The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1961, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, May 22, 1961
The Nebraskan
Page 3
uskers Lose
By Hal Brown
Nebraska failed in its bid to
move into third place in the
Big Eight standings as Kan
sas State won two games of
the three-game series Friday
and Saturday in Lincoln.
The Huskers needed wins in
all three games to take over
the third spot. The two tea"ms
split a doubleheader Friday
with Kansas State winning the
first, 4-0, and Nebraska com
ing back to take the nightcap,
10-0. The Wildcats won Satur
day's contest, 4-2.
Kansas State winds up the
Big Eight campaign with a
10-10 mark. Nebraska has a
7-11 Big Eight record for sixth
place and a 9-14 overall rec
ord. Steve Smith captured the
batting title for the Huskers
with a .351 mark. Jerry Har
ris finished at .338. Don Schin
del boosted his mark from
.290 to .333 during the final
series. Rex Swett finished just
below the .300 circle with a
.296 average.
Ron Havekost held the Wild
cats to only two hits in pick
ing up his second win against
two losses in the nightcap of
Friday's twinbill.
Box Scores
1st Game
K Jonrd 2b 3 1 1 1 Swttt M
Dunn 3b 4 I 1 J Sch'el cf-rt
Solmos cf 3 0 1 0 Harris rf-c
Solmos cf 10 10 Becher lb
ab r h bl
3 0 10
3 0 10
3 0 0 0
10 0 0
3 0 0 0
Kaufman lb 3 0 O SmIUi If
Edwards lb 1 0 0 0 Anderson 3D 3 0 0 0
Kreske rf 3 0 0 0 Wall p 3 0 0 0
R. Jonei a 3 0 0 0 Redmond lb 3 0 1 0
Ilaun If 110 0 Salerno cf 1 0 0 0
Pease c 1 0 0 0 aEnut 10 0 0
Thummel 1 0 0 0 Meyera c 10 0 0 13 4 4 I Totali U ( 1
a-itruck out for Myers In 5th.
K-Stale 100JW3 4
Nrbra.ka OOO 000 4
E-Dunn. R. Jones. Peas 1. Becher.
PO-A K-State 21-2. Nebraska 21-11. LOB
- K-State 6, Nebraska 6. DP Becher.
HR Dunn. SB Solmoa. Haun, Schindel,
Becher. S Thummel, K. Jones. Pease.
IP II 1 EI 11 M
Thummel 3 0 0 2
PB Myers, HBP Wall (Solmoa). U
Harbour and Sealey. T 1:65.
toi Game
ab r b bl ab r a bl
K. Jones 2b 3 0 0 0 McCla'hey cf 1 3 0 0
Dunn 3b 3 0 10 Naiberk c 0 0 0 0
Solmoa cf 3 0 0 0 Schindel rf
Novak 0 0 0 0 Swett as
3 2 2 2
12 2 1
3 2 2 1
Kreske rf 2 0 0 0 Harris c-n
R. Jones as 3 0 1 O Smich U
3 0 11
Ilaun If 3 0 0 0 cSalerno lb
0 0 0 0
F.dwarria lh OOOO Hecher lb
3 0 3 2
hHowarrf loon Redmond 2b 3 0 0 0
Kaulman lb 1 0 0 0 Havekost p 2 10 0
Pease c 10 0 0
Laurie p 0 0 0 0
Hi man p 1 0 0 0
Totals 12 0 1 0 Totals 14 10 10 7
a walked for Kreske in the 7th, b
truck out for Kaufman in 5th, c ran
for Becher in 6th.
K-Slate 000 000
Nfbraska 104 300 It
E-I)unn, Solmoa. PO-A K-State 1M,
Nebraska 21-8. LOB K-State 3, Nebraska
1. DP Kreske and R. Jones. R. Jones
and Dunn. Anderson, Redmond and Saler
no. 2B Becher 1. SB Swett, McClatchey.
