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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1961)
Work-Scholarship Plan in Third Year of Operation By Janet Sack Work-scholarships work well. These sentiments are echoed by Bob Barnes, as sistant director of the Ne braska Union, and Alfred Calvert, manager of Sel leck Quadrangle. The freshman work-scholarship program was put in to effect three years ago, according to Dr. A u b r e y Forrest, director of the of fice, of scholarship and fi nancial aid. Some 200 jobs both on and off campus are now re served for the program. As many as 500 jobs could be provided if there was enough demand. Under the work-scholarship program the student agrees to adjust his class Forty Homecoming Ideas Display Themes Given Approval The Innocents Society has approved 40 Homecoming display themes, according to Al Plummer, Homecoming chairman. Earlier the Innocents had also raised the maximum amount to be spent for each display from $150 to $250, effec tive this year. During the consideration of the themes, Plummer said several themes had to be changed for various reasons. Men's houses and halls themes: ! Acac'.a I dreamed I; chalked the Jayhawks in my Maidenform bra; Alpha Gam ma Rho Flush the Jay hawks; Alpha Gamma Sigma Huskers Shoot the Moon. Alpha Tan Oega Husker Bowl Featuring: The Flint- stones; Beta Sigma Psi Fore cast: A Victory; Beta Theta Pi Come on Elwood, Punt ... The Jayhawks; Delta Sigma Phi Scare the Jay hawks White; ' Delta Sigma Pi Corn husker Pet Shop; Delta Up silon Scare the Jays; Farm house Pluck the Jayhawks; Kappa Sigma NU Twister Skins Jayhawks; Phi Delta Theta Bury 'em; Phi Gam ma Delta-Zap the Jayhawks; Pi Kappa Phi Lick 'em; Sig ma Alpha Epsilon Shoot 'em krwn; Sigma Alpha Mu Bury the Hawks in Stalks; Sigma Chi Huskers Have a Royal Flush; Sigma Nu Stomp the Jayhawks; Sigma Phi Epsilon Well Done Huskers; Theta Chi Con centration; Theta Xi J Hawk Jinxed by Big Red .Sphinx; Selleck Quadrangle Barbecue those Birds; Corn husker Co-op Jayhawks Shoti Down; Burr Hall Recipe: for Victory, "Jayhawks Well-: Beaten." j Women's themes Include: j Alpha Chi Omega Bye hve Birdie; Alpha Omicron Pi Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, JayhawEs Burn s.A Cauldron Bubble!; Alpha Phi We Can, Can the Jay-; hawks; ' Alpha XI Delta Let's a Salt 'em; Chi Omega Sbock'em off the Field; Del ta Delta Delta Treat'em Tough; Delta Gamma Hot est Brand Going; Gamma Phi Beta They Autumn Fall j Kappa Alpha Theta Sen d- Vm Back Where They Came From; Kappa Delta NU's gift to KU; Kappa Kappa Gamma We're Armed for Victory; Pi Beta Phi We're Expecting Victory; Sigma Delta Tau Fry those Jayhawks; Sigma Kap pa Lock em Up; Zeta Tau Alpha Huskers Dive, Stop Jayhawks Soar; Womens Residence Hall Who Plucked the Jayhawks. File for Certificates All students who expect to receive bachelors or ad vanced degrees or teaching certificates at the close of this semester should apply by Nov. L Application then Id be' made at tbe Registrar's Office, 208 Administration between the boors of S:39 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or S:3I a.m. to noon oa Saturday. Nearly New Shop Sells Used Ilemi Everything from clothing to furniture is offered for sale at the ""Nearly New; Shop" sponsored by the Fac ulty Wives every Thursday from 7 p.m. to S p.m. in the old Wilson Hall on R St Faculty members have do-; nated men's, women's and children's clothing, furniture, curtains, lamps, electrical ap pliances and time to this project All students, single and married, may buy these articles. The money received -Willi go to the Student Loan Fund. load and schedule around his employment schedule; report for work the first day of new student week; work an assigned schedule every week of the school year or arrange for and reimburse an acceptable substitute and fulfill the requirements of the assigned job including week-end employment with one week-end per month normally open. Majority Dr. Forrest said the. ma jority of work-scholarships are given with a gift or loan scholarship or both and are tied in with the rest of the scholarship program. During the first year of the program 100 jobs were provided with the concentra tion of students working in Bill Holland Is Rhodes Candidate Two Finalist Will Represent Nebraska A senior civil engineering student, William Holland, has been chosen as the Univer sity's representative for t h e Rhodes Scholarship competi tion, according to assistant dean of the College of Art and Sciences, Dr. Walter F. Wright Holland ranks fifth scholas tically among the University upperclassmen with an over all average of 8.6V9 for 112 hours of credit earned. He will appear before the state Rhodes selection c m mittee ia December. The com mittee will nominate two state representatives who will then