The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1961, Image 1
UBRAW i r? a mi Vol. 75, No. 10 The Nebraskan Tuesday, October 3, 1961 llf m Royalty Finalists Chosen Revue Audience To Pick Winners Finalists for 1961 Kosmet Klub Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet have been announced by Innocents Society and Motar Board re spectively. The final Kosmet Klub royalty will be chosen the night of the Fall Revue, Oct 14. All persons attending ;he show will be allowed to vote for the candidates of their choice. The 1961 Prince Kos met and Nebraska Sweet heart will be selected on the basis of the popular vote and will be announced toward tne end of the show along with the winning skits and trav eler acts. The Sweetheart finalists and their sororities are: Lin' da Jensen, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Maggie McCracken, Delta Gamma; Susie Lovett, Karma Katna Gamma; Lin da Lou Sawvell, Delta Delta Delta; Nancy Foreman, Chi Omega; Rhoda Skiff, Gamma Phi Beta; Judy Grazier, Al pha Chi Omega; Judy Zadina, Alpha Omicron Pi; Jeannine Fenton, Gamma Phi Beta; and Ann Hanna, Kappa Al pha Theta. Motor Boards, who inter viewed all Prince Kosmet candidates, released the fol lowing finalists: Jerry Over gaard. Phi Kappa Psi; Dave Sunberg, Sigma Alpha Ep silon; Don Purcell, Phi Deita Theta; Bob Weber, Farm House; Jim Goodell, Beta Theta Pi; Ray Bulin, Delta Sigma Pi; Bill Connell, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Gary Koopman, Kappa Sigma: and I van Grupe, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Hall Leads Des Moines eration Dr. William Hall, director of the University School of Journalism, directed the Des Moines Register and Tribune News intern program this summer with Don Ferguson, a senior la journalism at the University, serving as one of the interns in the program. Frank Eyerly, managing editor of the Des Moines pa pers, asked Dr. Hall to assist him in expanding the sum mer internship program for journalism majors. Some years ago, Hall incor porated the internship pro gram Into the University School of Journalism curricu lum, requiring each student to work in a job related to his major. Students are allowed to choose the area in which they will work and are required to get a job on their own. Hall coordinated the intern ship program and held week ly seminars for six college men who interned on the Des Moines papers. In addition he took a job on the Register copy desk for his own exper ience. Ferguson, one of the six screen candidates given a po sition on the papers, was placed in the area of his choice, staying with the posi tion all summer to get depth of experience. Ferguson worked a 40-hour week on the Des Moines Tribune copy desk at a regular salary. Both Hall and Ferguson felt their summer experience on the news desks was invalu able. All-Fraternity Convocation An All-Fraternity pledge convocation will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Student Union ball room, with W. Joyce Ayres as the speak er. Ayres, a graduate of t h e University, is a past member of the Innocent's Society. He has an interest in the Univer sity and particularly the fra ternity system. H3 is oz of the co-writers of the Univer sity song, "Hail Varsity." i) J (I li? . h 1j -r - r V' ; rl v5-?) ) & In I i v.i . Finalists for the honor of being the 1961 Nebraska Sweetheart are: (front row, left to right) Linda Jensen, Maggie Mc Cracken, Suzie Lovett, and Linda Lou I ( Selected by the Mortar Board as final ists for 1961 Prince Kosmet are (front row, left to right) Jerry Overgaard, Dave Sunberg, Don Percell and Bob Weber; Mead Field Laboratory Will be Among 'Finest By Cloyd Clark "When the newly acquired agricultural field laboratory at Mead is fully developed, it should be one of the finest research and teaching facili ties in the nation," according to Dean of Agriculture E. F. Frolik. A labor force of 20-25 men and 27-55 irrigation wells will be required to keep it oper ating at full capacity. Although it win be 10 yean before the 8,200 acres of the Nebraska Ordinance Plant near Mead, Nebraska can be expected to operate at this capacity, the University agri culture officials are expected to commence the experrmen tal and educational program at any time. In fact, the University is al ready using 530 acres of the Mead land for foundation seed production. Research, demonstrations and student instruction win be the three phases of the lab. "In general, it will be dedicated to the solution of practical farm problems. Ac cessible to farmers, students and others interested tn agri culture; it win channel re search results to the people who need and can use them," commented Dean Frolik. The "accessibility" of the tract is one of its m a j o r assets. It is located within thirty miles of the University. Commenting on the large ness of the nearly 13 square mile field lab, Dean Frolik said, 'Tarmers cannot de pend on a few grain plots, or on results from breeding trials that involve only a few ani mals. Thus, the need for land is extensive.' For example, a beef breed ing herd of 325 cows plus 265 yearlings will require about 1,935 acres, continued the Dean. SWEET LITTLE FINALISTS - PRINCES OF FELLOWS The vast acreage will also provide the college of agricul ture the opportunity to sep arate the research projects from the teaching herds and plots. In addition to beef breeding and crop research, soil fer tility; soil management; vege table breeding and culture; dairy cattle; farm sheep flock management; use of ag ricultural chemicals; irriga tion; pasture management; windbreaks, forest manage ment and ornamentals; stud ies of mechanized systems for crop production; and