The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 27, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, Oct. 27, 1961
Youth Can Strengthen State
(Continued from Page 1)
the vast, uncrowded frontiers of Nebraska."
Finally, the Chamber hat provided services to the
300 local Chamber of Commerces in Nebraska, many of
which do not have a paid executive, to guide or assist
them in expanding present industrial facilities, obtaining
better schools and recreational programs and attracting
new industry.
Mel Steen, State Game Commissioner, in an exclusive
interview, said that we need to broaden the economic
base of the state as rapidly as possible.
"Since 1890 and .the end of Nebraska's boom period
it is estimated that we have lost almost one million
people. With agriculture as our chief industry, we sold
products to other states on which we made no profit
and bought products .from other states on which they
made considerable profit
"We simply can't have more outgo than income. We
need to broaden our economic base to find new markets
and manufacture new specialties so that we dont have
to depend so completely on agriculture's big gross and
short profit. To do this is to remove the reason for Ne
braska's traditional conservatism.
- Need Tourism
"One of the greatest opportunities for bringing more
income into the state immediately is to tap the wealth
of tourism. In the tourist trade, a man pays our price
for using our outdoor recreational facilities and for en
joying our historical and natural attractions.
By improving our recreational facilities in areas as
boating and parks which our state is doing now, we add
major industry to Nebraska providing greater job op
portunities here and make the state more attractive to
its vouth as a better place to live.
In a telephone interview, Jim Grant of Crete ex
plained a unique youth-attracting program called the
Crete Opportunity Days."
Sponsored jointly by the local Chamber of Commerce
and the school system, Crete Opportunity Days gave 68
high school seniors credit while they worked and learned
in a business city office or industrial plant. Merchants
officials, technicians and executives explained mark-up,
promotion advertising, responsibilities of the job, econom
ic pecularities of Crete, and the opportunities that exist
for that youth if he remains in Crete.
As to the results of the program, now in its second
year, Grant told of a man now attending the University
studying marketing who will return to the J C Penny
store at Crete after graduation, if possible .prompted by
the days several years ago he spent working on the
managerial side of J C Penney's.
In an interview, Freeman Decker, State Commission
er of Education, said that Nebraska will continue to lose
its youth until it becomes more industrialized.
Trade Schools
"Our department has been promoting trade schools
to attract industry with highly-skilled labor supply. To
day, many of our craftsmen and fender and body men
are from Nebraska trade schools. The Monroe Shock
Absorber Co. of Cozad, for example, said not long ago
that they could use an additional 500 of our graduates
and would build more branches to let them work in if
they could get them. ......
"We had to turn 200 away from our over crowded
trade schools last fall who wanted to enter.
"Also," Decker said, "we can't expect our teachers
to stay in Nebraska unless we set our sights on paying
higher salary for these professional people. What teach
er wouldn't go to California or Oregon if he could get
from $l,000-$2,000 more each year. We've got to recog
nize that teacher's have to eat, too." And don't overlook
the sales pitches on climate and living conditions new
teachers get from the men from Texas to California who
hire them."
Make Sacrifices
Sam Jensen, a former senior in law school, said:
The people who need to do the public relations for Ne
braska are some of our better graduates the ones
who don't stay in Nebraska. This is the problem. We
are being robbed of our best potential leadership. We need
a few students who will make a few sacrifices and go
back to their home towns and exercis leeadership for the
state and the University.
Yes as Dave Osterhout of the Nebraska Resources
Division pointed out Wednesday, adult and youth are
beginning to take hold of the problems that exist in
Nebraska and to become excited about the potential and
opportunity of the state.
Monday, in the final article of the series, we will
contrast the strengths of Nebraska against the strengths
and weaknesses of other states under the topic Is the
Grass Really Greener."
Nebraska May Train Corpsmen
For Similar Climate Missions
By Jan Sack
Nebraska may possibly be
flie site of a Peace Corps
training center if a corps mis-
Classified ads tor theDafijr
Nebraska must be entered two
day in advance and must be
paid tor in advance. Correction!
will be made If ror are
brought to our attention within
-rmoq 8
One tumble wwat' k-JU.
n war 1
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ficB far
-- HmM) a"
rv m
mod far sate. Ba-
Mr ran Cwim laa to eitr emwt
Vtilr am. CaB 7-CS cvooMt,
im MGA-MO UK wort hardtop wrta
mi teaiber Mener. Beat far Ncfcratka
dUBXc Omtr 2W actta! aailea. Sever
noul. hist mem, eoat 2KL 9 it at
tor i!4. Br awr. Phaae 4W-MM
after p.av
far aale SlichOr aaaS rthiajn. Jaat
aim brunt red. stem twa. Roar
to rott. H irrt mi nalroaa1 track free!
Firat SVM taaea it- Came to MO
rrauM Vara after aaidacat aari aaft
far Joe Bar flaahnrw. tow track.
mM rtiaia Waal a mmrtaml
sion were to be sent to a coun
ty of similar climate or geo
graphical characteristics, said
Dean E. F. Frolik, University
representative to the regional
meeting in Kansas City.