compete ia district competi tion involving six states. Four scholarships win be awarded ia the district If Holland is selected to re ceive a Rhodes scholarship he plans to, study literature at Oxford University. He has been a member of the University rifle team for four years and was selected last spring as a member of the Big Eight All-Conference rifle team. Holland is a member of Theta Xi fraternity, past staff member of the National Head quarters of Pershing Rifles, a member of the Student Trib- unal. Pi Mu Epsilon math1 honorary and first vice-president of Phi Eta Sigma men's' scholastic honorary. He is also a member of the Innocents Society. I Benitez Says U.S. Lacked Foresight The Chancellor of the Puerto Rican University, Jaime Benitez, said Tuesday morning that the Castro re gime in Cuba would have fallen by now if America had not shown such lack of fore sight in lie manner ia which they handled the situation. Benitez, addressing a Stu dent Union sponsored convo cation in the ballroom, said one of the greatest mistakes was allowing Cuba to become an issue of the International oold war. The Puerto Rican chancel lor said the Dominican Re public should be a point of concern to the U.S. at pres ent He expressed his opinion that the Dominican Republic could still be raved for de mocracy but that the U.S. cannot expect the land to be come a democracy overnight, unaided. ' He contended that the big gest problem facing the United States today is tbe se lection and thorough training of the right people to serve as leaders in both private and public life. He continued that the same problem faced the Latin American countries and only with the elimination of tbe in efficiency in the "training grounds" could tbe conflicts and misunderstandings ot the western hemisphere be evolved. the Women's Residence Hall, Selleck Quadrangle, the Student Union and Love Memorial Library. Other departments on campus al .so participate in the pro gram as well as a few off campus businesses. "These kids have worked out better as a whole than any other group," Dr. For rest said. "Motivation is an Important criteria because these kids have to work." .The Union benefits from the work-scholarship pro gram because the students .are of high quality a njjq ui the Vol. ,75, No. 19 Auto By Tom Kotoue "Parking is not an acute problem now at the Univer sity," said James Pittinger, Chancellor's assistant, yester day. "Convenience" is the park ing problem that exists today and not the available space on or around the campus, he said, even though over 40 of University students drive cars. One student driver has found the an swer to tbe parking problem off campus drive a motor scooter. He parked his scooter in a meterless corner of the Stu Aikens' Speech Outlines Industrial Uses of Atoms The present widespread uses of radioisotopes in indus try were outlined Tuesday at tbe University conference on applications of atomic energy. A. E. Aikens, Jr., in charge of the Nuclear Engineering department f Budd Co., Pboenixville, Pa., told the con ferees at the Nebraska Cen ter for Continuing Education that the general areas of use are nondestructive testing, in strumentation, medical ther apy and research. Nondestructive testing through gamma radiography enables industry to examine, via photography, the Inside of material such as the testing of metal casting and weld strengths, be laid. Messages By Cloyd Clark Survival biscuits, edible films and eggs with messages are taking the spotlight in communities across the state as the University "Agriculture in tbe Space Age" tour be gins. The tour is one of several being conducted by land grant colleges and universities together with the Union Pacific Railroad to mark the centennial of the land-grant college system. - Tbe three week tour, which begins today w ill stop hi U towns and cities across the state to permit students from area high schools to witness demonstrations of new develop ments in agriculture. Tbe Union Pacific Agricultural Improvement Car will be filled witt demonstrations in animal and plant science and science in home economics. Highlight of the animal science demonstration is expect ed to be the opening of an egg which contains a message inside tbe yolk. The feat will be made possible by new techniques developed by tbe Nebraska department of poul try husbandry. Tbe plant science demonstration will feature new in dustrial uses for agricultural products such as starches for edible films in ood packaging. Participants In the "A g and Space Age" program will be offered sample "Nebraskits," tbe new survival biscuits developed by the state department of agriculture. Dr. & F. Frolik, dean of the College of Agriculture, will appear on a five-minute film at the end to emphasize have been carefully screened, Barnes said. The high