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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1961)
1 ONIVERSITY OF NEBC: LIBRARY ARCH1 avy ROTC Head Leaves NU; Lauds University V 7ES .-.J5Jl..TsiLKfltau Oapt. James R. Hansen, professor of Naval Science, will retire this June after 25 years of Naval duty. He has been decorated with every honor which the Navy can bestow on an offi cer except the Congression al Medal of Honor. In a special Interview, however, Capt. Hansen re fused to discuss his WW II record, instead emphasizing his respect for and faith in the University and state of Nebraska. . "University students tend to be apologetic '-or even ashamed of their institution; they fail to recognize its quality. In my commands near the campuses of the U.S. and overseas, I know you people in Nebraska have much to be proud of. But if you don't support your own University and state, who else will?" point ed out Capt. Hansen. Selection "A board of leading edu cators acting under Naval specifications selected the University with 51 other col leges and universities of 306 applying to provide a Naval ROTC program. Selection was based on academic Biochemistry Congress Dr. Pazur, Jacobi Take USSR Trip By Janet Sack Two University faculty members have been invited to the Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry to be held in Mfleflnw Aiicrnct 1fl-1fv Dr John Pazur, acting chairman of the department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, ana ur. nerDen jacom, cuau man of the department of biochemistry at the University Col lege of Medicine, are the officially invited guests. Dr. Jacobi will present ai paper entitled "ciiecis ui Phenothlezine Derivatives on Enzyme Activity." The pur pose of the International Con gress is for the dissemina tion of advances and knowl edge acquired in biochemis try by international biochem ists. "It is very gratifying to have an opportunity to pre sent a paper before an inter national body of scientists," said Dr. Jacobi. , Translate Paper He will present the paper in English and those attending the Congress will hear a si multaneous translation of the paper. The presentation will be followed by a period of questions and answers. The Congress meets every three years and the 1961 meet ing will be the first time the Congress has met behind the Iron Curtain. Previously the meetings have been held in Western Europe. There has never been a meeting in the United States. As a sidebar to his profes sional trip, Dr. Jacobi hopes to visit Paris and also Ge neva, Switzerland. He would also like to visit the depart ment of Physical Chemistry i.H.n University in the .... ttw-yrf i - t a iiv- Netherlands, the first medi cal clink at the University of Frankfort on the Main in Germany and the Max Planck Institute for Cellular Chemis try In Munich. While Dr. Pazur Is in Rus sia he will visit research cen ters in Moscow and the sur rounding areas. He was also selected for a travel award by the American Society of Biological Chemists, which will finance his trip. Great Opportunity "This will be a tremendous opportunity to find out new development in S o v i e t re search," Dr. Pazur said. At the Congress Dr. Pazur will also present the results of research done on the pro duction of sugars in plants at the University research laboratory. He also plans to visit bio chemical Institutes in Czecho slovakia, England and Ger many. Institutes in these countries are doing similar research as is being done in Nebraska, according to Dr. Pazur. "This will be an excellent opportunity to learn new ap proaches, techniques and in formation on this type of re search. Some of these ideas can possibly be applied to our research done at the Univer sity," said Dr. Pazur. Correction ; Dick Rueter was the win ner of the 4-H Club's Beard Contest and not Gary Gre- der as stated in Monday's ' Daily Nebraskan. "standing of the institution, caliber of the faculty, and national reputation," con tinued Capt. Hansen. "And the positions of na tional leadership filled by Chancellor Hardin and Dean Weaver on the Executive Councils of the Association of Land Grant Colleges (which supervises the edu cational program of 80 of college students) and the as sociation of graduate col leges respectively attest to CAPT. HANSEN Legislators Pass TV Resolution Senators Encourage Extension of Service A resolution designed to en courage the extension of edu cational television hi Nebras ka was approved 34-4 by Ne braska legislators after inser tion of an amendment which acknowledges the imDortance of commercial TV service as well. Sen. Richard Marvel of Hastings, principal introducer of the resolution offered the amendment as a substitute for a more specific amend ment proposed by Sen. Ken neth Bowen of Red Cloud. B o w e n's amendment pro vided that educational TV channels should be reserved only when such reservation "does not deny any area the facility of commercial TV." Bowen and Sen. Frank Nel son of O'Neill expressed fears that educational TV might freeze out commercial TV in their areas, where commer cial TV reception is presently inadequate. Sen. Marvel told Bowen he has been advised that KHOL TV of Holdrege is contemplat ing an eastward move of Its transmitter, and that KOLN- TV of Lincoln contemplates a satellite station, both