The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1961, Image 1
Vol. 74, WT06 The Nebraskan Tuesday, May 9, 1961 Sunday Presentation Famed Soloists Singin 'Creation 9 Three nationally known soloists will headline the Univer sity presentation of Haydn's "The Creation" at 8 p.m. next Sunday evening in the Coliseum. Also participating in the presentation will be a choral union of 500 student voices and a full symphony orchestra under the direction of Professor Emanuel Wishnow, chair- man of the department of music. Admission to the oratorio the University's major music presentation of the season, is free. The soloists are all active as performers with the na tion's leading opera, televi sion and Broadway compan ies. Jeanette Scovotti, lyric co loratura soprano with the Chi cago Lyric Opera Company, has appeared in Broadway productions of "The King and I" and "Lil Abner." She made her debut with the New York City Opera in Menotti's "The Medium." That same year, she won a Town-Hall Recital Award, sponsored by the New York Singing Teachers Association. She has appeared at the . Cen tral City Opera Festival in "Fledermaus," as a soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington D.C., and this present season toured the country in Boris Goldovsky's production of "Don Giovanni." Leon Lishner, bass-baritone and associate professor of mu sic at the University, appears annually in the television pro duction of "Amahl and the Night Visitors." He is prob ably best known for his ere ation of the bass roles in the operas of Gian-Carlo Menotti on Broadway and on televi sion. In addition, he has ap peared in the Broadway pro ductions of "The Consul" and "The Saint of Bleecker Street." John Alexander, a leading tenor solosit with the New York City Opera Company, was a guest soloist last year in the University production of Verdf s "Requiem." He ap pears frequently with the Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Cincinnati opera com panies. His performances with his home company include "La Traviata," "The Silent Worn an," and "The Merry Wid ow." During the past year, Alex ander performed in he NBC TV productions of Beethoven's "Fidelio" and of the new American opera concerning the life of Brigham Young. The choral union will con sist of the Agricultural Col lege Chorus, directed by Gene tiybdahl; Madrigal Singers, directed by John Moran; Uni versity Singers, directed by Eaisl Jenkins; University Chorus I, directed by Moran; and University Chorus II, di rected by Jenkins. Accompanists will be Cyn thia DybdahL Kay Green, Mary Haight, and Jean San- Non Tax Source Sought For Bill Jen, Joe T. Vosoba of Wil bop looking for a "non tax" .source to finance his Sroposal for an Industrial :esearch Institute, LB703. Vosoba had originally planned to finance the Insti tute under LB160 which pro vided that abandoned proper ty left in banks for more than ten years revert to the state if the owner could not be located. He said he feels the people who killed LB160 "are under an obligation to suggest some other method of financing the Institute." Vosoba said there is a strong possibility that federal funds may be provided, but ha knows of no definite sources. "Private industry in Ne braska can be expected to help finance the Institute, but this will not be enough, it will be only a drop in the bucket," he said. He said private assistance would probably be channeled through an "unofficial organ ization similar to the Uni versity Foundation or the Alumni Association." Another source of funds would be a special levy au thorized by the legislature to be repaid back on a loan basis, "preferably without interest." Scholarship Honored On Ivy Day Innocents, MB's Present Awards Top scholarship was among the achievements honored last Saturday by the Mortar Board and Innocents Societies at the University's annual Ivy Day activities. Sonia Anderson won the senior women's scholarhip cup, and Don A. Kaufman won the senior men's scholarship cup. Miss Anderson has an ac cumulative average of 8.116 for 121 hours. She is a mem ber of Phi Beta Kappa, Sig ma Xi, and Alpha Lambda Delta. She has been awarded a National Science Founda tion Cooperative Fellowship for graduate study in bio chemistry at the University of Illinois. Kaufman has an accumu lative average of 8.557. En rolled in Teachers College, majoring in general science, he is a member of Sigma Xi and Mu Epsilon Nu. He will teach in the Omaha public school system next fall. The Mortar Board Scholarship-Activities Trophy was presented to Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Alpha Xi Del ta was second; Alpha Oml cron Pi, third; Delta Gamma, fourth; and Love Memorial Hall, fifth. The Innocents Scholarship Activities Trophy was won this year by Farmhouse fra ternity for the sixth consecu tive year. Theta Xi won sec ond place and Phi Kappa Psi, third. Winner of the American As sociation of University Wom en's award was Mary Ann "Skip" Harris, president of the 1960 Mortar Board. IWA Workshop The Independent Wom en's A s s o elation (IWA) workers will meet at 5 p.m. today in the Student Union. All IWA workers who have signed up should come and all others interested may also attend. Sheldons9 Bequests Make Art By Dick Stuckey fKdilnr't niitri Th Dully NithraaliM xtMid urwlllin to 1Mr. OI Khrldmi, wlfi- of thi liltr A. B. Hhrldim, fur th Inform Hon tntllird In thin airtlrki MmrernliK thn niwkrround of the Hbrldon Art (mlliry.) It has long been the hope of the Nebraska Art Associa tion that a suitable and safe gallery be built for the perman ent display of its growing collection. However, such a construction seemed an impossible project. In 1950, Mary Frances Sheldon learned that she would live only a few months. She deckled then to bequeath her estate for the construction of the long-needed Nebraska art center, but feared that there would not be enough to make the bulding Itself a work of art. After discussing the gift with her brother, Bromley, it was decided to hold the estate in a trust to be managed by him until it reached an amount sufficient to realize the wish of Frances. At that time Bromley told her he would also bequeath approximately half of his estate to.the future center. Trust Grows Since that decision twelve years ago, and following Mr. Sheldon's death in 1957, the trust has grown to two and one half million dollars. Now the gallery rises from the soil of the University in all the majesty of the gift itself. Adam Bromley Sheldon was born in Vermont in 1887 to George and Flora Bromley Sheldon. Mary Frances Shel don was born five years later. In 1900 the family moved to Lincoln. Bromley enjoyed a variety of boyhood interests as vigorously as a spirited youth of the "new frontier". Bi cycle racing, baseball, and bobsledding maintained his youthful energy. A bout with rheumatic fever following a bobsledding accident limited his baseball playing, but not his enthusiasm for the game. Throughout his life he re mained an avid fan of the Lincoln Chiefs and followed the major leagues closely. Admired Theater A great admirer of the theater, in all forms, Bromley was often seen at the old Oliver Theater in Lincoln. He liked Shakespeare, and quoted it easily. He never missed 11111 : fp:lplf A i I FADING IN The Ramsey Lewis Trio, pictured above, will appear on May 19, along with the Four Preps, at the Student Union's last party of the year, the "Fadeout," in the Union Ball room. ' J Union Ends Semester With 'Fadeout' Party i By Ann Moyer The semester is fading fast and to hustle it on its way the Student Union is. presenting "Fadeout" on May 19 featuring the well known talents of the Four Preps, the Ramsey Lewis Trio and Bill Alber's Dance Band. The Four Preps, renown for their recordings of "Big Man" and "26 Miles", will present two floor shows in the Union Ballroom at 8:30 p.m. and at 11 p.m. during the dance intermissions. The Ramsey Lewis Trio, featuring Ramsy Lewis at the piano, El Dee Young on the bass and Red Holt on the drums, will appear in the Pan American room from 8-12 p.m. The trio, noted for its Argo jazz recordings, is said to possess much the flavor and sound of the Ahmad Jamal modern jazz quartet. The Lewis threesome, as the trio is called, strike a middle ground of easy, listenable music, sparked by the piano lead of Lewis himself with able assistance from bassist Young and drummer Holt. The combo can handle any type of tune from romantic to bright. Among their recordings are "My Ship," "C. C. Rider," "I Love Paris," and "Car men." The group also has five albums including The Gentle-Men of Swing, The Gentle-Men of Jazz and An Hour With the Ramsey Lewis Trio. The trio got its start when the three worked together with a seven-piece dance band, the Clefs, under the leadership of Wallace Burton. Burton's influence encour aged Ramsey's decision to re turn to jazz professionally. When the Clefs disbanded in 1955 the trio began to play together whenevr time per mitted. During this Ramsey transferred from Chicago Musical College to DePaul University. A Chicago policeman heard the trio play and