The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan '
Friday, May 12, 1961
C Bioscience 0.1 a Liberal
Remember Promises
Now that all of the new Student Council members are
settling back in the glow of their new found positions,
all of the back-slapping and electioneering has died
down and all the campaign posters are taken down, it
is hoped that the promises made during the campaign
will not be lost with the post-election discards in the
University incinerator.
All too oft;n do we, as
just about everyone does.
. allow something good to
Students Won't Forsetl t&lr&TZ
s indeed easier to lament
what should have baen or
I what has been than it is
I to recognize that critical pe-
riod of time during which
1 important things "slip
I away.'
I This, of course, brings
I me to mv topic for today
To the Greek-orientated Council members a reminder I -Lincoln's KFMQ FM re
ef the promise, made by the IFC-backed candidates f die . station and their Ca
Monda Your promises include backmg of the mov, - g- ."J JJhat
in on t in mnKB mm i 11 vri anv a u aiiuut vi - .
Se Corp to mke a though taTesUgalion into the f ago here in Uncoln a part-
vSty 0 rU college's gnfup requirements, to im- to. .Zthere
rr..- iv. w..n r nnH c tv eamnuses. i came convinced that mere
prove u.u'"'- ZZ.-Zrimnm thi were oeoDle right here in
to evaluate we lacuuy m aa .ue..Fv ""i"-'- " 5 ,!. wa, v ah rfid ha
w - - . ithls ,ocallty wn0 aia nave
cil-student body communication.
sic, and in general more
I methods. He was right;
I there was wider acceptance
1 of his new station KFMQ
than even he himself had
I anticipated.
g The idea of a FM grew
into a great actuality right
s here in the middle of the
To the independent-orientated Council members a re
minder of the promises made by the S.C.B.C.-backed
candidates: to complete the paving of the Selleck lot
and to increase parking fees rather than have more
meters installed, to initiate an extended study into
Council's college representation system, to determine
ine eueciness 01 uie i--.uu.jr 5 ,h, mm.-.. hrJn.
establish reputation teams that will travel to state nign " '";"v T
schoools recommending the University, to formulate a tag nt the area hour, 0
plan to stimulate student Merest in the state legislature plcasurat le and Morma
and to sponsor a minimum of two all-Uninversity con- tne Iistt "f; c,ac'
S5Up semester and , 1 stidy into the possibility wgfc
of making attendance mandatory. Md jfcP M(J
Tbese were the promises that you. as candidates I iw advertising methods,
made, and that you as new members will have to ful- g At the end of one and one-
fUL The student body will not forget. I half years of successful op-
g eration. the creator of this
It is suggested in addition to the above promises idea-Herbert Burton-was
that each and every member of the Student Council g able tto say ,confld!"UHy' Jt
take it upon himself to read the Glenny report to the i t.LpeP 1 Jr i?n
Legislature on the University. Nowhere else win a Uat the population of Lm-
Counctt member find a more complete hst of the strong g co' 4 f .S!.?S 11
and weak points of the University. cultured or sophisticated as
' . I New York s and they warn-
g ed me against starting a
. station like this. Yet, I have
Nebraskan Letterip V&rrZ
l s Youne people will never
wkk m ttitwi. know what is culturally
Tk Dar yiJm mm
pArtvt nritr'k prm mrnmo mr ltMI Mh m tk rmr-t Sim.
UMcii 1 imI m nrri nr. fTkn Mm - ' m. x .
f For several years the
al debates aad this spring's I broadcasters were able to
coverage f the speech by I boast that quality was
Justice Douglas, are just KFMQ's greatest asset. Dur
tw examples of outstanding I ing this time, as many as
public service. The Impor- I 114 hours a week from 7
taat issue at stake is not i -B- tiU midnight daily
radio sution KFMQ, but the i ere programmed and
services this station rend- i broadcast by KFMQ. The
ers. Many students fed a s sUtion found, much to its
great deal would be lost if I surprise, that it was receiv
this statioa were forced to i in8 tw!Ce the dollar volume
cut down on its broadcast-1 of the average FM station
ing time. in the country.
i Yet thi3 quality which
n i d i i seemed to become KFMQ's
tSOO rrokop liabilitv. Beginning Sunday,
h Real 1 MaX W. KFMQ be re-
T tK, ir. i ducing its broadcasting
Jr , n , Itime down to eleven hours
Who is tins Bob Pork-1 a durmg week and
chop PerkU?,orMo-(ri ,ei hl hsours a day on
fieff (I do not remember tie W(4kends. Why? Because
name exacay) who keeps toe qualrty they have been
sending these prolix mis- attemptin u, maintain is
sives to the Rag? Is he not snoortinr the station.