steps oi which would improve com mercial service in Bowen's district. Bowen's amendment lost 10-17 and Marvel's substitute amendment carried on a voice vote. University Holds Language Clinic The Summer Language In stitute will be held at the Uni versity June 12-August 4. Participants from 17 states have been selected as mem bers for the Institute, which is being financed by a $79,744 grant under the National De fense Education Act. Fiftv-three secondary school teachers of French and Spanish will be housed at Uni versity dormitories and will receive stipends of $75 a week. Tinder the direction of Dr. Charles W. Colman, chairman of the Romance Languages department, the Institute will be an intensive course in con versation, and classroom and laboratory techniques. Native speakers of the two languages will be available for frequent consultations. the excellent people at the University," Capt. Hansen emphasized. Referring to the Naval ROTC program, Capt. Han sen revealed tentative plans to Increase the number of regular N R 0 T C students (those subsidized for all costs except room and board, for which $50 a month Is paid). If a regular NROTC cadet is recommended for gradu ate work by the dean of graduate college and the Professor of Naval Science and if he is still eligible aft er a year of observed active duty, he is sent to the insti tution in the U.S. most qual ified in his field to complete his Ph.D. All expenses are paid, the student receiving the regular Naval Officer's salary as well. After com pleting his Ph.D., the stu dent undertakes naval re the PA Vol. 74, No. 113 Ten Names By Jim Forrest Three faculty members and seven students are the last nominees for the "Outstand ing Nebraskan" as nomina tions for the award closed Friday. Van Westover, assistant dean of Student Affairs, has been cited for his first-name relationship with nearly every one he meets. In his dealings with students and faculty alike, he leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as to the un questionable desirability of at tending a school such as Nebraska, the letter said. "Westover makes it a con tinuous challenge to become reasonably acquainted with as many students as possible, and is constantly aware of the innumerable activities which any one of them may be pur suing," the nominating letter stated. The letter concluded by say ing, "Van Westover personal izes what a University should strive to be." William Torrence, instruc tor in business organization and management, has also been nominated for the Out standing Nebraskan faculty member award. He has re ceived a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism degree and a Mas ters in Sociology. He is cur rently working on his Ph.D while instructing Torrence, according to thejdience and his contributions letter of nomination, is a very capawe university educator. He does not iust repeat what the student can read in the text. He magnifies the stu dent's perspective, he moti vates the student, he encour ages the student and he teaches the student. He is very dedicated to his profes sion and holds the purpose of education in high esteem, the letter stated. Before coming to the Uni versity as an Instructor, Tor rence was industrial relations administrator for a Wisconsin paper company where he served as an Intermediary be tween labor and management in relation to wage and sal ary administration. In the classroom, he speaks not only of theory but of real istic situations which he ob served in the field and of the Last Campus Landmark Razing The oldest building on campus, the form er Nebraska Hall, has seen its last term and will not be around next fall to greet the incoming freshman class. Located in the heart of the city campus, this aging structure will go the way other original University buildings have cleared away for a growing and ever expanding institution. Although the old Nebraska Hall does not have the sentiment behind it that other build ings had, it Is one of the last. Progress at the University has caused the building to be condemned a structure that has served Nebraskans for 74 years. Today it is desolate and silently waiting for its razing. The bids will be accepted sometime within the next month for the razing of the building, said Carl Donaldson, University business manager. The plans now call for the razing to begin sometime in June. No Immediate plans for a new building are being considered yet, said Donaldson. This of course does not mean that a replace search for a specified length of time. Deferment A NROTC student con tracting with the Navy for the four college years may similarly have his military commitment deferred if rec ommended by the dean of graduate college and the professor of Naval Science. Capt. Hansen's war record is possibly second to no oth er Naval officer of WW II. Graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1931, Capt. Hansen served as Chief Engineer and Dam age Control Officer on the USS Conyngham during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. As executive Officer of the USS Chevalier, Capt. Hansen rescued some 350 men from a damaged ship in the Kula Gulf in 1943. After the Chevalier and sociological aspects which thev entail. Because of his knowledge and experience, the letter went on, he can put dis- cussion on