the ap plication of electrical power on farm steads will be dealt with. But what about money? Campus By Sue Hovik "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds," said Herodotus in the 5th century B.C. and it stni holds true for the campus matt carriers here at NU. Delivering the University mail, the four carriers ( three on city campus and one on Ag campus) go to 54 buildings, walk four to five miles daily, and climb 1,000 to 1,500 steps ill the different buildings. The campus maU carriers deliver man to all of the main offices of the departments. The U.S. man will be de livered only to second floor, but campus mail goes to where it is addressed. Their job is made easier by the use of po-go mail carts. John Dzerk, operational manager, stated that the Uni versity maU service is "big business" with a tremendous cost and volume. The primary job of the campus post of fice is- to deliver departmental mail. They handle three million pieces of mail a year, of which about a half of that total is 1st and 2nd class. $30,000 for Stamps According to their posage meters, they spend $30,000 a year on outgoing mail. This excludes departments such as the extension division. The money comes from a General Fund allotted by the legislature. Dzerk explained that all the mail goes the most econc-iical wcy possible. If some one wants to send something air mail, thev have to get special permission or it win be sent third rate. Sawvell; (second row, left to right) Nan cy Foreman, Rhoda Skiff, Judy Grazier, Judy Zadina, and Jeannine Fenton. Not pictured is Ann Hannah. (second row, left to right) Jim Goodell, Ray Bulin, Bin Connell, Gary Koopman, and Ivan Grupe. Facilities in Nation' Won't the cost of the labora tory consume a lot of the taxpayers money? Consider ing the 30 man working staff, 30 irrigation wells, farm sup plies, fuel, oil, grease, fer tilizers, machinery parts and repairs, seeds, feed concen trates and insecticides? According to plans now, most of the operating support will come from the use and sale of crops, livestock and other by-products of the lab oratory. Some funds will come from the University Ag Col lege budget nad, as soon as development of the lab prog resses, federal allocations and grants from industry, founda tions and other outside sour ces are expected to bolster the operating fund. Mail Goes Through, Too Residence Halls Host Regional Conference at Nebraska Hall of Youth By Nancy Whitford The University Residence Halls win host a regional conference next week to discuss problems and ideas with students from neighbor ing college and university residence halls. The conference, which wM be Oct. 12-14 at the HaU of Youth in the Nebraska Cen ter for Continuing Education, is expected to attract dele gates and representatives from 26 schools, some as far away as Maine. Ten of the schools are mem bers of the Midwst Associ ation of College and Univer sity Residence Halls, which is sponsoring the convention. This includes such states as Colorado, Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri The remaining 16, which range from Nebraska Wes leyan to the University of Maine and Carleton Univer sity in Canada, have been in vited as guests. Keynote speaker for the event wiU be Dr. Vance Rog ers, president of Nebraska Wesleyan. Chancellor Clif ford Hardin wiU give the wel come. Bob Kuzelka, president of the national residence as sociation group, is in charge of the program. Report on Legislature Prepared by J-Students A report on the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature com piled and written by 47 jour nalism students under assist ant professor R. Neale Copple has received favorable com ment from Nebraska news men and public officials. To date, 5,000 copies of the 36-page study have been print ed and a re-print win be need ed, Copple said. Errors, typo graphical In nature, are now being corrected to make the work as perfect as possible. "We feel that it was a suc cessful training exercise," Copple said. "We are espe cially pleased that there has been quite a distribution in the state school system." State Problem Now, Copple and the School of Journalism are looking for ward to the second depth re port. It will be on some state problem, possibly public power. The first semester depth re porting class win again work on the publication and other classes such as advanced re porting, photography and magazine editing may also work in the production. The report was aided by funJs from the Newspaper Fund, Incorporated, of the Wan Street Journal. The fin ished product is in Sunday magazine section format and is being distributed to every daily newspaper editor in the United States. In addition copies have been sent to all Nebraska media, to all schools and depart ments of journalism and oth The campus mail doesn't handle the student's man except for those letters that are incoming and have been mis-addressed. Dzerk impressed the fact that it would help if the students would have their letters from home use the , zone number on them. City campus is in zone S, and Ag campus is in zone 3. John Kellogg, En in Nelson, Howard Kicks, and Rex Gifford are the man carriers. They also sort the mail they deliver on their route. Glenn Husted takes care of the of fice in the former Administration btulding. Husted founded the mailing system twelve years ago. Previous to that time the custodians had delivered and picked up the man twice a day. Under the present system the man is "picked up" four times daily. There are special rates used in the mailing of articles. A mailing of identical pieces numbering 200 or more or weighing at least 20 pounds is given a special rate. A spe cial "library rate" is