Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1961 Page 2 The Daily Nebraskjn I f 4 EDITORIAL OPINION Vo ting Privileges On Campus Too "Time: Nov. 1, 1761. Place: University of Nebras- ka. Occasion: Announcement of the 1761 homecoming queen! i "Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Daily Nebraskan an- nounces the selection of the 1761 homecoming queen I by special order of Ye Old Administration Committee on Beauty Queens. She is none other than Grinnelda 1 Grunch! "Miss Crunch's appointment came after extensive deliberation by the University administrators. However, we point to the fact that only two girls were nominated 1 by the University Nominations Committee." Needless to say, the above account is purely fiction. But, may we learn a lesson from this little story? We think so. Today is a red-letter day on the campus. Especial ly for 10 campus coeds competing for homecoming queen. We are not endorsing any candidate. We are, however, supporting the right to vote. It matters not whom you vote for; only that you exercise this right inherent in our democratic society. In the past the turnout for all-University elections has been poor. In defense of some students we might point out that advance publicity has not always been up to par. However, there have been and there are suf ficient polling places today. Today there is no excuse ' for anything less than a good majority of student vote. We wonder what the typical reaction would be today if (as in our fictious story) the University ad ministrators decided to abolish the Student Council, the Student Tribunal, all other student organizations which have a voice in all campus matters plus the right to vote. Needless to say we would experience the largest full-scale riot ever seen on this campus. The fact remains that we are all free to vote today for any one of the candidates in contention. Within the next four years, the majority of students will qualify as legal voters within this state and this nation. Certainly if we do not vote today we may forget to vote in the future. Make up your own mind. Choose a candidate for any one of a million reasons and then oast your bal lot. (NB) Letterip lk Dtr fftmkaa pabltofc alr tkw Mm whk mn tfirwi. mar k nbnlMcS wtih a pm aaro ar Initial. Dmm, lettrn E will n pitafcrf safer a pea am ar ialtlala il at ttw atlltor'a 4t- ettaa. UMara anil aa nwa wataa. Waaa latten anwea Ml mrntt tha Neaiaakaa waertaa Km rijto to aoadMiM loom, ratalaiag tta Nuclear Tests Pollute Air . To the Editor: It is felt by many that Russia's recent act of im morality, exploding large nuclear bombs in the at mosphere, is an outright act against all humanity. It is not the fact that the Russians have these super-bombs that is of major consequence, but the fact that they are be ing tested in the a t m o s phere. According to Pauling, the fallout from this bomb that the Russians have' exploded will cause 40,000 case of cancer; mostly sarcoma. He also state that the (1) recent blast (30 plus megatons) will be responsible for 40,000 defective babies in the next few generations. The possibility that our children and our chil drens' children shall have to bear the stigma of these inhuman acts and he fact that some .will be "genetic misfits" is to us sickening beyond re proach. You will probably say to yourself that by per centage this is a rather significant figure. But is it? It Is probably safe to assume that the number of people that would be affected by this radiation would well exceed 40,000 persons. Whereas the amount of radiation re quired to kill is 600 radi ation units; the amount required to affect the genes is Infinitely small. Some authorities state that the amount of radio active fallout from the bombs dropped up through 1958 is still rising and will not reach its peak until approximately 1367. Add to this the re cent blasts by the Rus sians and you can readily see that the fallout is not just a temporary prob lem. And with this ever increasing amount of fall out the majority of our future generations may well be threatened. If the 'Russians are to continue these outrightous acts of immorality we feel that it is within the rights of the free world to declare war. Here you may say that we are contradicting ourselves by saying we should jeopar- dize all humanity for the Daily Nebraskan Member Associated CoHetiate Fret, International Press Retreentatlre: National AdTertfctag Service, Incorporated J1"' 'ishid tti Room SI. Rtnifent Ilnlnn, I.lnrnln, NebraJtka, SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD" 14th A K Telephone EE 2-7S31 ext. 4225, 422S, 4227 a-harrtptioa km ara S3 pr miiimi wliMttt aradMnM yar. Lmrrea aa tmmn etaaa natter at Km awt affiea ta Liaaaia, IMnaafca, Ban tba m Aaia 4, 11. sake of our future gener ations. In reality we have only three choices, unless terms of peace are agreed upon. These are 1) the degeneration of the hu man race, 2) a nuclear war with Russia or 3) Communist domination of the entire world. If we cannot guarantee the health, welfare and normality of our children, our present generation is of no avail and all our previous acts to maintain liberty will have been wafted. 3 If peace becomes im possible what choice would you make? To becorrie slave of the communistic doc trine, war, or to have your children bear the stigma of our cowardice. R. A. B. Rag Columnist Under Fire This letter is in refer ence to the editorial writ ten on October 16, by Cloyd Clark in which he attempts to downgrade the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. Evidently Mr. Clark does not realize why the center was created. He asks, " . . . what does the student who pay 1132 to . attend the University of Nebraska receive from the pile of bricks and mor tar on the Ag Campus?", and then answers, "Just about nothing!" This is ridiculous. The center's full name states its pur pose and why the under graduate finds little to : concern him at the Ne braska Center for Con tinuing Education. The purpose of the center is to be an adult link to ed ucation for this area, to provice a place where non-college people can go to learn. It is not a glori fied student anion, which seems to be what Mr. Clark