Page 2 The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, September '26, 1961 EDITORIAL OPINION I 3 Many Convocations Fine; Where are Democrats? Although the school year is barely a week old, already f the wheels of progress are at work bringing outstanding personalities to this campus. On the social side we have heard George Shearing and I politically we will heart Representative Walter H. Judd I this Friday and Senator Barry Goldwater next spring. Others expected to visit the campus include, Colin I Jackson, political science department; Prof. E. H. Gom- brich of the University of London, art department; Dr. Jarirae Benitez, chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico; Dr. Stephen de Borhegyi, anthropology depart- I ment and Prof. R. P. Espenchied of the University of Illi- nios, department of education to name the largest share I of visitors. Tie University convocations committee must receive most of the credit for these visitaions with help from the Union talks and topics committee and the Young Republi- f cans. While we heartily endorse the invitations sent to these , I people in the varied fields of learning and we urge stu- dents to take full advantage of their appearance, we pause to consider the political visitations. Realizing full well that both Messers Goldwater and Judd are adept speakers and would undoubtedly give ns I aa educational insight to the American political scene, we suggest equal time for the other political party in our I Democratic system of government. f s According to Dr. A. B. Winter, chairman of the con- f vocation committee, efforts were made last year to bring Richard Nixon and Republican National Committee Chair- man Thurston Morton to campus both leading Republi- I cans. Total this up and you will find the score to be the following: Republicans 4, Democrats 0. X We admit that Judd will not appear as a guest of the 1 convocations committee and that not all four Republicans I have or will have spoke to the student body. However, I why not follow a good old American tradition of Inviting both sides and hear the full story? It would seem intelli- i gent students could soon see that Republicanism Is more I than a name tacked to Nebraska politics. If we think for one minute that Goldwater will speak on anything but conservatism or that Judd will bend over backwards to present the Demcrat's views, we're crazy. Here is hoping that the Young Democrats join in with other interested student groups and perhaps even the Uni versity convocations committee to bring us the whole story. (.VB.) What Price for Freedom? Peace Corps is Cheap What will you give to prevent the growth of Com munism in the world, our country, our state and up to the very door of your own home? A million dollars? You haven't got it. Everything you wa? Who wants it? Are you ready to approve a total war and give assent to the use of missies, rockets and the deadly atomic and hydrogen bombs? Then will you take your chances of surviving for three months in an underground shelter while the radiation and fallout be comes harmless? How about two years out of your lifetime? Your immediate reaction is probably that you cannot believe two years out of your lifetime can make an appreciable difference. How wrong you may be. These two years may be the ONLY way out The only way we, as Americans, can preserve our freedom and still be around to enjoy it. We are speaking of the Peace Corps. It is through this agency which we can positively win the minds of foreign peoples. It Is not enough to sit back and tell ourselves that we are the greatest peace-lovicg nation ever known on the face of this world. It is not enough to merely rec ognize the thousands of Hungarian refugees who fled the Russians and their oppressive rule and limped into our country. We must do more than stand by and watch the Communists and their doctrine infect and underdeveloped country and in a few short years take complete charge of their new "satillite." For each time another human being goes for Mr. K's line, we are another day away from peace and another step further from maintaining ' our way of life. The Peace Corpi is a way of winning these needy countries in a way so as to count them among our friends who will stand by ns no matter the situation. And they will be there because they respect this country. As James Gibson, assistant director of Peace Corps public relations said last Friday in Lincoln "the Peace Corps