intro duced them to Leonard and Phil Chess of Argo Records. Their second break came when a prominent Chicago disc jockey heard their first record for Argo and Intro duced it to his a u d i e n c e. Since that time the Trio has become known as perhpas the most entertaining jazz trio in the country. They have appeared at the Birdland in New York; Lon don House in Chicago; the Peacock Alley in St. Louis. The Ramsey Lewis Trio ap peared at the Randall Island Jazz Festival in New York in 1959 and the Saugatuck Jazz Festival in Michigan m 1960 plus personal appear ances at the Civic Auditorium in St. Louis, Ford Auditorium in Detroit and the Light house at Hermosa Beach. Tickets for the Fadeout show are now on sale and may be obtained from house sales representatives or in the Union program office for $1.50..Tickets entitle the holder to attend any of the performances in the Union that evening. Fadeout Tickets Ticket sales representa tives for the Fadeout show who have not yet picked up their tickets should meet in Student Union 345 at 4 p.m. today. GALLERY PLAN Above is the proposed plan of the Sheldon Art Gallery drawn by architect Phillip Johnson of Phillip Johnson and Associates of New York City. The construction of the Gal lery is being made possible by the estate of Miss Mary Frances Sheldon which has been held In trust since 1950 for this purpose, and also by the bequest of one-half of the estate of. Bromley Sheldon, her brother. a Shakespearean play either in Omaha or Lincoln, and en joyed the performances of the Barrymores, Gielgud, Evans and Olivier often. W. C. Fields, Eddie Foy and Lew Dockstader took top Interest on the vaudeville circuit, and Laurel and Hardy were his greatest movie favorites. , Bromley graduated from Lincoln High School valedic torian of his class. He attended prep school in Phillips Ex eter, N.H., before enrolling in civil engineering at the Uni versity of Nebraska. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. But his enterprising, competive spirit longed for the business world, and he left college before gradua tion. Bromley's great admiration of Frank Spaulding, Lin coln lumberman, fired his enthusiasm for the lumber busi ness, and the close association of the two families coupled Record Vote Recorded In Council Elections; Four IFC Men Lose By Norm Beatty A record number of stu dents flocked to the polls yes terday in the Student Council elections that saw the Inter fraternity Council (IFC) slate suffer its highest number of losses in four years. Some 2,916 students voted in Monday's election as com pared to last year's record of 2,446 total votes. Four IFC candidates were defeated in the election as compared to none last year, two in 1959 and three in 1958, according to Don Ferguson, IFC president. The following results are to serve as official notification for candidates who are asked to take their posters down from all bulletin boards to day. The closest races were re corded in the College of Arts and Sciences in the voting for the men and in Teachers Col lege in the girls voting. Three boys and one girl were select ed for next year's Council in both races. Although the total of invalid votes were considerably low er in this year's election than in the election a year ago (1961-164, 1960-294), several races could have possibly turned out differently if the number of invalid votes had been reduced. Election complaints or re quests to invalidate an elec tion must be filed in writing with the first vice-president of the Student Council within 24 hours of the announcement of the election results in the Daily Nebraskan, according to John Hoerner, first vice president. He may be reached at GA 3-6589 or GR 7-9211. The election results are as follows: (those in bold face indicate those elected.) AGRICULTURE Dale Pohlman P. Jane Fauquet Michael Eason Phyllis Riddle Jo Ann Burkhart Mary Kesling 308 230 144 115 28 25 16 Invalid ARTS and SCIENCES Bill Buckley 377 Steve Joynt 345 Don Burt 341 Cynthia Tinan 206 Joel Lundak 305 Paula Warner 173 Patrick Egan 130 Ann Wahl 128 Judy Birney 110 Judy Erickson 94 Nina Morrison 92 Mary Weatherspoon 87 Mary Beth Hemmer 85 Mary Crabill 84 Linda Hogeland 80 Caralee Gunther 65 Karen - Thompson 58 Joan Anderstrom 53 Joan Anderstrom 53 Ardith Robertson 47 Carol Williams 40 Invalid 75 r r r BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION William Lee Gunlicks 238 Perry Dudden 213 Herbert Grossman 164 Ronald Coleman 133 Sherrilyn Stigge 60 Jeanine Campbeau 37 Terry Umland 19 Invalid 15 DENISTRY James