Concern Shown
In KFMQ Cutback
To the ditor.
Music on high fidelity FM
radio from KFMQ is the
most painless way possible
to acquire culture. Univer
sity students need this serv
ice which our community
can provide. Much of its
value will be lost if the day
time hours are shortened. If
the students will articulate
their desire for the continu
ation of the KFMQ has been
broadcasting people will see
the need and the necessity
for their help. Advertisers
should be delighted to reach
the kind of listening audi
ence which the station is
reaching, but they may
need the stimulus of your
Mrs. Howard R. Walters
Editor's note: The Daily
Nebraskan has been asked
to help eat in tfais cause. It
has been plated oat'
through station manager,
Herbert Burton and by sev
eral students on the cam
pus, that the radio station
mm have to cut its day
time hours starting Sunday.
It Is suggested that any in
terested party send letters
to the Daily Nebraskan or
to radio station KFMQ. We
realize the amount of serv
ice this station does to our
eemmuidty In the cultural
fields. Last fall, the station's
coverage of the gubernatori-
some refugee from English 1 . , ... ....
A who must inundate the I Ivr " .
Rag office with letters in an I off"" flLL 11'
effort to satiate his ca- I J ?" f ficutty iocBf
eoethes scrfbendi? Or .s this I iB 25
Bob Pushup of Propylene I ntTL JSZZ
(or whatever his name is) 1 wh.9 JmL 11
just a pseudonym for some q'red f or the posidonU be-
nunky around the office 1 "m,B5 robl,Uvc
'Zi i " arl 2 the station's income now
whose quotidian chores are , . .-..
, ,,,,.,, s enlv warrants n six hour
emptying waste baskets, - . lirull,lttil.
to fill up litre uue uie uuuu
h,c I financial support come
writing letters
Porkpoke who writes more I from? KFMQ feels that it
letters than Richardson's I has bee luct" to have
Clarissa does not start using 1 small nucleus of loyal sup-
his real name, then his use s porters wrougnoui uie
of Letterip space should be I three years. This nucleus
interdicted. I is in large part, composed
Russell L. Rasmussen i f Lincoln mhants and
. f businessmen. KFMQ s sup-
Inside View
By PM Boroff
"The Absent Minded Pro
fessor," a Buena Vista re
lease of a Walt Disney pro
duction starring Fred Mac
Murray, Nancy Olson, Kee
nan Wynn, Tommy Kirk and
Ed Wynn.
In the tradition of 1359'i
The Shaggy Dog," Walt
Disney again presents a
nonsensical comedy. It
makes no pretense about
being an outstanding movie
because it isn't. The picture
intends to entertain, and
that is exactly what it does.
A hoy who could turn into
a big white dog was the
comic gimmick in The
Shaggy Dog." In "The Ab
sent Minded Professor," the
Professor" (MacMurray)
discovers a new substance
he calls flsbber' (flying
rubber) this is the comic
Flubber" has the quality
of anti-gravity. A ball of the
substance gzins more
bounce to bounce instead of
diminishing bounces back
to earth. MacMurray puts it
on the shoes of his small
s port comes from these men
5 and firms and from uie tew
s outside sources of revenue
the station has been able
college's basketball teijn, z to develop background
and they then out jump and music service, recordings
outscore their tall oppon- 0f vocaj artists,
ents. He putij 'fiubber' in And pr,bem7
the engine of his broken- s .
dowu Model T and goes fly-1 K advertisers do not
ing through the sky. realize that the listeners
MacMurray, the father in 1 want good programming.
"The Shaggy Dog," is the Besides the most important
professor, and gives his
customary dependable, en-
tertaining performance. He i
is a seasoned film comic f
the Jack Lemmon of the I
1340's retaining all his
comic ability. I
Keenan Wynn, as a I
money-mad loan tycoon I
alum, and Ed Wynn, In a bit ('
as the fire chief,. are both
standouts. The father and
son were earlier teamed in
the film The Great Man,"
and on television in "Re
uim for a Heavyweight"
and "The Man in the Funny
Special effects add great
ly to the film's entertaining
qualities. The Model T flies
gracefully through the air,
the 'flubber' bounces every
where (especially with Kee
nan Wynn.) It's fun.