is foreign aid in reverse.' It is not pouring billions f dollars into these small countries where their standard of living is lower than their illiteracy rate. It is knowing these people bow to make the best nse of what they have r what they caa afford to purchase. It is teaching them bow to read and write and how to care for a newly bora baby. The Peace Corpsmen are doers. They work side by side the Nigerian, the Filippino and the Indian, They give advise but more importantly, they show the natives bow to do so they may help themselves. Aa American is an American no matter where be or she goes. The countries who will receive Peace Corps project! will soon learn that something else works too freedom, the Democratic society and the right of the individual to be aa individual. Hereia lies the greatest asset of the Peace Corps. How about it, is the price too high? (N.B.) i Daily Nebraskan Member Auweiate CUt te Fres. lntrrn-tlon-1 lreet Ke-resesta Uw. Nat nrf AJrertbtaf Service, Incorporated rsbii te4 a.t: Room ih Student Inioa. Lincoln. Xebro . SEVEXTT-ONE TEAKS OLD 14th Sc ft ' Telephone EE Z-7CX1 ext 4ZZ5, ZZ& 2Z7 -Wtit rm w f J tarnm y "" KMnm4 m mt m matwr at the aw mo ta traka. aft- ) Aasaat . lJt. n Oattr k to nUa I Master. Tter. Waaiar ma Tit ter ruf turn -kwl fear. - aariac vu-tttwM as exaaa twr)a. t aaimu af the Dartwn tr a a laaUoa af tar c Mac mm (maal f (am aa nprtmitim af atoa-at aptatoa. ravUratM aaaar a JartMUrttoa af M aaa Ma aa Maanat raalieattaaa ah-H a tat trmm atfiwrtal mtmmwmim mm mm part af cap mh tiu a a aart af aar mrntrn aatata M Fata i(r. Tat aratai af Out fail? aa ataf aa mmoBmOj m aaaclM ar a t tfcrr aar, r , aaat ta ae ar Fafcraaqr (. ISM. . . ED1TOIUU. STAFF Wmr - Sana HKftr Maaaclar E4itar tf-Kawa Kadiim N ti'ur ................................... Am Mr t-vortt Liu ..! Meatfardi At rw. fctttar Wy4 (lark - ttmmn ...i ....tSiraxm Bill ci, Lniv Haltx-t. Mm r at I(M firm EmHmn Sim rrat. Ba Haff airli aa W Wtfwr. imm Mark jwmum (waff Wrtvn ......Turn lurtaae. Mike MoUeaa. a. Hmtlk laM Pbeawaaber. .. ...raw) Mai mn) rturr Btm lae Maamawr Oaa f-iaa Aaatinaat Mauanx Maaaf ......... -fvha U-ilnrirr. BtR Irmtick. Hum I aualw a Cawatetiaa Hunt - imm ImMer P ' ' Ta Dailr earakaa wla aaalka awi thr aataW nr. Olkm aiar Ira rrr4 thhi Hatfl Ikr Nraraakaa aat iPhi Mu Alpha T hanks Union 1 Being concerned with I the interest in the area 1 of American Music known I as jazz. Phi Mu Alpha I (professional music fra- ternity) was heartened to see the large crowds in attendance at the George I Shearing concerts last Wednesday evening. We wish to congratulate the Nebraska Union for I sponsoring this group and we hope that. this is an s example of the fine p r o- grams to be sponsored in the future. 1 Larry Hoepfinger, President Phi Ma Alpha i IPanhellenic IBlasted 3 I To Panhellenk: 1 Our courts of law sub- scribe to the belief that the acensed is innocent until proven guilty. Bat i you ladies of Panhell ap- parently subscribe to the opposite view. I Morality is a fine and worthy thing to support. but, to legislate through I the rules you select and 1 promulgate? Why not leave this to the courts of law. Or is it that you 1 deem its sanctions and punishments less effective I than yours? If you do, then you question the ef- 1 fectiveness of centuries of intellectual leadership in I moral jurisprudence. Or is f it just that you feel there 5 are a few more rules of morality you ould like 1 to see enforced? They ;West Berliiiers Are Jumpy, Shouty JAfter 9 Months of Tension Koehl f The impression one gets while living with 5 the West Berliners for almost nine months I U "the tenseness of the people." Dr. Robert Koehl, associate professor of I history, describes the West Berliners as "jumpy and hard to get along with. They I are argumentative and "shouty." Spending the last school year in West Ber I lis obtaining material for a work on the evolution of the Nazi SS Officers Corps ia Germany, Dr. and Mrs. Koehl and their two children left Berlin before the barricade I was erected between East and West Berlin. He said that the tenseness that appears I in the people is because of the Russian threat s 1 Berliners Uncertain "The West Berliners are honestly uneer I tain on what to do as individuals. Some are leaving the city to move to West Germany, but others are remaining because they are' 1 better off economically than they have ever I been. There is no unemployment in West Berlin." There is, he