The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Peace Corps Is Working
But More Help Needed
The future of the Peace Corps was brightened consid
erably Thursday when Congress voted almost overwhelm
ingly to authorize one of United States' newest projects in
foreign affairs. Prior to the authorization the Corps was
operating on only hopes and determination. Funds for the
Peace Corps are expected to be granted sometime this
week before the congressmen close the current session.
Friday afternoon, James Gibson, assistant dircetor of
Peace Corps public relations visited the University and
the Daily Nebraskan and painted an encouraging picture
of the Peace Corps.
His enthuslam was generated from not only the late
congressional action but the success of the 10 Corps pro
jects now in varing stages of progress.
Gibson's visit was primarily to promote interest in the
Corps mainly to those students with an agricultural back
ground supplemented by a related course of study. How
ever, he also noted a great need for other types of skills.
There are 600 in the Pease Corps today with hopes of
8,000 by vie end of December and 5,700 Peace Corpsmen
by September 1962. These figures perhaps seem high
however, there is a reason.
As Gibson pointed out, the Pease Corps is working in
each instance and it is not like foreign aid dollars alone.
Those countries who receive Peace Corps help find that
the Americans are more doers rather than advisors or in
structors. They live with the natives and do the streneous
work required of the average native. As a result the coun
try visited may take pride in any accomplishments they
attain. This is somewhat diferent than feeling like a
Today there are more requests for Peace Corps proj
ects than can be handled immediately. Gibson noted Fri
day that when one country receives Peace Corps, there
are requests from surrounding countries.
The Peace Corps is a challenging adventure for the
youth of America and a means for helping countries pull
themselves np by their own boot straps. More important,
it is our most positive method of keeping Communism
from creeping into these smaller countries and promoting
the cause of all freedom loving people.
Sevareid U.S. Must Decide Now
To Risk War or Help Russian Cause
Eric Sevareid
LONDON In Berkeley
Square the first of the
crisp, yellow oak leaves
are sailing across the
streets, tinkling against the
s h o wcase ,
of the Rolls
R o y c e
sa 1 esroom
and the
windows of
the old
where Clive
of India
Grouse and
p a rtridge,
shot this week in the heath
er and stubble, hang in the
open markets. The morning
air is cool to the lungs. This
reporter is leaving the mut
ed tones of old Europe in
the loveliest of autumns for
the hard colors, the thrust
and vitality of his home
land and not without some
I suppose Americans who
love not only their own land
but their civilization, their
heritage, will always feel
this way, their hearts al
ways pulled a little, east
ward and westward, as
they cross and recross the
Atlantic. Yon want to be
among your compatriots
whose will and drive and
competence you really
trust, in the land that is
more than ever the "last,
best hope" of man. But
somehow we have become
the guardians, the trustees
at long distance of the cul
tural homeplace, this
Europe, this garden of the
senses, this translucent
meadow of grace and cus
tom and continuity. You
feel responsible, even when
you leave.
All the arts of living are
accumulated here and life
in Europe is very good.
You feel the beautiful com
plexity, of this marvelous
work of man on this "ex
tension of Asia". And then
you see that porcine Rus
sian face squinting over his
brick wall, cemented by hu
man blood, enclosing the
social piggery called "East
Germany." You hear the
ranting voice announce that
everything on this side of
the wall is decaying illu
sion, that the true garden
of prograss is over there to
the East, where live the
"peace loving" in the true
brotherhood of man.
Each time he speaks you
nave t sense of madness
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertistng Service, Incorporated
Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
14th & R
Telephone HE 2-7631 ext. 4225, 4226. 4227
SsborHptkMi ratra are S3 prr wnMln ar M for the aradrmlc yrar.
Entered aa srrnnd elan matter at the poet office In Lincoln, Nebraska,
under the aet of Anirust 4, 1812.
The Daily Nebraskan Is pnbllnhed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri
day during the srhool year, except during vacation and exam period, by
student af the I niTenrtty of Nebraska under authorization of the Committee
aa Student Affairs as aa expresstoa of student opinion. Publication under the
Jarlsdictiati of the Subcommittee on Student Publications shall be free from
editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee or oa the part of any
person outside the i:ntverlty. The members of the Dally Nebraskan staff ara
personally resnonslble for what they say, or do, ar cause to be printed.