Present s i t e s for training
are Notre Dame for Chile;
West Texas for Tanganyika;
Berkeley for Ghana: Ohio
State for India; Harvard,
Michigan State and UCLA for
Nigeria; Colorado State for
West Pakistan; Penn State for
the Philippines; Iowa State
for St. Lucia and Michigan
for Thailand.
While the volunteers are
in training they will cover:
1. America, its heritage and
social problems.
2. International affairs.
1. Langnarge conversation
ability in the host country.
4. Area (todies of the people
with whom they'll be work
ing. V Refresher work ia techni
cal studies, adapting to the
country to which theyH be go
ing. . Heaha and first aid.
7. Physical conditioning as
necessary which wiU include
games and sport of the host
'According to Dean Frolik
the 1961 needs of the Peace
Corps include 1.200 volunteers
with 800 of these teachers.
Some 200 are needed from
agriculture and 200 from var
ious other fields.
756 Corpsmen
The Peace Corps now has
750 persons in training or
already overseas. The goal of
the Peace Corps, which was
passed into law on Sep.
22. 900 - 1,000 volunteers
by the end of 1961, 2.S00 by
the end of June 1962 and they
hope ultimately to bring in
15,000 volunteers per year fo
that 30,000 can be sent over
The next Peace Corps ex
amination will be Nov,
38-29 in Lincoln, McCook,
.North Platte, Valentine, Oma
ha, Scottsbluff and possiWv
Norfolk. The exams are be
ing administered by the Civil
Sen ice.
During the regional meet
ing it was stressed that the
volunteer - should not apply
for the Peace Corps until the
yar of availability. Seniors
wishing to enter the Peace
Corps upon graduation should
apply now and take the Nov.
28-29 exam.
On the University campus
Dean Adam Breckenridge Jt
the liaison office of the Peace
Corps and has further infor
mation on the Peace Corps as
well as application forms.
Pa an aaaa 12:4S
140 H 13th
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V 4, I
V, ' J
, K V Sa VT
dEE KrLtJlXOil
mn (ram
In CtownaScop
ra C Jaw 4 K. Mar. W SMaat W
8 20 a m. Bible Study
10:45 a.m. Horning Worship
6.00 p to. Fellowship Hour
7.-00 Evening Worship
-00 After-Chnrch Fellowchip Groups Meeting at
rtrmt mpt Canafc, K ftraat
aaa taatnT Caarca, MM ft ftraato
St. Taaaiaa Oaaiaaa Caarca aa K.
(M I.
tta.rt r.
4. aaartor
MASSES: 80-9:30-11-00 Sc 12 IS
... (Matia 1 lattaat Caaarif)
SM . la AMi M. raaw, aaaraq Jaraaaw,
Bible Study, 9:30 a m.
Worship. 10:43 am. ,
Lutheran Student Aaiociation, 5 30 p m.
J?1f Saariaaa M Hwiu A. fwivti
Services: Fri, 8 00 pm.; Sat, 9:00 a m.
HiH4 UeeUngg Month!
(faaakrlariaa, Vm4 Caank CM, t U. B. 4 WaciaaM af CW)
m. Aim 1. tttkmrnt, Itaiafc Kara, Daaaia W. turn
Sunday Corporate Worship 10:43 am
Crossroads Seminar 9:00 ia.
Fellowship Forum 5:30 p.m.
Forum Oiscusirlon 0:30 p.m.
1J aa4 Sis. (L M. Amorraata, tjfaia
Holy Communion J;30 a.m.
Morning Prayers .10:30 a-m.
Evening Prayer im p.m.
Canterbury , 50 p.m.
. (Taa UfW Caarra Mm mi tft4)
' A, I Hm4m, mm
Worship 8:45 am.
Bible Study 9:45 ajn.
Worship 10:45 a.m.
Camma Delta 50 p.m.
WaM I. CaaW, DtMM MatdtuMaa, faalan
Taaaararr OffteM Maairaaa
I -00 a.m. Holy Communion (at Lutheran Student ChapeL
535 No. 18)
9:30 a-m. Morning Worship (at 535 No. 16)
10:20 ajn. Collet Hour and Discussion
6:00 pin. Forum (Room 232, Student Union
The University Wildlife club
will feature Al Mart, Lincoln
big game hunter and gun
smith, as its program for
Wednesday's meeting in the
Ag Union.
Mart, whose speciality is
"sporterizing" guns, will show
a series of slides and narrate
a moose hunting trip to Brit
ish Columbia. Anyone inter
ested in wildlife is invited to
The Ag YM-YWCA mem
bership party will be neld
Friday at the Cotner Chapel
on Ag Campus at 7:30 p.m.
This party will climax the
membership drive started Oc
tober 18th and all people in
terested in YM-YW work are
invited to attend.
(Continued from Page 2)
Dear Mr, Siegel:
' I'm certain my letter
won't be published be
cause it. will probably be
tost in the deluge of an
swers to your charges. I
find it hard to believe
that you take such a neg
ative view in more that
a superficial vain.
