The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, October 11, 1961
Page 1
'The Daily Nebraskan
Truman Declines
Former" President Harry S.
Truman has declined an in
vitatiop to speak at the Uni
versity this fall because of
schedule conflicts, according
to Ted Muenster, president of
the University Young Demo
crats. 'He indicated in his re
sponse to our invitation, how
ever," said Muenster, "that
he would like to make an ap
pearance at the University
and suggested that the invita
tion be extended again the
early part of next year."
Progress and
I. H
1 i
Optimism Reign
In stark contrast to the turmoil of the cold war, a
review of the semester now in progress at the University
cannot help but promote a valid optimism for the year
ahead. High-schoolers still paint jeans, and some students
bemoan the lack of school spirit for our talented semi
pro football team. But basically the attention of the
campus is centered where it should be on studies and a
series of imaginative projects.
The basic motivation for this inspiring upsurge is
a core of forward looking people, most of whom have
risen through the ranks of organization and learned much
along the way. Messrs. Gage and Ferguson, SC and 1FC
presidents, show exceedingly good organizational abil
ities and have the drive to carry through the year. All
contacts with RAM, WRA, and IWA indicate enlightened
and capable leadership which now has increased popular
support. Even the huge block of usually taciturn Lincoln
students show modest signs of increasing awareness and
Through the hard work of John Nolon on the Frater
nity Management Association plan and the Triangle
colonization, the IFC has shown more genuine interest
in the welfare of its members than at any time in re
cent history. If handled well, the associate member pro
gram of the Student Council can help to overcome that
body's organizational handicaps. The consolidation of
publications is a brilliant (though belated) idea.
Convention plans of the Residence Halls Regional
beginning tomorrow and the Big t Student Council in
December heighten prospects for the year. Ideas, the raw
material for future progress, come in quantity with an
influx of delegates from other schools.
Growth is the key word for the decade. Dormitory
construction will change the complexion of the city cam
put at tha Nebraska Center has changed ag campus. As
Triangle emerges, faint rumblings of sorority expansion
vibrate the ir. The University is fortunate to have
s indent and administrative leaders of high caliber for
this maturation.
The entire University is moving smoothly ahead. I,
for one, am proud to be a student during this remarkable
iff I V JK.
Wifii the recent influx
rf disputes arising under
civil liberty rights, and
the sensationalism of the
Freedom Riders, 1 nc h
counter sit-ins, and school
integration, one can only
wonder what actios the
courts and administrative
officials will take in the
field of fraternity and so
rority membership.
Certainly the situation
t Wake Forest where
five national sororities lost
then charters as a result
of national intervention
will bear watching. This
case is going to nave
come impact oi ether
campuses although I see
no problem for Nebraska
in the immediate future.
What exactly is the role
of the national in the
pledging of members on
a local level? When the
""white clause" is dropped
from the constitution, is
it necessary to test this
legislation? Is it unconsti
tutional for denying mem
bership in a private club
on the basis of racial dis
crimination? Does the col
lege administration have
the right to impose re
strictions of membership
on fraternal groups? And
if they do, is there ap
peal to civil courts on this
These questions are be
ing decided now by
courts, deans, and na
tional fraternity officials.
Unfortunately, as yea
might guess, there seems
to be a divergence of opin
ion. Yon can bet that the
five houses at Wake For
est are wondering where
to turn for a filial answer
la the matter.
This is a strange situa
tion of dual jurisdiction. In
most cases, nationals are
By Dick Masters
staunch supporters of reg-
ulations and restrictions
set down by the adminis- g
trations. But here it is
quite possible that that
support might be with
drawn. Hence, if trouble arises
concerning discrimination,
a fraternity loses whether
it do or it don't Sorta
smarts donl it?
If you were reading this
in hopes that earth-shaking
answers would be di
vulged, I'm about to dis
appoint you. It is merely
the opinion of this colum
nist and does not neces
sarily represent the views
of the sponsor) that ad
ministration should have
no voice in She matter of
membership. Even an at
tempt to insure the auto
nomy of the specific chap
ter should be regarded as
an overstepping of bounds.