quality stems from the fact that the students have to work. Top Employees . "Those that stay on after their freshman year become top employees," Barnes said. "At this point we stand behind it completely," said Barnes. "Although we lost several of the students, this is only natural in the period of readjustment for fresh tften. I expect they will be back later on this year" BftllSf." Space Capt. Eugene Masters of the campus police reports that in a survey taken every hour cf every day for a week last year at this time there were some 330 spaces avail able at all times. Of these, 150-175 spaces were at Ne braska Hall lot In addition, he said, there were always spaces open on the city streets as the 16th and Vine roads. - SCOOTED IN The use of radioisotopes is instrumentation can deter mine the density or thickness of material, such as the detec tion of level in blast furnaces, he explained. "Isotopes for medical ther apy are used primarily in the treatment of cancer by injec tion of isotope solutions, im plantation of soli! itclopes in to an organ and exposure of organs from an external source." A considerable amount of research is under way to pro duce high purity silicon, the production of better paper, the modification of plastic structures and the possibility of increasing radiation toler ance ia anirnaii and ultimate ly, man, he added. Tour Midwest In Eggs Calvert expressed the same opinion, stating that the boys have worked out very well. The students are responsible and know how to handle responsibility. "We are back of the work-scholarship program 100 percent," Calvert said. "The program actually works two-fold: It gives them a place to live and a place to work." Student Employment In connection with the work-scholarship program is the student employment service, Richard Mace, co TV JV The Ne&raskan On Tuesday and Thursday all day and on Monday, i Wednesday, and Friday after- noons space is available in I the meter lots and most other areas on campus, Mas ters said. The total number of faculty-student parking permit sales is down 200 from last year, from 5100 total sales last year at this time. The decrease is due how- r mmm 'Not dent Union parking lot When all the stalls are full, those corners come ia bandy! Are car registrations decreasing due to a scooter boom? RAM Encourages Dorm Interaction The Residence Association for Men is seeking a greater degree of inter-dorm co operation according to Roger Dodson, president RAM is asking the secretary of each "house" to report oa activities, intramurals, so cial functions and scholarship. The suggestion was submitted by Loren Fairbanks. The first meeting will be Thursday at 7:00 p.m. ia the RAM Council Room, 7005. RAM council, at its met tin e Monday night, also discussed Kfah1iKhinp an area in the quadrangle for popping corn ana tne possininiy ci naving coed dining arrangements with the girls' dorm at Sun day dinner. No final action was taken on these two items. the tangible returns from research and education in terms of the economic development of Nebraska-. , Center Discussed Tbe Nebraska Center for Continuing Education will be discussed by Dr. Frolik as one of the means. people of all ages will have to gain the knowledge they need for their everyday lives in the future. Another purpose of the "Ag and Space" program wfll be to acquaint the young people of Nebraska with the opportunities for careers in agriculture. Tbe new developments in agriculture such as those ex hibited in tbe "Ag and Space Age" program are resulting ia a host of new job opportunities for trained people, ac cording to Dr. Franklia Eldridge, director of resident In struction at tbe College of Agriculture. "Many times a farm background is not a requirement lor these jobs. In reality, science in agriculture involves the application of basic scientific techniques to the production and utilization of agricultural products," Or. Eldridge slated. "li students today are to take advantage of stew job opportunities in agriculture tomorrow, they must prepare by obtaining a well-rounded education. Only then can they expect to take advantage of tbe challenges that lie ahead," Dr. Eldrige asserted. , The lour began in'weslern Nebraska at Kimball yester day and will proceed across the state in the next three weeks. These stops will be included: Sidney, Oct 17; Chap peli Oct 18; OgaHala, Oct 19; Gothenburg, Oct 20; North Platte, Oct 23; Oshkosh, Oct 24; Gering,Oct25; Lexington Oct 30; Kearney, Oct 31; Central City, Nov. 1; Fremont, Nov. 2; and Elkhorn, Nov. 1 ordinator of student employ ment, said 1,289 students have registered with that office for work since June 1. The total for all of last year was only 1,000. The office has a minimum of 733 jobs on file and to date 605 students have been placed directly through the office, Mace