The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1961, Image 1

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Vol. 74, No. 108
The Nebraskan
Friday, May 12, 1961
Guest Soloists
Sing 'Creation'
"The Creation of Haydn," the most popular oratorio
ever written, will be presented Sunday evening at 8 p.m.
in the Coliseum.
The Choral Union of the University, composed of 500 stu
dent voices, and the Uninversity Symphony Orchestra will
present the program.
The soloists will be three
professional operatic, stage
and concert performers:
Jeanette Scovotti, Leon Lish-
ner and John Alexander.
Miss Sco
votti is a
member of
the Chicago
Lyric Opera
Comp any,
and is tour
ing this s e a- j
son in Boris j
G o 1 d o v
sky's produc
tion of "Don
Alexander Giovanni."
Lishner, a bass-baritone, is
associate professor of music
al the University and appears
annually with the NBC-TV;
Opera Company
Alexander is leading tenor
soloist with the New Yort
City Opera Company.
P r f e s- ,
sor tmanuei
Wish ft o w,
chairman of
the depart
ment of mu
sic, will con
tact the Uni
v e r sity's
major musi
c a 1 produc
tion. 'The Cre
ation." which
Miss Scovotti
musically de-
picts the beginning of the
world, will include the follow
ing selections:
Introduction Representa
tion of Chaps
Recitative Bass In
the beginning
Chorus And the Spirit of
Recitative Tenor And
God saw the light
Air Tenor Now van
ish before the holy beams
Chorus Despairing.
Recitative Bass And
God made the firmament
Solo Soprano and
Chorus The marvlous
Recitative Bass And
God said, Let the waters un
der toe heaven
Air Bass Rolling in
foaming billows
Recitative Soprano
And God said, Let the earth
Air Soprano With
verdure clad
Recitative Tenor And
the heavenly host
Chorus Awake the harp
Recitative Tenor And
Cod said, Let there be lights
Recitative Tenor In
splendour bright
Chorus with Trio The
beavens are telling
Recitative Soprano
And God said, Let the wat
ers bring forth
Air Soprano On
mighty pens
Recitative Bass an
God created great whales
Recitative Bass And
the angels struck their im
mortal harps
Terzetto Soprano, Bass,
Tenor Most beautiful ap-
Trio and Chorus The
Lord is great
Recitative Bass And
God said, Let the earth
bring forth
Recitative Bass
Straight opening her fertile
Air Bass Now heav'n
in fullest glory shone
Recitative Tenor And
God created man
Air Tenor In native
Recitative Bass And
God saw everything that He
had made
Chorus Achieved is the
glorious work
Trio Soprano, Tenor,
Bass On Thee each living
soul awaits " i
Second Chorus Achieved
is the glorious work
The production will be free
to the public. ;
Calypso Jazz
Calypso music will be the
feature of the Jazz and Java
session to be held in the
Crib this afternoon from
4-5 p.m.
Prof Plans
National Science Grant
Sponsors Dr. Richards
Dr. Hugh T. Richards, pro
fessor of physics at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, will
serve as a visiting lecturer
at the University, Monday
and Tuesday. "
Professor Richards, a rep
resentative of a nationwide
program, is supported by the
National Science Foundation,
to stimulate interest in phys
ics. The topic of Dr. Richards'
address to the Physics Un
dergraduate Seminar on
Monday will be "Origin and
Abundance of Elements." He
2 s
will also address the
Department Colloquium
Tuesday on "Proton Scater-
uig from Oxygen-16." Both
lectures will be at 4:15 p.m.
in Brace Laboratory.
Dr. Richards has also
scheduled informal meetings
with students and confer
ences with faculty members
on curriculum and research
A University of Wisconsin
faculty member since 1946,
Dr. Richard does research in
uuticar pnysiCS. tie WOrJcefl
at the Los Alamos Scientific
Lab from 1943 to 1946, where
he assisted in tests oa the
atomic bomb.
II ushers A'CombC
The Cornhusker, Univer
sity yearbook, will be dis
tributed on Saturday from
1-3 p.m. and on Sunday from
2:30-4:30 in the Student
Union party rooms on first
Approximately 700 will be
distributed on each of the
designated days. Each pur
chaser must have a receipt
Kolilligian Leaves
Nebraska Center
Martin KohHigian resigned
Wednesday as managing di
rector of business affairs at
the Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education.
Mr. Kohllizian. who fame
to the University in 1958 as
food service director of the
Nebraska Union, has accep
ted a position as food service
director for General Motors in
Rosville, Mich.
Shapiro Plans
Year Study Tour
Dr. Karl J. Shapiro, pro
fessor of English and noted
poet, win complete a study of
the middleclass American
poet in Southern France from
the last of May through June
of next year.
