The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1961, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, October 4, 196!
1 f
' 'V
4 OK
ROTC Program Parades in -Review
(continaed from page 1)
Board of Regents at the Uni
versity at the suggestion of
the defense department that
the "basic-adv anced combina
tion meets a national need."
Actually, Chancellor Hardin
said, we are required by the
Morrill Act of 1862 only to
provide an ROTC program on
When the Defense Depart
ment no longer established
the basic-advanced program ;
as a "national need , thearnia
the Hegents will be in a po
sition to reevaluate their
present rulings, the Chancel
lor added.
For the past two years on
campuses around the nation
compulsory ROTC has been
under fire. At Michigan State
University (enrollment: 19,
000) the faculty voted 400 to
248 to abolish compulsory
At Arizona State University
with 10,000 students enrolled.
Individuals collected 750 sig
natures on an anti-ROTC pe
tition and got another 1500
signatures at Tucson's Uni
versity of Arizona.
Univ. Of California
Fire thousand students at
the University of California
at Berkeley (20.000 students)
have signed petitions against
it Wisconsin, Rutgers and
Bucknell have abandoned the
compulsory ROTC program
and Ohio State and Cornell
are considering the same ac
tion, according to the Sept
5, 1960 issue of U.S. News and
World Report
At the University of Wis-
Oct. 8
3:30 P.M.
Fastest Cars in
3:30 P.M.
Lincoln Speedways
S""""00000 on the benefits of an Air , . 11L?"saeii
ft bnop inursdays i(J a.m. to 9 p.m. r
I ! I
I Shell notice F
n I the man V
ii It wearing j
I 1! Ilnfte
II I - - J .
ll ILLS, with new tunnel belt loops. Bone or ':
H dark olive in sizes 29 to 38. y :
WE ALSO FEATURE Corduroy "Three-for- ! ! ;
j alia" and other leading H.LS. styles. i
consin the "Student Peace
Center" staged an Anti-Military
Ball the night following
the Military Ball. Some 200
students attended with the
theme "The Street Where
You Lived, or Dig You Later,
Atom Crater."
Seventy per cent of 1189
UCLA students polled opposed
compulsory ROTC and agita
tion for its removal exists at
Northwestern. Chicago State
College and fcorthern Cautor
The faculty at Wisconsin,
failing in their effort to have
the University introduce a
course in non-violent ap-
proaches to international prob-
j lems, plans to offer their own
.course at the student religi-ikeep
ous centers. nas ever survivea or s u c-
Petitions? ' ceeded to win its battles that
Asked about the effect of has reverted to this profes
petitions or demonstrations S S10nal force- Tne Roman Em
aMinst Mimmilsnrv ROTC atlpire fell, and the American
the University, Chancellor !
Hardin said that they would
have little impact. The De
fense Department would sim
ply regard the efforts to mark
another campus where com
pulsory ROTC is unpopular
without taking any action to
change the University or na
tional program.
One of the greatest recog
nized weaknesses of today's
Koiu program is me loss oi." rr
n a.m . . m .
commissioned KOTC officers 1W u"tc " t U1U-r instruction durin the a c a
wh. have completed their re- 'to n the STear aTd mre fJor
quired term of dutv. The Lt-!nr.0Jc regular program. . iawatorvtVDe activities
ons-Masland ROTC studv has A description of the NROTC i W. J?"2 " activities
this to say: The ROTC pro- i
ar not pontrihntiii
adequately to the strong pro
quTfor the orceVUg' "e Uniin to eta f convincing a , sta
? .7senicare not nmtr?
curing their share of talent freshmen. f - '
for long-term and career' ?ut tne greatest selling The study concludes that
fessional otucer d a s e re-
duty, particularly in certain
specialized categories . . -uiasnipman ea-
with the stiff competition with laUl0n Commander Capt. Har
other career opportunities. ; ve? Hartman. is the enthusi
S ;
. cJ.,.r
sional Subcommittee hearing
r "uw uu vvituuvu uivii uoili"
ing with the AFROTC only
12 intend to remain in the
Air Force, 28 are undecided,
land 60S plan to leave the
i Air Force. On the other hand,
with pilots obtained through
j the aviation cadet program,
34 intend to stay in the Air
! Force. 31 are undecided,
land 35 intend to separate.
