UNIVERSITY OF NEB LIBRARY i f? ' ILA J. MAY 10 1961 Vol. 74, No. 107 The Nebraskan Wednesday, May 10, 1961 ID rivate Eye Play 'I. in Class Spy St. Onge: Rejected in Nebraska . . . May Stay at Ohio State By Norm Beatty A young instructor who wanted to go west to teach has changed his mind ... or had his mind changed for him. Henry St. Onge, currently an assistant in structor of English at Ohio State University (OSU), and whose Wayne State Teachers Col lege contract was recently revoked by the Ne braska State Normal Board, may find he will be teaching once again at OSU next fall. Who Is Henry St. Onge? Henry St. Onge is presently an English instructor at Ohio State University and until the meeting of the State Normal Board earlier this week, was to be an instructor at Wayne State Teachers College next fall. He is married and has three children, one of the fac tors that prompted him to consider going to Wayne in order that he might provide activities for his growing fam ily in the Nebraska area and climate. He it the founder of the Thomas Tusser society, con sidered by some to be a mys terious, seeret movement, probably entrenched with Mandelian philophies. Others claim that St. Onge created the society as a joke. Thomas Tusser was a poet in sixteenth century England. He wrote a handful of poems about husbandry which were reportedly terrible. As a re sult Tusser was snubbed by his own generation, let alone the scholars after him who have forgotten him. Tusser died in a debtors prison and presumably, accom plished nothing. St. Onge ran across Tas ters writings one day and at morning coffee sessions, with tongue-in-cheek, proposed that the coffee drinking group be known as the Tusser society. When questioned about the society by other newspapers. St. Onge kept the reporters! guessing about the purpose of tne society as he allowed his joke to run its course. The Mandel appearance cli maxed the growth of a joke that was suddenly more than a joke and far from being funny. Today, St. Onge is despon dent. He believes, "For all practical purposes, I am a dead duck in Nebraska. I have no job next year. I have a wife and three children. I'm tired of being a nice guy." He is reportedly a brilliant scholar and a vibrant class room personality. Return Pictures Students are reminded that all pictures borrowed from the Union Picture Lending Library should be returned to the Union Music Room by Thursday or Fri day. TODAY ON CAMPUS Wednesday: 4-H Club Picnic, Peter Pan Park, 6 p.m. VHEA senior tea, 3421 E. Summit St., 4 p.m. University Faculty Wom en's Club luncheon, 1 p.m. Student Union ballroom. "Children of the Sun," 8 p.m., Ralph Mueller Plane tarium, Morrill Hall Thursday: Block and Bridle Quarter Horse Show, Fair Grounds Coliseum. Dairy Royal, Ag College Horsebarn Visiting poets, D. W. Snod grass and John Frederich Nims, informal hour, 10 a.m., 115 Andrews ROTC annual inspection, parade, 5 p.m., 14th and Vine Although there has been no lormai action by OSU offi cials, the chairman of the English department said he would "most certainly be glad" to have St. Onge re main on his staff. In a telephone conversa tion with the Daily Nebras kan Tuesday, Dr. Robert Es trich, chairman of, the Eng lish department at OSU, said, "I would be very glad to have him continue in our department." Confusion Estrich and other campus figures admitted confusion in connection with the recent contract cancellation. The answer to the Ohioan's question, "why?", was giv en in part Tuesday aft ernoon in Lincoln by Dr. Freeman Decker, state com-i missioner of education and also member of the Board. "Speaking for myself alone," Dr. Decker said, "it did not appear that Mr. St Onge would be a proper per son to teach in Nebraska." According to Dr. Decker, the action by the Board was unanimous. Dr. Decker said there was no question as to St. Onge's political beliefs, nor was there any thought that St. Onge had violated any law. Responsible But, "again speaking for myself, a member of a col lege faculty must be respon sible" and in his private life, not reflect upon his employ er, Dr. Decker said. St. Onge came into the public's eye in April when William Marx MandeL out spoken critic of the House Un-American Activities Com mittee (HUAC), spoke from St Onge's back porch. Ohio State University had refused to let Mandel speak on the campus. The OSU au thorities said that St. Onge's invitation to Mandel did not constitute an official invita tion by the University. St. Onge is not regarded as an U!u lacuuy memner, al though he teaches the facul ty load of nine hours a week, according to Dr. Estrich. St. Onge said his invitation was issued because of inter est in Mandel. St. Onge, who had made a personal invitation, was un available for comment yes terday. Backyard Talk The Ohio State Lantern, OSU student newspaper, re ported the following to be the main points of Mandel's backyard talk: That the United States would be beaten disastrously in any war with the Soviet Union. That the philosophy of the House Un-American Ac tivities Committee is "fas cism and fascism is the rule of the big business gone mad." That Communism is the most popular idea in the world today. That the solution is "ac commodation" with Russia, a voluntary agreement on the part of each nation to yield some ot tne lis views. Husher Delivery The Cornhusker, Univer sity yearbook, will be dis tributed on Saturday May 13th from 1-3 p.m. and