The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 17, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Tuesday, October 17, 1961
Ag YMCA Founder, Counselor
Leaves Post After Forty Years
A University staff member whose name has been
synonymous with the Agricultural College branch of the
YMCA (Ag-Y) for almost 40 years is almost retiring from
active association with the group but not quite.
Dr. Carl E. Rosenquist, who organized the Ag-Y in
1923 and helped hold it together through some difficult
early years, is relinquishing his longtime post as Ag-Y
advisor. But his name is still connected with the student
group as honorary chairman of the 1961-62 membership
drive which opens with a kick-off dinner Wednesday.
After laying the foundation of Ag-Y In 1923, Dr. Rosen
quist left Nebraska to teach at the University of Illinois
for tw years. When he returned to the state, he found he
fledgling rganizaion struggling for survival. He Immedi
ately began to rebuild it.
"We instigated a program designed to help freshmen,"
he recalled. "I spent many evenings in the Ag-Y room in
Agricultural Hall helping freshmen with their courses."
Emphasis on "how to study" aimed primarily at freshmen
was continued for many years.
A sister "Y" organization on the city campus grew,
shriveled and "died on the vine," Dr. Rosenquist noted,
but the Ag-Y has been continuously active through the
years, and members are looking forward to its 40th an
niversary in the spring of 1962.
Discussion about religion and student problems were
very common in earlier meetings of Ag-Y, as is true today,
the longtime botany professor observed.
"In the early days, many freshmen in college were
away from home for the first time. They needed help and
understanding. They needed the company of other boys
who had the same ideals and problems. They also needed
to work out and embrace a philosophy of life wiUi God
as the focal point," he concliHed.
Richard Bringelson, ApY president, said it is hoped
that current membership o. 25 can be doubled during the
impending membership drive. Ag-Y membership chair
man Elray Nieman has named Jay Graf as "head boss
of the drive. j
Graf will work with "section bosses" Ray Preston and
Jesse Felker who in turn are supervising six "freshmen"
and 24 "riders." The total membership team of S3 men
Ag students will call on 165 prospects, with the drive
slated to end October 26.
Spanish Club Elects
Officers for New Year
The Spanish Club has elect
ed its officers for the coming
The new officers and their
posts are Christy Froschheus
er, president; Don Squire,
vice-president; and Jose
Rodriguez, secretary-t teas
urer. Dr. Robert Esquenazi
of the romance language de
partment is the new faculty
The first Spanish Club event
will be the dance Wednesday
featuring Latin American mu
sic and some dancing demon
strations. Ag YMCA Begins
Membership Drive
The Ag YMCA'i annual
membership drive will begin
with a "Kick-Off" party Wed
nesday at 6 P.M. in the Ag Un
ion. The party includes all
YMCA workers and leaders.
A membership retreat for all
the new and old members will
be held October 27 at the end
of the drive.
Classified ads for the Daily
Nebraska must be entered two
days In advance and must be
paid for in advance. Correction
will be made if error are
brought to our attention within
48 hours.
ttoOnH wtoM Join UnJvaraltr at Na
bnKka Damn Club Rmw) our floor
in wcanaailay'f DAILY NEBRASKA.
Tm mora In formation, call Don.
CR74M r 4Mb mtm.
tout: Black rlmmixt (Immw. tiny,
HE m, Nlttit Pit-nil. Jwry Klti.
Vitlt: Oirl'i W rlmiwaa Diiw. Call
4M-tM4 r MMtn.
Metropolitan, Vn RouUi lMh 8t. LMn
room, Murshnr bd, Wtchra, drawtnf
etaast, bath. $ month, HIC2-17&7.
1M Triumph Ttl-J, wltb arlra hwls
n avar artva. tl79S. CaU 47717a
aftar .
Far aula.
Altar .
Vm't tm.
Mack. -Lon.
blck. Monty, you
'n a Drnm. Of pouraa.
I want to ana JOHNNY MATH IS t
tna Awlrtortom an Taeadair nWht lit
a m. It'a a date!
ctatertttar-DbiDatchar. AH with bablw
t to I. Thaa alt with nw from .
Flnafhr, slapatna trwka from to
lriKlnlht. pratar matar alrl with
oomph, a eommaadtaf valoa, and n-9-rUrr
with tha dmibla dutch. My
lfa dm not know about thia ad.
3 rmri
r tin
4ikaW 4aM M asttaaV 3
There will be an Ag Union
mass meeting Tuesday at 5:30
p.m. in the Ag Union. Dinner
will be served.
The Ag-Y meeting Tuesday
at 7:15 p.m. will be held at
Cotner School on Ag and will
feature Prof. Roberto Esqua
naza speaking on "'Crisis in
Latin America."
