The Daily Nebraskan .Wednesday, October 18, 1.96! Page 2 EDITORIAL Nigerian Is Corps Hurdle The new Peace Corps program met its first outside criticism last weekend in the form of a student protest in Nigeria, Africa, which has caused an uneasy feeling in several quarters concerning the Corps. I The demands of the Nigerians called for the ousting of a Peace Corpswoman and (he entire program in that country because of a postcard written by the American girl calling the living conditions "primitive." The Students Union President Dapo Falase of the University of Ibadan, where the postcard was reprinted and circulated among 1,500 students, said the Peace Corps intention was first to spread what he called Amer ican imperialist propaganda in Africa and second "to spy on what you are doing." In writing the postcard we feel sure the girl, 23-year-old Margery Michelmore of Foxboro, Mass., had no inten tion of condemning the country for its present living con ditions. She probably, we feel, was surprised at the way the Nigerians lived and merely wrote facts on a card. There may be a lesson in this experience. As was pointed out by the Daily Nebraskan in earlier issues after talks with the assistant director of public relations for the Corps, these students in Africa are among those who are well-versed in the Marxist doctrine which does not exactly support our way of life It is natural to expect the Nigerians, especially the students, to be cautious of the visiting Corpsmen. By the same token, these same young American citizens should be the first to recognize their own close surveillance. The lesson: When in Rome do as the Romans do or better yet, watch your actions when you are guests in a foreign country. Like it or not the Peace Corps is barely off the ground and the chances for a major crash is entirely possible. Another point which should be brought out at this time concerns the relative freedoms a Corpsman should expect in a foreign country. At the case often times is the Peace Corps has been compared to foreign military service. When an American citizen enters the service, he agrees to curb some of his freedoms. Such is the case if this country is to maintain a purposeful and useful armed force for national security. We feel the acceptance of a Peace Corps position requires basically the same thing. The main point being this: these Americans are visitors and they cannot expect to ran around blasting everything and everybody in sight because they had the right to do so back in the states. I However, it is our feeling Union acted in haste. Although we do not condone the postcard we feel several things should have been clear to the Nigerian who attacked the Peace Corps before he is sued his statement First on this list of considerations deals in the area of common logic. Let ns assume this particular student or even the group he represented may or may not have taken a dim view of the project before the Americans arrived. Regardless, the Nigerian government, according to procedure, agreed to accept the Corps for one single reason this group of specialists were willing to give their time and effort to help develop certain areas of living in Nigeria. The tangible benefits all go to the foreign conn try. It would seem only likely that the Nigerians would give the program a chance to work. This is assuming, of course, the people and stodentrpf Nigeria did net over whelmingly object to having Americans in their homes which must have been the case otherwise, no Peace Corps for Nigeria in the first place. Secondly, when can a letter filled with facts of poor living conditions (most of which we assume are true) be so construed so as to be labled "imperialist propa ganda"? Each year foreign peoples visit the United States and make their own observations. Often times these views are expressed criticisms of our way of life. Often these views are printed or otherwise aired to the American publie. Backed by true fact or not, these ex pressions are not surpressed ' The present situation is not one which we hope will lead to the withdrawal of the Nigerian Peace Corps pro gram. Ia the same light we, as supporters of the Corps, sincerely hope this is not the start of the crumbling of the total program throughout the world. As we mentioned earlier, this incident is a test The Corps must pass it and we feel it will. The Peace Corps will take, however, a dedicated effort on both sides of the picture to enable future success. 3 r n PRACTICE, IT Daily Nebraskan Member Awoeiated Cotter'ato Ftes, faterwUlonal Treat g EcpreMaUthre: Kattonaf A4vertlta terrU, LMrpml Published fti: Kaon St, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. SEVEJmr-ONB TEARS OLD 14tfc ft TcJepbra EE 1-7821 ext. 4225. 4228. 