Killinger 21 Carles Mays 0 Invalid 0 ENGINEERING David Scholz 221 Chip Kuklin 205 Steve Cass 165 Larry Ourada 142 Rodney Marshall 138 George Krauss 132 Ronald Licht 64 Shirley Hoffman 63 Milton Rogge 47 Larry Young 30 Gary Brobst 14 Invalid 9 LAW John Wightman 17 Harold Hoff 9 Invalid 1 PHARMACY Philip Griess 15 Bill Webster 5 Thomas Cunningham 3 Betty Frazer 1 Invalid 0 TEACHERS John M. -Abrahamzon 410 Don Dermyer 213 Jeanie Morrison 91 Suzanne Moffitt 88 Nancy Ericksen 83 Susan Wood 70 Gayle Branigan 63 Susan Irvine 59 Judy Tenhulzen 55 Katheryn Madsen 52 Julie Westerhoff 51 Ann Wiggins 49 Diann Cabela 49 Caroll Alt 48 Julie Berner 48 Janet Jansen 47 Karen Werner 43 Linda Christianson 42 Susan Swift 38 Leah Jo Smith 32 Karen Lund 29 Mike Drew 27 Judy Schneider 14 Invalid 48 IWA Judy Polenz 13 Karen Edeal 3 STUDENT UNION Richard Nelson 17 Sonja Erickson 2 CORN COBS Larry Hemmer 7 John Bischoff 4 Jay Graf 4 William Hurd 3 RAM COUNCIL George Peterson 285 Wendell Bell 203 Norbert Schller 81 PANHELLENIC Nancy Butler , 4 Linda Joyce 3 Rosann Rost 3 Mary Sellentin 2 Jean Carlson 2 Susan Bengston 1 Gallery with the attraction of the colorful fortunes of early lumber barons prompted the young Mr. Sheldon to become a lum berman. Texas Mills Following the advice of his father, Bromley spent two years handling lumber in Texas mills then working the yellow-pine forests near Houston with nothing but "grits, hominy and pork" at an age of considerable appetite, the Texas years were anything but soft. Returning to Nebraska with the savings from his south ern labor, Mr. Sheldon and his father bought and managed a lumberyard at Weeping Water, Nebr. In 1910 they pur chased in partnership the Fox and Woodsum yards at Lex ington, Darr and Cozad in the heart of the Platte Valley. The valley's natural advantages combined with Brom lay's business acumen, and with strict careful attention to his Nebraska businesss with true Vermont caution, honesty and fairness, he soon built a business worthy of t h e re spect and flourish which it received. He married Olga Nielsen in 1917. The new Mrs. Sheldon was a native of Lexington. Art Association Frances Sheldon joined the Nebraska Art Association in the early 1930's, and through her interest and own modest collection, Bromley soon shared her pleasures and enthu siasm in a growing knowledge of art. They attended the annual art shows and often discuss ed with other members of the association the growing need for a suitable, safe home for the rapidly increasing asso ciation collection. The collection has been accumulating since the 1880's and now contains many valuable pieces of realistic art as well as the contemporary abstract. It is the intention of the Art Assocition to add to both categories as funds allow. The collection focuses mainly on American artists, and is recognized nationally as an outstanding exhibition. It is the hope of the Nebraska Art Association that the Sheldon gift may be perpetuated in reciprocal continuation of the appreciation of art in Nebraska. COUNCIL ON RELIGION Sue Isaacson t Sherry Bergh . 2 James Larson 2 Marcia Hahn 3 IFC John Noland IS Steve George S Grant Gregory 1 INTER CO-OP COUNCIL Donald Bennet S Richard Bolli 1 James Vesely 1 James Cawthra 1 BUILDERS Mary Kokes S Judy Edwards 6 Rth Ann Chubbach 3 Judy gmarshall 3 AWS (To be announced later) TASSELS (To be announced later) BIZ AD STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD SOPHOMORES Herb Grossman 200 Ron Coleman 189 Jean Baxter 106 Don Vogt 95 Nelsie Larsen 91 Larry Catlett 78 Richard Weill 63 JUNIORS Judy Edwards (unopposed) Donald Jelinek (unopposed) SENIOR S Peggy Mercia Douglas Teaford (unopposed) (unopposed) Amendment Passes 5 to 1 The proposed Student Tri bunal Charter amendment changes that will give the Tribunal the final decision in student cases other than those involving suspension or expul sion from the University and also establishing appelate privileges for students in de cisions handed down by the Tribunal was passed 1,761 to 307 or at a ratio of over five-to-one. Hoover Exhibits Nature Pictures An exhibition of photographs made by Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, registrar of the University, opened recently at the Uni versity's Art Galleries in Mor rill Hall. The photographs, taken dur ing the past two years, are studies of Nebraska Nature. The exhibition will be shown in the west corridor gallery on the second floor. The Gal lery is open from 2-5 p.m. Sundays and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Reality