The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1961, Image 1

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    ThcL'Th;imFocus . . .
Pgj$s4kird"TripIe Tragedy in Nigeria
By Nancy Whitford
It is a triple tragedy that
a terdpes ns tirxed, up
in Nigeria over t post
card written by Peace
Corps member Margery
Michelmore, but the Peace
Corps program can still
succeed says Felix Aburime
of Ishan, Benin, Nigeria.
Aburime, who is a trans
fer student at the Univer
sity under the African
American scholarship pro
gram, said the incident was
a triple tragedy from the
standpoint of the girl, Mar
gery -Michelmore; the Ni
gerian students and the
newspapers both in Nigeria
and the United States.
A post card written and
mailed by Miss Michelmore
west astray and was found
by. students near the Iba
dn University campus. The
Ibadaa Student's Union
called Miss Mkhelmore's
remarks "damaging to our
country" and demanded her
and other members of the
Ibadaa Students' Union
Peace Corps In Nigeria
taken out of the country.
"I dont think Miss Mich
elmore was completely
wrong in what she said,"
Aburime said, "but I think
she may have overexagger
ated because she was look
ing at conditions from a
different point of view."
Social Background
"Since she was from a
different cultural and so
cial background, she should
hare waited before passing
judgment," he said "A per
son should learn to see
things in their true per
spective and then ask why
conditions are as they are."
The Nigerian students, on
the other band, saw more
meaning in the incident be
cause they were also look
ing at it from a different
point of view, Aburime
"It is also a tragedy from
the standpoint of the news-
papers," he said. "The
newspapers tend to make a
mountain out of molehill.
The press is not the gov
ernment, and I dont think
the government took the
students too seriously.
"The Peace Corps can
still succeed if the trainees
are given better orientation,
and are instructed to wait
longer before passing judg
ment Contact Points
Aburime said there are
several "points of con
tact" where the United
States and Nigeria can
learn to know each other
"Religion is one of the
areas where the U.S. can
forge ahead in Nigeria. Sev
eral denominations have
already located churches in
Nigeria, and the people are
very enthusiastic about re
ligion." Aburime said movies
tend to give a misleading
picture of America. "Peo
ple in Nigeria think Amer
ica is still a land of cow
boys." Other types of en
tertainment, such as jazz
have also become popular
in Nigeria.
"Education is one of the
most needed areas for im
provement," he said. "The
desire for education is al
most insatiable.
Every youth wants a de
gree and we have made
good progress toward this
goal since our independence
in October, 1960.
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Vol. 75, No. 21
The Nebroskan
Monday, Oct. 23, 1961
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Felix Aburime, a University transfer student from
Nigeria, stands before the door in SeUeck Quadrangle
with a wave and a friendly smile for his fellow Ameri
can students.
German to Discuss
Berlin, Democracy
By Jan Sack
A native of Germany, Dr. Carl-Christoph
Schweitzer, will speak at 11 a.m. Thursday in
the Student Union small auditorium about
"Berln Outpost of Democracy."
Born in Germany in 1924, Schweitzer mi
grated to England with his parents n 1939. He
graduated from high school in England and
received his bachelor of arts degree from Ox
ford University.
After graduating from Ox
ford he taught for two years
at a private school at Sd-bergh-
I I bt returned to
Germany to do graduate work
at the University of Freiburg
where he obtained his PhJ)
is IMS.
Dr. Schweitzer was speaker
at the Budestag, equivalent
to the U.S. House of Repre
sentatives, and taught at
Stuttgart from 1&9-13S2.
In 1S5Z he began serving in
& Beadeseeatrale Fer Hri
ntdlcast, Germany equival
ent to the U.S. Information
Administrates. He is present
ly chief of the Division for
Mass Media.
This agency has also fought
YWCA Position
Interviews will be held for
assistant chairman of the
Christian Witness group of
the YWCA oa Thursday
from 4-5. Applications are
in the YWCA office, 33S
Student Union, and can be
picked sp at the beginning
of the week. They must be
returned by Thursday boob.