It is inherent in the free
enterprise system (hat in
dividuals have the right
te d business with whom
they please. The right to
form groups and assemble
is certainly ours aider
the Constitutions. F r n
these premises, I w e a! d
draw the conclusion that
private clubs have the
right to include and ex
clude and in the case of
nation-wide groups oa the
basis of decisions of that
entire body.
Perhaps this surmising
is a bit premature in Ne
braska since no issue has
arisen; but what affects
colleges and college peo
ple even in isolated cases
may be of importance to
our individual school in
the near future.
Like this is just what I
been saying to all you
people out there. Know
the issue and be awake.
Hi. "M
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated CoHefflkte Press, International Press
Eefireirentetive; X attend Advertising Cm i hw, lneorportad S
Published t: JUxm SI, Stadent Onion, lanceln, Nehrsks .
14th a a. I
TalepnwM EE Z-7CS1 est. 422S, 4I2B. 4227
Wmwrttf M an S mm wtmrnur r SB 4nr w MaOamfe vnar. 2
Til wnill M imiwI k msttat at aaj at attto aa linaita, SialuaakA, ss
Bar ttiMal tM A. 1B1I. E
Ta WUrHatHUfc fwflHto rulM, tewwf mat frt-
a during tto urtonol pmu, nq Omriuf natMni mmA m pmmfa, r 5
atnchtnta af thr Vmtwltv - tiitbiaaka amaar antlmrtntmi f th (iwnHM 5
aa fituamt AMntni aa mm aanramaii of aUMbmt siilntcaa rmritontina anitar tht
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aSIMMal aamanjhla aa Wxt mmrt at hm aaamintnltan ar aa la part at anr s
am anwuM tta Tiolwnnw. Tat iimilmn af On Dallr MaknMltaa ataff aat
aurnaaallr ! mm whM aaqt aw, a mm, ar win to aimnS s
a-wknawv S, UMt.
VMNar .. . ....-.., Warm Beatta
MaaaahHr WUmw .. .... Xirutulu ttlK-llbM s
Jifmm t,?"tr Arm Mojrar
hvmnm Ulw . .Davr Wiotanarta
Ac thnra 4lUar Clnyi Cut 3
!om fcdhart . . ...n... .Clawiar BUMnas, fmkw Mnthert. Jim ratal s
Jillht Hcwi lEdUm ... MM SieUn, Jim Famat E
Hl avntan Him Waltlnr. Jaa ttak 5
junior ntmU Wrltma .... .Tam iUaaae, Boa , Mike Maclean. Hw Mirrlk 5
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"Aha, ms prcud fcsanty! "
Title: The Ctiase" Cast Judy Terihulzen and Larry Rissler,
'Aha, ins prcud fc22uty! . . .
Title: The Ctiase" Cast Judy Terihulzen and Larry Rissler,
Magee's College Boari Starring: Chesnut Hill fringed tierrtng-
bone iweei The Set, $21 Wolf Hat $8.95)
IN PERSON TUES., OCT. 17th, 8 P.M.
1 B 81 llll l lllW
Taa May Baicam Tw Ttk !..
Soaat, Can A r-J74I.
m-mm a. T aia. T At TV
m.i OHSca . . . U.M.$l-J
at the
MiWi-Wattrii ftlal
It is well eoooiigji to ait in tut Mums char d theorise !but
sowirity ruriiiiR, but if really wi4ies to Ibww the tucte, dm
bsjis one" Morris rfisir and j out into it dL. (Mr
Maris chair, jjKwJeutiilly, w-Af pwa to na? ly l! Hiilip Mm
CwaiMiy, wiaiwo of MarTbKW HpiwWw. TVy re
beartd jolt, tibe Bitters of M-sriboro Ci(raJWi, s Hallioos
new laow Imv esjorod their eioriJi cipsrrttis- Ocly
mm hcnmiiS-d uls mauHd tfn sucii icmJdiMss, suA fiaTKjr,
swi filters, ach pWatsauw, as yen mrQl find in Marlhoro! F
tlxwe la prfifer miriifflwJ Ixixps, Marlltoro avaulslte in
cradajjrcjQf bdses. Fr nikwc furrffr srft jwts XIrl:i
is svaMwt ia soft jiwifi. Fr (llxwp mlio jwifr to loy Oieir
ogirrtw in bulk, i Jea cant En'irortt R. Sifafis, friraxSy
Bla,Il(!M ti cur in Rktatd, YirFini.)
