The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskjn
Monday, Oct. 23, 1961
.. .-
Greeks, IFC Flaunt
Rights; Act In Fear
Now that two fraternities have paid, or agreed to
pay, for the actions of their pledge classes, we are
told that the editorial staff of the Daily Nebraskan
(in last Friday's editorial dealing with the same sub
ject) not only "reflects the lncompentency of its author
but also displays the lack of knowledge on a subject
which has been consistent editorial policy this semester."
The comments come In a letter to the editor signed
by fraternity officers of two of the fraternities involved
and a member of a third fraternity.
Fine. Let's all unquestionably follow the decrees
of our governing body; not hesitating to wonder if we
have lost some of our rights in submitting to their will.
Such a philosophy might well be that of these and
other fraternities on this campus in regard to their
respective relationships to the IFC. However, we feel
such a philosophy is not inclusive enough.
Let's get down to the basics which render them
selves necessary at this time. Two fraternity pledge
classes did not take their sneaks at the same places
that they had registered to take them. Naturally we
have a violation. What most people may not know is
that at least one of the classes went overboard in their
fun and were reported.
Such heH-raising trips cannot be defended by any
fraternity or the IFC itself. It is tradition within each
house. This is the only reason such trips still exist.
Therefore, any poor public relations which come out of
pledge trips leaves the University administrators, IFC
and th fraternises open to criticism.
Perhaps the Student Affairs office, being sensitive
to bad publicity, asked the IFC to handle the situation
themselves in sack a manner as to offset rulings of
conduct andor social probations.
This kiformation was, in fact, relayed to the fra
ternities themselve by the IFC. It is our feeling that
the IFC and the fraternities panicked and handed down
the $200 fines. Fear of being put on probation caused
the fines to be so high. A man cornered m a dark al
ley will gladly give up his money to forfeit worse pen
alties. Our whole argument was based a round what we
call the right to justify actions and the right to appeal.
These fraternities did not appeal the Tine handed down,
la fact, two of their own members were among those
deciding the amount of the fines. Is $200 a drop in the
bucket to fraternities supposedly endangered by fi
nancial burden? We think not We feel these fratern
ities payed the fine out of fear of being pnt on proba
tion. We accuse the IFC of setting high fines instead
f cutting them down and granting the fraternities
enough maturity and sensibility to learn a lesson with
out paying a high ram of money.
If fraternities care not to defend these liberties and
would rather actively support the steps taken against
them, we certainly can do little to help them or pre
serve the rights concerned in this case.
Individual, Group Rightsj
Important On Campus j
The subject of the powers and the purpose of the
Interfraternity Council (IFC) has been brought out and,
to our thinking, seeds clarification. I
We heartily commend constituents who support their
organization. However, we do not suggest blind following. I
In the same light, those affected by the rulings of a high-
r authority should not concede any rights due to fear.
As w mentioned in Friday's editorial specific former
actions taken by the IFC do not seem justified.
The forced "vote or pay" decree during the Student
Council elections is toe past is as unconstitutional as
labor UfirOM forcing their members to vote. I
After talking to President Don Ferguson of the IFC, ;
we are happy to announce that this resolution will no
longer be in effect And why not? It is evident that IFC 1
slated candidates will not sweep the Student Council
elections again. Last year a significant breakthrough was 5
noted and we predict non-slated candidates will increase
their number of victories. This is one area where the
IFC saw the light This instance coupled with the present
issue and the question of the merits in inviting a new
fraternity to come to campus have brought our opinions
oat to the public.
Going to class is only one part of an education. Here
Is where democracy is put into practical use. When we I
do not keep withia the besnds of democratic practice
we are only fooling ourselves. It does no good to fight the
obvious foe from the outside who is dedicated to destroy- g
lag s when we fall apart oa the inside. When we forget
indfcidnal and groan rights here, we invite and enconr-
age the same actions after graduation. We as students
most remain open-minded enough to recognize such re-
strictk)ES. We cannot do K by refusing to accept contrary g
opinions. I
Daily Nebraskan
Member Assoetftiedl Collegiate Pres. International Fresa
fteyrtMBteare: National Advertising Service. Incorporate
rubilsbei at: Imu It Staient Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Uta K
Telephone EX Z-7631 ext. 225, 4226. 4227
Unimallie rmMa an S atiaaeter er far the ataaemle fear.