His "million-word poem in
autobiographical form and a
study of the little literary
magazines of Europe win be
financed by the Woods Foun
dation Faculty Fellowship
from September through Feb
ruary and a University Re
search Council Grant from
February through June, dur
ing extended leave from the
Dr. Shapiro will leave the
University immediately after ;
the conclusion of classes.
May, 18 Sinf onia ;
Sing Cancelled
The Sinfonia Concert orig
inally scheduled for May 18
has been cancelled.
However, Sinconia, in coop
eration with the three music
sororities, Delta Omicron, Mu
Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha
lota, will perform an original
requiem, written hy Walter
This requiem will be per
formed on May 20 at the Mu
sic Theory Recital
i y xd X
Cadet Ken Temper is shown receiving the General
John J. Pershing Award from Chancellor Clifford Hardin
at the annual Army-ROTC Federal Inspection and
Awards presentation Thursday.
ROTC Units Parade:
Men Receive Awards
By Janet Sack
Parades and awards domi
nated the Military scene at
the University Thursday aft
ernoon when the Army ROTC
and Air Force ROTC units
marched in formation before
visiting personnel.
Cadet Col. Kenneth F. Tem-
r wa awarW the. a.
eral John J. Pershing award
by Chancellor Clofford Har
din for his outstanding work
in the Pershing Rifles. Cadet
Tempero has been a motivat
ing farce in the organization
for four years and during the
past year served as the Na
tional Commander.
Superior cadet awards were
presented to an outstanding
member of each class. Cadet
Brig. Gen. Donald Epp won
the award for the senior; Ca
det 2nd LL Richard Schmel
ing, junior; Cadet Sgt Craig
Nolle, sophomore; and Cadet
Peter Mazurak, freshman.
The awarded were present
ed by CoL Carl F. Lyons, rep
resenting Headquarters XVI
U.S. Army Corps.
CoL C. J. Frankforter
awarded three medals to the
outstanding cadets who at
tained the highest standing at
summer camp. The medals
donated by CoL Frankforter j
were presented to Cadet CoL '
Arthur A. Hughes, the gold
medal; Cadet Col. John C."
Bond, the silver medal; and
Cadet CoL Lowell E. LaRue,i
the bronze medal.
Reserve Officers Associa
tion medals were presented
to Cadet Cap! Thomas D.
Peck, senior, and Cadet Juris
Jaunitis, sophomore. Certifi
cates of commendation were
awarded to Cadet Col. Dee
E. Cuttell and Cadet Capt
Rodson E. Ellerbusch, both
seniors. Colonel R. J. Gra
ham of the Lincoln chapter
of the Reserve Officers As
sociation made the awards.
The Edgar J. Boschult Me
morial Award was presented
to Cadet Sgt Knute A. Rers-
tis, a first year cadet, by
Commander Oran L. Graves
of the Lincoln Chapter of the
American Legion. The award
also includes a $200 scholar
ship. Cadet Sgt Stephen J. Tem
ero was awarded the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary cash
award of $25.
Cadet 2nd Lt Laurence E.
Litetson was awarded the For
ty and Eight cash award of
Cadet Sgt. EJvin R. Luken
bach was awarded the plaque
of the Military Order of
World Wars by the John M.
Birkner chapter.
The Association of the
United States Army Medal
was presented to Cadet 2nd
Lt. William E. Holland by
Col. John H. Ratliff of the
Association. .
..Col. V. R. Rawie presented
the William Randolph Hearst
Marksmanship Medals to Ca
det Capt Marvin A. Cox, Ca
det Capt Conley R. Cleve
2nd Lt
Howard McNiff, and
Thomas A. Berry.
Air Science students were
honored at the University Air
Force ROTC Change of Com
mand Parade.
'The Lincoln Air Force Re
serve Award, presented to
one of the outstanding seniors
of the AFROTC was present
ed to Gordon W. Fox. The
award was made by Lt. CoL
Miles Johnston.
Lyle W. Burry and Dale M
Lutz. juniors, were presented
the Reserve Officer, Lincoln
District Chapter Awards.
The Arts and Sciences of
Nation Defefence certificates
was awarded to David B.
Gustavson and the National
Defense and the Association
certificate went to Robert F.
Greene, Jr. These awards
were presented by CoL Rals
ton Graham.
The Military Order of
World Wars Award, present
ed to the outstanding sopho
more cadet, was earned by
Vincent E. Hansen.