But I dipws. I was faying tiint in vnckv to katiw the true
f(ts lut fiurtrity ru-JiiiiB;, as must pa kito tle field ud
ivftigse. CcnsfiqcK!iily, 1 wit litst wt to tl IiwHjhi
CdUese of Spot WfMktg nd BbIIm Lrttws sd intimifwpJ
mniicm wxidsv, Ataang ibflru a lowly hs wixwid Gerund
McK"vw. iflt is, iD(5diitjiIlT, juiV us anticm4ing fittie fcnr
ibciut lioa? iibe me to 1 iuiii'd Gerund, li wae aiiat btr
fatlber, Ra3f A T. McKflow, Jovnd gmnniM- lVtev tium ny
fiiing in tihe world, And he ttunwid aH liis cTiBdrra After ratpts
erf 5jw3i. Lb Addition to Gerund, libra w tlirt girls nasriwl
Prepofaticni, Admi, And IVantiun, abI roe bty s&nifid Dstiiw
Cac The giris seerufid mcrt to I unduly dejirfsed tlwir
siAHMfs, but Dsitive Ca?, aIas. grp"' .ldi3y SDcure lotircite and
m-s fiualy found nie aiirM diaipliuf Jknm a partkajjif.. Afw
i&is tragic evrait, tiie fuliior Ailiandowd lii imkPtjpe f fTaw--BiAtitaii
ontueocktuiv, ,ud wliiii'W pihildwiii utnucqueiilly
bora to liina ight w aD we HATned E'jwett.)
TW Honorary Producer Campaign .
is Ko1fvaij over
But I diRpes. I iutr-ieinf a lotily ootid tixxutA
Gtricud McKeww. "Geriaid," I said, "m'we toa rwbd by a
"Vs, nutaer," til said, "I a ruUd iiy a twarity."
"Did Uiey pvt you a fcigb-jAwwuiie pitrir" I Di4
tlipy a Hie liAi'd nellT"
"'No, mipter," he iplknL "It aL oW ith wt diguily.
Tbe-j- smijiry ttt-Tkd to ni aUiuI flip tlmjjlw .nd fbe prif f(
aUhjI tiime niii)u1i And then I piqued."
"My )pjodner I tiaid. "nirw minute i not vnry kmg fcr
a ai tidk'?'
"Jt is tLfy re ljuldiiij yoa uiuitr va4ct omtut
finid Gtmmd.
"Wfl, Gerund," I said, ''low 4o yuu like tLe iwamT
f iouw fine, mister wpiiwd. "Eut I dc't 5
there. CiifortunAtelr, thpy pMgd aor fjrk thuj ibey Law
room for, w fiy deeping nou nw k the bel tower.'!
"ItniTt lihst nthr fmify?' I said.
Muly ob tiie quartariour ud Gerund.
mg 4o you," I said,
"LikewMe, auster,' jnud, And will aauy s kb ad Mr
we tart our ium.te WMys-he to tLe en.pAiiile, I to Us
MorrwAak. g m. m i i
The fc ri, Cwv, mat., in ddKnai ( U.
the mem un&Uered, kina-mis fhiUp Morria Cuaim.arfnr
rbeioe toboooo. pcat uarm ckaW W mmtmmrmmaf
Wanna buij a
t'icWet from wie?
because I already bought
Ome from Stigma
WtvacJisya ? Sorry , HrrV..
we, y I