Mane aa mam elaae aortas a the pad afflea la lAna, Nebraska,
eaeer the act af Aacaat . lal.
The Itaftr Jtearankaa hi anMwl Meada Taesda. Wt Senear aad M
ar tarfcw aha e-hnal raw, amen dartae. vetaMeaa msf ma arriods, ay
etadnrts al the CaHstaHi af Nearasha aedw aatiMrhattoa af the OmaHMt
aa Mttam Aftem a aa npuHa af stadra aphrtoa rabltntlna aaeerthe
4rMtrtea af tea Baatnatnwwa aa mn
eeMarial teaaenhle. aa the aart af lac Bahwmwnttw er ea ta
inn seretide Uv rarrmrlr. Taa nnlHr,
raaraarr a. lieaa.
svrrociAl. staff
Nana BeaMy
Sfaiekaa nunben
. . m .. . . .......................... Aaa Mayer
Data WeklfarUi
A Kvaa lar
eaay EaMera... . Wiaaar
WsU Km EaKar
Maff WrMera
aaJar Staff WrHeta Teaa Kataae.
aiaff VhuUtm.
ae fiKe fraai
taw nut af aa
Daily Nsanwkaa staff am
Cloy Clark
Biniacs, laaMa Holbert, Jim Fiaitat
, LaoiM lMser
Xaacy Whttfori. Jaa Maek
Bah Nya, Mlks MaeLeaa, 8ae fforlk
paaj Beasley
Daa Farcaaoa
Zeffiarer, Bin Oanllcka,
..Jim Treater s
W-Mn. ""USe -v
W vi, -Wi,a Arss
lAinericans Must 'Get Tough,'
Not Losing Foreign Image
Eric Sevareid
President Kenndy has
reminded this quarreling
country that American
foreign policies cannot be
encompassed "in one slo
gan or
one adjec
tive, hard
or soft or
i s e,"
and that
belief in
v i ctory"
or "total
defeat" is
a danger
ous illusion.
Yet there is ample tes
timony that the beginnings
of a sea-change in the
spirit of the administra
tion's approach to the
world are now detectable
in the private winds of the
White House and State
Department The drift is
in the general direction of
the "hard line." The Ken
nedy group took over last
winter persuaded that the
United States was in trou
ble because it had not
tried hard enough to find
a basis of accommodation
with Khrushchev, had not
treated our major allies
with sufficient respect,
had disregarded the year
nings of the neutrals and
had blunted the effect of
foreign aid by formalists
and bumbling application.
What is now slowly and
privately developing is a
thread of official thought
running in precisely the
opposite direction. Bitter
disappointments, begin
ning with the Vienna con
frontation and including
Laos, the Belgrade con
ference, the listless re
sponse of our allies to the
Berlin crisis, and the ap
parent collapse of the first
serious effort at s o c i a 1
reform in our hemispheric
white hope, Brazil, have
started a basic reapprais
al, not in a mood of re
sentment, fortunately, but
in cold sobriety.
The stark aloneness of
the United States in terms
of generous, "other-directed"
government policies
has become almost fright
eningly apparent to all
who think rather than
wish- It is now dear that
waiting upon our allies to
agree on a policy of force
fully prosecuting this cold
war would be an endless
wait because their histori
cal suspicions are too
deep, their self-confidence
too far -gutted; that the
big neutrals are and will
remain neutral as an ar
ticle of faith, not of stra
tegy; that even the
emergence of the liberal
political revolutions we
should like to see in so
many backward countries
would not guarantee so
lution of the harsh, physi
cal realities of population
versus arable land short
ages; that no over-all set
Lai LJk it. j
tlement with Khrushchev
is possible because he de
sires none.
It is going to require the
exertion of all our skill
and diplomatic daring to
produce acceptance of a
strong and vigorous
American leadership
amongst allies, neutrals
and clients alike; to "get
tough about it" without
losing our American im
age. We have made a first
beginning in principle with
the President's warning
that we shall henceforth
distribute aid with one
eye on the policy position
of recipient governments
in this desperate cold war.
It is entirely possible that
we shall have to take a
plunge and deliberately
make examples of one or
two countries which have
grossly misused our a i d,
though we shall have to
pick the spots most care
fully. The latest illustra
tion of the fact that our
present posture is no
longer tolerable in respect
both as to effectiveness
and the national mood is
the attitude of C h e d d i
Jagan, extreme leftist
Premier of British
Guiana, who arrives to de
mand our aid as a matter
of right while "warning"
us not to apply any po
litical strings to it.