said, an intense hatred for the 1 Russians and an extreme loyalty to the United States. "They feel their fate rests in 1 the hands of the U.S. For that reason they CGT MINE Rtt Nebraskan Letterip mmly tmr Mtrr wkirk are iraL Itt anarkkar MliMi bm aar lalUal ar a an aaair. lumm aM at nn tm w a-H. -ara rrarrm tar rlckt ta roaaan tarm . ntalalac tkr a-ntrr Tlnr. Tar apto- f mertly exarrw lar vmn af tkr Dailr Jirhnukaa. shouldn't by chance, be those of the Victorian vin tage, should they ladies? You should really notify the History 'department of your source, I'm sure they'll be surprised to hear the books are still exisfem- You might even win a prize! We, at the University of Nebraska still labor under the lethargic stigma of your Spanish Inquisitorial Board. Yon are the mod-. era day counterparts of Doa Quixote riding a'top the buckle of a Victorian Bible Belt, lancing your crude weapons at the windmills of moral prog ress. While, "in the room: . . . (when you) women come and go talking of Michelangelo," does it ever occur to you that old Mike" is dead? Time goes on girls and the world has made some moral progress since then. Did you know that? Didn't think so. By your outmoded codes of extreme vigilance you insult our intelligence. How is it you presume yourselves less susceptible to falling prey to the pit falls of life thaa we are? You do insult us and ap parently must consider us less capable than y o a r selves ia making moral choices; otherwise, wouldn't yon form a body of your living mothers to protect yoa with similar restrictions? ..This of course gives yon the bene fit of the cosbt that yon are logical. Perhaps I presume too much. Maybe you don't think we have yet reached the age of reason. Some of are willing to accept many un welcomed de cisions merely because they feel that it is the policy wanted by the U.S. he said. Dr. Koehl, who speaks fluent German, said many of the people are resigned be cause they feel it is the wish of the U.S. people. In West Germany, the Germans are more apathetic and have a quizzical attitude toward the Berlin situation. "West Germans feel the West Berliners are spoiled and West Berliners feel West Germany does not ap preciate them." lm SS Record During his research at the Berlin Docu ment Center a part of the State Depart ment Dr. Koehl abstracted 1,200 case records of SS Officers and collected 100,000 microfilm franes of organizational material on the SS. He said his purpose ia studying thee Nazi SS leadership "is to understand bow Nation al Socialism could gain so much influence ia Germany and to make this understanding available to the rest of modern westers so ciety in the hope of preventing its recur rence, either in Germany or elsewhere." His year's leave was financed by a Woods Faculty grant and a Rockefeller Foundation grant us are 21 and older think we have reached any competent level of maturity yet? If not, then please explain why the girls we .were graduated with from high school, who were not allowed to go to college, haven't the additions to society's re strctions that you have placed on us. Do you consider us less discern ing than they are? Take the men for ex ample. There are no re strictions on them for hours. Then look at as. My, my it seems hard to believe that during high school we were considered to be 2 years ahead of .them ia maturityAnd by the by that is mental. Have we really regressed to a level 4 years behind them? Apparently so for we are denied the right the boys make all 4 of their college years. We've really slipped that much huh? Get Serious! If an animal is wild, merely keeping it behind bars doesn't make it less the animal it is If an animal is wild by nature, bars won't domesticate it Your maze of restraints won't instil morality in us either. If we have it, which we do, such ar chaic rules are worthless which they are. We know the rules about letting us play the game. I've got a proposition: you girls watch your own morality and we'll watch ours. lift the bars, girls, and then execute a "to the rear Ha rich." and pull a Miniver Cbeevy. Most reluctantly your iapiive, loralily Staff Views ' Outside Inlookins At the risk of facing a mutiny staged by certain of my staff writers. I will ven ture to say that the news of Senator Barry Goldwa- ter's visit to our campus pleased me me extreme ly. I became in terested in Mr. Gold water when . intro Miss Moyer duced to Goldwaterism at the Uni versity of Wisconsin this summer. Wisconsin