Heiman 12-3 3 7 6 2 2
Laurie 3 1-3 1 3 2 2 1
Havekost 7 2 0 0 2 6
u sealey and Nordberf. T 2:00.
ab r k bl ab r h bl
McClat'ey cf 4 0 1 0 K. Jones 2b 4 0 2 0
Schindel rf 4 0 2 0 Dunn 3b 3 10 0
Swett as 4 110 Solmoa cf 3 0 0 0
Harris c 4 0 10 Kaufman lb 2 0 0 0
Beecher lb 4 0 0 0 Edwards lb 1 1 0 0
Smith If 3 13 0 Kreske rf 3 110
Anderson 3b 4 0 0 0 R. Jones aa 3 1 1 0
Redmond 2b 3 0 t 0 Haun If 3 0 11
Ernst p 1 0 0 0 Pease c 10 0 1
Boniatall p 1 0 0 0 Steele p 4 0 0 0
Totals Hit Totals ! 4 f 1
Kansas State 000 OU 0094
Nebraska 000 010 0011
E Swett 3, Marrls, Solmos. PO-A Kan
sas St. 27-14, Nebraska 27-14. DP Steele,
R. Jones and Kaufmans R. Jones, K.
Jones, and Edwards; Ernst, Swett, and
Beecher; Redmond, and Swett. LOB
Kansas State 5, Nebraska 4.
2B Jones. SB R. Jones. X. Jones,
Dunn 2, Smith, Schindel. 8 Haun. SF
Steele (W S
Ernst IL, 1-2) ... 6 1
2 111
2 14 3
2 0 11
PB Pease. HBP By Steele tamiuw.
U Hergert and Hametz. T 2:00.
Four Prep Gymnasts
Are Husker Bound
Four of the better Nebraska
hi h school gymnasts will en
roll at the University of Ne
braska next fall, according
to Coach Jake Geier. They
are Ken Kortwright, Omaha
Benson; Francis Allen,
Charles Province and John
Sebensdorf, Lincoln High.
mm- j
Ls It y
I. h II 1 ' -
N 11 'V
6th in Big Eight Race
The sophomore lefthander
from Hooper set the first 10
Kansas State batters down in
order before Tom Dunn sin
gled in the fourth inning. Only
one runner reached second
against Havekost.
Don Novak walked for the
Wildcats1 in the seventh and
moved to second on a single
by Bob Jones. Havekost al
lowed only five baserunners.
He struck out six and walked
The Huskers, after being
shut out in the first game,
wasted little time in giving
Havekost a lead.
Dave McClatchey opened
the bottom of the first inning
by drawing a walk, stealing
second, going to third on a
ground out and scoring on a
single by Rex Swett.
Swett stole second and re
mained there as Jerry Harris
got an infield single. Steve
Smith's single scored Swett
and pushed Harris to third.
Harris scored when Smith's
single got past the Kansas
State centerfielder.
Becher Doubles
Nebraska added four more
in the third on a walk, sin
gles by Don Schindel, Swett
and Harris and a double by
Dick Becher, his second of the
The Huskers put the game
out of reach with three in the
fourth. Havekost and Mc
Huskers' Grand Old Man
Memory of Schulte Lingers
On Husker Athletic Fields
By Cloyd Clark
If ghosts can feel good and look into
present day events, "PA" Schulte is no
doubt smiling and saying "I told you so"
as he looks down on Nebraska's high
school trackmen this year.
Henry F. Schulte, the famed grand old
man of Nebraska who coached conference'
champion track teams nineteen times in
his years as Husker track head predicted
in 1921 that the "athletic age" was going
to descend on the world and that not only
team sports, but also track would be taken
in by this era.
Schulte, the originator of the "full blue,"
"half blue" and high school penthathlon,
has probably done as much as anyone in
developing this state's attitude toward
track and field events.
"Always finish the race, even if you're
last, finish." Schulte's words are engraved
on the Omaha World Herald Schulte Me
morial Trophy which is presented each
year to the outstanding performer in the
Big Eight conference meet.
The All-American footballer came to Ne
braska as the head football and track
coach, but in 1919 and 1920 a 8-6-2 record '
wasn't good enough for a football coach
and he was delegated to spend his whole
time developing track squads.
Nineteen Crowns
Between 1919 and 1938 Schulte won 10
outdoor and nine indoor conference cham
pionships in the Missouri Valley and Big
Six, and coached some of the bone crush
ing lines which plagued the four-horsemen
and Red Grange in the 1920s and
Although the Nebraska spirit which fills
the stadium every Saturday whether the
Husker gridders win or lose can not be
attributed to any one man, Schulte would
no doubt rank with Bible, Jones and Daw
son in the final poll.
Schulte was here before the scholarship
and was often known to see a stout look
ing scholar and impress upon him that
he should be on the Husker football or
track team.
The miracle power of the old track
coach is described by Floyd Olds in these
words, "When the tanned, husky-voiced
coach put his hand on the shoulder of a
McDole, Russell Get Nominations
Nominations for the Daily i
Nebraskan Outstanding Var-
sity Athlete Award reached!
eight with nominations of Ron!
