The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Nebraskan
... i i . k k .
Weanesaay, muy i , itoi
NU Teachers College
Begins Preparations
For '63 Accreditation
By Eleanor Billings
The first stages in initiating
changes in the set up of
Teachers College are being
put into .operation in prepar
ation for the visit of a team
representing the N a t i o n a 1
Council of the Accreditation
of Teacher Education
(NCATE). .
The team will visit the
campus in the -pring of 1963
for purposes of accreditation.
In preparation of the visit
the faculty of Teachers col
lege has established a com
mittee to ensure that the re
tirements of the NCATE
would be met.
This modest beginning
mushroomed to include the
establishing of a Steering
Committee. The purpose of
this committee is to examine
the present program in terms
of the standards and recom-
Math Prof
This Week
On Thursday and Friday of
this week. Professor P. C.
Eosenbloom, one of the coun
try's outstanding mathema
ticians, will be on the Uni
versity campus to deliver two
The University of Minne
sota professor will address
the Mathematics Colloquium
first on Thursday at 3 p.m.
in 209 Burnett Hall. His sub
ject will be "Metric Spaces."
At 7:30 p.m. in 108 Burnett
Hall, he will give a public
lecture on "Linear Program
ming and Its Many Applica
tions." Prof. Rosenbloom's particu
lar field of study is the var
ious phases of applied mathe
matics. He has taught at sev
e r a 1 universities including
Brown and Harvard.
In 1950 Prof. Rosenbloom
received the French Mathe
m a t i c a 1 Society's Frechet
He was a member of the
Institute for Advanced Study
at Princeton, N.J. in 1953. He
presently holds the position of
director of the mathematics
section of the Minnesota Na
tional Laboratory.
mendations of the NCATE
and to propose changes for
the education of teachers.
Student Teaching
In two years a definite
change in student teaching
will occur. One phase of the
change will involve a shift
from one period of student
teaching to half a day spent
in laboratory experience.
It has been recommended
that the student teacher con
duct a class for one period,
spend a second period assist
ing another student teacher
in his minor, and that the
third hour be spent as the
student teacher chooses m
the many areas available
Members of the Steering
Committee are Mrs. Lilian
Castner, associate professor
of physical education ; Donald
Clifton, associate professor of
history and principles of ed
ucation; Royce Knapp, pro
fessor of history and princi
ples of education;
Willis Moreland, associate
professor of secondary educa
tion; James Rutledge, pro
fessor of secondary educa
tion; Milton Ploghoft, associ
ate professor of elementary
education; Robert Stake, as
sistant professor of educations
psychology and measure
ments; Mrs. Marion Nickerson, as
sistant professor of business
teacher education; Dr. Nor
man Thorpe, professor of sec
ondary education and assist
ant to the dean.
A unique feature of the
committee is that all of the
faculty members were select
ed according to their ability
to serve the committee, ra
ther than on the basis of
equal representation among
the various departments in
Teachers College. As a result,
department bias is kept at a
The committee on General
Education includes faculty
members from Arts and Sci
ences, Business Administra
tion and Teachers College.
This committee was estab
lished to develop a system to
facilitate the change in group
requirements whsich will take
The other four sub-commit
Philosophic Considera
tions upon which a Teacher
Education Program must be
based; a committee on t h e
Psychological Considerations
which must be included in
the teacher education pro
gram; committee inves
tigating teaching methods,
skills and laboratory experi
ences; and a committee on
Student Personal Services.
General Education
Members of the General
Education committee are
Royce Knapp, Dr. Albin An
derson, professor of history,
Dr. Alexander Edelman, asso
ciate professor of political sci
ence; Dr. Emanuel Wishnow,
professor of music and chair
man of the department.
Dr. Robert Knoll, associate
professor of English; Dr.
Robert Ploghoft; Dr. Amuel
Eddy, assistant professor of
history; Dean Walter Beggs,
dean of Teachers College; Dr.