Nebras kan
Want Ads
Daily Nebraskan
Sfeoibcr AmeUteJ OUegfate Press, foteraitiraal Pmt
lpfMBttive: Xitioskl AJvertisiar Service, Ixrporiiei
rubUtbei At: Iim SI, gUMlnt Vai&m. Uaelm. Nebraska,
lllh A S
TelpkoBe RE2-7C3L ert. 4225, 422C, 4227
CSTKIMSS OFTICX HOm: l-S r.M. Mradar Shrsh Frtdij
sm mv ST.
the ik'mh iritli fte arches
Par Beef KaatwrgsclSc
Tatty Cheesdwrpr 19s
Tf-THck Shakes 29c
&54s frm Frirj !0c
Tfehieshix Cohutat
Stemmf Hot Cofet e
Ctlicxwj Orwjt BridLlOe
UkiXn Cc IOk 10s
By Sieve Gage
nucleus of advertisers, th
station has had difficulty In
attracting the nesessary ex
tra advertisers to maintain
its expanding functions and
its desired quality. These
advertisers have resorted to
the echo chambers, the jin
gles, and general sensation
alism employed by many
AM stations to sell their
products. They have felt
that the general buying pub
lic was not resnond'n? t
the quiet, well-modulated
advertising practices em
ployed by the station.
In an announcement from
the station the point was
made: "Many who buy
time unwittingly spend too
much of their advertising
dollars for mediocrity. They
pay for and maintain those
low standards which they
set. At whose expense? Not
only theirs, but also at the
expense of our youngsters
and the many adults, who
believe in good sound cul
tural values ..."
The answer? KFMQ has
this to sav: Write to the
station KFMQ, 1025 Termin
al Building, Lincoln, for a
list of sponsors. Then, if
you are a sympathizer with
Classical music and the gen
eral qualitv of the program
ming of KFMQ, write or
phone to the present ad
vertisers to thank them for
their support of the sta
tion's efforts. Then-call or
write to prospective adver
sers, whose names do not
aopear on this list, tell of
KFMQ's problem and en
courage them to support the
We at the University do
not know whether this is
the answer, and we do not
have a ready-made one to
offer. But it is shaming to
the advertisers and to the
community when a proven
advantage to the area has
to be partially curtailed be
cause adequate financial
support is not forthcoming.
This is, again, a shame.
But you judge that for your
self from KFMQ's record
and activities.
First successful FM ra
dio station in Lincoln and
First radio station in area
to bring listeners stereo
phonic broadcasts
First radio station in Ne
braska to present guberna
torial candidates in public
First radio station in
area to take stand on po
litical candidates
One of two stations se
United States in interna
tional competition for the
Italia Prize held in Sorren
to, Italy, for the best or
iginal radio program with
original music.
Only station to record the
speech of Justic Douglas
and to rebroadcast it three
times upon requests of list
eners Just to name a few.
Theta Sigma P J Initiates
Freshman Cub Chapter
Theta Sigma Phi, profes
sional organization of junior
and senior women in journal
ism, has established a cub
group for underclassmen.
Thie new group is for fresh
man Knd sophomore women
interested in journal
ism. Members do not have to
be journalism majors and
anyone who is interested is
invited to attend said Mary
Lou Reese, Theta Sig presi
dent. Although the cub group will
function under Theta Sig con
stitution, the regulations for
membership do not hold.
There are no specific require
ments for membership, she
The University is one of the
many colleges in the nation
which has formed an organ
ization of this kind in con
junction with Theta Sigma
The cub group has several
ourposes: one of which is to
be of service to incoming
freshmen women who show
an interest in journalism. It
is to encourage an interest in
jors as well as to give the un
derclass majors a chance to
become better acquainted
with their field and the peo
pie in it.
Theta Sig cubs are respon
sible for one major project.
One idea being looked into k
the writing of a monthly
newspaner for thj Veteran's
Hospital. In the past the in
pital has had a paper and
still has the printing equip
ment. However, they have no
writers. This is where the
cubs will participate. Mrs.
Grace Darby, director of rec
reation at the hospital is to
visit the cub meeting in the
near future to discuss the
plan further.
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