February 8. ISM. .
loose at last: You feel al
most paralyzed with incred
ulity as when Adolf Hitler
roared of the master race
from the sportspalast in
old Berlin.
Arguments rush to clog
the angry brain: They do
not know how to live in Rus
sia and they will never learn
so long as that monstrously
unnecessary system pre
vails. Successful, they call
it. Any system can be made
to work after a fashion if
all opposition to it is de
stroyed long enough, and 45
years is long enough.
Virtually everything was
copied from the West: All
Russia sweats to have pre
cisely what the West al
ready has, and yet we are
told that the West is all
wrong, unworkable by the
laws of Marx and history.
Russia has made a "re
markable recovery" from
war's devastation un
der Communism but one
thinks of West Germany or
Italy, both smashed even
worse proportionately and
now providing a higher av
erage standard of life than
the Soviet Union. Surely,
free choice has something
to do with this. The whole
debate is a joke, but only
the gods can laugh.
On the facts, the argu
ment is closed. But we have
entered a weird and fright
ening passage of history
where facts are not of con
sequence. Khrushchev
knows the facts and their
existence explains much of
his rage. Communism as a
doctrine is finished. It can
not advance another foot by
the momentum of its own
"unanswerable logic."
But Russian power ad
vances because of the thrust
of it is now aimed, not at
man's reason, but at his
nervous system. This works,
in fits and starts, but us
ually enough for each im
mediate Soviet purpose. We
have thought of the "battle
for men's minds" in terms
of facts and persuasion. The
Communists believe this
battle can be more quickly
won by instilling fear. Rus
sua lies close and ' heavy
upon Europe, Asia, Middle
East; America is far away,
a modulated echo.
Some words of John
Foster Dulles are most per
tinent: "Few men in politi
cal life anywhere act with
out first thinking whether
they will please or displease
the leaders of the Soviet
Union." Fear has done this,
fear of mystery, unpredict
ability, amorality.ruthless-
ness, the fear that all nor
mal men always have of
the "special strength of the
Of course Eisenhower and
Dulles failed to "regain the
initiative" in world affairs:
Of course Kennedy and Rusk
have equally failed. Those
driven by a profound, un
shakable philosophy of de
liberate conflict, those who
seek not order but dis
order must always have the
initiative. We shall view the
world and our own capaci
ties more clearly once we
accept this simple law of
human society.
But now an ominous
thing has happened. The
Soviets have acquired the
greatest, indeed the ulti
mate weapon, in this battle
for man's nervous system:
The central engine for
maintaining the initiative is
in their possession. They
have convinced much of
mankind that the decision
for peace or war is theirs,
that they and they alone are
the arbiters of man's final
fate. At their indulgent ca
ress, the light will keep on
shining; or, at their signal,
the darkness will engulf us
They have convinced half
mankind that they hold the
mortgage on the earth and
they expect a file of quak
ing tenants seeking terms
to pay the interest charges.
The principle will never be
paid off, for Khrushchev ex
pects to raise' the interest
rate, higher and higher, if
and as his stratagem
Now the President anx
iously seeks to know how
we, too, can engage in
"psychological warfare",
as distinct from the
standard image-creation of
normal information and
propaganda. I hope he finds
a way. Other Americans
have tried it in peacetime
and failed.
We cannot instill fear of
ourselves in others. Many
people may dislike us, but
fear us they can not. We
cannot work at instilling
fear of Russia in others for
that would only add grist to
Khrushchev's mill. Nor can
we become the youthful,
dashing, unconventional
leader of the world wide
"revolution of rising ex
pectations." I dearly wish
to be wrong on this. But
we are not the America of
Tom Paine, and I can think
of no backward land likely
to accept us in that role.
As a generous, patient,
richer uncle, yes.
For the moment there is
only one thing we can do,
but it is basic to every
thing that may follow. We
can decide in our hearts
that we will truly risk war
rather than pay the kind of
blackmail that would start
a rush of tenants to Khru
shchev's door. We have to
decide this and somehow
convince the enemy of our
decision. There is no other
The Daily Nebraskan
fc --staff- -sr
Over the Top
By Norm Beatty
Speaking as strictly a col
umnist and not for the Rag,
this is my first opportunity
to talk off the cuff on those
things that interest me in
dividually. First, let me be the first
to stick my neck out, and
predict that we may all
spend Christmas vacation
on the beaches in Miami.
