Friday, Nov. 3, 1961 Dnn 7 Trie Da rv Nebraskjn i '-'i s i .1 . 1 1 ' jl 4 . EDITORIAL OPINION -Homecoming-1 96 1 This is Homecoming weekend. This is the time of the year filled with tradition. It is the time for new acquaintances and reaquaint ances; all in one short weekend. The class of '25. i remember that football team we had! No, the Huskers aren't what they used to be." Homecoming is fraternities and sororities filled with people of all ages. Someone's little brother. "I'd like you to meet our oldest living alumni; class of '03." Homecoming is fun. The mad rush to finish displays.' "What happened to the green crepe paper? Throw up that roll of wire. What if it falls down?, Someone said it is supposed to rain. Now when I was a pledge . , Homecoming is hard work. Dozens of empty seats in most Friday afternoon classes. "I know I shouldn't cut Class but . . . I'm so beat I think. I'll cut the game." How many alums will be here? Are they all going to want coffee?" Homecoming is a happy time. "Well I'll be! I haven't seen you, George, since the day we graduated. How's the family? I wonder when my parents will get here? Mom and Dad, I want you to meet ..." Homecoming is a sad occasion. "I can't believe this place has changed so much. Remember when the old Administration building . . ." Seniors suddenly real ize this is their final Homecoming as an undergraduate. "I'll be glad to get out But somehow ..." Thousands of people, young, middle aged and old. All unified by a common goal. the University of Ne braska. The oldtimers suddenly realize this is not the campus they left so many years ago. Sad but happy. Happy in the knowledge that the University is pro gressing, changing to meet the needs of our complex society. "Say, have you seen the Nebraska Center yet? That art gallary will be some building when completed. I can't believe it!" Homecoming is disappointing. "How did she get so many votes? I thought sure ... I knew they had the best display. Whadda I tell ya?" Memories not to be forgotten. "That Rose Bowl team in '40-'41, what a team.', Why don't we have a team like that today? What's wrong with Jennings?" Optimism. The season's record is forgotten as the red-clad Huskers take the field to a standing ovation and a blare of "There is no place like . . ." Or, "Hail to the team." Everyone is a coach. Excitment grows with the optimism. "Maybe we'll win if,,,," If. The factor every fan can not dismiss. "Look out Thund er! NO, no, no. Don't pass!! What? Dipping? What's the matter out there? Let's see some passing. We want McDaniel!" There may be pessimism. "Nebraska is a 20 point underdog. KU could really smash us. If we had only used more passes. Instead of running, Claridge should have . . ." Second guessing. Dejection in the dressing room crowded with stars of yesteryear. Gloom hangs over alumni and students. Suddenly the attitude changes. "Let's go eat at the Comhusker, Dad. How about a quick one af the G . . . I'd better get ready for my date." Homecoming may be wild with cheering and un- thought joy. "We won, we won! Did you see the way Brown stopped that guy? Wow! Purcell, all right!" The singing silo fills the air with "There is No Place Like Nebraska." Rumors of a rally, a few try to tear the goal posts down. Everyone is happy. "What a game. 1 can't believe the way we played." Then the rush to prepare for a date. Parents and alumni decide to start for home. Sad but happy, tired but satisfied. Home coming is over for another year. This is Homecoming weekend. On Films and Things By PM Boroff On Sunday evening, a powerful, hypnotizing ver sion of Graham Greene's "The Power and the Glory" was presented by CBS-TV. The two-hour version of the novel was outstanding tele vision entertainment, pre senting the fragic story of a priest's martyrdom in rev olutionary Mexico in the 1930's. A film version, called "The Fugitive," was pre sented in 1948. It can also be seen on television on the late movies. Both the film and television show are ex cellent. Sir Laurence 0 1 iv i e r played the priest in the T.V. version with such complete control and genius that his over-powering performance occasionally seemed too complex to be a Mexican priest. Henry Fonda played the part in the film, imply ing his characteristic under playing for a finely etched performance. In the T.V. version, the priest had, at one time, fa thered a child, and he was also alcoholic. In the film, the priest is alcoholic, both have sufficient shame to judge themselves as bad priests. A strong asset of the film not in the television how was the juxtaposition of the priest's flight with that of a real fugitive of law, a bandit the priest later blesses when "their paths cross." Others in the cast of the T.V. show were Patty Duke, Mildred Dunnock (ex--ccllent in a bit as a spin