The Nebraskan Tuesday, May 16, 1961 Page 4 3 i ' 4? Derrolyn McCardle Is Miss Cornhusker of 1961 Derrolynn McCardle was re-j member of Kappa Kappa vealed as Miss Cornhusker of j Gamma. 1951 Vith the release of the Five other Beauty Queens, 1951 Cornhusker Yearbook selected from twelve finalists Monday. miss McCardle is a sopho more in Teachers College and! the Yearbook by the Stars of the Ice Ca nades. were also revealed in LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS FINAL EXAM SCHEME Second Semester 1960-61 S-o u i t -n i - a-u i-aaj 1-4 J -II I S-U S- - -U MB. S-W Uh S- -" V4TIBDAT. MT M Jul c3oaa of Ear"'?Ji A. HTDVESD4V. MAT l C!um t( at t am. 4 or 4 dan. I wo of these dart- ftMg iumfl ii f at am. TT"taS. or aasy Ail aacttosa of BaAssa Oritt.ja:MB -1 . Tin hsdav. jts I dun nmac at 2 uii p sc. or 4 oaya. tn otf tfseso dava. Clasm asaon at 2 9 TTi or dr of Alt oartiooa of EaooraSt i. AO aocluopa of Frvnrii 12. 14. A3 aonMra of Sraaaii 1. Si Ail aacrama of Kocna Ftfoaoonaca 41. 42. FBI DAT. JCVK t CSumi BWCf at J Cv p m. a or 4 da. : of ttectsa daya. Oacm mortal at 4 OS p.m. 4 daya. ro of liiw dars AB WUnl of Eioooomaca 11. 12. aB aoreaona of Kdocaww 3u. 31 Ciao moms at J: am. TT or eflttoor Oum anui at 5:0(1 a m- or cotiar A3 oartroma of Xaia IL IX 42. Ajl irniw of Stub It IS. Hi. 11 8ATrKAT. Jl Tt Ohm noatzog at Am. 4 or 4 oaa. wo of tkent daj. Gun BMtac at a m. TTjS or aay 3HOBA. l - Oaanp awottxc as 1 :in pjm. or 4 daja. stxm two vr . daaw aaotttes u 1 om. TTa or onotr AS oaeooz of Boss OrptiM'.n: t 4. TTES.DAT. 41 B damn write at a m. or 4 cir of ttoaat caya CHasma BaoMiec at TriaS or anc n . WCD.XB-OAT. JIM T Ciaam ananrnc at l.M p.m. a or 4 J rwo of ttoese AS OKSwrn of Batia B. I CaaH xmx( at 44 p zb TT or eijiar AB acctauos of isofw z TVIBSDAT. TE Cum irTtrr at IIjM A.ot. a or 4 two off t . oa Ctum BKODE at 11 t TTkS, or mt oao Ail orqs of S;r 1L A3 wnltTOT of EiflttCwtMO. 41. BX or MWT. or any one or on or two of toot dar. or MWF. or aar ona or two 4ara. or kTWr. or aajr o or or MWF, or acr on or OXO of ItJOOt two OB Of t&H two OATa, or afWT. or aar oot or cam or two of ton dan. or M or aar oat of at of too dara. MWF. or aar or two or two of tftwo? dart er 1TWF. or T oaa or oa of Hear dar. or UTr, or aay omt or or two of i&rsc daja Honoraries Initiate, Elect, Give Awards In recent weeks several fcoooranes and orgamzatkms Lave elected officers and ini tiated new members. PI Tan Sigma Brace Williams was elected president cf Pi Taa Sigma. He will serve in tMs position for the first semester of tie 1961452 term. Other newly elected officers are: DwIgM Davy, vice presi dent; Roger Evans, recording secretarr: Lknd Sell, cor- nrrwn.-'iriir SAf-TPtarv Braas&y. treasnrer; lotniijja can, historian: asd Prof. J. K. LarfwictsoD, faculty ad visor. Delia OmkTM EVeJia O micron, national music sorority, initiated eigH new members ttas past week and presented aw ards to out standing mesnbers. , New members are Nancy B4Mk. Pasliae Elsasser. Mary Haizbt, Vniaa BiA, Mar- bers fw tbe Cwnfemce are Linda Scbelbitzki. D a Johnson, Ob Wright. Fred Flickers. Kay Bass and Keith ChrisleaseiL At the conference, a na tional ACURH constitution was approved. Problems of residence hall government and organization were also discussed. Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Lambda Delta, na tional freshman women's Dorothy Carpenter is a sop homore in Teachers College and a member of Kappa Kap pa Gamma. Marilyn Handschuh is a sophomore in. Teachers and Arts and Sciences and a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Theta. Mary Ann (SkipL Harris of Bellevue is a senior in Teach ers College and a member of Pi Beta Phi. Ann Savidge is a freshman in Arts and Sciences and a member of Delta Gamma. Xancy Tederman is a jun ior in Teachers College and a member of Alpha Chi Ome ga. The 1961 Eligible Bachelors are: Jerry Dickinson is a junior ia Arts and Sciences and a member of Theta Xi. Don McKenzie is a senior in Business Administration and a member of Phi Delta Theta. Dennis Mulligan is a jun ior la Business Admimstra- . , , . . 