The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 11, 1961, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, July 1 1, 1961
Sunmer Nebraskan
Page 3
How Can Midwest Stop Erosion of -Youth
Some Say More Opportunities Necessar
Continued from Page 1 state. This is well illustrat- while, the pull of the home mate toward industry in the
cials who have answered ed in Journalism when town and state is usually tax field would help a great
Unit sip nuink in aHH fhaf newspapers ,m arger cities easily overcome.' deal, too, he said,
it akes Siat ve ?o di, have been quite interested Lt. Gov. Dwight Burney Nebraska Offer,
cover and Son rXittai in our graduates, offer, that the teaching field J. G. Elliott, a member
nd rareerf P Ptentlal '-Invariably, the salary is challenging and needy at of the NU Board of Regents,
anu diesis. levds and opportunities for thc same ttme feds tnat the state's offer
lop money and job satis- . . " in, to youth is education at
faction do not leap out at iiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiii(HMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiii:itiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiHiit(iiiitiitiiitiiiiiitiii a erv jow cost
prospects with the eager- -pj I 1f Others listed top oppor-
ness of fox terriers. The op- JT ODlllatlOll iUlgl'atlOIl unities in the state in such
portunities may knock but .1 T fipid(. a. ,.eiicri0n banking
seldom break down the Although Nebraska showed a six per rent Increase in 1 Xmunitv de-
door population between 1950 and 1960. according to govern- ? i Lh
Opportunitv ent census figures, the state is still losing more citizens J JHl JWS ant
Sam Jensen, a NU than It is gaining, according to Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer pro- L'v
Law College graduate, be- fsor of statistics an director of the bureau of business mcin Rasmusgen of
lieves "Nebrafka offers researth at the University. s X Jrea
young people an opportunity "There should have been a lot bigger population In- JpiSt
for leadership if they want case based on the birth and death rate alone," Pal- i3latu'human relations,
to lead and service if they mer said. Therefore, Nebraska is suffering a population is J"? "JJ1 "jjjj;
want to serve. And they can exodus.; ' strides In the field of sci-
add to the good life in Ne- ; 0f all living former Untversitv students on fUe in the ewe yet have done very lit-
braska which includes in : Alumni Association office, 55 per' cent of the mailing ad- tie in learning how to live
balanced proportions secu-J J lrsseis are out of state and 45 per cent are located in Ne- with ourselves, our neigh-
nty and the realization of braska.5 ' . bors. even a iife partner
am,vH0nSu JTiis figure, is not an exact picture, however, since the and most assuredly another
Yet what is most impor- : percentages are for "addressograph plates" only, and many nation," he said,
tant, ... Jensen, said 'is that 0f tne addresses serve more than one University alumnus. Militzer suggests that a
there is the opportunity por instance, a husband and wife would have the s a m e good sociological study of
here for a person to make addressograph plate. Nebraska would help pin-
an impact on his commu- of all the University graduates and' former students point what can be done to
mty and state in the fields for wnom tne Alumni office has addressograph plates, 27,- slow erosion of the state's
of industrial, educational, 257 plates are for other states; 22,566 are for Nebraska, youth
cultural and political lead- These may be broken down as follows: Small Community
ership. We need students Alumni Association Paid Members "One real need is to bring
who will make a few sacri- i 0tner states .4.857 back the small community
fices and go back to their i Nebraska 4,366 as an exciting place to
home towns, exercising this (this includes: live," he said.
