NOV 1 1961 The World in Latin By Nancy Whitford Latin America needs a crash program to develop its cultural, economic and educational goals. Both North and South America alike must help, advises Dr. Roberto Esquenazi-Ma-yo, associate professor of romance languages. Esquenazi said he views the many-sided problems of Latin America from both internal and hemispheric dimensions, but noted that some of the countries have made more social-economic progress than others. "The internal solution is that we must awaken the Latin American people to the realization that the best way to improve their social and economic status is by (Editor's note: Benitez' remarks were made to a University political science class on Latin American government. He spoke to the class during a visit to this Esquenazi Calls Cuba Satellite "Castro has made state ments which prove he is def initely a satellite of the So viet Union. This is shown by his (Castro's) vote in the United Nations and his insist ence that he is a Marxist and Cuba is a 'Socialist' coun try," commented Dr. Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo, . a native of Cuba who, is teaching Span ish at the University. "It is not that we despise social reforms, . but Castro hasn't established any social reforms," Esquenazi ex plained. Esquenazi cited these in stances: In April Castro killed DR. ESQUENAZI Sorie Marin, the man who .vrote the Agrarian reform law. Castro himself has not given land titles to the peas ants. Many peasant workers are leaving Cuba because they have not received the bene 1 its promised. Castro has a very efficient police system based on the Soviet experience of repression. Necessities are scarce: families have to wait in line as long as 12 hours to get a couple of pounds of meat per week, gasoline is of the worst kind, there is a lack of an esthesia for use in hospitals. AUF Queen Interviews Held Nov. 2 Candidates for All Univer sity Fund Activities Queen will be interviewed Thursday in the Student Union. Room number will be posted. The schedule is: 7:00 Diane Armour, AWS 7:05 Joana Baugher, IWA 7:10 Joyce Bauman, Ag Union 7:15 Del Rae Beerman, Ag Union 7:20-Connie Cochrane, YWCA 7:25 Nancy Erikson, Red Cross 7:30 Kathie Farner, Tassels '7:35 Maureen Folick, Union 7:40 Sue Hovik, Rag 7:45 Judy Jasperson, YWCA 7:50 Linda Lucking, Corn husker 7:55 Susan Salter, Union 8:00 Builders candidates 8 10 Marilyn Severin, IWA 8:15 Billie Spies, Tassels 8:20 Jane Tenhulzen, Corn- husker 8-25-Carla Tortora, WAA 8 30-Kathryn Vollmer, AWS Focus . America Needs 'Crash9 working in a free society. "We must awaken the lower classes of Latin America especially to the fact that the promises of demagogues never come true as in the examples of Cuba and central Europe," Esquenazi said. Broken Promises "Castro, for instance, has not given the people of Cu ba the industrial machin ery and consumer goods he promised, and the goods which have been given are not of the quality the peo ple were told to expect. The danger now though is not only what is happen ing in Cuba, but that the people of other Latin Amer ican countries will follow Castro as a saviour,' Esque nazi said. campus during October. Es quenazi's comments were given at an interview yes terday with the Daily Ne braskan. The two viewpoints are presented here for stu dent comparison.) Benetez: Cuba Forced To Red Line "Castro is a definite type of political leader rather than the theoretical concept of a Communist, said Jaime Beni tez, the Chancellor of the Uni versity of Puerto Rico. "The United State's worst blunder has been its absurd i obsession with Castro, and the American press has been very effective in promoting him," Benitez said. "The U.S. has no business trying to create the image of human dignity as long as it continues to print sensational news articles. By presenting ourselves as an example to mankind, it behooves us (the U.S.) to effectively demon strate the truths of the theory. "I donbt if Castro is a Com munist, but he finds himself committed to the line of ap proach which is definitely Communistic. Batista had the cooperation of Communists also," Benitez said. What is the reason for Cas tro's incredible behavior with the Cubans? "He has a strange personality perhaps close to that of Huey Long." What is anti-Americanism? "The normal irritations with blatant power and historical assessments which blame the U.S. for everything wrong in Latin America." - "Cuba is an example of how a well organized articulate-minority can lick a majority which