U. has a reputation for being a broadly versatile commun ity as far as political think ing is concerned. In fact, I met very few persons from that part of the country who did not belong to a definite political group be it the Ken nedyites or, on the other end of the scale, the Gold water Republican school. Now the general applica tion of the term conserva tive in Nebraska does not arouse much curiosity and is most often thought of in monetary, terms, i.e., how much we spend. However, even the dictionary (Web ster's New Collegiate) de fines the term as: pertain ing, to or characteristic of a political party which fa vors the conservation of ex isting forms of government This definition and the po litical beliefs of a true con servative Republican are not actually economically founded at all. A real con servative is concerned with maintaining the foundation upon which the freedom of our nation was founded, the Constitution. Along these same lines he recognizes the doctrines of human behavi or w hich have been acknowl eged by psychologists and economics for years. The Conservative believes in a competitive society in w hich each person should be al lowed to develop his own talents and advance accord ing to his own capabilities. That is why Republican statesmen often do not fa vor government programs such as Social Security bene fit increases because they feel people should be free to spend their earnings as they please. The Constitution, as Gold water sees it is the heart of the Conservative philoso phy. Goldwater fans feel that the founding fathers had a real reason for establish ing our government as they did. They feel that the Con stitution limits the scope of government power because Something f lytf Sell? TOOT Words 1 doy 2 days 3 days 4 days MO .40 .65 .85 1.00 IMS .50 .80 1.05 1.25 16-20 .60 .95 1.25 UO 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 1.75 26-30 .80 1.25 1.65 2.00 A" k doyi in edvonct of publica tion dot. jc Cash with alt ads. Errors will be corrected if Rag is notified within 48 hours. Contact Sue Gefke. Classify Ugr. DAILY NEBRASICAN HE 2-7631 Ext. 4226 to By Ann Moyer the authors of the document had analyzed past history quite closely and had -weighed all factors equally. We all are familiar with the doctrine that history repeats itself and the framers of the Constitution were too. They realized that through out history government had been (and still is) the chief instrument for hampering the freedom of the people living under it. It had been proven time and time again that although legitimate functions of government were conducive to freedom that an unrestricted govern ment could also restrict freedom. Therefore, in the Constitution they set down the limitations which they felt would preserve our in dividual freedom forever. These restrictions included the limitations of the feder al government's right to cer tain delegated powers; the reservation of certain rights to the States; the division of power among the three separate federal branches so as to establish a sys tem of checks and balances; and a difficult amendment proceedure to prevent easi ly changing the system. It is said that at the close of the Consitutional Conven tion a woman asked Beja min Franklin. "What have you given us?" and his re ply was, "A Republic, if you can keep it" As far as I can see, we have not done much of a job of preserving the excel lent foundation which they built for us. The Federal government seems to mov ing constantly ahead into any field in which it be lieves its services are need ed. This includes the field of States' Rights, such as education, agriculuture and labor. What is to become of our nation, this once shin ning example of democracy, if government continues to lend a helping hand where ever they feel like it? I think it's time that many of the members of America's poli tical parties sat down and really decided what they stood for and were able to support their stand with more reason than, "My fam ily has always voted Re publican so naturally I will too," And I think it's time that the midwest Republicans who call themselves Con servatives realize that a true Conservative still be lieves in a man's right to think and act and speak for himself politically as his conscience dictates. In short it is time some of the midwest's Conserva tives took another look at themselves and decided whether they are politically Conservative or jusr tight with a buck. RASKAN APS