leadership for the state and (Omaha,. 715 "Social and cultural ties
the University." (Lincoln .1,736 often are just as important
The idea that "Nebraska (Outstate Nebraska 1,515 for giving an aliveness to a
offers enough room to judge n foreign nations 65 small town as is its econ-
each individually" is ex- . i Canada .18 omy. If a small town can
pressed, too, by U.S. Repre-- Non-members, but University Alumni actually pump some new
sentative from Nebraska in other states 22,400 life into it through commu-
Phil Weaver. I Nebraska 18,200 nity enterprises that relate
"There's room, all right," These are overall figures and show no recent trends to cultural cohesion, profes-
Dean Walter E. Militzer of since thev include all living University graduates and for- sional people again will
the NU College of Arts and mer students. think of going back to their
Sciences said. "There's home towns,
room in Nebraska for good l(it'ii'(i(iiitiiiiiiii!iMiiiitiiiiiiiitiMiiMiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiitiHitimitiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiHNttiiiiHiiHHiii ome WOrk, such as that
men and women in law, advancement in the large "Young teachers must done by Professor Louis
medicine, dentistry, nursing centers seem greater than keep this field well and Trzcinski with the Sandhills
and teaching. This is partic- they do in Nebraska," Milit- alive and tempered to the Symphony Orchestra, needs
ularly true in the small zer said. "W hen this is age of the youngsters," he to be done in the lines of
towns. mixed with the natural ten- said. "But we must have a r t, languages, literature
"One chief difficulty is dency of young people to jobs for them when they are and government," he sug-
competition from out of want to leave home for a ready. A more friendly cli- gests.
i i mAmmmmmmmmm
... yVoif'
. r
rather his skeleton, has spent the last side Museum near where his bones were
half-century in the University's Morrill discovered in the Agate Spring quarries. ;
Hall state museum. But now he's home at
Sixteen Million Year-Old Rhino
Returns to Old Stomping Grounds
A rhinoceros that spent
about 16 million years in
northwest Nebraska and the
next 53 years in the Univer
sity of Nebraska state mus
eum in Morrill Hall has re
turned home.
The rhinoceros skeleton,
which was uncovered In 1908
in the Agate Spring Fossil
Quarries, east of Agate, will
be on display at the Univer
sity's Trailside Museum at
Ft. Robinson.
An adjunct of the state
museum at Morrill Hall, the
Trailside Museum opened
July 3, It is designed to in
terpret the natural history of
the Ft. Robinson area and is
housed in the former U.S.
town & campus
1229 R ST.
Jl L Y
Plenty Of Fine
rhinoceros, or last as a part
Army Theater building. The
museum will be open to the
public from May until mid
September. In addition to the rhinoceros
skeleton, the museum will fea
ture physiographic maps of
the U.S. and Nebraska; a
series of paleogeographic
, . j .
maps snowing cnanging con
ditions of the earth; a geolo
gic .time chart; and old ex
posed rocks, dinosaurs and
marine reptile fossils.
There will also be badland
deoosits showing fossils of sa
ber-toothed tigers, three-toed j
horses and camels; deposits
of Pine Ridge; "Devil's Cork
screws," the burrows of fossil
beavers ; a n d a large bone
slab of small extinct deer.
. HEZ-3645
SAL fill
Quality t ashwns
of the display at the Trail-
j M lifM
I - v fislsi wEws
Union to Sponsor
Penitentiary Tour
The Student Union tour of
the Nebraska State Peniten
tiary will begin at 5 p.m.
Thursday. Bus transportation
will be provided at the S
Street entrance of the Union.
' The guided tour will visit
the administration center, cell
blocks, work shops, green
house, library, class rooms,
chapel and kitchen.
An open discussion period
will be conducted by Deputy
Warden John B. Greenholtz.
Dinner will be served in the
dining area and a 45 minute
entertainment period will fol
low in the recreation center.
Participants must sign up
for the tour in the Student
Union program office today.
The charge will be thirty
cents bus fare and $1.00 for
the dinner at the penitentiary.
K. MK. I j
" S.DAK. S
" 1W'
coio. v.
"A concerted drive on the
part of business neonle "'
community leaders to find
a place in Nebraska tor us
young people is needed,"
Jensen added. "This too re
quires some sacrifices, fi
nancially by those w ho
would take part in offering
jobs. But any investment
would benefit the commu
nity and state."