lacks leadership. There was no organized group to im plement social reforms, but the Communists have the an swers for every problem," Benitez concluded. Teachers Meeting All potential teachers who will graduate ia February, June, or August, 1962, are asked to meet Thursday at 4 p.m. in Love Library Au ditorium, according to Dr. Wesley Meierhenry, coordi nator of the teacher place ment division. The registration pro cedure and the functions of the department will be ex plained. Registration ma terial for placement will be distributed and students will have the opportunity to meet and talk with the placement division staff. Music Fraternity Presents Concert Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, professional men's music fra ternity, will present its an nual fall concert Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ball room. The concert will consist of seven choral numbers direct ed by Calvin Carlson. They are: "Let All My Life Be Music," "Sweet Agnes," "Waters Ripple and Flow," "Good Night," "A Song for Peace," "Dedication," and "Spirit of Orpheus." The officers of the 51 mem ber organization are Larry Hoepfinger, president; Robert Person, vice president; Rob ert Nelson, secretary; and Du ane Stehlik, treasurer. Facul ty advisor is Prof. Wesley Relst. nCf.lGDDGQ "There are problems of a great increase in popu lation in Latin America, un even distribution of wealth and lack of proper educa tional and health facilities will have to be solved. "Because demagogues are very active and have a sense of direction of under mining these people, there is a chance the demagogue will be followed by de fault." Vol. 75, No. 26 English Tops Grad Schools By Sue Hovik In the last four years the graduate enrollment of t h e English department has trip led so that now it has the largest enrollment of any graduate school on campus. (First and semester respec tively) The figures are as follows: 1958-59, 26 and 28; 1959-60, 37 and 34; 1960-61, 49 and 54; and 1961-62, 75. Miss Evelyn Ripa, assistant to the Dean of Graduate col lege, said that the total grad uate enrollment is now 1,135, an increase of 123. This is divided between 906 men and 229 women. Miss Ripa report ed that the graduate enroll ment has gone up about one hundred students a year. Paul Olson, associate pro fessor of English department, said that five of the gradu ate students were on Nation al Defense Act Fellowships. The government gives these funds to graduate schools who have high quality. The students come from as far as Washington, Oregon, Rhode Island, Japan and the Netherlands. One has done graduate work at Oxford and two girls have studied at Johns Hopkins university and in England on a Fullbright scholarship. Big Eight's Best Olson said that this depart ment is the best English de partment in the Big Eight and estimated that it has the larg est number of graduate stu dents. The main reason for not expanding previously is that although the College had a Rating Sheets Due Homecoming chairmen must have their evaluation sheets in the Innocents' mailbox in the Student Un ion by noon, Friday. Failure to do so will disqualify the displays for which no evalu ation sheet has been submitted. Stuff, Pound With only 50 hours left un til the judging of the home coming displays, all partici pating organizations are bus ily working to complete their individual displays. . Some of the traditional hu morous aspects of the build ing of the homecoming dis plays are similar to those of previous years. The Alpha Phi's are trying to figure out how to make the legs in their Can Can dancer's skirts look like legs; the Alpha Chi's can't figure how to get their bird in its tree; the AOPi's don't know how they are go ing to be able to get the head on the 17-foot body of their witch. The girls aren't the only ones who are having difficul ty with their displays, the Beta's just can't get the Jay hawk to fly and have yet to build the giant 25-foot El wood. The Sigma Nu's cards for their card section were mixed up and read," Wel come Ja j hawks" on one side and "Stomp the Alums" on the other. And last, but not least are the Phi Delt's who as of yes terday had not begun their giant task of building their entry in this year's Home coming displays. The themes for the men's houses and halls are: Acacia I dreamed I VmU FQ MttEGrJlDMG QOEEM SBA Esquenazi said various portions of Latin America need new tax systems, land reform and a redistribution of wealth. He cited the Punta- del Este conference held in Ur uguay this