James Rutledge, Dr. Cecil
Vandersee, professor of chem
istry. The chairman of the com
mittee on Philosophical Con
siderations is Dr. E r w i n
Goldenstein, professor of his
tory and principles of educa
tion and chairman of the de
partment. Chairman of the committee
preparing a statement of the
psychological considerations is
Dr. Charles Neidt, former pro
fessor of educational psychol
ogy and measurements and
former chairman of the department.
ttoZl, even if it v- I
AGTivrne so y&u'u. mamae to sjwvawne rt fvusz H&f&r
Want Ads
Social Column-'
Cool Weather Dampens
Campus Love Affairs
Blaine, I don't want to miss the big
how, take me to FADEOUT Elsie.
Ennie, Me&nle, Minnie. Mo;
To the Limellters I shall go,
May 23 at Pershing
If you can keep a secret call 432-1411.
la tired of monkeys with prehensile
tails, k-lint
Stop in and inquire about our summer
credit plan for studentsbuy now,
pay this summer while you earn.
Pour Preps, Ramsey Lewis, Dancing,
I'nion Ballroom all for 11.50. Don't
miss this 3 for 1 show.
Want to win two front row tickets to
the Llmelighters??? All you must do
is be the first person after 12:30
P.M. today to say 'The LimelKrht
er's concert May 23 will be great"
to the mvstery person in the Union.
IThsiiGveryoii leave town,
cany money only you can
spend: Bank of America
Travelers Cheques. Loss
proof, theft-proof, cashed
only by your signature.
Sold at hanks everywhere.
S 75! H
423 4S6 72J
. - - A , .
c r
Large brown leather envelope belonging
to inside of brief case. If found,
return to Stuart Adelman, Brace Lab
or call 4234015. REWARD
I)ST: Lady's gold Hamilton watch.
REWARD, GA 3-8290 or Burnette
1S48 C, living room, bedroom, kitchen,
bathroom. June 1, JT5. OR 7-2M51,
HE 2-1757.
For sale by owner4 3 bedroom, 2 level.
Strauss Trend in Eastborough. 4
University faculty members on same
block. 11,650. ID 4-3705
Professional, guaranteed service of ra
dio, television, hi-fi by a former
service technician now in Engineering
College. Call Neil Wellenstein.
ID 4-5052.
1954 Plymouth, $.175. 4 safety belts.
Drives beautifully. Must sell quickly,
leaving TT.S. In 2 weeks. Phone eve-
ninjrs. ID 4-4805.
195S Ma sports car, $1,150. See it at
Weaver's station, 13th A L.
Riders to New York city leaving June
1. Mike Stek, HE 2-5966.
Albany, N.Y., Leaving June 8. Can
take one rider. GR 7-4559.
12. YMCA IV S-3278. 1 :00-5:IK p m
Two clean gentlemen to share apart
ment for summer. Contact Dave
Heffelhower at 3637 Holdrege or call
ID 4-f.Mt2
Young Men
Wonderful Summer Jobs
work in resort areas
Work six hours a day for large Kansas
City Corporation. Qualified applicants
will have starting salary of $95 per j
week. Applicants must have at least
one semester of college or have been
accepted Into a college In the fall. For
further Information contact Mr. Dean
M. Vane, Sunday May 21, 11:00 a.m.,
1:30 or 4:00 p.m.. Monday. 9:30 a.m.
or 12 noon, Cornhusker Hotel. Prompt
ness is necessary since interviews will
be held only at specified times.
The cool weather this week
end apparently put the damp
er on romance. Only four
couples announced pinnings or
engagements this Monday
Congratulations :
Kathie Farner, a member of
Pi Beta Phi, was chosen
Dream Girl of Delta Sigma
Phi at the annual Carnation
Ball held recently.
Lois Hulme, Kappa Delta
senior in Home Economics,
was selected Alpha Gamma
Rho Sweetheart recently at
their Sweetheart formal.
Dancers Initiate,
Elects Officers
Orchesis, modern dance
club has recently initiated 10
new members. They are:
Joan Anderson, Linda
Lweick, Lucy Madden, Mari
lyn Marshall, Herbie Nore,
Carol Stall, Jean Thomason,
Virginia Wheaton, and Valerie
Virginia Wheaton was hon
ored for outstanding work
throughout the year and the
spring show.
Newly elected officers are:
president, Karen Costin; vice
president, Ruth Read;
secretary, Jo Janet Gingrich;
treasurer, Alma Matuza; pub
licity, Herbie Nore. Costumes
and properties chairmen will
be chosen and announced by
the new cabinet later.