This summer an emi
nent American statesman
reproved this writer, say
ing, "You must realize
that we are in the posi
tion of a father of many
self-centered, immature
children. Without endless
patience we can keep no
order in the household."
My answer was that, in
any family, prolonged par
ental permissiveness in
evitably destroys order,
because the children take
their privileges for
granted and respect for
the parent erodes. Any
father unwilling to spank
upon occasion is lost.
Those who feel that the
general attitude herein
stated represents repudia
tion of the liberal foreign
policy make a profound
misjudgment. Those who
think it amounts to era
bracement of Senator
Goldwater's apparent no
tion that we can dash
about the world with a
cocked gun, wrap up a
total cold war victory and
do all this on the cheap,
are thinking in the crud
est alternative terms.
fill wH
1 xm-x-- -ST ' "
.UaM tbt-t&1aMfc
When Senator Fulbright
told Goldwater that he
was "oversimplifying," he
was right. But what so
many high-minded c i t i
zens do not realize is that
when Goldwater retorted
that Fulbright was "over
complicating,.' he, too,
was right The Goldwater
approach could, if ex:
tended, paralyze this
country, the only western
country where a massive,
moral will remains alive
and without which the free
world is lost.
The President seems de
termined that we shall
neither yield to frenzy nor
allow our native hue of
resolution to be sickbed
over by the pale cast of
dubiety. A little re-reading
of the official life and
times of an essentially
simple man named Harry
Truman, who dealt with
a crisis or two, would not
be amiss.
Courtesy af Omaha World Baraltf i
" '"""B
i " i
Staff Views
Record crops in Nebras
ka beets and soybeans
are expected for 1961 and
the returns of corn and
the other' Huskerland
f ' I 1 fill I I J.x't,.t
crops are
e x p ect
ed to be
near rec
ords. Eco
n o m ics
p r e ach
"o v e r- '
pro due- Clark
tion" is the plague of the
agricultural situation.
"Too many farmers."
"Too much corn." "Why
do the taxpayers have to
put the farmer through?"
At the' same time an
other factor comes in to
view a shortage of
trained ag workers.
How an there be a
shortage when the U.S.
maintains such an effi
cient agricultural force
that it can combat nature
and governmental controls
and still multiply produc
tion? This morning Chancel
lor Hardin stated before
the Centennial Nutrition
Conference of the M I d
west Feed Manufacturers
Association that universi
ties have a "main mis
sion of helping large num
bers of capable people de
velop their abilities to the
fullest so that they can
have for themselves the
most meaningful lives and
make a maximum contri
bution to the welfare of
all mankind."
Several weeks ago Du
ane M. Nielsen, a former
Nebraskan, now in the
United States office of ed
ucation, also suggested
the shortage of trained
ag workers. '
Nielsen pointed out
Every year about 93
thousand farm operators
and workers die or retire.
Each year about 200
thousand farm boys reach
20 years of age, more than
enough to fill the vacan
cies. But the 10 thousand
secondary schools that
teach vocational agricul
ture are garduating only
about 70 thousand young
men a year who have.
.... .
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By Cloyd Clark
completed three or more'
years of such training.
Of the 70 thousand vo
cational agriculture grad
uates, fewer than 25 thou
sand take up farming as
a life's work.
Farming is more com
plicated than a handful of
seed,' a hoe and a couple
of dead fish. Now the
farmer can use an edu
cation in the mechanics
of a slide rule to figure
how much water how
fast and how long will
be needed to make a ker
nel of corn grow.
It may seem ironic that
agriculture needs more
workers of any kind,
trained or untrained, but
if the United States ex
pects to continue to stride
forward in agricultural
technology and science
the importance of agri
cultural training and re
search must be under
stood by the American
In France it was re
ported by a University
professor who toured
Europe examining its ag
ricultural developments,
only one out of eight or
ten students who wish to
be educated in agri
cultural technology can
enter the colleges because
of the country's selective
testing program.
The program in France
was compared to some of
the engineering and sci
entific qualification exams
which are practiced in
the United States.
We have the facility and
the talent, but the atti
tude and the interest of
the people of the country
must recognize that de
mand for food will grow
stronger year by year and
the question of who will
fill the annual vacancies
on the farms will become
particularly urgent.
listen to:
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"The Friendly Voice"
of the Campus
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