4 . . The As-Y is sponsoring a ' student houses on campus, turn and a resident of Selleck ... "f 7? T rCi, nt'I - . . . , . . Let s Go To Church Day The Dav will also include Quadrangle. ffor Sunday in an attempt to anv a c 1 1 y member who Koy AeU is a senior mj encourage Ag students to at-j-nshes to participate bv at- Two Iranian Farmers View State Agriculture, Two young adult farmers from Iran will spend two months in Nebraska this sum mer living and working with farm families as International Farm Youth Exchanges. Taghan Mohommed Shamsi of Baghbani, Iran, and Ex mail Farshad of Magazine Shahmarden, Iran, arrived in Nebrska Monday and will spend their first three weeks in Nuckolls County under tne supervision of agents there. young men will have an op portunity to attend the West ern Regional Rural Youth Conference in Madison, South Dakota, and the Nel braska 4-H Club week activi ties in Lincoln. The two Iranians will then visit families and farms in Pierce, Antelope, Wayne and Knox counties. Farshad, 29, is interested about the gardening Extension rfeS r&mtfS. TEJt WT I JJT AWt CUT I VVWT rCU TO (3 FT rMW IT. Ag-Y Advocates Campus 4Let's Go to Church Day' Arts and Sciences and a mem- tend their respective religious ber of Delta Taa Delta. j Robert Smith is a junior in w rvF J If ir Bismess Administration and j Jt-A Meeting t tending the campus student boose of his in learning more the cbuntyjptry industry, il nffrirnlrnrat cu : :n i, J " oudiusi mil uc, "Uia "fcj ll l;i . . physical acriuty. Shamsi, 25, is also inter ested in poultry. gardenmE and Extension methods. Both are members of tht ' Islam faith and have finished j secondary school. Their na tive language is Persian but they understand English if observe the farming opera tions on the Alfred Christen- sen farm and Farshad will I have the opportunity to work' with the Harold Pnttman fam fly tear Nelson, according to John Orr, associate state 4-Il and Young Men and Women leader at the Iniversiry. spoken slowly, according to From Nuckolls County the -Orr. a member of Delta Upsilon. Warren iChipH Wood is a sophomore in Arts and Sci ences and a member of Sig ma Chi. Two Profs Direct j Faculty Recital ! John Bailey, guidance di rector at Grand Island, will speak at the University of Nebraska Secondary Edu cation Assn. (UXSEA) meet ing Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. His topic will be School guidance. religious denom ination. The meeting time of religious student houses and the churches students regular ly attend are as follows: First Baptist, 14th and K., 11: a.m. Second Baptist, 28th and S.,; 10:45 a.m. i First Evangelical Covenant, 6924 L., 11 a.m. ; Episcopal. Cotner Chapel ' 1237 R., 11 a.m., communion Fadeout Tickets Due House representatives selling "Fadeout" tickets for the Friday night per formances of the Four Preps and the Ramsey Lew is Trio, should turn their tickets into at the program office this afternoon be tween 4-5 p.m. Tickets for the show may then be obtained from the program office or at the ticket booth in the Union. Read Nebraska! Want Ads SOUTHW EST TEACHERS Agency 1303 Central N.E. Albuqueroue, New Mexico Serving Souuiwest, Entire West & Alaska FREE REGISTRATION Salaries $4400 up Member: N. A. T. A. The program will begin at I a d sWaI.t" 7:39 p m.the Student Union me" .', -p. - - - Icentlv as winners of tie 573 baLroom. The public is usvjt- vv . h ed to attend. scrrs.i.