4227 kMfVtxa eaaee tnllrf aeeaeawa ar S far ate MM jw. g - tMmt aa tnmrf etaae iwllv a Ska "few a I. Katmata, fj Th tnuit XrfcM ta aaaxaarn1 Hwltf. Taartti, WsSaiSar aa FN- S 4mr aartaa; the erfceel m, cwat aaitt WMWa Hmt mm , ar S atwaxn at the lalevwitr a JMrraefcej " MtUMftaauM er Mm , imiiiiux 5 n tttm4-m (etre ee M mtrwotitm 4 man rMtMi mmm Ika S tr4iiMa at i Irtoamliua aa wmt rmmtnuma mm aa ttm fa g atwtwl nmnMa m V mrt af v (MMvMnmMu or aa law aart a aaf 5 amMt Hw Cm rarnntty. Tlw mmmtirn taa ItaRr auff aa 9 fnmaitf rrn-)(Ja fat wfcat chrr m, t 4m, m taaia ta ta araMa. S Vakraary . Uaa. rHar Kana aty g fcuMto AHm OfUmm Martian, a hw t. w Aaa Mint S -" lrtr .... WaaltaMB g i.tiat ... Of i.mi 3 trnvr rtin , .Beaaar inttmt. Ism B'rfWrt. ilm twmmX S ." PMImT KaatT WkHIm. faa Karta Q aiaif ttrttra arr WMiMt, itm fa mntrn tan Kalaw. aa Mr. MUM Mulaaa aa HaaUt B ul fatimtiMiaf......... , ., , taH Bajnlif E Bljrra HhTT S MlMMtffW" r , , f, , 4 ClrcaiaUaa OPINION Protest that the Nigerian btuaents' 1 OMP'i I'VE SWEO 60 MAhV 60WS m SHOES ARB wearing cur; CMriew at Ornate WrM SmM r r " 't ! f .a&aSJ ltf,'SfJ fi C VPSSSSfftaTWfJHP 3 .aa In I V"' 'Si The University ""T3J j THIMKPART 1 If n ju.aouii ji "How many of you," the philosophy professor asked, "believe, in the existence of God?" He walked up and down a little. No hands went up. "Good. I'll give you Anselm's proof for the existence of God." In a few minutes, tfie professor presented the proof. "Now," he paused. "How many of you see any thing wrong in this proof?" No hands went up. "Well, then some of you now believe in God. How many?" Still no hands went up. When the pro fessor told about it later he shrugged. "What can you do when thinking doesn't seem to make any difference?" . The current October, issue of Harper's contains a M pago supplement en The College Scene. Tire above anecdote and the remainder of t lis series is paraphrased or quoted direct! from this scintillating supplement. The object: to stir one dor mant mind to think. Large gaps and quali fications exist in mis brief presentation. HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE Many American parents send their chil dren to college because they prefer frater nity beer parties and coeducational cram sessions to street-corner society or early marriage or military service. Some schools tend to perpetuate the high school's PROBLEM OF THE WEEK In Rifle Row live five officers; they are a Brig adier, a Colonel, a Major, a Captain, and a Lieuten ant and their names (not necessarily respectively) are Grenade, Howitzer, Mustardgas, Tank, and Vereylight. Each of them has one sister and one only, and each is married to the sister of one of the other officers. One at least of the brothers-in-law of, Mustardgas is his superior in rank. The f ollowirfg par- ticulars of service are available: The Captain .did not serve In Gallipoli. Both brotbers-I-law of Howitzer served ia France, as did both brothers-in-law of Tanli, bat neither brother-in-law of the Brigadier. Tank served in Palestine with both his brothers-in-law; the Lieutenant did not. The Colonel served ia China with both bis brothers-la-law. Tank served in China with both his brothers-in-law in Gallipoli, but be did not serve in China. Vereylight did lot serve either in GaUJpoIl er ia Palestine. What is the name of each of the five officers? BRING OR SEND SOLU TIONS TO 210 BURNETT Answer to last weeks problem: The full name of each of the players was Jack Conner, Tom Mor gan, Bill Wells, and AI Smith. Correct solutions were submitted by Roger Becker, Robert Bramble, Louie Dagger, Keith Kroon, Tom Pralle and William Feisler. A date to remember . . SU3J2CT JL DATE. Caterpillar . qotober . far I 30-31 Engines 4 If you're about to receive your B.S. or US. engi neering degree, Caterpillar Tractor Co. is interested in you. Caterpillar is the World's leading manufacturer of Diesel Engines-Tr4xon-Earthinoving Equipment Our products are everywhere . . . doing the work of the world . . . getting big jobs done in big ways. At Caterpillar you'll be doing important and satls xying work in RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - DESICN - SALES - SERVICE - and many other elds. What's more, youH be able to grow - solidly and steadily along with us. Start thinking about CatcrpCLir now. Tour Place ment OSce has more information about vs. CATERPILLAR TRACT03 CO. foria, Ulmok Wc art en equal opportunities employer. assumption that students are immature and irresponsible youngsters who must ' be told exactly what to do and shown exactly how to do it The whole college program becomes an obstacle rather than . an opportunity, and the student's relation ship with his professor is confined to "figuring out what he wants"and giving it to him. . . Some undergraduates want their college to be just like any other office, at which they would arrive at nine o'clock to put in tight hours of work for a decent wage of grades and course credits (convertible in due course to degrees and hence cash). POLITICS In order to maintain his status and his privilege, the, student is supposed to keep out of trouble. His politics must be con ducted in approved ways. "Student gov ernment" is encouraged not to give the students an opportunity to govern them selves, but as a way of rendering genuine political interest innocuous. All the political trimmings are there except the real issues and the real relation between action and power which are the very sub stance of politics. Anything approaching serious and controversial politics runs the danger of being considered "off-campus" and not sterile enough for student participation. AFROTC Tett Set The U.S. Air Force officer qualification tests will be giv en at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 21 in the Drill Hall of the Mil itary and Naval Science Build ing. An applicants for ad vanced AFROTC in February and May of 1962, as well as students without particular AFROTC intentions may take the tost Flowerpot By By Gretchen Sehllberg Soon there will be Home coming displays springing