If I were yon, I
wouldn't count Uncle Sam
put until I had conducted
a very exhaustive investi
gation. Sure we've got our
problems, but most na- J
tions do. I'm certain we
can solve ours, because
we've got people to meet
them free people! Peo
ple who use their minds
in the way you are being
taught to use your mind.
Dictators are successful
at first because they can
use the full resources of
their subjects immediate
ly. We're slower, but once
"Joe" gets his back to it,
he really pushes. Illustra
tions of this can be found
in the following vintage
years of strife and glory,
1812, 1861, 1917, 1930, 1941,
1950 and 1961.
Mr. Siegel, you say that
our nation isn't as iner
getic as Russia, well,
read these figures from
the nearly unobtainable
Steel .... 59to 93 Mtn.
Pig Iron . 43 to 60 Mtn.
El'city ...247 to 797 KWH
People .. .220 to 187 Mill.
These statistics seem to
make Mr. Siegel's argu
ment inconsistent.
As for Democracy's
withstanding crisis, we
can again use the above
dates, but I have wish to
close now. If this is a
John Birch test letter or
its analogy that I'm an
swering, I would like to
say the following. I dis
like extremes of any
stripe which tend to de
prive a man of his demo
cratic rights. I want de
mocracy and not just its
name. You see, I have a
big mouth and like to
use it.
David Stone
WMs Select Tonniges
1961 Honor Commander
Miss Joyce Tonniges has
been crowned Pershing Rifles
1961 Honorary Commandant.
The five finalists for Hon
orary Commandant were
chosen from the Cadence
Countesses. In addition to
Miss Tonniges, Kappa Delta
the finalists were: Karen
Knaub, Zeta Tau Alpha; Di
ane Smith, Kappa Alpha
Theta; Varetta Dorf, Kappa
Delta; and Kitty Troxel,
Gamma Phi Beta.
Thme announcement was
made at the annual dinner
in honor of the 1961 pledge
class and the eight new Per
shing Rifle initiates. The new
initiates are: Henry Boyle,
Mizzou Trip
Social Events
Mizzou Migration really
took the spirit out of the
schedule of social events this
weekend as the total for the
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
reached only five.
Friday netted only one reg
istered function and Saturday
and Sunday each had two.
Alpha Phi-Beta Pi pledge
hour dance, 5-6 p.m.
Pi Kappa Phi Barn Party, 1
7:30-12 p,m.
Beta Theta Pi House. Party,
8-12 p.m.
Chi Omega-Phi Gamma Del
ta pledge chili feed, 5-7 p.m.
Pi Beta Phi-Alpha Tau
Omega pledge picnic, 5-7 p.m.
James Sackett, Marshal
Jones, Bruce Motyoka, Ed
Mitchell, Gilbert Gebo, Lar.
ry Rogers and Jim Simpson.
The University Pershing
Rifles company has been in
existence since 1894 and was
named for its founder, John
J. Pershing.
In 1927, they became a na
tional organization with na
tional headquarters at Ne
braska. Today there are 153
chapters throughout the Unit
ed States. Membership is
limited to ROTC students and
it is basically freshmen and
sophomores. Upper classmen
continue only as officers of
the group.
The object of the group is
to 'foster the spirit of unity
among the members of tha
various military branches.
I'o cue under 16 will
It admitted units ic-
mm rf n
ll.lfnr,, nriTfi. mj. TT
t Mil? illMy-' w,!t
AdVonce tickets at Gold's Record" Dept.: $2.09
Admission at daon $2.50
Girl toiler's Guide
Presented by Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes
to re tacked 6eochbonb
llL1Gfl What about standards?
Advanced student of girl watching never waste eyeball
effort watching girls who are not beautiful. Standards
mutt be kept high.
But bow do we judge whether girl b worth watch
ing? Although many strict academicians wfl shudder at
our aesthetics, we must insist that a girl is beautiful if
she it beautiful to you. (That's the beauty of girl watch-
mt MMMJttHaP CAJto. Visit the editorial office of
this publication for a free membership card ia the work!'
only society devoted to discreet, but relentless, girl watch
ing. Constitution of the society 00 reverse tide of card.
Tbm ad bated ea the book. Tar Girt Wiutjar'i Ctade." T.
CoprnJ by Dooald i. Smtn. Drawings: CoorngM by Elopa
Dcdjot. JUpriattd by peraitMaMi of Harper ft brvOtm.
tag. Every girl it beautiful to someone! For exampk,
many observers have pointed out that the Bare-Backed
Beacbbomb (see above) has a weak chia.
Yet none of these keen-eyed experts would deny that
she is indeed an attractive tpeciraen. And, speaking of
standard., don't forget to keep your tmoking sta&dvdi
high. Smoke Pall MaS I
. Pall Mall's
natural mildness
is so good
to your taste!
So smooth, so satisfying,
so downrigjtf smokeable!