McDole and Tom Russell
closing the polls.
The letter nominating Mc
Dole says, "McDole has fin
ish a fmir-vear college foot
ball career during which he
logged approximately i,uuu
minutes of playing time as a
Husker tackle."
The letter states that al
though he was hit by the
mono bug as a sophomore,
he went on to average w min
utes per game.
McDole started at aeiensive
tackle for the North in the
Senior Bowl Game at Mobile,
Ala., and for the Blue in the
Blue-Gray game at Mont
gomery, Ala. . -
The letter says, "McDole
was handicapped in the Blue
Gray game by the loss of his
trainer, Jim "Fitzsimmons"
Brown. Brownie was detained
by the city of Montgomery in
a definite Southern maneuver
to handicap the feared tackle
from the North."
Tod Lineman
The 6-3, 270-pound lineman
received the Fred L o r e n z
2 to K-State;
Clatchey opened the inning
with back-to-back walks and
Schindel plated both of them
with a double. Schindel moved
to third on a sacrifice bunt
by Rex Swett and scored oni
Harris grounder.
Nebraska got only three hits
off Wayne Thummel in the
first game as the Wildcat
southpaw had the Huiker
swingers under control.
Swett led off with a bung
single for Nebraska, but then
Thummel beared down and
didn't allow another hit until
the sixth when Schindel sin
gled. Bill Redmond got the
other Husker hit in the se
Husker righthander Jam
Wall gave up only four hits.
He allowed only one nm un
til the seventh when the Wild
cats picked up three.
Thummel Tough
Thummel struck out nine
Husker swingers and walked
only two in picking up his
fifth win of the year against
three losses.
Kansas State got only one
earned run in Saturday's tilt,
but the Huskers gave up three
unearned tallies bo provide
the Wildcats with a 4-2 vic
tory. Tom Ernst started for the
Huskers and gave up only
two runs on three hits. He
was coasting along with little
trouble when Coach Tony
Sharpe yanked him in favor
trophy as the outstanding
lineman on the 1960 team. He
has received an invitation to
play for the West in the new
All-America Graduation Bowl
sponsored by the American
Coaches Association in B u f
falo, N.Y., June 23.
McDole has received two
Daily Nebraskan Star of The
Week awards and as a junior,
Nebraska sports writers and
sportscasters voted him the
outstanding Varsity player in
the 1959 All-Sports Day Alum
ni Game. He has been Big
Eight honorable mention at
the tackle spot for two years.
"Well-liked and cited for
his sportsmanship, McDole is
described as a team player.
Always concerned with the
other man and with the suc
cess of the team before his
own progress, McDole has
proved a Cornhusker in the
old spirit'," the letter con
tinues. The letter nominating Rus
sell points out that he led the
Huskers in points scored
with 300, rebounds with 250
and field goal percentage with
49 per cent.
The letter points to tne
game with Utah as an ex
ample of his prowess on the
of Ernie Bonlstall in the sev
enth. Kansas State opened the
scoring in the fifth when Bob
Jones doubled, was sacrificed
to third and scored on Dean
Pease's sacrifice fly.
Nebraska came back to tie
with an unearned run in the
bottom half of the fifth. Smith
was hit by a pitch, stole sec
ond, went to third on a fly
ball and came home on a
passed ball.
Error Helps
The Wildcats came back to
take the lead with an un
earned tally in the sixth. Dunn
walked, stoled second and
scored when Husker catcher
Harris threw the ball into left
field trying to throw out Dunn
at third.
Kansas State added two in
the ninth before Nebraska ral
lied for one in the bottom of
that frame. A walk, a single
by Harold Haun and two er
rors on Swett gave the Wild
cats two unearned scores.
Nebraska started a rally in
the last inning when Swett
and Harris led off with back-to-back
singles. But a double
play ball by Dick Becher
broke up the rally as Swett
scooted across the plate with
the final run.
Nebraska pulled off four
double plays in the three
games to give them 23 for the
season, an average of one per
pupil, the boy forgot all else and listened.
Pa would say in a kind of fatherly voice,
'Son, you have the makings of a great
hurdler. Just stretch out and lengthen
your stride a bit and you'll be a cham
pion'." In 1938 bad health forced Schulte to
retire from the Nebraska track scene and
on Oct. 18, 1944, Henry Schulte died, but
many of his philosophies on athletics are
still applicable.
Phamplet Printed
Shortly after his arrival on the Univer
sity campus he printed up a pamphlet
"Track and Field Athletics" which was
distributed to all the Nebraska high
school coaches.