up' in yards all over the campus. And they will be displays with catchy slo gans and corn cobs with muscu lar kernals and shot down J-Hawks. But all this with no d i r ection. . Moveme nt (via pledge power) maybe, but no direction. Homecoming will have no direction (other than home) because we have no theme. Its just a bunch of kids who spend time stuffing in the hopes that It will help our guys beat their guys. And its a bunch of the far re moved old salts coming back to join the young peppers in watching Big Red go. We need a theme. A suggestion to next year's Homecoming display chairman since it is too late this year when we zap 'em, or shoot 'era down, or barbeque them, or jinx 'em, or tweet 'em wuff, why not stop aiming in the dark for a slogan? Those who made the treck to CU last year for migra tion saw how well their "Americana" theme worked By limiting the field of ideas to history, the campus had displays depicting many dif ferent events in history which still had some de gree of unity (they were all historic). By limiting the themes to a general area, yon actual ly get better house displays because groups don't run off in 50 different "fantaaas tic" directions which are never really that fantastic. Another sugestion for next year's Homecoming dis plays: combine men's and women's houses. Girls have that natural stuffing ability but are nihil with a ham mer while boys are adept on a step ladder but dislike diddling with chicken wire. A perfect combination. The men's house can carpenter, the women's house can cov- er the display. This sytem The day you know you must provide Suddenly, the future security When you remember, as a Lutheran you can turn to our Brotherhood Provider Plan Tbis k specially important when you think of the family rpoiuri bilituM in your future; It'i reaMuring to own Brotherhood Provider now , , , aairwt the day vhen you know you mM prtnide. Look at theoe big advantagtf : f 10,000 of permanent, dividend paying life uwurance. If yon retire at 65, you can get 113,000 in cmd a return of f 1.83 for each dollar invested. LUTHKHAM ' 4 fcaa. eawra. UtK INtVHANCE tocUl, - MKM fuU-wlor riprvduetuHi ilfT g t4") at Martin luthrr wiaaW idtat Oil M, KOfiC J727 "N" Straaf Liacola 19, Nabr.ska I OVAL I s "he new oval cut V, I 'WtjT vj diomond looks larg- A y, if I f$&y er ond more briHiont - : ' v C ,r'J- ian 0 rourK cu i' !! fe., V5;; jrJ equoJ weight. You Ijp must see it to op- v! Nk?'' preciote its true X ;jz beouty. $125. SARTOR'S JEWELRY ; 1200 O STREET ;: WILLIAM THOMPSON AGENCY 209 N. Sisrh Straa aatrica, Nebraska Phones CAnol 3-4119 Gretchen Shellberg would certainly save money, and what group couldn't use an extra $100 in the treas ury? And besides, kiddies, there's nothing more fun than coeducational activities especially if they aren't ed ucational. And so, children (fresh men, sophomores and jun iors who will be around next year to effect some change), look around you come No vember 4. What a h o d g e podge it will be. Girls, think of your banged up thumbs from those leacher ous old hammers and boys, think of your cramped legs from a long stuffing session. And everybody think of the parties you could have with the money you could save if you combined efforts on next year's Homecoming display. And then do something about it. Letterip The Dalir Nebraska will aablluk anlr those lelleri whlck are lined. Ther mar be ubinitlea' vtth a pea name ar till Hi 1 1. However, letter! will be arlated under a pen aame ar nil. tialt only at the editor'i dlecretloa Letters ek-euld not exeeed too wards, Vrbei letter exceed this limit the Ne braskan reserves the rirht ia eaa dense Ibera, retalnlac the writers views. To the Editor: Concerning the Univer sity Talent Show: Since the Big Eight Tal ent Show of three years ' ago proved to be too ' much of a burden finan cially for other participat ing schools, Nebraska was forced to drop the idea. It was felt that the idea of presenting Nebras ka student talent was good, however, and the campus talent show was continued. In conjunction with this year's Talent Review, Ne-" braska Union has orig inated the idea of pro viding a file of available talent. Calls to the versity requesting talent of all sorts are channeled to the Union Program Office. This file will W a service to the Lincoln community and to the stu dents who may benefit fi nancially from it. All fac ulty and student acts auditing will be ranked (Continued on page 4.) 'i NajaSLt li . iff problem of your seems to shrink... If you die at 65, your beneficiary SeU $16,760 your total investment i only $7,097. a Lutheran Brotherhood pays' aQ premiums if you are totally disabled before 60. All this and wort for an invest ment of just $161.30 a year . . . about 44 a day. You pay more than this for lunch. , Right now, think about yoar future . . . the future of those who will depend on you. Call your Lutheran Brotherhood eampua representative and join the thousands of Lutherans who enjoy security and peace of mind in the bond of Lutheran Brotherhood. Bvmd aa aaa tl aaa1 aa earrani aWiaW rata, which is net 0rmnti. RRiYTHP'Punr.ri va ..uAiivviy , 701 gacand Are. 80, MiBneaDoHa I, MIm. Mail tar rut tilt and iauU tUTHEBAW BROTHERHOOD Dept. SO-7 701 Senas' Aveatu ttvOi , Misiwapolil I Urnm 2e JUt PUoh furnitk mtt D tanit Uttsrsa etteiliaal lit leiifflae Ires fefKsdiKtwa at Martin LvtMr LII J. MAHLOCH 1715 E. Sfrt Lincoln, Nebraska