Walking Author
Visits Nebraska
A walking poet, Jonathan
the remnants of Nazi teach-' read his work
nAAi!it tn fhA f-iAtsf jvt it
ings, especially in the field of
Dr. Schweitzer is also a
member of the Social Demo
cratic Party, which he repre
sents as a member of the
city cocacil in fats hometown.
He is being sponsored joint
ly by the University history
and political science depart
ment and was brought to Lin
coln under the sponsorship of
today at 11 a.m. in the Stu
dent Union.
Williams, publisher of Jar
gon Books, toured the Appala
chian Mountains on foot last
summer. He originally intend
ed to walk to Nebraska from
his borne, according to the
Union talks and topics com
mittee, but tow has decided
to arrive via Volkswagen.
Williams wd spend the early
the Anti-Defamation League part of the week on the Ne-
of B Nai Bntn in umana. braska campus.
Parents Day
Reps Meet
Today, 5 p.m.
There will be a meeting to
day at 5 p.m. in 345 Student
Union for Parent's Day rep
resentatives of the freshmen
classes from all organized
houses, excluding SeUeck and
the Women's Residence Halls.
The purpose of the meeting
is to distribute empty envel
opes to the representatives
who will then take them back
to their living units. The
freshmen will address an en
velope to their parents and
have the representatives re
turn the envelopes to be
staffed and sent out.
SeUeck and the Women's
Residence Halls will handle
the stuffing, using representa
tives selected by the Inno
cents Society.
Upperclassmen and Lincoln
freshmen who missed this
meeting wiQ be able to take
care of Parent's Day arrange
ments for their own parents.
Later in the week, the Daily
N'ebraskan will run a story
providing a Parent's Day
coupon. If those who did not
address an envelope wish to
have their parents participate
in the activities, they can
clip out the coupon and send
it to their parents themselves.
If any questions arise, con
tact Ron Gould at HE 5-9705.
Orchesis Seeks
Dancing Talent
Orchesis, the campus dance
group, is beginning its annual
search for dancing talent.
The club has scheduled a
practice session for prospec
tive members on Wednesday
in Grant Memorial Hall at 7
p.m. Tryouts are scheduled
for the following Wednesday,
Nov. L at 7 p.m.
Nolon, Kuklin Represent NU
At People-to-People
By Tom Kotouc
Student Council members
John Nolon and Chip Kuklin
will act as Nebraska's repre
sentatives October 28-29 at
Kansas University at Lawr
ence and to Kansas City to
study a People-to-People pro
gram to be set up at all Big'
8 schools.
"The People-to-People pro-j
gram could be set up on cam-
pus by a Student Council de-
cision to help foreign students
become better integrated into"
American life and to help!
them in every other way pos-jj
sible," reported John Nolon.
Public Issues chairman at!
Council meeting last week, j
Initiated by William F.
Dawson, a junior at the Uni
versity of Kansas, the People-to-Peopte
Council was set up
at KU in March as a sort of
"stay-at-home Peace Corps
operation to meet the prob
lems of the 2S9 foreign stu
dents at KU, Nolon said.
The People to People Coun
cil idea was prompted when
Dawson discovered that "of
these 260 students from 60
deferent nations, few had
any American friends, most
had never set foot in an
American home, none had
ever seen how American free
enterprise works.
"The Peeple-to-Peeple
Council was given official
recognition late last Spring
and office space in the KU
Student Union was arranged.
"Dawson set up committees I
to arrange forums and social
gatherings, home hospitality
and tours to farms and busi
nesses, job replacement and
a brother-sister program to
help orient new students ar
riving this fall.
"With the cooperation of
the university and local
press, foreign students previ
ously ignored suddenly were
in the spotlight. Farmers had
them oct for w e ek e n d s,
townspeople began inviting
them to their homes for din
ner. "When 56 foreign students
reported to the Council's of
fice the last week of classes
seeking jobs for the summer,
Dawson and Rick Barnes,
chairman of the Job Place
ment Committee contacted
businessmen, newspaper edi
tors, radio stations, Cham
bers of Commerce and oth
ers, barnstorming the state
of Kansas to find jobs," No
lon reported.
"The Oct. 28 meeting at
KU and the Oct 29 meeting
at Kansas City with Joyce
Hall, president of Hallmark
Cards, will explain how we
can get the program started
here," Nolon said. Hall is one
of a great number of influ
ential businessmen across the
US interested in the program.