wants. Also Mr. Clark implies that fees of the students ' of the University of Ne braska are being used to support the center. This idea is entirely incorrect because it was made clear when the Center was planned that it was . to be an entirely self-supporting institution. Student fees never have been used to support the Center for Continuing Education. Respectfully, Robert Basoco Activity This column draws on the experience of an Alumni Innocent and fad ing BMOC to state a few glaring faults in the Uni versity's complex ac tivity system. Miss Ann Moyer's fine column of Oct. 13th summed up the advan tages to the individual of activity participation. The open letter published Mo day from 13 sorority ac tivities chairmen sum marized well the problem of organizational effec tiveness. Read these two sources and think if you want the general picture. Here are some specifics. INNOCENCEMANIA Overtly or covertly, some Nebraska men are driven by a fierce desire to become members of the Innocents Society. This desire is conceived and nourished by orgao ganized men's houses throughout the campus. Most of this idiocy is the fault of the Society. It is senseless to believe that the limited-membership rule can lead to any thing except intense com p e t i t i on. Organizations such as Kosmet Klub and Student Council have become "musts" for the ambitious man: good men are inevitably rejected. In the happy glow of a prestigious position, no Society to date has puased to analyze and remedy the situation. The Mystic Thirteen should grow with the campus. PARTICIPATION Any formal rule or in formal "understanding" which forces a man or woman to join one or more activities is self defeating. Houses can try to awaken interest in activities and make it convenient for students to join. A push is helpful and often necessary. But no activity at all is pref erable to the undirected floundering of a coerced freshman who does not have the interest. Any house which believes that requiring its pledges or members to join up is in the best interests of stu dents and the University is dead wrong. PERENNIAL PARALYSIS Perennial paralysis is my term for the stag nation which is present when groups continue pro grams of previous years that have outlived their usefulness. Two examples may help indicate my meaning. The All Univer sity Fund continues its insane selection of an ac tivities queen. IWA spends more hours per year selling Christmas cards than it does helping independent women. It is Continued on page 4 SAY THIS IS KN FUN." The University Reform Begins By Tom Eason SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS BETTER QUALITY diamonds watches jewelry - Gifts CHARGE ACCOUNTS WELCOME EXPERT WATCH - JEWELRY REPAIRS KAUFMAN JEWELERS 1332 "O" ST. DAY AFTEt DAT OF NEBRASKA HAS MOt OC EVEITTHINS I'' I K y ) - I r U Kit Thorn pton : I I '"'V v fee ; ' k lvV; Jeann Thorough " y. i : x i i . ' ' '. Sail? Wilton f Janet Uoeppne Sharon Anderson Harbor Bail Karen Busting SherrlU Ceiulinger Jeanne Morriton Gold's 1961 College Advisory Board SMfa( S.Uuint.DiifMM "- 21 OPEN MON.-THURS. NITES FALL ALWAYS BRINGS A RUSH OF FUN AND SMART FASHIONS ... LOOK YOUR VERY PRETTIEST IN ANY ONE OF THESE... v',.:'w w-i?msj m t LJ: , Staff Views All I can't help but feel that Bill Jennings and com pany are a fine football team. Jennings is a suc cessful recruiter and has some extremely able foot ball players that could play on anybody's team.' In my opinion, Nebraska also has an intangible that many coaches long for. I have never seen a Nebraska team give any thing less than 100 per cent. They have had op portunities and reasons to hedge; the fact re mains that they haven't. This is a reflection on both the players and Jen nings and his staff. Why, then haven't t h e Cornhuskers been more successful? The reason is that they haven't been able to sustain anything against anybody. Jennings is using a wide open of-, fense with good material, but the Cornhuskers have scored only two times in the last three games. Nebraska's line can spring runners like Rudy Johnson, Willie Ross and Bill Thornton loose against teams like North Dakota and Kansas State, but that just doesn't work J quentins A town & campus 1229 R St GOING SKIING? (Union Ski Trip Is Feb. 1st) --QUENTINS HAVE HAND KNIT SKI SWEATERS Choose from Donish, Norwegian; Irish All ore water-repellent , Slipovers or Cardigans S BUT HURRY! QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED 29.95 34.95 39.95 41.95 Fall Fashion Firsts Mary - GOLD'S wWM.ii,,WMiliy p Right!! By Mike McClean against teams like Syra cuse and Missouri. And, teams .of that latter qual. ity make up the majority of the Huskers schedule. I am sure that Bill Jen nings would like to know the reason why Nebraska lacks consistency; so would the rest of the state. Nebraska will always be dangerous. Talent and de sire such as reside in Me morial Stadium could murder almost anyone on a good day. I think they may make shambles of some Orange Bowl dreams yet. But the Huskers will never be a league or na tional p o w e r, no matter how competitive they are, until they are coached in to a consistency that doesn't depart inside the 20 yard line or whenever VThunder" is stopped. I'll stick with Jennings and the fighting Huskers all the way. I certainly hope that Bill can find the answer he is looking for, and soon. The team cer tainly deserves a better fate than that which has befallen it so far this sea son. HE 2-3845 Ralston SUGGESTS SOME VERY SPECIAL SPORTSWEAR f if, A. VELVETEEN TOPPERS ... Prettj vel veteen topper for special occmIom. Cardlrw neckline with velveteen bow, puffed fleeres. Choose black, rreen, blue. innn film 8-11 lO.YO B. MATCH I NG CAPRIS. . . Lnxuriou. vel veteen eapri pant to match topper. A won derful Idea for fnn or fancy. ii no Lone alini style, matchinr colors. 1470 C. PREMIER CARDIGAN... g. ft and Flnffjr button-down eardifsn In bulky kuK mohair by Premier. Oranre, beir e, ino rreen, in sises 14-40 lO.yO D. SWEATER 'N SHIRT MATES . . . Sweater vest with brass buttons, 8, M, I with Dacron polyester and cotton roll sleeve shirt by n t n Ai Lady Manhattan. Z TOr y.UU Sportswear . . . Second Flow ( 1 : , LJ I