-ps -, . ...J The winners include: Mar- SO. cor- UBffiiiireBDiiiivujt3i -5h . p... k "J" Kpith crboasioc booorarv. imfcated i P.! ith ...rJn ! Bonnie WaJJ - ; . Tawjr.TMrK t i-f-nn in . - r. " " :, . " asa Larry Axtaean ot Lin Cat Major by ' RoseSi, cca Mm wi1 te m. ana Aiiegro ipioujM oy forty freshman women irto ttie Universly cnapter. The new officers chosen from the initiates are Diane Vrmoer, president; Sally Dale, vice president; Kay Miller, secretary; Barb Ihk, treasnrer; Jady Johasoa, bis- tnaa; and Ann nahL pub- . at 9 am A facuJty recital w ill be pre- Til Tee 4-H ers Will Evangelical United Breth- rr.riA TrAix- kn irv.fc reo, iam m, ivi-a a.m. Dale Ganz and Jack Snider Fr 15 (lit? GmiltS .?U"Ta Chapel of Lhe University music de- Iah Bd ' ": 535 X. 16, 11:08 a.m. Newman Club, 16th and Q , 9 and 11 a m. United Campus Christian . Fellowship, ZZZ N. 11th, 10:45 a.m. f Wesley House, 535 N. 16,: 9:30 a.m. If students need a ride to their respective religious; houses, the Ag Y will pro-j vide transportation if the stu- of Sutherland, of Bradshaw j scribed on the Frisbie trophy Five numbers will be suns iirwinr nf the Amcaltural bv Ganz, a baritone. Included ; Extension Service at the Uni-j dects 0311 Lie Episcopal, are 'E Dove TAggiii" ty versity 4-H CDubs aooval m 4-3111; Lutheran, IN 6-2436; Cesti, "Good Fellows, Be Mer- kcdjc. jNewman Club. IN 6-2436; rv." bv Bach. StaDdchen"' k. ,j i CCF, ID 4-3111; or the Wes- lkiry diairmaa. caret Armstreg. Sasie Ober- le. aad Roseana ParkhBrsL The foSowinz awards were Maureen FrolA gjea to CHJlstandiag m e tn-j Nancy Fry. Nadese Gard bers: outstandinf d 1 e d 2 e. ner. Jeaa Gotagf, 3Iar0ya :by Strauss. ' Come to Me a 4-H Oub select w mners on the ' ley noust' 1U ayz The o-liier new jjutiales are - My ureams.. ty unage, basis of leadership, service tVTOasa Armstrong. Hares naj.fe:i;sji, ivauau , worttoieis, hign interest in Ault, Jjcy Bnamm. Jane oers. Divis. Patrv Edmiston, Nancy! .AcoompaEists for the r-ntson. Sopiue tewrazZ, gram will be Profs. Audun scDoiarstap winners are Ravnan and Harvey Hmshair, workiig to help fcnance taej of the music department. j education. r :.- -im-. mtr. Lir.iE LITERS ere coming PM. Tonaw. Mwf lira. Pm il i Miraial AodVtonoa Tat UMCLrrCKS. woo record far RCA VICTO Vidkar oa tola ot ere of A Kn W tmaec um, z.oo 4 S1JM toa aacL Tw, awr Urd to UMfUTIlS wdl owtaoroao Bccords At COLO'S of Miwioiia Beta Doot. otlar 'Oofior Oowa, Pilar A Work Susie Oberle: serior honor pm, Anne White; and the Star of DeJla Ocnkron, Jean Sandezs. ACURH Bob Kszelka cf the Resi dence Association for Men CRAM) was rececCy elected ice-preK3dent cf the Mjdu'est Associatna of College and University Residence Halls at the ACURH conference at Ok lahoma Stale University. Nebraska was selected the site for the 19.1 Fall Con ference to be held Oct 12, U and 14 at the Nebraska Center for Ctertimdng Ednca tim. StoeriBg emHii& Ben- J-BanquetHonorg Prep Journalists Forty-oae Mgh school jour fiaEsts were honored recency at the acnoal Silver Key awards program sponsored by the University School of Jour nalism. rlneea ot tne students re ceived Silver Keys for win cing first places ia five class es of competition: news, news feature, sports, column and editorial writing. The Keys are furnished by the Lincoln Journal end Lincoln Star. Prior to the awards pro gram, a tour of the School of Journalism and career con ferences were held. Dr. Rob-j ert Cranford, professor of I Journalism, was the main1 speaker. i Real Live Elephant Watches Car Wah A "real live elephant" wlH te at trie Mobile Service Sta tion. 33rd and Holdrege, Sat urday to