a practical level. James Blackman Prof. James S. Blackman of the Engineering Mechanics Department has been nomi nated for his work as an in structor and lecturer and for his work outside the class room with student organiza tions and extra-curricular ac tivities. .The nomination States that his professional experience in industry and education has been indeed commendable. His articles in the field of concrete material have ap peared in several national journals and his research in vestigations of concrete have received national recognition. He was awarded the Uni versity Research Council grant for one summer and the Abel Memorial Fund Re search grant for four sum mers. In 1956. Blackman was awarded the Distinguished j Teaching Award by the Uni versity. The letter went on to say how Blackman has served with distinction as adviser to a number of student organi zations, and students with many types of problems. His talks and speeches to many banquets and gatherings are long remembered by his au to the philosophical side of the engineering profession are unparalleled. it niinH k cow. X I1C IdlCJ. (.U1IV1UUVU wj in? "There has been, in sum- mary, no limitation to tne ex tent and nature of his out standing contributions." Dave McConahay Dave McConahay, senior in Arts and Science and past o ' . president of the Innocents So-; ciety, nas Deen nominated ior the Outstanding Nebraskan student award. Under his leadership, the letter stated, the Cornhusker Protege program was organ ized, which brought 27 senior men into contact with some of the most competent busi ness and professional men in Nebraska; the Corn Cobs, of which he is also past pres ident, have begun and con tinued the sponsorship of ment will not two other destroyers had defeated a Japanese force of nine warships in a night battle off Vella Lavella Is land in Oct. 1943, the Che valier was torpedoed. Silver Star Capt. Hansen was award ed the Silver Star Medal for his "cool courage and ex ceptional skill as.Evaluator in Combat Information Cen ter, inspection and attempts to repair torpedo damage with a severe leg injury, supervision of transfer of the wounded, and swimming to the rescue ship in order to leave room in the life boats for the more seriously wounded," according to the citation. Receiving the Purple Heart Medal and the Legion Merit for subsequent sub marine action in the Pa cific, Capt. Hansen was awarded the Navy Cross for KM 1 The Nebraskan Complete groups of national re-known, bringing the Kingstone Trio and Dave Brubeck in the first year. In academics, McConahay will graduate first in his sen ior class in Arts and Science College with an 8.37 overall average. He has received the Boucher Award, the Regents Scholarship for four consecu tive years, the Innocents Me morial Scholarship, and the Schreiber-IIunter Leadership Scholarship. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, T h e t a Nu and Sigma XI and has served as scholarship chair- Inadequate Education Book Project Group Prepares To Aid Needy Foreign Youth The Nebraska International Book Project Committee has formulated plans for the col lection and distribution of books in areas where such needs exist. University and NIA appro val has prompted effort to get the project well under way before summer vacation. The two dormitories and the Student Union will be uti lized for the collection of the books, and books not used will be sold to cover postage and other overhead. A statement released by the committee stated: The Ne " i braska International Associa- tion (NIA) has launched a student project to help people all over the world with edu cational needs. Inadequate Education "A lack of adequate formal No Rag, Kiddies There will be no Daily Nebraskan Tuesday as near ly all of the staff members will be on field trips to dally newspapers through out the state. The literary magazine will come out Wednesday and the final edition announcing the Out standing Nebraskans, Fri day. be built sometime in the fu ture. Nebraska Hall was built in 1887, the third building to be erected on the campus. Cost then for the three story building was $41,400. Military classes were held in the building on the second floor until the beginning of World War II. The basement was also used for military supplies. During spring vacation of this year as old Nebraska Hall was being cleared, the workmen found a case of hand grenades in the basement left from the military classes. There was quite a bit of excitement until a group of experts came in and detonated the explosives. Since the war the Conservation Depart ment has been the main group using the fa cilities. The Conservation Department moved out the first of this year and the building has been standing empty since then. Donaldson said, "The building has never been glamorous and there will probably not be much sentiment over the loss of it. Be cause it was not much of an activity center has a great deal to do with that feeling." action against Japanese forces in the Okinawa area in May, 1945 as Command ing Officer of the USS Mor rison. "In a two-hour battle with more than forty enemy air craft, he carried out radical defensive maneuvers and directed his gun batteries in maintaining a tremendous volume of antiaircraft fire under violent bombing, strafing and suicide attacks," according