Capt Weber, professor of
Naval science, reported that
;30 of the regular ROTC
! midshipmen commissioned re
mained with the Navy. The
' additional need of 5 is filled
' through the application of con-
tract ROTC ensieas for ex-i
tension of service or commis-1 midshipman with a broad
sion in the regular Navy, t program of educational exper-
However, of the 5-6 of the ! iences.
Air Force and Army ROTC j The Air force attracts stu
cadets who are comiri"' dents with the Radio Club,
"directly into the regular seTx -
ice. B95 remain with the
armed forces for IL'e. This
was approximately 550 Armv features speakers on topics of at the Nebraska &nf7r V, I
?nH ln xvi a ;V Communist infiltration into Z . . SKa Le"ter at!
Force 2nd Lieutenants in 1957.
The Navy, said Capt.
Weber,, recognizing the turn
over of enlisted men, has ini
tiated the Star program which
provides additional education
and officer training for men
who volunteer to remain with
the Navy for a minimum of
six years. The other services
have similar programs which
endeavor to supplement the
broadly educated personnel
turned' oat by the ROTC pro
However, this opinion was
voiced by Col. Powell, pro
fessor of military science:
"As we consider the estab-
lishment of a strictly profes
j sional military force, we must
in mind that no nation
Revolution, where British and
foreign professionals faced
the American people, fell to
the non-professional."
The failure of the services
to sell their ROTC programs
has also been cited as one
of the basic weaknesses.
The Navy has acted to
Weber, bv sending an officer
Silt - "wf 4 Vl r-f V KrtKnAln
Program is also sent to in-
'"suuim sou una
Pini ,or we Mttric pro-'
asm oi me .avai miasnin-
New Student Week to man aw"n service Personnel and
men for their program andisca, of values not only!
their SDeak tfl I among students, butamonr
ool classes and fellow i
students on it.
White Caps
An alternative way which Vl C4eu earuer.
the Navy uses to sell its pro- With these remarks. I set
gram is bv the organization aside mJ pen and picked up
of the White Caps, a drill"3, pamphlet on fighting tac
team which marches at foot- tics in Burma and the Far
ball or basketball games, and East- Yes, war is a strange
the Navy Chorus, a singing awful force. I wonder if;
group suggested by a mid- as 3 nation and a student!
shipman which can reach and ( ood' are ready to accept the
entertain large groups of stu-
A program of intramural
basketball, interclass sports
as football and basketball, the
yearbook SALVO, the weekly
unit paper Neptune further at-
tempt to provide the Naval
&S a student the chance
lo earn ms r- license, me;
Arnold Air Society, which
Force career, and this yeari
a drum and bugle corps and
color guard to work with the
University band.
; The Army centers its sales
'for a career aronnd the
cision of the Perilling Rifles,
a national organization of drill
i The esprit de corps, which
Russian troops are so noted
: for from their long terms of
'enlistment thus must he ml.
tivated through greater en-!
f thusiasm for a broadened
' Jtrrm
the American schools as well ST ''m- Ves-
Security ' "Dreams," Swedish; April 4
And it was this esprit de "Saturday Night and Sunday
corps which Batallion Com-: .Morning," English; April 18
mander Harvey Hartman wast "Ballad of a Soldier," Rus
considering when he said: sian
With so many people today
leaking for security through a
sure job after college, we
seem to have lost our spirit
for adventure. The travel
and broad experiences pos
sible through service in the
ROTC and armed forces not
only broaden one's way of
looking at life but even act
to restore this sense of aa-
And finally, an examination
of the curriculum of the va-
showwt a wide variation in
content and annroach The!1 treswn, arm
Lyons-Masland ROTC study
states that the campus ROTC
program should have two ob
jectives: motivation for serv
ice and pre-professional pre
paration for a career, similar
to the pre-professional courses
of study in law, engineering,
and medicine which prepare
the student for his career.
Other suggestions include
stripping the curricula of all
instruction that either dupli
cates instruction available in
regular academic depart
inents or is instruction of a
military kind which is more
effectively carried out in mili
tary installations.
Thus there is the implica-
! &to, P"d!. and.