We will then study our sit
uation, working closely with
the Nebraska International
Association and other inter
ested groups to determine the
need here.
We will also meet Nov. 11th
with former President Dwight
D. Eisenhower at Kansas City
to further develop the People-to-People
Council to check
out final details on the pro
gram, finally reporting to the
Student Council for action,
Nolon said.
The necessity of the People-to-People
Council was brought
home by a recent article ap
pearing' in the Wall Street
Journal stating that more
than half of the 60,000 foreign
students who attend univer
sities in the U.S. each year go
home mad at us.
"Most of these potentially
influential friends for Ameri
ca return disillusioned and
disenchanted with us because
few people show personal in
terest in them," Nolon said.
Biz Ad Seniors, 11 Businessmen
Discuss Interests, Occupations
A Business Administration
Career Day conference Tues
day will offer seniors the op
portunity to discuss their
major interests with business
men from specific fields.
Selling and sales manage
ment will be discussed at 9
a.m. in the auditorium by
Max Freeman, district man
ager of Procter and Gamble
Distributing Co.
Freeman has had over 20
years of experience in the
sales field, including assign
ments to train personnel.
Commercial Banking will
be discussed at 9 a.m. in J poration, Omaha. Parks is al
so regional director of the
rooms 4-5, Social Science
building by Glenn Y a u s s i.
president of the National
Bank of Commerce.
University Grad
Yaussi. a graduate of the
University, has been active
with the bank for a number
of years. His talk will detail
some of the training programs
which banks offer.
Personnel and industrial re
lations will be discussed at
10 a.m. in the Auditorium by
Lee Parks, personnel director
of Securities Acceptance Cor-
Operation Exodus: Why Do Youth Leave State?
Editor's note: This story
Is (he first in a four article
series the exodus ef
youth from the state of Ne
braska. It is an introduc
tion to the story of why
young people, indading
many University graduates,
migrate to other states. The
succeeding articles will ex
amine St ad eat Opiniea,
What is Being Dose about
the Loss of Young People
from the State, and some
answers to the" question "Is
the Grass Really Greener
By Jady Harringtoa
ZENS: A warrant for the ar
rest and safe return of some
runaways. They are all young
Nebraska men and women.
Most are armed with college
diplomas and an urge to trav
el. Their action is considered
dangerous to the progress of
the state.
Young Nebraskans are some
of the biggest runaways in
the country.
By the end of Jane maxy
graduates have packed their
families or their bachelor
wagoa for the big exodos . . .
a move out of the state to
what they call "bigger and
better things. In simpler
language it means more Jobs,
more money, more entertain
ment and milder climates.
Criticism comes from the
four winds.
Recently University of Ne
braska students teed tM on
the subject in the Nebraska
Alumnus magazine.
What's Here?
"What's to keep us here?"
Don Fricke of Hastings asked.
"What is there for our engi
neers? There's no aircraft or
missile industry. Why should
they stay here if they can
make twice as much money
by going to California?"
Lincoln ite Herb Prohasco
answered Fricke. "There
should be some satisfaction
in staying here and having
done something to make the
state a better place. The
move is west and we can ig
nore it or take advantage of
it and build Nebraska.
"Nebraska has nothing but
potentiaL" said Scott Kulin
ger of Hebron. "It has all the
possibilities ta the world.
Marv Ann Harris of BeHe-
vue criticized Omaha high
school administration tor a Go
ing to the problem. "It used
to be that omana oiscouf
Population Migration
Although Nebraska showed a C per cent increase in
population between 1950 and 1968, according, to govern
ment census figures, the state is still losing more citizens
than it is gaining, according to Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer,
professor of statistics and director of the bureau of
business research at the University.
"There should have been a lot bigger population fa
crease based on the birth and death rate atone," Palmer
said. Therefore, Nebraska b suffering a population
Of all living former University stadentc ea file la
the Alumni Asseciatioa office, 55 per cent of the mailing
addresses are out of the state and 45 per cent are lo
cated ta Nebraska.