The Sons of the American
Revolution Award were pre
sented by Lt. CoL Richard
L. Hamilton to William G.
Bennett, Phillip C. Brugger,'
Ned H. Criscimagna, William
J. Hemming, Jr., Ronald D.
Jones, William G. Kaufman,
Henry S. Klein, John E. La-
hiff, Curtis W. Nicbolls, Lynn
S. Reed, Glenn R. Schaum-
burg and Steven Svendsen.
N.LA. Business Meet
Tbe business meeting of
the Nebraska International
Association (MA) will be
held Sunday at 8 p.m. in the
Student Union.
land. Cadet 2nd Lt.
E. Holland, Cadet
Sorenson: 'All Students Should
Consider Summer Schooling
University students should
give serious thought to attend
ing summer school according
to Frank Sorenson, director
of summer sessions.
Sorenson said an accelerat
ed educational program is vi
tal to the student who wants
to take a more responsible
position in his community and
to the. nation as a whole as
America moves into the com
plexities of the space age.
"Students used to be busy
during the summer ," be said,
but they too are beginning to
realize they want to hasten
the day f graduation.
"Education is the best
route to better jobs," he said.
"Students who atted sum
mer school can earn a Bach
elor's degree within three
years after high school grad
uation, and thus begin grad
uate or professional work a
year sooner, he said. i
Students taking five year:
courses such as engineering,
Council Members Elect
Gage President; Year's
Programming Outlined
By Norm Beatty
Steve Gage was elected pres
ident of the 1961-1962 Student
Council Wednesday at the old
Council s final meeting.
There are two meetings
scheduled for the newly-elected
Council before the end of
the semester, according to
Gage who succeeds the out
going president Ken Tem
Gage will be aided by four
other elected holdover mem
bers which include the new
first vice president, Jim Sam
ples and new second vice
president, Don Witt. Al Plum-
mer and Sukey Tin an will be
the two remaining holdover
The new president an
nounced his general platform
Wednesday just prior to his
election, included is the adap
tion of the internal reorgani
zation of the Council formu
lated and proposed by out
going president Tempero.
Two Subdivisions
Under this plan, the Coun
cil would be classified under
two main subdivisions which,
for all practical purposes,
wrtnlri An awav with the tres-
, mm-mittA svstpm ta deal
Ctntent fVmnril hucinpss
The purpose of this change
is to establish better coordi
nation of the Council's busi
ness and legislation which
would eventually allow the
Council to serve its overall
aims better according to
In connection with this
plank in his platform, Gage
said be will advocate the ac
ceptance of a Student Council
worker system for -freshman
and sophomore level students.
Also proclaimed was a Stu
dent Council advisor system
composed of interested junior
Ac Coed Selected
Royal Princess
A 19-year old home eco
nomics major was named as
the Varsity Dairy Club's
"Dairv Oueen Princess" at
the tenth annual Dairy Royal
on Ag campus.
Jean Olsen, a Chi Omega
sophomore, was selected
from a field of five finalists
by the members of the Dairy
Leading eleven entrants in
the annual Coed Cow Milking
contest was Gay Nelson of
Fedde Hall who milked over
two pounds of milk in two
and one-half minutes to take
championship honors. j
Senior Dvision Showman-'
ship honors went to Dennis
Defrain and Gene Graben
stein was named Junior Divi
sion Showmanship champion.:
The Royal was held Thurs
day evening in the horsebarn
on at the College of Agri
culture. 1
and architecture have tbe op
portunity to complete the
course in four years.
Sorenson said the summer
programs offer financial as
well as academic advantages.
"If a student were to work
each summer after high school
graduation and cave $5O9-$700
per summer, his total savings
over four years would still be
only half of the St,50-S,SOO he
could earn during tbe added
year f work gained by grad
uating early.
"And there is still time for
plenty of vacation in August,"
Sorenson said.
He said a more mature level
of campus entertainment is
planned during the summer
This includes concerts, for
eign films, off-campus tours
to the Capitol, penitentiary, a
tour of the Lincoln newspa
pers, summer theater presen
tations and a world affairs
and senior students who are
non-Council members.
"Such a program would es
tablish pools of Council man
power to justly handle any
problems which confront the
Council at any one time. It
allows flexibility with the com
mittee framework to compen
sate for overworked council
members and underworked
council members," he noted.
Under this plan Council
members would aid the non
Council members in acquaint
ing them with Council func
tioning. At the same time
non-Council members would
aid the regular members by
helping with the busy work
that binders the smooth op
eration of the Council itself,
Gage explained.