Alng with his theories on the half mile,
the javelin and the California roll high
jump, were several fatherly comments.
"Whatever you do, don't be afraid of
being a dub. The world wasn't made in
a day. The expert in any field of endeavor
has behind him a long period of ap
prenticeship or dubdom.
"No matter how gruelling the race, the
real competitor will not fall or grandstand
at the finish."
In regard to the Husker football situa
tion in 1931 Schulte remarked, "It's a
bunch of damned fatheads who put the
Nebraska football team on a pedestal,
Cornhuskers unbeatable, who make it so
worsnip at its shrine and consider the
tough on the team and coaches. This was
at n t'me when the Huskers had suffered
several upsets. A time when Missouri and
OKla..onict were the underdogs.
'Underdogs Fight Hard'
"They're the underdogs and fight all the
harder," the old man commented before
the Lincoln Lions Club. "What's the re
sult? Look at last season's record, you'll
find it there."
The Shadow of Henry "Indian" Schulte
surely Tiovers over the Schulte Memorial
Field House, dedicated in 1947, and the
"blue" awards of the Nebraska High
Scholo track and perhaps the "Old Man
of Nebraska" is still around the walkways
of the campus with his country-store
philosophy and a love for a clean hard
athletic contest.
"Be game."
court. He scored five points
in the last 15 seconds to give
Nebraska a 65-60 win, the let
ter states.
N-Club Officer
The letter continues, "but
Tom realizes that his accom-
nlishments are because Of a
team's accomplishments. And
as Tom has respect ana inter
est in his fellow athletes, they
also have respect and inter
est in him as was shown by
electing the tall eager Ser-feant-At-Arms
of N-Club
shortly after his initiation into
the organization.
Russell received the KLIN
Outstanding Basketball
Player of the Year Award and
was named the Most Valuable
Player on the Husker team
by a vote of the Big Lignt
Mr-Dole and Russell i 0 i n
gridder Pat Fischer, gymnast
Dennis Anstine, wrestler jviikc
Nissen. swimmer Joe Stocker
and two-sport stars. Al Roots
and Al wellman as candidates
for the award.
The winner will he revealed
in Friday's Daily Nebraskan
and he will be honored at a
luncheon Friday noon in the
btuaent union.
OU Cops Track Crown
As Nebraska Places 7th
By Jan Sack
Oklahoma broke the nine
year hold Kansas had on the
Big Eight outdoor champion
ships as the Sooners out
scored the Jayhawks, 99 to
The Huskers finished in sev
enth place with '41 points.
Tenseness filled the air as
George Davies of Oklahoma
State nearly reached the sky
when he pole vaulted 15-10V4
for a new world's record. Bed
lam reigned after the sopho
more vaulter cleared the
height. First toughts were
that he had cleared 15-11,
but after the bar was leveled
the 15-10V4 mark stood.
Records fell by the wayside
the former world pole vault
record of 15-9V4 by Don Bragg;
the old NCAA record of 15-9
by Bog Gutowski; the old Big
Eight record of 15-4 by J. D.
Martin of Oklahoma; and the
old Folsom Field (Colorado)
record of 15-3.
The Huskers landed three
second places. Bill placed sec
ond in the 120-yard high hur
dles with a :14.3. Sophomore
Fred Wilke placed second in
the 220 lows in :23.4. In the
javelin Al Roots placed sec
ond with a toss of 208-2V2.
Wellman Fifth 1
Al Wellman, Husker weight-
man, placed fifth in the shot
put with a toss of 51-11 and
fifth in the discus with a 150-4
toss. Larry Reiners placed
sixth in the discus with a 149
IV mark.
Slender soph Ray Stevens
was clocked in 4:17.2 for
fourth place after putting up
a last-ditch battle for second.
Husker Steve Pfister, timed
in :10.0 for the 100, placed
fourth. In the broad jump Bob
Knaub jumped 23-2 for a fifth
place. Jim Kraft placed fifth
In a four-way tie at 13-7 in
the pole vault.
Although the Husker mile
relay team placed fifth the
3:17.2 mark is the best time
for the quartet.
Big Eight records held up
well under the stress of the
conference meet. The only
record that was tied was done
by a Colorado soph.
Record Tied
In the 440-yard dash Jim
Heath was clocked in :46.5
just edging out Jim Baker of
Missouri who was caught in
;46.6. This ties the record set
by Jim Carlson of Colorado
in 1958.