Judy Farris, Alpha Xi Del
ta junior in Teachers and Arts
and Sciences from Lincoln, to
John Williams, Delta Upsilon,
senior in Business Administra
tion from Ashland.
Nancie Booth, Zeta Tau Al
pha junior in Teachers from
Walton, to Jim Coulter, Phi
Kappa Tau junior in Teachers
at Wesleyan from Potter.
Gmny Hansen, Kappa Delta
senior in Teachers from Ken
nard, to Jim Lee, Alpha Gam
ma Rho junior in Agriculture
from Valentine.
Margaret (Jody) Brown,
freshman in Arts and Sciences
from New Castle, Wyoming,
to Eugene Keller, sophomore
in Arts and Sciences and pre
dentistry from Kimball.
Dairy Club Plans
Atcards Banquet
The Varsity Dairy Club will
hold its annual awards ban
quet Thursday at 7 p.m. in
the Student Union.
Winners of various dairy
cattle and dairy products
judging contest will be re
vealed, in addition to the win
ner of the $500 Chris Sanders
Memorial Scholarship. The
scholarship is awarded to an
outstanding dairy major of
sophomore standing or above,
and is good for the 1961-62
school year.
Fulbright Grants Offer
Grad Foreign Study
Fulbright scholarships for
graduate study or pre-doctor-al
research in 32 countries
will be available to over 800
graduate students for the 1961
62 academic year, it was an
nounced by the Institute of
International Education
which administers the p r o
gram for the State Depart
ment. In addition to the Fulbright
Scholarships, awards for
graduate study in Latin Amer
ica under the Inter-American
Cultural Convention and for
graduate study in Ireland un
der the Scholarship Exchange
Program between the U.S.
and Ireland will also be of
fered for 1962-63. Applications
for these program will be
available on Monday.
There are two types of
grants for study abroad un
der the Fulbright program.
They are: complete Fulbright
grants which provide mainte
nance, travel, tuition and
books for one academic year
and Fulbright Travel Grants
to supplement maintenance
and tuition scholarships from
other sources.
General eligibility require
ments for all categories of
awards' are:
U.S. citizenship at the
time of application
A bachelor's degree or its
Knowledge of the lan
guage of the host country
sufficient to carry out the
proposed study project and
to communicate with the peo
ple of the country.
Good health. .
In addition, a good academ
ic record and demonstrated
capacity for independent
study are also necessary.
Preference is given to ap
plicants under 35 years of age
who have not previously lived
or studied abroad.
Applications f o r scholar
ships for 1962-63 will be ac
cepted until November 1. Re
quests for applications must
be postmarked by October 15.
Interested students who are
enrolled at a college or uni
versity should consult their
campus Fulbright Program
Advisers. Others may write
to the Information and Coun
seling Division, Institute of
International Education, 1
East 67th Street, New York
21, New York or to any of
IIE's regional offices. '
Howard McNiff Heads
University Rifle Club
Howard McNiff has been
elected a president of Rifle
Club for the coming year.
Other officers include: secretary-treasurer,
Tom Berry;
public information officer,
Dave Smith; executive coun
cil, Jim Brown and Bill Holland.
Social Stationery Party Invitations (
Graduation Announcements (
Hove Graves Print It (
South of Temple Bldg. HE 2-2957
p" '; " """
are coming
t P.M. Tuesday, May 23rd, Pershing Munlcicol Auditorium
Tke UMEUTERS, wh. record for RCA VICTOR
ore currently riding the crest at a million
seller "Dollar Down, Dollar A Week"
Tickers on tale
Othe Auditorium Box
Office. $1.50, Si 00
I SI. SO tax mcl.
Tickets available from Corn Cobs
25 Varieties of Pizia
Any Combination Pizza
Sandwicheo Submarine
4 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Regular Price
$1 $1.50 $2
226 N. 10 HE 2-5961
k.-: V HI I: til
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' " " Us. if 1- & V fill
4 - :; - 'Ml "W 1
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Its rjhafs up front f hef counts
F I LTE R -BLENDl gives you the real flavor you want in
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! B. J. Reynold Tobarro Co . winioo-BiifMB, N C.
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