! haps longer summer camps
i and cruises, less classroom
on the campus.
i The studv emphasizes the;
oeneiii aenvea irom contact
one oi ine greatest needs is
to alter the public attitude
towards the military from the
present feeling that a mili
tary career falls low in the
their parents,
teachers, and
, friends, who continue to think
in t nrm .- nt : '
t till' TI . ."I..
responsibility which war and
the tireat it poses. I wonder. I
Film Ticket Sales
Tickets for the foreign films I
go on sale Thursday and will 1
be on sale until Monday. ;
Tickets will be sold in or-
PAH ITAt KAtieae in A LA. rtt I
. O -v. .ivujij aiiu uitrl C Will
also be a booth in the Student
f"""lt'"r 5a W10r !
facuIty' and 58 00 for Patrons, i
The '"ms include: Oct. 25
"Would Be Gentlemen,"
The film tt-l'II Ha nroit4 ' I
rench; Nov. 1 "Bed of
pre-fGrass." Greek; Nov. 15
f "The Roof," Italian; Nov. 29
Smiles of A Summer Night,"
Swedish; Dec. 13 "The World !
"of Apu," Indian; Jan. 17
"Hiroshima Mon A m o u r,"
1 French; Feb. 14 "Virgin
Snrinr KtrHich- Fh ?S i
"Grand Illusion,"' F r ench;
March 14 "General Delia
...... .
For the convenience of those students who were unable to obtain the student in
surance at registration, descriptive brochures, application, and return envelopes
will be available at the Student Union and at the Personnel Office of the Universi
ty; they are also available at your Local Service Office at 1311 M Street-Phone
HE 2-7519.
so take advantage of this economical health coverage NOW!
Candy, Candle Ceremony, Flotvers
Mean Pins, Rings, Sparkling
Nebraska's campus was
buzzing as candles and candy
were passed in announcing
eight pinnings and five en
gagements Monday night.
Sonja Ericksen, Chi Ome
ga, senior in Home Ec. from
Mullen to Loys Mather, Farm
house senior in Agriculture
from Imperial.
Gajle Blank, Fedde Hall jun-
i lor ,n Home Ec. from Frank'
house senior in Agriculture
from Lyons.
Betty Cowell, Fedde Hall
junior in Home Ec. from
Platte Center to Milvern Nof
fke, Alpha Gamma Sigma,
senior in Agriculture from
Grand Island.
Judy Honk, Chi Omega
alum from University of Oma
ha to Harold Dehart, Delta
Upsilon, junior in Architecture
from Omaha.
Bettie Applebee, Alpha Xi
Delta junior in Teachers Col
lege to Nile Johnson, Delta
Sigma Pi senior in Business
Administration from Fremont
Karen Costin, Delta Gam
Pater said, "Carry on, lad!" ...
Title: "The Holbrook Saga". Cast: Larry Rissler, Magee's Col
lege Board. Starring: Traditional Holbrook Shirtings in dark
distric-t checks and plaids. $6.50
I WWhthrilMitlHNMijMIlM
ma senior In Arts & Sciences
and Teachers from Lincoln
to Joe McWilliams Delta Tau
Delta senior in Business Ad
ministration from Lincoln.
Sue Hardin, Delta Gamma
sophomore in Arts & Sciences
from Lincoln to Larry Wood,
Phi Delta Theta, junior in
pre-med from Lincoln.
Ann Walker, Alpha Xi Del
ta senior in Teachers from
Lincoln to Bob Barry, Kappa
Sigma senior in Engineering i
from Lincoln.
Carol Kucera, Alpha XI Del
ta alum from Denver, Colo
rado to Dave Cowell, Beta
Theta Pi, senior in Business
Administration from Lincoln.
Phyllis Moser, junior in
Home Ec. from Dorchester to
Bill Brass, alum in Agricul
ture from Sargent.
Doris Smith, Love Memor
ial Hall senior in Home Eco
nomics from Atkinson to
Daryl Starr, Ag. Mens senior!
in Agriculture from Staple
ton. Maribeth Larson, Alpha Chi j
Omega senior in Teachers
ffe 'Ml
ti " I
, from Des Moines, Iowa, to
Tom Davies, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon senior in Arts and Sci
ences from Lincoln.
Sally Siewerdsen, Kappa
Kappa Gamma junior in
Teachers from Ralston, to
Greg Millett, Phi Kappa Psi
graduate from Dartmouth
University in Administration
from Omaha
Satyr . . .
Continued from p. 1
must, listening to do-gooders
talking about cultural ex
change, extending warm
hands of friendship, and
having coffee with foreign
students every Mon., Wed.,
Fri. I heartily endorse this
kind of deal but let's be a
little more concrete. Let's
make sure that you don't
have to buy the coffee.
Let's take a positive star.d
on Peace Corpsism and do
something right here: right
1311 M Street
Phone HE 27519