summer as a "good start" toward pro moting these goals from the hemispheric level. Under the agreements of this conference, some $20 billion in aid, "from for L good graduate faculty they didn't encourage students to! take their PhD's at Nebras-i ka until about four or five; years ago. ; The department felt that; major research should be done at institutions which had the facilities and faculty to devote to a good PhD pro gram. If Nebraska opened one they would spread their faculty and facilities too thin. Olson said that there was a good MA program with a few students, but there was no systematic effort to expand. In the 1930's a man who had a PhD in Englislr would almost always end up without employment due to the lack of demand for English teach ers. Demand Increase When the increase in de mand came, the English de partment felt that its staff was competent enough to di i rect a graduate program. The I TTniiTDrcitv qIci a ttnrA I -u l:i t u Olson compared the library as being to scholars in hu inanities what the laboratory is to the scholars in sciences. He commended the library for buying wisely considering the amount -of funds availa ble. Olson said that one of the convenient things that aids graduates in humanities at universities with limited funds is the development of micro film series of rare books. The University recently purchased such a series of aU the books printed from the advent of printing to 1660 in England for $18,000 which is about 25 cents a book. Attention The University English de partment has attracted con siderable attention in the field of English due U the two journals printed here. These are, College English the professional iournal with the largest circulation, and rraine scnooner, the oldest serious literary magazine m the country. These all tend to chalked the Jayhawks in my Maiden-form Bra; Alpha Ga ma Rho Flush the Jay hawks; Alpha Gamma Sigma Huskers Shoot the Moon; Alpha Tau Omega Husk er Bowl Featuring: The Flint- r t 1 'A Doing a better job of building than the plays. Pictured above, Alpha Xi Delta workers on the various jobs around cam- workers (from left) Judy Skinner, Peggy pus, sorority and fraternity workers pitch, Juker and Lana Clough were too busy to in on putting up their Homecoming dis- notice the photographer. eign private enterprise, mostly U.S. business," is slated to flow into Latin American countries during the next ten years, provid ed the - recipient countries show they are using the money wisely and doing something to benefit them selves. A few of the more spe cific goals are to "provide decent homes, agrarian re form, wipe out illiteracy, provide fair wages and sat The Nebraskan enhance the recommendations of the department, said Ol son. , Olson said that the depart ment also has the good for tune to have own its staff men who have been nation ally well-known for many years and it is lucky to get young men who are produc tive scholars and who are be coming rapidly well known. Olson cited the publishing down by members of the faculty as an example. From 1953-60 twenty books, one hundred articles, and many short stores and poems. The consequence of all this is that the development of scholarly prestige of the faculty at tracts students. Some of the problems , of the English graduate depart ment are obtaining money, research facilities, and more staff members who are pre pared to direct graduate stu dents. Olson said that the staff is the same as it was when the enrollment was down. This puts a heavier burden on the teacher be cause a great part of the Homecoming Schedule As the week progresses the intensity of Homecoming preparations increase. Tassels, one of the primary co ordinating organizations for the Homecoming festivities, have devised a schedule which will help keep the events of the weekend in the right order: Wednesday 6-9 p.m. Homecoming Queen Election. All students are eligible to vote if they present their identification cards at the voting booth. Friday 7 p.m. Bonfire rally to be held west of. the football stadium. The Homecoming Queen finalists will be presented at the rally. Saturday 11 a.m.-l p.m. House displays in operation. 12 noon Queen's Luncheon at Hotel Cornhusker. I p.m. Nebraska-Kansas football game. Half-time ceremony featuring the presentation of the 1961 Homecoming Queen and her attendants. 