Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, September 25, 1961 V . Peace Corpswdman (Continued from Page 1 come. The Peace Corps will also make monthly deposits of $75 in a savings account for each corpsman which will be available for him at the end of their two year term, i Two Year Term Miss Long said that during the two years it was unlikely that the corpsmen would stay in the same location for the entire period. Many of them will advance to specialized work. When asked what her plans were at the end of the two jears, Miss Long, replied, "That Is anite a time in the future and, as I mentioned before, we have learned to plan for short terms." Exam Difficult ' Miss Long was chosen for the Peace Corps after taking the official examination, which she described as dif ficult. In order to qualify for consideration it was necessary to score above an established percentage level which was not revealed to tnem, she ex plained. The tests have now been revised," she continued, "and carry more weight in entrance qualification than pernaps tne first ones did." While in the Philippines, iMiss Long will also work on a publication board com prised of eight members of the corps. She said they hope to publish a paper at least once a month if not bi-weekly which will be sent to volu teers and interested people in the U.S. The Daily Nebraskan plans to print periodic reports received from her. YWCA Schedules Program Groups The Young Women's Chris tian Association (YWCA) has established its upper class program groups for the month f October and will begin meeting this week. The groups and their meet ing times include Love and Marriage, Wednesday at 5 p.m. in 348 Student Union; Community Service, Wednes day at 4 p.m. in 345 Union; Christian Witness,. Thursday at 4 p.m. in 348 Union. Others are Headlines, Tues day at 4 p.m. in 348 Union; World Community, Thursday at 12 p.m. in the United Cam p u s Christian Fellowship House, 333 No. 14th; and Re ligion, Wednesday at 4 p.m. in 348 Union. it P I Mm ling fl i ri 4.'. A Cther shoes may look like Keds, but only U.S. Keds can give you "that great 'feeling." Because Keds have a patented shockproofed arch cushion and cushioned Inner sole. And because Keds are built over tested, scientific lasts to fit II feet perfectly, even narrow ones. Keds LOOK FOR THE BLUE LABEL are right for class, gym, tennis court or dorm. Machine-washable (and they even look good clean). Hit: Keds "Court King." Hersi Keds "Champion." Get your new U.S. Keds at fine stores everywhere. boM Kadt and Mw Mm tatxl art nclatana) tndaimilo) of United States Rubber ROOKEFEOE CENTER. NEW YORK SO. NEW YORK IrX' - J' 1 Jul . fcx. .... .s J V.1 'l Si I L BIG BERTHA BURPED Adding a bit of sunshine to the gloomy weather which prevailed at Saturday's game was Joyce Burns, champion baton twirler who appeared for the first time with the Uni versity's marching band. Joyce entered the field riding inside a seven-foot drum, Big Bertha, who also made her first appearance with the band since 1941. t Big Bertha Highlights Smiles, enthusiasm, and tal ent came leaping out of Big Bertha Saturday afternoon at the halftime show in the form of Joyce Burns, a veteran baton twirler. The golden-clad twirler is the first featured twirler in the history of the school to ap pear witn tne Dana. ine win be featured with the band for the remainder of this season and for several seasons to come. A freshman in the Univer sity from Lincoln, Joyce has won hundreds of trophies in fmmmmmi wit . r v err M Surprise Half-Time eluding the senior division In ternational Majorette title. The "new" Cornhusker band also did its share in raising the spirits of the chilled, wet football crowd. They intro duced to the fans their new running step, musical zip, and longer formation. Band Director Jack Snider explained they are going to try to come in "snappily" be fore the game. At halftime they're going to try to provide the fans with their specialty performances. They also plan to try new formations differ ent for every game. Attendance Winners Receive Record Delta Gamma, Kappa Kap pa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi sororities and Sigma Nu and Kappa Sigma fraternities are the winners of the George Shearing Show attendance contest. Each house will be pre sented with a George Shear ing record album next week for having the greatest house attendance at the Shearing concerts. DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIEDS POLICY Classified ads for the Daily Nebraskan must be entered two days in advance and must be paid for in advance. Corrections will be made if errors are brought to our attention within 48 hours. ALTERATIONS Alteration, of all klndi done la my bom. 1634 Q. Call 435-9372. APARTMENTS Wanted Student to a hare apartment with a craduate atudent In aortal work. ' Foreign atudent preferred, inquire at ' 325 No. 13th. DOGS FOR SALE . Seeking atatui? Kleaant. purebred black male French Poodle puppv for i beat offer. 