said. "The service is provided for both men and women and anyone really inter ested and in need of a job can get help in finding one," Mace said. The Student Employment Convenien ever. Masters said, to a smaller number of student permits issued immediately after registration and do not reflect any trend or change in parking and car owning habits. Sale of permits is now pick ing up and is running from 30 to 50 each day as com pared with 2 or 3 daily last year at this time. Student Parking Available for student use, Masters said, are 2231 spaces on city campus and 55 on Ag campus plus sorority and fra ternity lots and city streets as 16th, Vine, and Avery, which are not included in the above total.' For faculty use there are 460 spaces on city campus and 276 on Ag campus with over 100 more faculty stickers issued to date this year than last, said Masters. "Even with 7996 students on city campus and 980 on ag, and over 40 driving cars," Pittinger said, "we should be able To keep pace over the next 5 to 10 years with the increase without restricting the number of students who can take out permits." We are increasing the amount of available Univer sity parking space yearly. In spile of the fact that the Uni versity is a tax supported in stitution, he said, it is not re quired to provide parking space at a cost to the student of only nine cents per month. We should be able to keep Biz Ad Luncheon Joins Students, Businessmen Senior Business Administra-l turn students will have an op-j portunity to discuss their ma-. FRED SEATON V , HHnin . I LlJ Service has listings for stu dents with experience in engineering, ' architecture, stenography, service station zrk, clerking, waitress ' work, yard work, truck driving, library work as well as opportunities for girls to live in homes and help with children. This is not the full extent of the kinds of jobs, he said. Since pay in a job is us ually a vital factor, a wide range of salary is offered with the various jobs. Salar ies range from $ .75 to $2.00 an hour. Wednesday, October 18, 1961 9 ahead of additional require ments for parking space through our present program of adding more space yearly as we did last year throueh the opening of the areas east ot tne Delta Upsilon house to parking. With the purchase of t h e Northwestern Metal Company grounds and the construction of the interstate spur from 10th street and purchase of land east of the present Uni versity boundries, future re quirements should not be im possible to keep pace with, he added. Practically, however, P 1 1 tinger stated, a student doestn't need a car as he ar rives on campus to get his education. Again its a matter of convenience and desire to step out of the car at the door of the class to be at tended. Thus imposing the restric tion that no freshmen or no freshmen and sophomores can have cars on campus as Wis consin does is only a possi bility for five to ten years hence, he concluded. Student Teachers Teachers in secondary education who are planning to student teach second semester must turn in their applications by Nov. 1. Ap plication blanks are now available in 103 Teachers College. jor interest with a business man from that field at the Careers Day luncheon to be held at noon, Oct. 24, in the Pan American room of the Union. Fifteen Lincoln business men are to host the reniors in this effort to bring the student into contact with ac tual business. Tbe luncheon is free, but seniors planning to attend must sign up in the place ment office in 214 Social Sci ences by Saturday. Places are still available and students are urged to attend. Fred Sea ton, Nebraska businessman and diplomat, will speak at the awards ban quet which will conclude tbe Careers Day activities. Since leaving the political arena, Seaton has returned to Nebraska to run numerous Midwest radio and television broadcasting concerns and publishing companies of which be is president His political career began in 1922 with Young Republi cans and progressed to tbe position of personal advisor to President Eisenhower dur ing the Wil campaign. Having served on Eisenhow er's cabinet as Secretary of the Interior, Seaton's speech will be "Appraising the So viet Challenge." Tbe Awards Banquet is open to anyone wishing to attend. Tbe Golden Key award and scholastic and monetary f cbolarships will be presented at the banquet, which will be held at f :39 p m. in the Paa American room of the Union, Oct. 24. Tickets at $1-75 each are available this week only from the ticket desk located on the landing between first and sec ond floors at the north end of Social Sciences or from any member of Delta Sigma Pi and Phi Chi Theta, men's and women's professional business fraternities. Careers Day is sponsored by the Business Administra tion Executive council. s in '"! S n. ' il i, to L