9 p.m. Homecoming dance spotlighting Les Elgart and his orchestra. The Queen will be pre sented during the band's Intermission and the house displays awards will also be present ed at this time. Only 50 Hours Left stones; Beta Sigma Psi Forecast: Come on Elwood, Punt . . . The Jayhawks; Delta Sigma Phi Scare the Jayhawks White; Delta Sigma Pi Corn husker Pet Shop; Delta Up- i UNION LABOR? if ' It ' " I D.evelepm isfactory working condi tions, reform tax laws, guarantee price stability and stimulate private en terprise." "To assume we can get out of danger from the communists by making an agreement with them if they (the communists) win is false. The communists have proved beyond a doubt they have no mercy when in power. "Latin America has to ! graduate work has to be in dividually tutored. Functions Another problem centers around the question of "what kind of a graduate school should we be?" Olson said that there are a variety of functions which aren't always consistent. The various pur poses are high school teach ers, small colleges in the re gion and students who want to teach in major state uni versities. The question is whether to train them to be excellent teachers or, to be scholars. Another problem is the area of advanced research in the nature and structure of t h e English language. Most grad uate schools don't give train ing in this area. Nebraska has some graduate students teaching freshmen English to gain experience and knowl edge in this field. Olson also said thai Nebras ka suffers geographically be cause it is a state supported school and gives preference to state students rather than out of state students. Olson says he is trying to accept silon Scare the Jays. Farmhouse Pluck the Jayhawks; Kappa Sigma NU Twister Skins Jayhawks; 'Phi Delta Theta . Bury 'em; Phi Gamma Delta Zap the Jayhawks; Pi Kappa Phi t a i . mimiii V" I V A I 1 .. r n r t J 1 " ents realize it must not confuse the genuine aspirations for social reform with the pro nouncements of a dema gogue." "The individual student," concluded Dr. Esquenazi, "can help the situation by studying the culture, his tory and literature of the Latin American countries, by learning the backgr-md of inter-American relations and by having a clear idea of the issues involved." Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1961 students from different geo graphical, social and cultur al backgrounds. Olson concluded by saying that the department's en hanced scholarly reputation brought the expansion in en rollment which caused some growing pains. Plans Near Completion For Dance "Plans for the homecoming dance featuring Les Elgart and his 'Sophisticed Swing' are almost complete," said Ron Gould, vice-president of Corn Cobs Tuesday. "Our goal for student-alum attendance is 2,000 with the majority of ' tickets al ready sold," he added. Gould, who will be master of ceremonies at the dance, will share the spotlight with a member of Tassels, who will introduce the homecom ing queen and her attend ants. Al Plummer, display chair man of Innocents, will pre sent the six winners of the sorority and fraternity home coming displays at intermis sion. Les Elgart, featured as America's favorite Band of 1960, will be returning to the University after his enthusi astic reception at the 1959 Military Ball. Elgart, who turned down a number of offers to play pro fessional baseball after his high school graduation, has been recognized as the "trum pet players' trumpet player." With arrangements by Charles Albertine, Elgart's 'Sophisticated Swing' is un ique in the recording world with its emphasis on guitar and sax, creating an unusual ly wide range of dynamics and color. Lick 'em; Sigma Alpha Ep silon Shoot 'em Down; Sigma Alpha Mu Bury the Hawks in Stalks. Sigma Phi Epsilon Well Done Huskers; Theta Chi Concentration; Theta Xi J-Hawk Jinxed by Big Red Sphinx; Sclleck Quadrangle Borbecue those Birds. Cornhusker Co-op Jay hawks Shot Down; Burr Hall Recipe for Victory; Jay hawks Well-Beaten. Women's themes include: Alpha Chi Omega Bye bye Birdie; Alpha Omicron Pi Double, Double, Toil and Trouble; Jayhawks Burn and Cauldron Bubble; Alpha Phi We Can, Can the Jay hawks; Alpha XI Delta Let's a Salt 'em. Chi Omega Shock'em off the Field; Delta Delta Delta Treat'em rough; Delta Gam ma Hottest Brand Going; Gamma Phi Beta They Au tumn Fall; Kappa Alpha The ta Send'em Back Where They Came From; Kappa Del-to-NU's gift to KU. Kappa Kappa Gamma We're Armed for Victory; PI Beta Phi We're Expecting Victory; Sigma Delta Tau Fry Those Jayhawks; Sigma Kappa Lock'em Up; Zeta Tau Alpha Huskers' Dive, Stop Jayhawks' Soar; Wom en's Residence Hall Who plucked the Jayhawks. NEBR. UNION I.D. REQUIRED - - - 9:00-6:00 AG. UNION