360 Bruce. Call 4S8-IM68. ' JOB OPPORTUNITIES Temporary replacement tenoirrapher, re ceptionist needed by eampua rellgloue house. Full time, Oct. Nov. 22. Call or vlalt for interview. United Campua Christian Fellowship. S33 No. 14th. HE 2-6561. TO $3 per Semester Regents . (Continued from Page 1) but individuals may direct that , all or any part of their contribution go into variable annuities. Two f the five Regents present, Jack Eliott, Scotts blnff, and Dick Adkins, Os mond, did not vote. Both, however, said they favored the new program over the old one which committed the State beyond the year 2,000 to pay millions of dollars in retirement benefits already earned, bat not funded. Voting for the plan were Regents Ben Greenburg, York; Frank Foote, Axtell and LeRoy Welsh, Omaha. Board president Clarence Swanson, Lincoln, was absent Two Gr tasn The Regents also accepted two grants for research pur poses. The State Dept of Agricul ture gave $34,600 over two years to finance continued re search on vegetable growing and processing at various lo cations throughout the state. The State Health Dept gave a grant of $5,000 to study the degree of pollution in ground water in areas under heavy Irrigation and fertiliza tion. Two student-exchange pro grams were also okayed one with the University of Missouri, the other with Mex ico City College. The wives of two professors were employed on a part-time basis and five other staffers' wives were reappointed to teach. Dr. Gordon Culber, previ ously of Oklahoma State, was appointed chairman of the de partment of business educa tion in Teachers College and geology professor Dr. Samuel Treves was given a two-month leave to map mountains in Antarctica. ; $ ll.t.1--li.IL,ii..Mi,u,1.l,,.L.l, " " ' i v,v. - - f . : - mm - mm: mw, i r yMMkf- life, . . Mill I' ' " : ! ft aaMaiwi(iaiHttlmnfiW''y'i'aaMeiaawaliw iiMiriTiinft 'J w rrtaniaanaan'ifftwiHMftWin Its what s op frgm(t fliaf coiiuls IFILTER-BLENDl is yours in Winston and only Winston. Up front you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected and specially processed for filter smoking. Smoke Winston. LET MA AND PA READ ALL ABOUT YOUR COLLEGE IN THE STUDENT'S PI yy LJ Veteran Journalist, Marshall, Joins Journalism School Staff By Janet Sack Opening of the Nuremberg trials, profile on post-war Ber lin, accompanying the Royal Air Force (RAF) on the first massive bombing raids on Berlin these are just a few story assignments covered by Alan Marshall, associate pro fessor of journalism at the University. Marshall became a staff member at the School of Jour nalism this fall. Before com ing to Nebraska he was head of the journalism department at Butler University in Indi anapolis, Ind. While at Butler he was also the adviser to the student publications. Excitement seemed to fol low Marshall or he followed excitement Before World War II he was a staff member of "Newsweek" where he gained a good share of his profes sional experience. During the war he was in the government service and worked in New York City for the Office of War Information (OW1). He was in charge of the Swedish, Swiss and Ice landic news desk and from there he was sent to London where he was cable editor and did features for the British press. Irish Republic" Through the United States government, "The Irish Re public," with headquarters in Dublin, was born. The weekly paper, put out by Marshall and his colleagues, eventual ly achieved a circulation of nearly 25,000. Because Ireland was a neutral during the war, the paper was admonished not to print anything to criticize the Irish government and could not advertise that their for $ - paper was in existence. Sub scription came by individual request only. While he was in London, he and his colleagues began to prepare for the publishing of two magazines: the French "Voir" and the German "Heute." The semi-monthly "Voir" moved to Paris where it flourished and finally achieved a circulation of 400 500,000. Marshall termed "Voir" a valuable piece of property. Ironically when "Heat e" moved its headquarters to Munich, it occupied the build ing that had housed Adolph Hitler's propaganda paper. While he was in Germany, Marshall covered the re-opening of Heidelberg University; the revival of the Arts and Music Festival in Salzburg, Austria; did a profile on post war rebuilding in Darmstadt and Berlin and covered the opening of the famous Nurem ber war trials. The Nuremberg trials rank as the most exciting assign ment undertaken by Marshall. "The courtroom tension was unbelievable," Marshall said, "as the reporters from the oc cupied countries sat and looked at the former German hierarchy who were on trial." Bombing Missions While he was in London he made friends with the person nel in the British Air Minis try and was allowed to ac company the RAF on their bombing missions. He was also with the group that went on the first massive bombing raids on Berlin. His account was published in the "London Sunday Express." After returning to the U.S. Tb.-. vs... A r 0 Ki v 'm&tt&3tti& -- ' , - ,mi I,, j CLIP AND MAIL DAILY NEBRASKAN NEBRASKA UNION UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Send The RAG Tot Bemester Enclosed. after the war, Marshall con sidered the personality of New York City so changed that he went to New England where he taught at Boston Univer sity and later went into public relations. After this he became assist ant to the president of St John's College and taught in a seminar. From this he ac quired a taste for teaching again and attended the State University of Iowa and re ceived his Bachelor's degree from Columbia University. In addition Marshall pub lished four mystery novels be fore the war. "I've written very little fiction since the .war," Marshall said. After the war ??me of his capacity to imagine the unreal vanished, he explained. One of his mysteries, "The Hangover Murder s," was made into the movie "Re. member Last Night" by Uni versal studios, starring Ed ward Arnold, Robert Young and Constance Cummings. Marshall has also had short fiction published in "Esquire" and the "New Yorker." Lectures In Lincoln Lincoln and the University are not total strangers to Mar shall, who has lectured here several times during the past five or six years. He will teach three courses in journalism: the magazine classes, a foreign news course, and lecture in the be ginning news writing and re porting courses. To increase his qualifica-. tions for teaching the maga zine classes Marshall studied the changes being made in the industry in New York City last summer. lit... year. Find Thank You! ::;:,.y..-...:.:::-:.:.:.:.:.v.',.:.'..... i :.j h PD Year