ster in prison), Martin Ga bcl, Thomas Gomez, Juiie Dailv Ncbraskan Memtirr Ayjuc'-Ued CoIIffclate Trss. International Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated -Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. (N. B.) Harris, Roddy McDowall (almost unrecognizable in an imaginative perform ance), George C. Scott and Keenan Wynn. In the film, Delores Del Rio played the part of a Mexican Woman who has an illegitimate child the priest blesses, similar in character to the Harris part. Pedro Armen dariz played the Scott part of. the lieutenant who searches for the fugitive priest. The film, directed by four .time Academy Award Win ner John Ford, had a dis tinct advantage in its au thenticity, a huge advantage of film over live or most taped television. Del Rio and Armendariz, since they are Mexican, have that in herent foreign quality that Harris and Scott, though ex cellent, could not completely Both "The Power and the Glory" and "The Fugitive" are excellent in their own right, and worthy of atten tion, when repeated, be sure and see both and make your own comparisons . . . A tremendously success ful film because of acting, directing and technical as pects rather than script is concluding its run in Lin coln the first of next week. If you haven't seen "Splen dor in the Grass," do. Nat alie Wood, Pat Hingle, Au drey Christie, newecmer Warren Beatty and the en tire cast give compelling in terpretations, and the direc tion of master Elia Kazan. An original screenplay by playwright William ("Pic nic, Bus Stop, Come Back, Little Sheba") Inge, "Splen- Continued on Page 2 5 SSpt&SB&j! til' 1 XIV Guest articles on religious : subjects have been described : as "cries of public alarm," I and so here I go, screaming: The problem is that much j of religion is going to pot. Historically, religion has al ways led the way in race relations, social justice, and ecumenicity (look it up), but that is hardly the case today. Instead, religion is comfortably ensconsed on the suburban "frontier" in opulent buildings with thick ly carpeted ping-pong rooms, staffed and budgeted to the hilt. (Example: there are more professional religious workers on this campus than there are to serve whole countries over seas). So, comes the revolution, in the form of a New Icono clasm (get your dictionary out again). This smashing of old images is more than just another revision of the ideas most college students have about Divinity. You know, God as a bearded Zeus, Jesus as his gentle junior walking in the garden alone, and the Holy Spirit as a gimlet-eyed dove dive bombing sleepy congrega tions. The revolutionary New S')HHIIIMfttllflllllflllltlllfMlftltMHIIHIIIIIIHIi:HtlHltimimimilimiltlltlHlllllUlHMIIHItllllllllllltllll FOR A HOMECOMING TREAT BRING YOUR DATE TO TONY and LUIGI'S No cvr chaff CHOICE STEAKS SEAFOODS CHICKEN AUTHENTIC ITALIAN FOOD STUDENTS g Late Evening S Snack Menu 3niiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiititt(iiiHitifif tHitiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiitniitfiniiMciiHtiiiiffiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiftitftm On-campus interviews Nov. 6, Bus. Ad. Bldg. For talented seniors and Marketing Representatives: graduate students with im- Marketing Representatives agination, resourcefulness and a keen analytical mind a stimulating career lies ahead with IBM Data Pro cessing. The work we offer is diverse and challenging. IBM will train you. You as- sociate with people who are leeders in their fields. You handle important assign ments move ahead ranirilv and receive a rewarding in- come right from the start. If your major is accounting, business administration, eco nomics, engineering, mathe matics, science or liberal ;u. " ' ial . ' : "1? SIT lor litt Vsm . . with IBM. Your college placement officer can give you additional information about opportunities now open in all principal VS. cities. Systems Engineering: Sys tems Engineers .define solu tions to complex problems in terms of working teams of people, machines and methods. riaUre'.iy, yo hovt t kttr chont to fraw witti dynamic Vrowlfc ccmpany IBM DATA MOCESSINO &CPOB.T Paths of Life Iconoclasm has to do with the smashing of old patterns and structures like our concerns for others in terms of that worn-o u t word, "evangelism." Most people think, when they think, of evangelism as a tent, a saw dust trail, and a sort of Madison Avenue campaign that matches the former raids by Indians who in vaded enemy territory (the secular world) with the hope of snatching a few scalps, and then hastily re treating back to the tepee (the Church). The New Iconolcasm is therefore a new awakening of our concern for others. It's like the two skeletons hanging in a closet. One turns to the other and says: "You know, if we had any guts, we'd get