Freshmen and sophomores
who demonstrate an interest
and an ability to contribute
to the work or the Council
would be recommended "as
Two Artists
Win Awards
At Exhibition
Two University representa
tives won purchase awards at
the 11th annual Mid-American
exhibition at the Nelson Gallery-Atkins
Winning the awards were:
Jeanne H. Richards, assist
ant professor of art, who is
exhibiting the print "Medi
cine Man," and Larry T. John
son, a senior in the art de
partment ho is exhibiting a
painting. Landscape.
Johnson, who was last
year's winner of the Vreeland
Award in Art. will be on tbe
staff of the Kansas City Art
Institute next year. ,
Also selected for exhibition;
was the painting. "Black;
Painting I960," by Tom V.
Schmitt, assistant to the di
rector of the University Art
The annual Mid-American
exhibition attracts an eight
state area for entries and se
lects the works to be shown
on standards of artistic quality.
3Iiss University Will Accept
Crown at Saturday Pageant
One of 11 finalists will wear
the crown of Miss University
of Nebraska when the Schol
arship Pageant on Saturday
has ended.
Everyone is invited to join
in the suspense by attending
the first Miss University
Scholarship Pageant Satur
day, in the Student Union ball
room at 8 p.m. Tickets will be
on sale at t ae ooor lor a
Tbe purpose of the Pageant
International figures such
as Peruvian Ambassador Fcr
ondo Bej'emeyer will also
speak at the campus.
Students planning to register
for summer sessions should
sign up now for adviser ap
pointments. The exact time for advising
is determined by the policies
of the college or department
but in generaL is during May
S-U period.
All upperclass students, ex
cept those in Arts and Sci
ences carrying between 12 and ,
17 bours, must have their
worksheets signed by their
college dean. j
Tbe deadline for turning in
all worksheets for spring reg
istration is May 2S. Juniors
and seniors may torn theirs,
in May 22, sopomores May
23 and freshmen May 25 and
25. ;
Schedules are available at:
the Registrar's Office, 208 Ad-j
ministration. i
voting members" in this sys
tem. Other points in Gage's pro
gram include public speaking
tours of Council members con
structed to "sell" the Univer
sity to high school seniors and
an enlightening on public issues.
Latta Takes First
In Fiction Contest
William C. Latta, Jr., Wil
liam K. Carlson, and Bess
Eileen Day won first, second
and third place respectively
in the 1961 Priairie Schooner
Fiction Contest
Winning $50 was "But th
Old Men Know" by Latta
who is a graduate assistant
in English. He has had
poems and stories in Touch
Stone and Kansas Magazine,
and was a winner in the
Writer's Digest short story
contest Receiving his Mas
ter's at Kansas State, Latta
wrote creative thesis, a se
ries of short stories.
"The Passage" by Carlson
won the second prize of $30.
A senior, he received lie
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
and will study literature and
creative writing at Cornell
next year.
Bess Eileen Day, freshman
won $20 with "The Bones of
Lost Canyon." She has had a
short story published in
Southwestern Review and a
article in Ford Times.
Entries receiving honora
ble mention were "Patterns'
by Louise Neawirth, "lear
ns" by Murray J. Levith, and
"Counsin Delby" by Mary
Anne Pryor.
These awards wiH be giv
en at a coffee hour today at
3:30 at the Faculty Club. No
poetry prizes will be given
because the judges, Carl
Shapiro, Paul Olson, and
Robet Beum, felt that the
quality of the entries was be
low that of other years.
I is to find the girl to represent
Lincoln u tbe State Scholar
ship Pageant to be held on
June 8, 9, and 10, in Fairbnry,
Nebraska, wbo in tan will
represent Nebraska is the
Miss America Pageant
The Jaycees of Lincoln hav
broadened the scope of Pag
eants and Lincoln is the first
city of the state to bold three
Pageants. In addition to Miss
University of Nebraska, tbe
usual Miss Lincoln Pageant
will be held Saturday, May
20th, and another new pag
eant Hiss Nebraska Wesle
yan, Friday, May 19th.
The Pageant itself Is sot
just another beanty queen
contest but rather a junior
addition of the Miss America
Pageant of Atlantic City. The
purpose of the Pageant is to
select a girt wbo could be
come Miss America.
Tbe girls appearing in the
Pageant are:
Judith Mae Bimey Alpha
Vicky Sue CuDen Gam
ma Phi Beta
Lois Rae Deane Delta
Kayla Ana Grueber Al
pha Phi
Lucille H. Madden Detta
Cynde Peterson Kappa
Claire Rae Roehrkasse
Sigma Kappa
Joan Louise SandaH Cfcl
Suzanne Stolz Alpha Omi
cron Pi
Judith Tenhulzen Kappa
Alpha Tbeta
Kitty Sue TroxeU Gam
ma Phi Beta
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