and over-all winner was Kappa Sigma, "NU Twister Skins Jay hawks." Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Well Done Huskers." won second and Sigma Chi, "Hus kers Have a Royal Flush," placed third. zeta Tau Aloha won first place in the Women's divi sion . with "Huskers' Dine. Stop Jayhawk's Soar." Second place went to Pi Beta Phi, "We're Expecting Vlctorv." and Delta Delta Delta took Fall Symphony Set for Nov. 19 The University Fall Sym phony concert will be given at 8 p.m. Nov. 19 in the Union Ballroom. Betty Jean Hagen, violinist will be the guest artist. Canadian-born, Miss Hagen has been chosen as "foremost woman musician in the Brit ish Commonwealth." Prof. Emanuel Wishnow will conduct the orchestra. Admission is free, tickets will be issued Nov. 6 at the main desk in tha Union. third place with "Treat'em Rough." At 6 p.m. Friday, thirty minutes before the iu d g e s were to start their tour of the displays, the Sigma Nu dis play burned down due to a short In the electrical wiring. They started rebuilding with the help of many of the greeks who had already finished their displays. By 7:30 the Sigma Nn display was rebuilt. Al Plummer, Innocent es cort of the judging team and chairman of the displays, said that the judges weren't in formed that anything had hap pened to the Sigma Nu dis play. The display of Phi D e 1 1 a Theta also burned later Fri day night. Regents Accept Funds For Grants, Fellowships Dr. Cranford Named 'Outstanding' Advisor Dr. Robert J. Cranford, faculty advisor for the Daily Nebraskan, was named the nation's outstanding college newspaper advisor Saturday. He received the 1961 Dis tinguished Newspaper Advi sor plaque at the annual con vention of the National Coun cil of College Publications Advisors meeting in Miami, Fla. Dr. Cranford has been ad visor for The Nebraskan four and a half years and is also advisor for the Cornhusker, the University yearbook. He has been a member of the University's School of Journalism faculty since 1957 and is author of a text, "Copy Editing Workbook." Selection was made by a six-man committee w h l c n said Dr. Cranford received high praise from students, faculty and production de partment personnel with whom he worke'dv Dr. William E. Hall, direc-' tor of the University School of Journalism, said, "Dr. Cranford is one of the finest teachers in the field of news editing in America to day." Dr. Cranford was a news paper and wire service re porter and editor in South Carolina for 19 years. Before joining the Nebraska faculty, he was acting dean of the University of South Carolina journalism school and taught at the State University of Iowa and Northwestern Uni versity. He received his Ph.D at the State University of Iowa in 1953. Two Nebraska students were delegates to the conven tion along with Dr. Cranford. ' V j h of jf't t V ' J , ( k'iJ'-'-'i DR. CRANFORD They were Norm Beatty, edi tor of The Nebraskan, and Ann Sowels, editor of the Cornhusker. Two New Officers For Cadet Wing Two new. executive officers have taken over the 456th Air Force Reserve Officers Train ing Corps (AFROTC) Cadet Wing at the University. Cadet Col. Lyle W. Burry is the new commander, and Ca det Lt. Col. Steven Smith is second in command. The AFROTC wing includes 973 freshmen and sophomore basic Air Force cadets and 47 junior and senior advanced cadets. Burry, a senior at the Uni versity, ranked f i r s t in his AFROTC class last year. He has acted as flight command er and participated on the ! promotion board for basic Air 'Fare cadc& Nearly three-quarters of a million dollars in research, training and fellowship grants were accepted Saturday morn ing by the University Baard of Regents. The breakdown was $383,087 in research grants, $241,616 in training grants and $111,000 in fellowships. . Among the training grants was $159,800 from the National Science Foundation for a co operative college teacher de velopement plan with state colleges and universities. The program will be directed by Prof. N. H. Cromwell of the department of chemistry. The board also approved the purchase of a $30,260 electron microscope, e s s e n t i a 1 for virus and bacterial research. The new instrument will be housed at the department of microbiology at Lyman Hall and financed by a U. S. Public Health Service grant. 2nd Machine This is the second such in strument to be purchased by the University. The first elec tron microscope, obtained in the late 40's is housed in the department of plant pathology at the College of Agriculture. Dr. Carl Georgi, chairman of the microbiology depart- ment, who will be in charge of the instrument, attended t h e E 1 e c t r p n Microscope School at Cornell University in 1960. An electron microscope will magnify up to 30,000 diameters, compared to 1,000 for a light microscope. By enlarging pho tographing prints of the spec imen, the magnification can be further increased by at least ten fold. An electron beam, similar to a television picture "tube, furnishes the source of light, which passes through the specimen and is scattered on a flourescent plate where the image is produced. Dr. Georgi said research with bacteria and viruses is virtually impossible without an electron microscope. He said the instrument will be used to study the internal structure of bacteria and vi ruses. In other action, the Board accepted a grant of $10,500 from the state department of aeronautics- to continue the University's research in the field of aerial application of agricultural chemicals. The project will be directed by Rodney W. Bovey, instructor in agronomy. Harry Kaste, Dr. Hurlbutt Join Staff In personnel changes, the University Board of Regents appointed a new associate professor of philosophy and an associate editor of the Uni versity Press. . The new staff member in the department of philosophy is Dr. Robert Hurlbutt, who has been a member of the University of Arizona staff since 1955. He was visiting professor at Nebraska during the second semester of the last school year. He received his Doctor of Philosophy de gree from the University of California' in 1953. The associate editor of the Press is Harry Kaste, who is now assistant editor of the State University of Iowa's Press. His appointment at Ne braska is effective Nov. 20. Student Council Will Host Delegates For Biff 8 Government Convention By Tom Kotouc Fifty delegates to the Big-8 Student Government Association convention will assemble at the Nebraska Center Dec. 28-30 to discuss problems and service common to the Big-8 Universities. '.'The delegates will come from all Big-8 universities," said Sukey Tinan, Student Council special Big-8 chairman, and will begin arriving