also used for books and other library materials. Open AH Year The campus mail department is kept open aU year around. They find they have the most volume in the win ter, but it drops off only one-fourth of the total volume in the summer. Dzerk said that they are now starting to use a cen tennial postmark ad impression for land grand colleges and 6tate universities. "Quite an operation" is a appropriate statement of the services given by the campus mail department, Dzerk said. Group discussions will be held on such topics as student counseling in the residence halls, social activities for in dependents, book exchanges, student apathy and the pur pose of the national organi zation. Inter-campus relations will be discussed by Ray Bulin, BUI Connell, Tom Eaion, Gladys Rolfsmeyer and Nancy Tederman. Two special programs wiH be held for the sponsors. They are a tour of the residence halls and a mock-up of the proposed dormitory rooms and an informal coffee and discussion with deans from the Division of Student Af fairs, director of University services and manager of the residence halls. A tanel discussion titled "The Deans' Dilemma" will be presented by Frank Hall gren, Dean of Men, Mrs. Jane Ellers, assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs and Helen Snyder, Dean of Women. Religion on the campus will be discussed by Dr. William Gould, pastor of Wesley Foundation; Rev. Alvin Pet erson, director of the Luth eran Student House and Rev. Alan Pickering, pastor of United Campus Christian Fel lowship. ers interested in this approach, to news coverage, Copple said. BuQder's Views The sutdent's assignment was to tell the story of the Unicameral from the view points of those who had built it and those who had served in it. To make the report the students delved into history, political science, economics and other background areas. Sixty eight senators replied to a detailed questionnaire for the examination of the uni cameral system. Efforts were made to contact every chair man of a major committee since the Unicameral doors were opened in 1937. In addi tion senators who had served in bicameral sessions before 1937 were traced and ques tioned. Material was also gathered from aU of the state's past governors who are still living. Newspaper files from the state's press and from outside were used as historic source material. IWA Car Wash To be Saturday The Independent Women's Association win sponsor a car wash Saturday at 27th and Holdrege. The car wash win be held from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. with an proceeds going to IWA. Girls who wish to help with the project should contact the IWA representative from their living unit Lincoln girls may sign up at the big sister-little sister party Thursday night, The banquet speaker wil be James Blackman, profes sor of engineering mechanics. Regional officers win be elected and delegates for the national residence halls asso ciation conference win be se lected. The midwest region, to gether -with the Intermoun tain, Pacific, North Atlantic and South Atlantic regions comprise the national organi zation, which was founded la 1954 at Iowa State. It grew out of a feeling oa the part of members of the residence haU's student gov ernment that an organization was needed to encourage the exchange of ideas and infor mation and to stimulate think ing on common problems. Junior IFC Outlines Explained Advisor Strewee Pledge Activities By Bob Nye The Junior TFCs main par pose was stated in the re port on last year's activities submitted by Bill Murphy, IFC advisor to the group, as "... to provide fraternity pledges experience in inter fraternity relations." The report continued, "As members of the Junior IFC, they learn the value of the fraternity way of life in the coUege society, and they be gin to appreciate the work tbat lies ahead to preserve the role that fraternities now hold in our social structure." The twe main projects ac complished during the school year 196041 resulted in a bud get surplus of $5Z5. The first project, the Junior IFC Ban, was reported "very successful." Over 65 of the pledges attended and saw Lucy Madden Comstoek crowned as Pledge Queen. The second project was the publication of a sorority pledge booklet, entitled "New Faces on Sorority Row." which included pictures of all newly pledged sorority wom en. The book resuletd in a profit of $150. The Junior IFC rounded eat its program with many serv ice projects. They initiated a traveling trophy to the pledge class with the highest overall aver age, donated $50 to the AUF, and were instrumental in set ting up a taxi service during elections which enabled many people to vote who otherwise would not have had the oppor tunity. The report closed by say ing, ... the important foundation for future IPC's is dependent up on the program and purpose of the Junior IFC." Tuckenhagen Wins Watch In Contest Dan Tuckenhagen has woe a watch in the first KNUS football contest by coming the closest to predicting the com posite score of Saturday's Arizona game with a guess of 33 to the actual score of 28. KNUS plans to hold a sim ilar contest for the remaining four home games. Gary Cue, promotion director of the ra dio station, explained that the purpose of the contest wax "to promote greater attentive ness to the game." To enter the contest, send a postcard to KNUS, located in Temple Bunlding. No en tries postmarked later than midnight the Friday before the game win be accepted. In case of a tie, the card with the earliest postmark win win. KK Pictures Tuxedoes should be worn to the regular Kosmet Klub meeting at S:00 p.m. today In room 234 of the Union when Cornhusker pictures wiU be taken.