Laugh if you wish but I feel
this is the year, especially
since I am a senior and I
would like to tell my chil
dren that "We went to the
Orange Bowl when I went
to college." Unbased opin
ion or not, I for one am
packing my swimming suit
and sun tan oil.
Speaking of Miami, yours
truly hopes to be fortunate
enough to make a trip to
Miami in a month or so for
strictly business reasons. I
hope to have time to see
some of the beaches, etc.
and give you a preliminary
report . ,
a OTT-
How about that card sec
tion? I really wonder what
all the effort turns out to be.
I sincerely hope the words
of the instruction sheet
proves to be true (some
thing about being the best
darn card section in the
United States) because if we
weren't . . . well, I mean
an Innocent counting to 60
before the student body in
the rain and the student
body flash cards so fast so
as to bang the person sitting
in front of them to uncon
sciousness. In addition . . . Ron must
have a good reason for ask
ing 2,000 people NOT to
stand up for the national
Now that orientation
should be finished for every
single campus organization,
(Sukrilie Now
at Half Price
You con nod this world-foraoua.
kiily nawspaptr for ft ntxt si
months for $5.50, just holf trio
prgulor subscription ratt.
Er top naws eovtraga. Cnjra
fcpacioi ftoturM. Gip far wra
inca work.
Sand your ordar today, Insloaj
Shack or monay ordar. Us con
pon below.
Ths Ovation Scianct Monitor
Cna Norway St., tartan IS, Mask.
Stnd your mwtpaptf far ths ri
Qt months $5.50 Olyaaritt
QCoHopa JtuOant O faculty
Via aatial af- mllsMt ONLY It adlsaj
savitt fKuit axitat Mvllsji
I hope to see action. Last
year the Student Council
disbanded a long list of or
ganizations for bad stand
ing. That means do noth
ing. Let us all keep this in
mind. More later.
Its good to see all of the
freshmen boys were beanies
again this year. It is a part,
I believe, of college life and
each fraternity should fol
low suit. (I wonder how
many of them will graduate
in 1965?)
I hope I haven't driven all
of you over the top with my
first push so I'll stop now.
By the way, why the grave
ia the middle of your yard
WISE k0 )
;, Cash with all ads. Ad Must be placed two (2) days in advance of
date of publication. Errors corrected only if RAG is notified within
48 hours after ad has run.
On Films
By Phil Boroff
a Lopert Films, Inc. re
lease of a Melina Pro
duction starring Melina
Mercouri and Jules Das
sin. A huge financial suc
cess across the United
States, this philosophical
romp about an intellect
ual but prudish Ameri
can who tries to reform
a jolly Greek prostitute
also proves a huge cine
matic success. In release
over a year, the film has
finally reached Lincoln,
and the wait was certain
ly worthwhile.
Melina Mercouri, Greek
actress made an interna
tional star via this pic
ture, displays an excellent
acting range as the prosti
tute. It is a brilliant exe
cution of a larger than life
Jules Dassin not only
plays the American, but
also wrote and directed.
Dassin is better as direc
tor and writer because he
does not instill the right
note of naivete into his
role. But he is adequate,
with Greek actors all
colorful and effective in
other parts.
Plot: Dassin decides
that Melina, as the prosti
ture, is the symbol of the
fall of ancient Greece be
cause senses and feelings
take precedence over
mind and spirit in her pro
fession. He persistently
keeps after her and final
ly she agrees to a two week
For Your
1 day
2 days
DAYS. Enclosed Find $
Monday, September 25, 1961
and Things
experiment in which he
will open her eyes to the
finer things in life. Her
friends sadly stand by
while she gives up her
work and busies herself
with improving her mind.
But habit has a way of
resuming, and she returns
to her joy life. All is re
solved and there is a hint
that love will save her
from the oldest profession
while Dassin returns : to
the United States
Composer Manos Hadji
karis has given the film
an excellent, racy, Jang,
ling music score, employ
ing bazookies, local Greek
instruments. The theme
song, "Never on Sunday,"
has had a large record
success in this country
and also, won the
Academy Award for the
Best Song of I960' earlier
this year.
Academy Award nom
inations for this Greek
film totaled five, includ
ing Melina Mercouri as
'Best Actress' and Jules
Dassin as 'Best Director
The film is mainly in
English with some Greek
talk bits.
3 days