on Sunday the 14th from 2:30 4:30 p.m. The yearbooks, however, will be given out as long as they last. Confused Instructor est V J " X-J?: v r my y University coeds who will vie for the title of Dairy Queen in the Dairy Royal Thursday night on Ag Campus are (from left) Suzi Haberman, Kappa Alpha Theta Who Is William Mandel? The background on William Marx Mandel, the instrument that has apparently cost Henry St. Onge his job at Wavn Stafp was Tinrtrnvprt i in tho lact iccno f tha u'ovo Stater, the official college newspaper. William Marx Mandel, who stood on Henry St. Onge's back porch one night and shouted a few defiances in Ohio State University stu-Council desires that a dents, was accused of being 'plan of student-faculty evalu a Communist propagandist ation be instituted at the Uni before the Senate Internal versity which would be pro- aecurny ouu-toiiimniee : through testimony given by Louis Budenz on August 21, 1951. Mr. Budenz was at that time editor of The Daily Worker. Mandel's refusal to answer sucn accusations on May 13, i960, when he ap- peared before the House Un- American Activities Commit- tee was based on the Fifth : Amendment Mandel was a writer for the Institute of Pacific Relations, which was "a vehicle used by the Communists to orientate America's Far Eastern poli cies toward Communist objec tives." This organization was added to the subversive list after the Senate Judiciary Committee Report 2050 of July 2, 1952. He was associated with the American Russian Institute cited by Attorney General Tom Clark April 27, 1949, as a Communist front organiza tion. The ARI was also cited by the Senate Judiciary Com mittee on July 2, 1957, as a Communist controlled organi zation intimately linked with the IPR. They were cited as specializing in pro-Soviet propaganda. "The Soviet Far East," a book written by MandeL also came under investigation by the Internal Security Sub-committee. The Sub-committee termed the book to be "largely Communist propa ganda." Business Fraternity Elects ISeto Officers ' Delta Sigma Pi, business fraternity, elected Ray Bulin president for fall semester. 1961. The other officers elected are: Doug Teaford, first vice president; Larry Fiori, sec ond vice president; Gaylan Abood, treasurer; Ken White, assistant treasurer; Gary Brooke, secretary; D a r y 1 Swanson, chancellor; Roger Stuhr, historian. amd , iMiiaw)l - ,m.mi'mwi fci-inrnnin 1 1 1 1 1 mi i mi. lir"" ,iiIB1m)IMmM DAIRY QUEEN FINALISTS Council Adopts Faculty Rating Asks Professional Evaluation By Ann Moyer The final report of the Stu dent Council faculty rating committee was accepted by the Council recently with the ! recommendation that it be submitted to Chancellor Clif ford Hardin for considera tion. The approval of the report by the Council means that lessionally prepared, admin- istered on a University wide undergraduate scale and that it be voluntary with the stu- 1 dents and faculty. The committee research on the faculty rating program indicated ueiJBHC iiiiercsi -t!"C.' ?:Tm.b.yihad ever tried one of the I 'nii'Arcirv cftitntc and f o i f, f ,lri,nlc , r-. . , Sn?2 be worthwhile. Also, of the i m , , . 29 departments which replied j to the committee inquiry CT a. tin.n.1. i. rvAr in .! Freedom Lecture Prof. J. W. N. Watkins of the London School of Ec onomics and Political Sci ences will lecture on "Hu man Freedoms" today in the Love Library audito rium at 9 a.m. Solons Ask By Nancy Whitford Informing each state senator of the stu dents attending the University from his district would be a definite aid in strength ening ties between the two groups, said Sen. Ross H. Rasmussen of Hooper. At present there are few University stu dents who visit the legislature to see how it works, he said. Rasmussen feels ties could also be strengthened if a third party, such as in dustry, would come back to the legislature and tell how it has benefited from the Uni versity's educational programs. Rasmussen said it is hard for an institu tion to "brag about itself." "The University needs to be supported by the groups which benefit from its educa tional facilities." Sen. Elvin Adamson of Cody said Uni versity relations with the legislature can be improved if the University will "come directly to the lawmaking group with its problems." Adamson criticized a recent report that the University had contacted outstate alumni to write letters to the Budget Committee. sophomore; Karen Moesiger, Alpha Xi Delta junior; Jean Olsen, Chi Omega sophomore; and Judy Birnej, Alpha Phi freshman. ceiving a systematic evalua tion by students of the in structors .in their depart ment. The faculty also definitely indicated that they would like to participate in the! preparation of any rating system which might be de vised. i The committee polled other schools which have used an evaluation system and the results indicated that such programs had proved suc- c e s s f u 1 to administration, . a I i r 1. siuuenis ana iacuuy. Replies were received from 30 of 42 schools solicited con- cernmg the matter. Fourteen jreponea uiey idvoreu sw - ident faculty ratings, seven ,had never tried such a sys item and none of the schools ,,.. i, j ,r-i,t; contemplated by the (committee. In most cases a,h-r, .ho r, ,nff had hppn un. the eVaiuatron ad- , v j w-. ministered had not been pro- fessionaIlv DreDared lessionally preparea. The Universities of Pur- 1 due, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa and Washington con tributed documented studies of their rating systems. These studies show that stu dents ireat lacuuy raungsian expectant father" in with respect and do not give awaiting the budget outcome, biased answers based on per- Newspaper coverage of the sonal prejudice. I meetings between the Uni- The reports also indicated : versity and the budget com that there was no correla- j mittee has been accurate, he tion between the evaluation 1 noted. Closer Ties with Nl) He said this action was "an attempt to bring pressure on the legislators from the people at home which is very easily de tected." Adamson, a member of the Education Committee, said that at times there ap pears to be a feeling at the University that the legislature is attempting to dic tate policy. - "In turn, the legislature often feels the University is indifferent," he said. "Several professors feel they aren't wel come at the legislature. Thay should m-et more with committees and have a first hand, knowledge of the problems dis cussed." He said professors should let it be known to the chairman of a.comittee that they are available for questioning on technical subjects. He said the University "should be heard more during the lawmaking process rather than complaining about it afterwards." Adamson said students should also at tend the legislature more often. ' University students are conspicuous by their absence," be noted. submitted by the student and that particular instructor. The first attempt by Uni versity students to organize some type of faculty evalua tion came during the spring semester of 1957 when the Daily Nebraskan took up the cause in a series of editori als. The Student Council as signed the investigation of a student-faculty rating to committee but no further &c- tion was taken by the Coun- ! : I.U. In November of 1960, Coun cil member Steve Gage asked that a special commit tee be appointed to esti. , gate a faculty rating system. Faculty Senate Approves Report The Faculty Senate unani mously approved the reports of the policy and liaison committees at its May 9 meeting. Chancellor Hardin, in a brief discussion of the Legis lature's budget committee meetings with the University, said the outcome was not yet clear, but that he "felt like Leaders Say Not At NU By Mike MacLean In a recent newsletter pub lished by Cowles Magazine! Inc., the publishers of Look, a private investigating agen cy claims it has planted its agents in classrooms of a number of colleges to inves tigate those it calls "contro versial" professors. The agency, the newsletter says, has written to several school presidents advising them that a number of other schools are already using the system and finding it "very benefciial and inform ative." Dr. Adam C. Brecbenridge, Dean of Faculties at the Uni versity, said, "I have never been contacted by such an organization and am not in terested in their services." The organization's agents enroll, attend classes like regular students, the news letter continued, then report to the agency, which in turn analyzes and reports to the administration of the client school. In its letter of solicitation the agency assures the presi dents that almost every de partment of a college has a teacher that meets a "con troversial" description and could bear watching. "The college administrator who places undercover agents in classrooms must feel terribly insecure and dis trust his institution's staff, its method of faculty selec tion and retention, and his own judgement," says Breck enridge. "One can not comprehend the undercover agent in the physician s office, he con tinued, "nor in relation to the lawyer with his client. Nei ther can one comprehend the unidentified agent in the classroom." More Exhaustive Appraisals of prospective staff members for colleges and universities are probably more exhaustive than any similiar employment, he ex plained. These appraisals are made bv careful consideration of their past achievements and records and by contacting those who know them best, those who have had close contact with them. An instructor's retention and promotion depend on the continuing observation of his colleagues once he is on the staff. An instructor's fellow work ers will soon perceive whether objective presentation of ideas are the norm in his teaching methods. 'Great Purpose Breckenridge feels that "the great purpose of most education is understanding the necessity for the free ex change of ideas and methods, in whatever areas of knowl edge." If an instructor cannot freely promote this exchange, he would be a spokesman for a partisan cause rather than a teacher, he added. If the student is to be able to learn, new knowledge must be introduced to him as soon as it is gained. The progress and failures of trials and ex perimentations must be ana lyzed if we are to learn in a free society, said Brecken ridge. Dean Breckenridge thinks that the object of placing an undercover agent in the class room is to define exact limits on what is to be learned. When this is done, the stu dents, and all of society are the losers to those who fear knowledge. "If there are to be under cover agents of this kind to watch over the faculty I should want a group to watch over the watchers," Brecken ridge said. Nu-Meds Meet The Nu-Meds will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Student Union Little Auditorium. Dr. Paul Peterson will speak on rhino-oto-larynxology.