This figure b not aa exact picture, however, since
the percentages are for "addressograpu plates" only,
and many of the addresses serve more than one Uni
versity ammnss. For instance, a husband and wife would
have the same addressgraph plate.
Of all the University graduates and former students
for whom the Alumni office has addressograph plates,
27,257 are for other states; 22,568 are for Nebraska. These
may be broken dowa as follows:
Alumni Association Paid Members
la other states K7
la Nebraska 43SS
(this includes:
(Omaha "15
(Lincoln L738
(Outstate Nebraska L1S
fa foreign nations C5
la Canada 1
Noa'-merabcrs, but University Alumni
la other states 22,
In Nebraska
These are overall figures and show no recent trends
since they Include all living University graduates and
former students.
aged its students from corn
ice to the University, encour
aging them to go other
places, she said.
"So much depends on our
teachers," Probasco added.
"They are the ones who in
fluence a student's decision
to stay in Nebraska or to
leave. Yet we dont offer
these teachers much in the
way of salaries.
"We are too cynical and
too bitter about the state and
I think we are led along
these lines by the adult gen
eration. They promote Ne
braska as the "White Spot of
the Nation" because we have
the lowest taxes in the coun
try. This only reflects on
what vou are getting in the
way of returns," Probasco
"We're hist a commoa or
dinary agricultural state not
ed for beet came ana corn,
Ronald McKeever of Wymore
concluded. "People in big
cities just don't appreciate
these things."
Who and what's to keep
them home?
The biggest attraction in
the state's favor appears to
be the opportunities it gives
residents to develop their po
tentiaL Yet students, professors,
businessmen and state offi
cials who have answered thus
are quick to add that it takes
initiative to discover and de
velop potential and careers.
Opportunities Knock
Top money and job satis
faction do not leap out at
prospect with the eagerness
of fox terriers. The opportun
ities may knock but seldom
break down the door.
Sam Jensen, a 1961 NU Law
To Build
College graduate, believes
"Nebraska offers young peo
ple an opportunity for lead
ership if they want to lead
and service if they want to
serve.. And they can add to
the good life in Nebraska
which includes in balanced
proportions security and the
realization of ambitions.
"Yet what is most, impor
tant," Jensen- said "is that
there is the opportunity here
for a person to make a im
pact on his community and
state in the fields of indus
trial, educational, cultural
and political leadership. We
need students who will make
(Continued oa Page 4)
American Personnel Associa
Investment banking will be
discussed at 19 a.m. in rooms
! 4-5, Social Science, by James
Litis of EUis-HoIyoke and
Company, Lincoln. '
Ellis is a member of Mid
west Stock Exchange, and
Central States Committee of
the Investment Bankers As
sociation of America. He
win discuss the various
segments of his industry.
Civil Service
Government and Civil Serv
ice careers win be discussed
it n a M i i ...:. :
l a.m. ui uk: Auuiiuiium
oy Lawrence ZoIIar, area
representative of the U.S.
Civil Service Commission,
Accounting win be discussed
at 1:30 p.m. in the Auditori-
! um. Industrial accounting will
be discussed by Paul Cook,
fAttfmlfor Af TaK11a OH fAnt-
ing, Richard Claire, director
of personnel of Arthur Ander-
sen and Company, Chicago,
j Claire has charge of the
' r a :
arrangements iur uie Ameri
can Institute of Certified Pub
lic Accountants. He will dis
cuss how to prepare for a
career in public accounting.
Insurance will be dis
cussed at 1:30 p.m. in rooms
4-5, Social Science- Duane De
maree, general manager of
New York Life Insurance
Company, Lincoln, will dis
cuss life insurance. Leo Beck
Jr., manager of Stuart Insur
ance Office, Lincoln, win dis
cuss property and casualty
Demaree will talk about in
vestment analysis, mortgage
loan specialists, actuaries, as
weH as the job of insurance
Retailing will be discussed
at 3 p.rc. in the Auditorium
by Richard Einstein, vice
president of J. L. Brandeis
and Sons, Inc. Omaha.
Industrial management wifl
be discussed at 3 p.m. in
rooms 4-5, Social Science, by
James Bradley, president of
Dorsey Laboratories, Lincoln.
VccIc of Cornhuskcr Pictures -October 21-27
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