Thursday eve ning." Council . Second Vice-President Jim Samples labeled the conference "an op portunity to revitalize the Big-8 student government ties." At the conference, progress and crises developing in the People-to-People pro gram will be discussed. t , Representative John Nolon, Council member and rep resentative to the Big-8 People-to-People conference at Kansas University Oct. 28-29, said that the date had been agreed upon after speaking with six of the eight student government presidents of the Big-8 schools. ' In other Council business, John Abra hambon, public relations chairman, re ported that a summary of each week's Council business and a preview of the coming week's business will be posted each Monday on the bulletin boards of each college by the Council associates. A list of names and addresses of each college's Council representatives will be attached to the report. , "Students will thus not only be informed of Council efforts in behalf of the stu dent body," Abrahamzon said, "but will be better able to contact their representa tive in business that Is of interest to them." "The next meeting of the Council as sociates will be Nov. 7 in the Union," said Sukey Tinan, member of the Council as sociates committee. Council Brief "At present," Miss Tinan said, "86 of the 150 associates have been assigned to a Council committee. At the meeting Tuesday evening, three of these Council chairmen will brief the whole group on the purposes and work of their commit mittee." Judiciary chairman, Jim Samples, re ported that a hearing on the faults of constitutions of campus organizations re jected by the Council was successful, with six of the seven concerned organ izations present. "In the next weeks we will be develop ing an outline of a model constitution with the rules governing its composition for distribution to all 'organizations on cam pus," Samples said. "The outline will facilitate drafting of a new constitution or revisioa of the existing one," Samples added. Don Witt, Council elections committee chairman, said that interviews will be held at next week's Council meeting to select a representative from Law College to fill the vacancv created by the dismis sal of John Wightman from the Council who was removed two weeks ago from tiia Council for four unexecused absences. By Mike MacLean Les Elgart and six members of his band are being held in the Lincoln city jail on an open charge pending investigation of pos-' sible illegal possession of narcotics, according to Capt. Robert Sawdon of the Lincoln Police Department. Capt. Sawdon said that the police were called in on the case when the subjects were reported buying more than a normal amount of restricted cough medicine that contains codeine. Det. Arthur Aksamit made an investigation to determine who purchased the codeine and found some marijuana in two rooms at the Capital Ho tel. Upon further lnvestiga- tioiuAksamit and bawdon dis covered marijuana in four other rooms at the Capital Hotel and in one at the Lin coin Hotel. "An extremely large quan tity of marijuana was found in the rooms; there was mari juana in the dresser of El gart s room, Sawdon said, A quantity of heroin was also found in an undisclosed location Elgart and his band played at the Homecoming Dance which was held at Pershing Auditorium Saturday night. The police did not interrupt the dance in order to avoid creating a disturbance. Some of the band members were questioned upon their re turn to the hotel rooms, said Captain Sawdon. The Les Elgart Band, which is described as possessing the "Sophisticated Swing," also played at the 1959 Military Ball and the 1961 Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation Ball. They will be brought before the County Attorney today for disposition of the case. Captain Sawdon said that there is no . connection be' tween this case and any pos sible similar activity in Lin coin. M SpiritsRise Cards Fly; $800 Lost Students Toss Cards To 'Let Off Steam' Money ' flew around the card section Saturday at students "let off steam" by tossing the card sets into the air after the halftime show. Roy Cook, president of Gamma Lambda, honorary band fraternity and designer of the card section, said that a rough estimate of the cards lost is 200 at $4 a set. If the whole section had been lost, the cost would have run about $3,000. Cook said that it started when the students started throwing the instruction sheets which had been given to them. Then one person started throwing his cards and it spread through the stands. Cook- termed it a "mob action." The Corn Cobs report that they know which section started throwing the cards.' Cook said that they were able to pin-point it because they took moving pictures of the show. , No action has been taken yet; Gamma Lambda will decide upon it at their Tues day meeting. Cook said that the cost of replacing the cards will probably be taken out of the $50 deposits made by the organized houses who sit m the card section. The exact account of the number of cards lost will be given at the end of the week when the Corn Cobs finish the count. Many of the card sets were torn up and many were taken home os souvenirs. Cook reported that there will be a card section for the game which falls on the Sat urday of Thanksgiving vaca tion and that the houses in the section are required to fill that space. The card sec tion may be cut down in size due to the lack of cards. Cook added that on Nov. 15, movies of all the card shows will be shown in the Pan American Room at 7 p.m. All students are invited to at tend. No Quizzes Out On Ag For Dec. 9 "No tests or quizzes" for all ag students on Friday, Dec. 9, was the proclamation Issued from Agricultural Hall by Dr. Franklin Eldrige, dean of resident instruction. This provision is being made by the Ag campus ad ministration so that all Ag students will have an oppor tunity to attend the second Professional Opportunit i e s Conference for Careers relat ed to agriculture, Thursday, Dec. 8. This year's conference win be operated much the same as the inaugural conference of 1960 only on a wider scale, according to Dr. Eldridge. Last year 28 different busi ness opportunities were pre sented to the students by professionals from all over the country. Conference com mittments have been re ceived totaling over the 1960 number, according to Charles Adams, faculty co ordinator of the conference. Students who wish to regis ter for the conference should agister with Dr. Eldrige in gricultural Hall by Nov. 11. Tickets for the banquet .'hursday night can also be btained at Dr. Eldridge'i "fice and are subject to the Nov. 11th deadline date. $5 i "i :-' Pi ay A. m I 3