The University of Nebraska
Amateur Radio Club will hold
a transmitter hunt in conjunc
tion with its regular Wednes
day night meeting. A portable
or transistor radio for stand
ard broadcast band will be
needed to participate in the
The Spanish Club will hold
a dance Wednesday from 7-9
p.m. in the Student Union
party room.
Pollmann Wins
KNUS Contest
Dewayne Pollmann of Sel
leck Quadrangle, won a light
er in the KNUS football con
test on Saturday's Nebraska
Syracuse game.
PoUmann's guess of the
composite score was 33 com
pared to the actual score
of 34.
KNUS is sponsoring the
contest for every home foot
ball game. Entries are to be
addressed to KNUS, Temple
building. The earliest post
marked card with the closest
guess to the actual composite
score is declared the winner.
Partv Features
Halloween Idea
Kn "Ole Fashion Halloweer
Party" is the theme for 'the
International Student Party
set for Oct. 22 7-10 p.m. ir
the Pan American room of
the Union.
Entertainment in the Hallo
ween fashion, as well as danc
ing and refreshments have
been planned for the party
by the Union Hospitality com
mittee. Coeds from both Al
pha Lambda Delta and Red
Cross will also be on hand
to act as hostesses.
The public is invited to at
tend this party.
4 l
k, Mm-i i. , -ifr-
Na Itilfi tvanl rho
If you sometime! find studying soporific (and who doesn't?), the word
to remember is NoDoz NoDre perks you up in minutes, with the
same safe awalcener found in coffee or tea. Yet NoDox 0p
is faster, liandier, more reliable. Absolutely 0',
non-liabit-forming, NoDoz is sold feS-l
everywhere without prescription. So, C" ...Jf,
to keep perspicacious during study and 0'"i
exams and while driving, too '
always keep NoDot in proximity. v.
Tka aa stay awaka laMat aYallaSH naryokan. Saaawf aa aiaaaat at Sim Uaaiatortam,
si m srs mm r--: T
H&tfr .. f iff i
ftwftwwWMwMWra .mumwiinrciiiiMiMw - a
Jay Graf and Dr. Carl Rosenquist talk over member
ship plans in front of the building which serves as Ag-Y
headquarters. The Ag-Y uses rooms in the building which
also houses the Ag College branch of the Cotner School f
Morrisoii Plans to Study
German School System
Gov. Frank Morrison will
spend some time studying the
German education system
when he makes a trip to Ger
many Nov. 11-24 as a guest
of the West German govern
ment. Morrison said his itinerary
will be mapped out by the
German government, but that
he plans to visit Heidelberg
University and to view such
problems as finance, curricu
lum and teacher require-
Tau Offers
Slide Rule Class
Classes in slide rule con
ducted by Sigma Tau, na
tional engineering honorary
society, have begun.
Application forms are avail
able in any of the engineering
buildings. Classes are not
limited to engineering stu
dents. Eight sections in both
beginning and advanced slide
rule are conducted at 5 and 7
p.m., Monday through Thurs
day. The classes will meet once
a week for three weeks.
Fundamentals of slide rule
ooeration will be covered m
that length of time.
Last .year's classes had the
largest enrollment with 140
OCT. 17th
AT 7:00 tM.
j TIcWi O ot
Mu6mm Union
Canijilala Today Till tM.
$2.00. $2.50.(3.00
Thltt paraplaMlawa . . .
harpl NTba Inapt yaw
M 1!Ws!8SNsj j ft
ments in the German primary
and secondary schools.
The invitation, be said, re
sulted from an article In
Reader's Digest magazine
which complimented Nebras
ka on its leadership in cultural-economic
exchanges with
West Germany.
A group of young German
people visited Nebraska for
three weeks last summer as
part of the program.
The German Consul General
at Chicago invited Morrison
to visit his country to ''fur
ther promote understanding
between the American and
German people," Morrison
"In view of the fact that
the international situation is
what it is, and our own eco
nomic structure is entwined
with the whole world. I de
cided to take advantage of the
offer," Morrison said.
uu yuu in inn.
the coach would get f
maa ii wo pumea
on first down?"
y "There seems I I fS ' I
L' to be some dissension 9 ; " V
t - on the squad " , - ' ; , f w'w 1
"' ' k
111 Q I ' J 'iS'?
It vv I J ' I "OOOPH!y '""
7i ' a" afc.
Blue Print
Covers Win
Frist Place
The Nebraska Blue Print
won first place for best covers
for the 1960-61 school year
and second place for the April
cover at the convention for
Engineering College Maga
zines Associated held at the
University of Michigan.
Delegates from the Univer
sity were Mike Hewlett, man
aging editor of the Blue Print,
Lynn Corcoran, article editor,
and Professor Thomas Smith
faculty advisor.
Hewlett said that Toshiro
Isa,' art director, "received
many, many compliments
from other schools there on
the beautiful Job he's done
on drawing covers." Toshiro
Isa uses one of the articles
in die magazine for the idea
and makes a symbolic cover.
