The Daily Nebraskan Friday, October 20, 1961 Abralmmzoii Tells Functions Of New Council Committee Student Ccaucfl public rela tions chairman John Abra hamzon has announced that the functions of the newly- irr SIM or ST. Fan Ivtf Hamburger. .15c Testy Ckeosebwjer . . .19c Trrpte-Tkidc Stoke . . .20c GoMm Fredi Fries . . .10c TMrsr-Queactiina Coke. 10c Detigbtful R leer . .10c Stewmtitf Hot Coffee . .10c Deficiow Orewjt Driek. 10c Jlfrcslms CoM Mi!k . .12c em all mt formed public relations com mittee are 'liaison, coordina tion, assistance and study" amnnit t?w piistin? public re lations committees on cam- pas. At Wednesday's Council meeting, Abrahamzon said that one of bis major commit tee projects was "to coordi nate and assist University student organizations in com bining their efforts when deemed necessary or sepa rate overlapping pro ject s when such measures would be to toe advantage of the overall University public re lations program." By tMs eeerdiaatioa awl assistance, Abrahamzo said, we hope to help la brtngiag at the fell potential of tfee projects vadertakea by van Ms organization, aad do sot isteod to take away projects tr to interfere where sot de sired. A second project of the committee will be to serve as a liaison between adnunis- quentins 1229 E St HE 2-3545 SEE OUR SWEATER COLLECTION LOOK! Domestla and Scorch Shetland ? Crewnecks and Cardigans Danish and Norwegian Ski Sweaters - Slip-Ons on Cardigans Cashmeres and Lambswool White, Block and Colors Fur Blends and Mohairs Coble Knits Hooded, V-Necks Cardigans to 3a Length Coats YOU CAN BE PROUD OF. TOUR CAMPUS SHOP SELECTION OF SWEATERS tration and the University Public Relations Department and those student organiza tions concerned with public relations work for the Uni versity. "We will be asking various student rganizations to adopt this point as eae of their aa naul projects ia the near future," Abrahamzon said. A third function will be "to study the present status and project of student organiza tions dealing with public re lations to determine if or how the student council public re lations committee can assist in removing overlap and dup lication." In the fourth place, the committee win serve "as public relations organ for the Student Council in order to distribute complete and ac curate information about Stu dent Council proceedings and business to the student body. "We have appointed Don Bennett correspondent to the Daily Nebraskan to remove possibility of confusion and inaccuracy in stories, Abra hamzon said. And finally, Abrahamzon reported, we win "assist oth er student council commit tees in the publishing and distribution of student infor mation necessary to the func tion of that committee. Meetings The French Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday in 320 Burnett Hall. There will be election of of ficers, a program of slides with commentary by Fred Conron, group singing, con versation and refreshments. XfpmhershiD is ooen to any one interested in French and France. Dues are 50c per se mester. Delta Sigma Pi, profession al business fraternity, will take a trip to Columbus to day. Tbev wiu tour consum ers Public Power District, Behlen Manufacturing Com pany and Becton-Dickmson & Company. There mill be a Den rallv Saturday night at 7 p.m. at the Municipal airport, cneer- leaders and the pep band will be there. A bus will leave from the north Union door at 6:15 for Tassel members. There will be a coke parry in the Student Union party rooms at 2 p.m. Sunday for new freshman and upperclass members of the YWCA. Skits will be given to introduce the Y to the new freshmen members. No Home Game Leaves Fun-Filled Week-end No home football game and pre-migration e x c i t ement have inspired a rash of house parties this weekend. Houses are also getting together for picnics, bridge parties, hour dances, and hayrack rides. Friday Kappa Delta -Espresso house party, 8:30-11:30. Pi Beta Phi-Delta Upsilon pledge hour dance. Residence Halls Fall Dance, 9-12. Fedde Hall hayrack ride and party, 7:30-12. Love Memorial Hall bouse party, 8:30-11. Towne Club-Ag Men hour dance, 7-8. Beta Sigma Psi costume party, 7-12. Sigma Chi Guns of Navar ro ne bouse party, 9-12. Selleck Quadrangle hayrack ride, 7-12. Saturday Gamma Phi Beta pledge party, 8-12. Kappa Sigma barn house party, 9-12. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Un touchables house party, 8:30-12. w" IN AHd - , I Mmmnw f r'"? Religions Dr. Carl J. Schneider and Dr. Richard W. Solberg will be speakers at an inter-church forum Sunday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in 234 Student Union. The topic for the forum will be "The Political and Re ligious Crisis in East Ger many." The forum is being sponsored by the University Council on Religion. Dr. Schneider is the chair man of the political science department at the University. He has been a professor at the University since 1948. His ENGINEERS SCIENTISTS IF THE SHOE FITS... -..fften we probably have nothing to offer you now. We like to fl1 our big-" ebcQ jobs frorn within. So if you're looking for room to grow, try us. Our eenior engineers and executives of the future must come up from the col lego ranks cf today. Many of our top men began their careers in our engineering departments-and not so long ago. Time now for you to take that first step: sign up for an interview with the men from. General Dynamics. See your placement officer or write Mr. H. T. Brooks, Manager cf Personnel Placement, General Dynamics, P.O. Box 2672, San Diego, 12, Ccjlf. An Equal Opportunity Employer CZZZZTZAL DYWAJVSIC3 CORPORATION Activities special field is comparative government. Dr. Solberg. chairman of the history department of Augus tana College in Sioux Falls, S.D., has been with the col lege since 1945. He is the au thor of two books which deal with the part the church plays in Germany. Programs for the religious bouses are: UNITED CAMPUS CHRIS TIAN" Fellowship: 10:45 a.m. The Canaanites are Every where; 5:30 p.m. Forum Fel lowship dinner; 6:15 p.m. Ves pers; 6:30 p.m. Forum discus sion; and 8 p.m. Residents seminar in Christianity. LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL: 9:30 a.m. Bible class; 10:45 p.m. worship; 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Association; and 6:30 p.m. forum. NEWMAN CLUB: Newman Club birthday party from 3 to 8 p.m open bouse, enter tainment, games, refresh ments . The service hours at SL Nicholas House have been changed. Holy Communion is at 8:30 and morning prayer at 10:30; evening prayer is at 5 p.m. and the Canterbury As sociation meets at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and the program. Coed Honorary Names Eight EigM women students were pledged Wednesday to Alpha Lambda Delta, national scbo-J lastic fraternity for freshmen " women. The students who main tained a 7.5 overall for their jj freshmen year are: Bonnie! Benda, Kay Casey, Kathryn Famer, Karea Glena, Susan Salter, BiEie Spies, Joyce Thomas and Nadise Turner. Initiation wiD be held Dec . Sigma Alpha Mu hayrack ride, 9:3ML Sigma Phi Epsilon Roaring 20's -house party, 8-12. Zeta Beta Tau Paradise party,-8-12. Sunday Alpha Phi-Delta Tau Delta picnic, 2-6. Delta Delta Delta-Phi Gam ma Delta pledge get-acquainted function, 5-7. Delta Gamma-Kappa Kap pa Gamma bridge dessert, 3-5. Residence Halls head resi dent tea,. 3-5. I, , -' rcs EEBEIC KHCKi BssJa NCK CLAH fcel&a! EDDIE ALBERT C TK3 i Jj A HERITAGE OF TRUTH . . . FRONTIER OF FREEDOM . . . LIGHTING AMERICA'S WAY- mmmm Your i Newspaper Brings You Features and News Editorials and thought provoking columns founded to print the truth as we see it. Your pennies also buy you a stake in America's future. DAIUY NEBRASKAN km. Vl Nebraska Union pemom urnta. mmom. our 4 n. memm biXM. H. waew. tuas GIIIIIIilD plains Ulalh 4 WMMW ------ llfia 1127 "BT Street COLLEGS HALL flea k apSs8f dmi mm A mmr Harik Tmm& Cw mow tappi Am 0ms. bat el cf fcaattf tt2aw tt tm m&m pafmrta. Honk TI h VJ 4 ftr qpct coo. I I . i i fr f I t i i r.,i V I V