Shot put and discus honors
were copped by Mike Lind
say, the big Englishman,
from Oklahoma. He won his
third crown in the shot by
tossing it 57-5. Don Smith,
Missouri, placed second with
56-0. Lindsay's discuss toss
was 164-2. Dick Pilgrim, Iowa
State, placed second with a
158-4V4 mark.
NU Teams
Finish Last
In Big Eight
Nebraska's tennis and golf
teams both finished last in the
Big Eight conference meets
Friday and Saturday at Boul
der, Colo.
The Husker netters failed to
score a point and no Husker
reached the semifinal round.
The Nebraska golfers finished
last with Jerry Overgaard
and Dave McConahay turning
in the best Husker scores.
Each had 235 totals for the
54 -hole play. Overgaard's
opening round 75 was the best
18-hole score turned in by a
Oklahoma State won both
the tennis and golf crowns.
Kansas, Colorado, Iowa State,
Oklahoma, Kansas State, Mis
souri and Nebraska finished
behind the Cowboys in that
order in tennis.
Colorado finished second in
golf with Oklahoma, Kansas,
Iowa State, Missouri, Kansas
State and Nebraska trailing
in that order.
Bible Institute Elects
Clegg for Seminar
Archie Clegg, University
senior, was selected as one of
the students from 35 colleges
across the nation to attend a
seminar on the ministry in
Evanston, 111.
The purpose of the seminar
at Garrett Biblical Institute,
a graduate school of theology
of the Methodist Church, is to
help students clarify their vo
cational plans.
Bill Dotson of Kansas won
the mile in 4:15.5 with Paul
Ebert of Oklahoma finishing
second in 4:16.0 and Ray
Schmits, Missouri, third in
The high jump ended in a
three-way tie for first with
Mark Brady, Oklahoma and
Don Blakely and Sammy Pe
gues of Oklahoma State all
clearing 6-5V4.
Time in the 100-yard dash
was slow with Mark Sullivan,
Oklahoma, placing first in
:09.9. Darrel Davis, Oklahoma
State, and Dave Butts, Mis
souri, placed second and third
respectively in :09.9.
Meyers Wins BJ
Broad jumper Don Meyers
of Colorado won the broad
jump with a 24-6 effort. Steve
Swafford of Oklahoma placed
second in 23-9V4 with Chuck
Runge, Iowa State, third m
Nomination of Prokop
Brings Total to Four
Bob "Porky" Prokop is the final nominee for the Daily
Nebraskan Outstanding Intramural Athlete Award.
His nomination brings the final total to four with Myron
Pepadakis, Chuck Arizumi and Al Cummins preceding him.
The winner will be announced in Friday's Daily Nebraskan
and will be honored at a luncheon in the Student Union Fri
day noon.
The letter nominating Prokop says, "He has been Mr.
Intramurals for the past six years. In the major IM sport,
basketball, he has been honored six times as an all-University
Prokop's teams have won 125 and lost five in intramural
competition. He was a quarterback for the Kappa Sigma
football team, catcher for the softball team, a member of
the all-fraternity volleyball championship team, a finalist in
his flight of horseshoes, a compeitor in badminton and a par
ticipant in other minor sports.
Since it is quite possible that Prokop will retire from
intramural activities next year either by graduation or by
self-imposed retirement, I feel that we should truthfully
and sincerely honor this great intramural player by select
ing him as Outstanding Intramural Athlete of the Year
an honor that he deserves for his contribution to the Univer
sity IM program," the letter concludes.
Other shoes may look like Keds, but only U.S. Keds can give you "that great
feeling." Because Keds have a patented shockproofed arch cushion and
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Hers: Keds "Champion." Get your U.S.
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both S. Reds
Rex Stucker of Kansas State
retained his Big Eight hurdle
crowns in both the highs and
lows. He was casught in :14.1
for the lows and :22.8 for the
The old 880 record of 1:49.0
set by Joe Mullins of Nebras
ka nearly fell when Kirk Ha
gan of Kansas clicked through
in 1:49.2. Billy Stone, Okla
homa State, placed second in
Chuck Strong, Oklahoma
State, won the 220 in :21.4
with Baker second and Heath
third. Kansas' Billy Mills won
the two-mile run in 9:32.4 with
Bob Hanneken of Missouri
taking second.
Oklahoma edged out Mis
souri in the 440-yard relay
with a :41.2 clocking com
pared with :41.3 for the Ti
gers. Kansas easily won the
mile relay in 3:11.9. Okla
homa State was a distant sec
ond in 3:13.7.
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