The ideas presented at the
convention were based on the
fact that engineering publica
tions are designed to give
engineering students an op
portunity to write on techni
cal subjects. Industries
stressed the importance of
engineers not only knowing
the technical material, but al
so being able to express their
thought on it
The convention consisted of
the annual business meeting,
committee meetings, and clin
ics on article writing, layout
practices, cover design and
others giving advice to maga
zines in different aspects of
the field. The keynote address
was given at the Awards Ban
quet by Dr. Ralph Snyder,
Dean of School of Graduate
Studies and Vice-president for
Research at the University of
Michigan Technic, the
Michigan University engineer
ing magazine, sponsored the
convention. They planned trips
to the Dearborn plant and
Phoenix Project, a pool nu
clear reactor.
The Nebraskan Blue Print
will go on sale later this
month. Members of Engineer
ing Society will sell them.
Engineering students inter
ested in working on the Blue
Print can contact Hewlett or
Dick Meyers, editor, at the
Theta Xi fraternity house.
L - t
WW OMY 11 KDi ON A FOOTBALL TEAM? Because an the other students
are just too busy. Yes, busy doing research, studying, smoking Luckies,
playing bongos, smoking Luckies, dating, partying, praising professors
and smoking Luckies much too busy for footbaiL Why so many "smoking
Luckies"? Simply this: We try to give an honest representation of college life;
and coHcgt students smoke more Luckies than any other regular cigarette
so smoke Luckies. 1
troduet of t
Post Card Incident
Brings Corps Criticism
Students in the small Afri
can country of Nigeria have
demanded the ouster of the
entire Pace Corps team in
that country.
The demands have come
after an announcement by the
director of the Peace Corps,
Sargent Shriver, that a new
Peace Corps project has been
proposed for the Federation of
A post card written and
mailed by Peace Corpswomen
Margery Michelmore, 23, of
Foxboro, Mass., went astray
and. was found by students
near the Ibadan University
campus. The Ibadan Students'
Union called Miss Michel
more's remarks "damaging to
our country" and demanded
her and other members of the
Peace Corps in Nigeria taken
out of the country.
The postcard was copied
and circulated among some
1,500 Negro students at the
University. The postcard read
as follows:
"Dear Bobbo:
Dont be furious at get
ting a postcard. I promise a
letter next time. I want you
to see the incredible and
fascinating city we were in.
With aQ the training we had
we were really not prepared
for the squalor and abso
lutely primitive living con
ditions rampant both in the
cities and the bush.
"We had no idea about
what 'underdeveloped'
meaqs. It really is a rev
elation and once we got
over the initial shock, it is
a very rewarding experi
ence. Everyone except us
lives ia the streets, cooks
in the streets and even
goes to the bathrooms in the
streets . .
After this incident Miss Mi
chelmore wrote a letter of
apology to the University of
Ibadan in which she said she
had offered her resipation
from the Peace Corps.
Sent Apology
She also sent a letter of
apology to the president of
the university hall where she
was staying. In effect she
said she was sorry for hav
ing written the thoughtless
postcard and would like to
stay in Nigeria.
The Students' Union Presi
dent Dapo Falase said the
Peace Corps intention was
first to spread what he called
American imperialist propa
"So that's why they
call him Crazy Legs!"
get some taste
dmvutw $&m-Ceyay.
ganda in Africa and second
"to spy on what you are do
ing." A little before this incident
broke out in Nigeria, the di
rector of the Peace Corps
made his announcement con
cerning the new program for
the Federation of Malaya. '
There is no report as of yet
as to whether the Nigerian
ouster will alter any or all of
the Corps program.
Health, Education
The new project provides
for volunteers to begin work
ing in Malaya early next year
in the fields of health, educa
tion and ruraldevelopment
Some forty candidates for
the assignment began an
eight-week training program
Monday at Northern Illinois
University. The University is
especially competent in Ma
layan studies.
Shriver emphasized that it
was developed in response to
a request for a Peace Corps
program from the Federation
of Malaya. The request was
submitted to Shriver last May
during a visit to the Malayan
"In the four months since
that 1 1 m e." Shriver said,
"representatives of the Peace
Corps and the Malayn govern
ment have energetically
worked out the program and
reached the point where
training can begin."
Nurses, Technicians
About 25 of the Volunteers
will be nurses and laboratory
technicians who will work in
understaffed district hospitals
under the general supervision
of the Malayan Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare.
Remaining members will
serve as teachers of physics,
chemistry, biology, and math
ematics, as apprenticeship in
structors in a variety of tech
nical trades and as rural de
velopment workers, helping to
survey and build roads and to
analyze soils.
mre rnriinUr inritrj
f mtlend a
preimtfJ hr
on Thursday
Oct. 19-7:30 FM.
af ikm
University High School
for a change
U our middle nam