to the citation. "The Morrison fatally dam aged by the hits of four sui cide planes, Capt. Hansen inspired his officers and men to continue fighting and to make every effort to save the sinking ship." During his post-WW II command on the USS Hig bee, he evacuated the last foreign nationals from Che too, China during 1950 as the Chinese Communists man for Council. the Interfraternity Besides serving as presi dent of Innocents and Corn Cobs, he has served as presi dent and secretary of Phi Kappa Psi, assistant business manager of the Cornhusker and has played in varsity and marching band, being elected to Gamma Lambda, band honorary. He lettered in var sity golf and is a member of "N" Club. Alan Stockland Alan Eugene Stockland has been nominated for his ac complishment in his chosen education has always been a barrier to peace and econom ic progress. We in America are very fortunate that a lack of edu cational opportunity is a prob lem faced by very few of us," the statement continued, "but in manv other countries edu cational opportunity is all too often lacking or hampered, not by a lack of interest, not because the people do n o t have the ability to learn as well as any one else, but be cause their economy has not developed enough to support an adequate educational sys tem. "The contribution of books from many students will not only be very helpful but will promote even more lasting friendships and understanding between people," the s t a t e- ment said. "William O. Douglas re cently pointed out that Russia can afford to sell their books (except Dr. Zhivago. etc.) to other countries much cheaper than the United states. Law Review Certificates to Faculty members of the College of Law received sur prise awards from "Uni versitas Nebraskensis-Review of Law" presented by Law Review at the Law Students Association Annual Spring Awards Banquet and Barris ters Ball recently. The event was attended by over 200 law students and their guests. The certificates presented to the faculty awarded them three hours of "Review of Law Teaching credit. Senior Randolph Reed served as master of ceremo nies for the annual event. John Gradool, president of lo cal chapter of Coif, presented membership in the Order of the Coif, the highest legal honor in Law School, to Don Sherwood, Robert McCalla, John Sullivan and D u a n e Mehrens. Moot Court Board Awards, presented by faculty sponsor Richard Harnsberger, went to Armies were entering th city. In 1953 as Commanding Officer of the USS Manches ter, he received further rec ognition for meritorious service during combat op erations against the North Korean and Chinese Com munist forces in the Korean Theater. In August 1958 he assumed his present command at the University as Commanding Officer and Professor of Naval Science, NROTC Unit. Reviewing his three year command in Lincoln, Oapt. Hansen emphasized that he knows of no place in the world that he and his wife have enjoyed living in more. "We regret," he concluded "leaving the countless, clos est friends on the faculty and in the city." Monday, May 22, 1961 field of bacteriology and chemistry. Besides wis aouDie major, Stockland has excelled as a linguist, mastering both Russian and German. He is a member of the Pal ladian Literary Society and plays the piano, accordian and triangles. The letter of nomination also noted that he participates in swimming and weight lifting. Russell Rassmussen Russell Rassmussen hat been nominated for the Ne braskan student award. He is (continued to page 4) Through the Nebraska Inter national Book Project (NIBJ) we will be able to undercut their prices quite a bit. The books will be offered free of charge to schools requesting them." The program, which will be continued in the future, in cludes obtaining high school level books from public hign schools. Various Books Needed The committee stressed that all kinds of books are needed. Any books not shipped to other countries will be sold to buy books that are mora appropriate or other educa tional materials. "Books are very important and very much needed. The amount of good and good will generated by this project is limited only by the number of books given," said Jon Traudt, committee member. Students having opinions and or questions are asked to call either Carl Davis, He 2-3663 or Jon Traudt, HE 2-5953. Gives Surprise Law r acuity Ed Langley, William Gourley, John Henley, Gordon Hull, Michael Lazer, Ben Neff, Jr., Charles Rogers, Fran Sidles, Dick Tempero, Don Tread way, Rofer Weigel and Earl Wittoff. David Dow, dean of the Col lege of Law, presented Law Review awards to: Don Sher wood, Charles Noren, Parker Shipley, Sam Jensen, Robert McCalla, Duane Mehrens, Dick Gee, Levi Goossen, Charles Kimball. Sam Van Pelt, Robert Zuber, Bradford Cook, Allen Graves, Jonn Illich, Jr., James Janke, Shel don Krantz. Joseph Krause, Charles Pallesen, Richard JL .LlSX Peterson and Gene Watson. Robert Zuber and Sheldon Krantz were winners of the Allen Moot Court Competi tion. Runners-up Ronald Sut ter and Sam Van Pelt also received awards. Prof. John Gradwohl re ceived the trophy of the an nual Order of the Bull award (presented by the junior class. 'V i i: t V .5 V ' 'A h 'Si i ft.! ' t . A v V It V k k -f S I I 5 . i: Y. t i E n J3 FA' t ITU',. K y rjpi CI.""" J rr LTi Li M nf