out of here!" So the concern of religion today is "to get out of here," and that takes guts. Pish posh, you say? Very well, you members of the Sunday Fugitive Fringe, if it doesn't take guts to be re ligious today, then why don't you immediately halt both the open and covert cheating around exam time cut out the crib notes i I ! i ill 1140 "0" For Retervaliont 1 Call iy 6-1100 i introduce IBM systems and equipment to management in all segments of the econ omy. Systems Service: A career for talented women who as sst the IBM Marketing and Svstems Representatives in rieveloping methods and in training personnel to ac- complish systems goals. Ml qualified applicants will receive consideration for em ployment without regard to race, creed, color or national origin. If the interview date indicated above is lnconven- ient, don't hesitate to call or write me directly. I'll be glad to talk with you. E. J. McCubrer Branch Manager 601 South 12th Street Lincoln 1, Tiebratka Telephone t 435-3266 painstak i n g 1 y abbreviated and concealed beneath the garter? Remember the 8th commandment: Thou shalt not steal!"? Or, why don't you stop seeking a promiscuous fin ish to every Saturday night Continued on Page 3 & ailllllHIIIIIIIIIIfmi;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!"!!!!! luiUilllllllilllllilllliiliiiiiiillli.iimiiiiiNliill : si : o FRIDAY AFT r 1 v. SHIRTS FOR A FRIDAY P.M. or WOODSIES VALURE PULLOVERS or RUGGED DENIM 1 Wfi milium Letterip Coach Bill Jennings Under Fire Again To the Editor: Hats off to the "Old Pro," Bob Prokop in his Nov. 1, 1961, issue of the Rag. He has finally spoken up and said what has been in the minds of many Cornhsuker football fans for a long time. Hats back on again when we come to Mike Mac Lean's article under "Staff Views" in the same edi tion. He seems to be pro football pro-team, pro-Jennings, pro-cverything, but says absolutely nothing, ex cept, his reason why the Huskers haven't been suc cessful in the past years. He shed much light on the subject with his reason "That they haven't been able to sustain anything against anybody" ... A well written (?) bit of hedg ing. Oh, well, back to the "Old Pro." Mr. Prokop brings out many things concerning Ne braska football which. I feel hit the nail right on the head ... but he doesn't go far enough. To fill in, here are some "sad stories" concerning the Jennings regime: (Ex cluding the current season) Total points: Nebraska 342, Opponents 792; best season record: won 4, lost 6 (poor est won 1, lost 9); best conference record: won 2, lost 4 (poorest won 1. lost 5) . . . Now the saddest news of all, since the be ginning of the "defense" regime the football materi al has increased in both quality and quantity to the great 1961 squad, which, true to the Jennings form are making such a poor showing . . . What does this prove? Bill is a great recruiter but a lousy coach!!!!! With the wealth of material stored in Me morial Stadium this year the Huskers should be close iffa 'H MMii'tittfw l!!l!!!l!!!!!"'!!!!!l!!!!!!lll!t!!!ra IIHIilillllllMIIIIIMIIUIIUMimilMlllllliMllllUIIIIIIIIHINIIIIIIIIillli.tlllillllllllinillUM ERNOON tr 'hi Capkins Ulalh 1127 "R" Street HII!.:il:HlllM"""IIIIIIIMIllllir ,r i 1 1 j ; : : : ; i i . u i i n . . . , . i i ; n , , . u i j . : i . ; ; i . u i i ; . ; : : ; i , ; ; ; ; : r ; ' ; to an undefeated season. I can't agree with the "Old Pro" that Mr. Jennings can give Nebraska-land a great team . . . Now, next year, or ever. It takes more than a vast amount of football knowl edge (which I believe. Coach Bill has) to -make a great ball team. A ssach most gain the respect his players, generate enthusi asm and instill in them the true desire to win (which in the case of all three, I don't believe Coach Bill can do). What must be done to shape the abundantly tal ented Huskers into a na tional power? First, we need a witches' big broom to sweep out the entire coaching staff; sprinkle proven coaching talent in their place; mix well with good old NU spirit and loyal fans. Put all of this mixture through a tough 1962 schedule; top with an Orange Bowl win and there vou have "U of N 9-A' No. i National Rating." Dick Trotter Student Likes Twist; Chaperones Don't Sirs: What cause does a chap eron have for stopping a new dance? The times have changed so from the era of the waltz and so have the styles of dancing. Just as "Sideburns" went out with the horse and buggy, so will the twist have its fling and diminish. So why does a chaperon force dancers to leave a party for "improper" danc ing, which can not be called improper since it is being taught at the Union. Mod ern trend in dancing is the Twist, and the modern trend also includes shaving "sideburns." Trulv Yours: Student CLUB A ! i H il II II I t ti li : ; : ' ; ; n : r : ; m ; MfS "Mill IlilllliK