Sen. George Syas suggests
that young people cannot be
held strictly on an agricul
tural economy. "It must be
balanced with industry," he
Representative Weaver
concludes that "Nebraska,
like the world itself, offers
to young men and women a
challenge to grow and de
velop as free men in an era
when freedom is becoming
a rare commodity."
The University Business
Research Bureau explains
the high migration figures
this way:
The departure from the
farm and mine, and from
the small towns serving
The departure from the
center of large cities.
The attraction of , the
Machines Speed Learning
Continued from Page 1
committee of the National Ed
ucation Association which sets
school standards for program
ming, manufacture and use,
explain their function, in gen
eral: "All of the machines are
devices which can be pro
grammed with certain hard,
factual information. They can
be given subject matter in
elementary mathematics, for
example, break it down into
"bits" of information or
"frames." The machines
i nincanf tVi a infAPmotinn A ihA
student, elicit inductive or de
ductive reasoning and finally,
tell the student immediately
whether he is right or wrong
in that reasoning."
Dr. Meierhenry explained
that certain machines with
complex programming can
even tell a student why he is
wrong, suggest where he
ned more work, and tell
him where he can get further
Did you know
that the Summer Nebraskan
reading audience includes:
3727 students, plus
faculty members, administration,
and Lincoln residents?
This makes the Summer Nebraskan
one of the most widely read week
lies in the state.
West and the Gulf Coast.
The attraction of more
industrialized areas.
In response to the ques
tionnaire. University of Ne
braska Chancellor Clifford
Hardin said "The Univer
sity, with standards recog
nized and accepted through
out the nation, stands ready
to accept graduates of Ne
braska accredited high
schools, as do the other
colleges and universities.
"College is available to
Nebraska youth and it is a
little surprising to find that
the proportion of yeutk
which avails itself of this
opportunity is somewhat
less thaa that shows by
youth of surrounding states.
"Nebraska life, economi
cally and socially, is chang
ing," Hardin continued.
"The great need, however,
is for people with fresh
ideas and strong courage to
help it adjust successfully
to the transition which is
taking place. It is in times
of change and adjustment
that great opportunities oc
cur. It is this kind of at
mosphere which Nebraska
information on his problem in
his text.
"Although there is still
good deal of criticism ef the
machines and while m a c h
work must be done by manu
facturers before they will be
of anything mere than exper
imental value, the time is
coming when they will be
helpful in education," he said.
Dr. Meierhenry cited the
success of the armed serv
ices' special use of similar
machines and pointed out that
in the past five years, impor
tant developments have been
Robert Stepp, head if the
bureau of audio-visual in
struction at the University,
explained that there are re
corded cases where students
using the machines have
learned rote material in half
the time it takes with a class
room teacher.
Some of the troubles the
It's jus
jo roc souse to
advertise in
The administrator s u g
gests that what the state
needs is a more optimistic
approach to our own eval
uation of the state.
"We need more emphasis
on the great accomplosh
ment Nebraska has made
in the past century and
it has been a great one
which has transformed an
open prairie into a state
which provides a very good
life for hundreds of thous
ands of families. We need
more industrial development
to balance our economy,
and there are indications
that this is coming.
The Chancellor said the
University's role is one of
dedication to young people,
enabling them to see and
fit themselves to fulfill
Nebraska opportunities.
"I am certain," he con
cluded "that the influence
of the University through
the young people who study
here; through Extension
programs it sponsors;
through its new program for
continuing education is
a great force for good and
for progress in Nebraska."
machines still face were list
ed as follows by Dr. Meier
henry: They'll have to live down
their bad name of "teaching
machines," which they are
While the need is for fewer
types of machines which can
be put to multiple uses, a
large number of manufactur
ers (there are at least 40 now)
continue to bring out new
There is a real need for
"programmers," people who
know how te feed information
into the machines for effec
tive results, and few are
available. A new educational
speciality is developing, he
Educators disagree about
the value of the machines
and the proper way to use
them. For example, language
teachers disagree on what is
proper programming in their
i field.