supervise a car wash sponsored by the Inde pendent Women's Association (IWA). - Free cokes wi3 also be given throughout the day. The car wash lasts from 9 a m. until 7 p.m. and wil cost 1I0 per car. Persons wishing to help with the project should con tact Clare Vrba. Abont 10 students will be needed for each of five shifts through out the day, she said. Hastings, Vivian Hisfc. Share Jacobtoa, Sandra Keridkedes, Marilya Keyes, Pat Kiiwey, Linda Larten, Abb Lemea, Carl McKisley, G lend a Melton. Rene Merrill, Doris Ann Mueller, Cathy Origer, Gayle Pjlsch. Martina Reel, Linda Reno, Weedy Rogers, Mary; T" T R "T- 1 r . ' Tortora, Bonnie WahL Jean Walters and Janet Watson. pro- sr.i? slanding. All three 1361 CANOE TRIPS iao the QHc-imptm WdV Far aaJmoWwS m Wrw m taa, CA- NOt couwTir otrTfirnts. Dr. Kb Vuroa !. loi ! In. a. I-Id At ) B IB) ,B m I 1 2a 4 lad j LU 144 i i t fl Hi Ml, Hit n-i 4 m Id l a i ti Ts tom-txm rmu mvf&t a Woat Ada artnea an fUaox (or aamamiua oars and mm t14 tot waaa Jt oooa atar ttw ad exyuoa or at aoaeriol. PEKSOMAL Bifow. 1 diuo't vaot t Sim tba vie atuw turn m. rn me to TAVBOVT U ya caa Ama a aecnt cijl 4iS2-l13 LOST AMP FOUWD , ljtxim brvw jaaucr otrvok'w JMUmcmc t& lnftioa f aref om 3f ItiuiicL. tvaturs 1 Btuajt AfSimati. tyrant: Iao or aJl ZiunJli. i-WAKIs- EW AJtf, CA or Bumoua IIS,. fUtmSHE) AfAITMCNTS lia C( iviif ruuai, 4druwu. ItkutMrti, j iisrJirwm. Jucc 1. $TS. CS 7'2K1 HOMES FOft SAU fitfilfi Hi -i'li'i ! V)- n Dtae.( SU1TJ old U Fvr Ofcw owner, a iwdrwai, 2 Irvol. BtrnuB Trend Hi .atUruuch. 4 SOVICT SiEPAlK Fnrfstuuf. uaratrtMtd ataxia ru ditt. livtevjti. til-fi or a Iwrmer KTviua sumucli(.fl ihw ia Erficiiioerioc CuUcr. Ciil U oVcIlHwuau. IK 4-&. FOR SALE VrDTttm ia4tt:fujy. alul ail quick?. iev.vttif t'.a. Is 2 wti. F&uut r' EiiiCJ, JO 4-tWH. R1DLK.S WANTED fclae;- t w Turk iaami( Juu Your razor rides easy all the way. Softens the most stubborn beard instantly for a faster, closer shaye. soothes and lubricates your skin. Extra-rich, extra-thick, push-button quick. Regular or Mentholated, only 1.00 Ch vice SMOOTH SHAVE HELP WANTED S W U tTO rM Camp wi;p-klors. jun U. rat4 IV -!0!Ta. IM4 - YWre awW... joi4 a your father aa4 trauJi Uihrr were. Il aa oblialva tkat a I'M of qtuli&tl aAU-fx b9b tave t aMt...tluit of terring yww oouo try. V d obere yea are seeded. Aod tit Kit Fore a, ((flLre-traxtrtd stea M o&rrcTtut i caatd by tle rafrtdly expanding tti (ulry tbal eM -ub fa)perouek air and fpace fliftMu Yr Ur year erf -lk-ge bave equipped ) to tua He rift-t j,U. Y tive the potinitud t rS frca adfaacftj traiauig...iliea put k t wori. Ihrre are oreral way to bowae aa offver. Fir ibw i Air Force ROTC Aaber program, Haliveiy setr, h 0cer Traisiog ScbooL ILre lb Air F wee cmmiHioa ceruia 4lt g gradaate, tMb r and wookh, aftr three mooitu training. Tb avigalor training prrgraa Ruble yoa to m ByiBZ rating and a eornmimon. And, of course, there's the Air Force Academy. An Air Fwrce oSioer' ttaning anlary averagje ut to abwd what you could expect a a civilian, fir liwre your ba pay. Then add m ur fa thing a Ux-free raikm and quartr allowaLr.e. free medkal and denial care, retirement provi4oa. perhap flight pay, and 30 d.y' vacation per year. It come to aa attractive figure. One thing gym. At an o&rer, yoal will become eligile for the Air Force InaHote of Technology. U bJe oa active duly many officer will i graduate degree at Air Force expense. 1 by awt comact your local Air Force RecruiUT. Or riie 10 OtTcT Career Informalio-, DtpV M:i3, Br "608, W'xdiinetoM 4, DXL, if yon ant fnrtber information about ibe navigalo training or OfWr Training Se!iool prograata. U.Sw Air Force Wiere's a place for professional achievement on tht Aerospace Teum