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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1961)
UBftARt CAY .0 Ol By Nancy Whitford The legulity wf1 Uiilu'lflli payments to the Alumni As sociation was questioned by Sen. William Mouton of Omaha Friday at the third public hearing on the "re quested $30.6 million Uni versity budget. Chancellor Clifford Har din said the University pays the Association some 31 thousand dollars annually to keep records on 70-80 thou sand students after they leave the University. Monlton said he does not feel the association has any official function in state government. "It w o n 1 d seem to me that by law the state cannot give tax funds to a private association," he said. Comptroller Joseph Sosh nik said the money is paid Conlest Closes May 19 'Outstanding' Race Draws 3 Three nominations for the Outstanding Nebraskan awards to be presented to a faculty member and a student who have distinguished themselves on the campus have been received by the Daily Nebraskan. Those nominated and their qualifications are: Tom Eason, who has maintained above an $.000 average throughout his college career. He has also entered into manv fields of endeavor to either help one individual or to KV Coed Workshop The annual workshop for University women will be held Tuesday, from 7-9 p.m. in 232, 233 and 234 Student Union. EspeciaBy encouraged to attend are the presidents, pledge trainers, social chairmen, standards chair men, AWS representatives and housemothers of all or ganized houses, according to Sukey Tinan, AWS Work shop chairman. The meet ing is open to aE other in terested women students. The program will include reports from IAWS national convention and forty -five minute discussion sessions led by board members. Re freshments will be served after the program. Sigm Alpha Xi's Win Sings The Sigma Chis and the Alpha Xi Deltas retired the Ivy Day Sing trophies by win ning their respective divisions for the third consecutive year. Sigma Chi sang "Gran d father's Clockw to c apture first place with the Alpha Xis singing "A Blue and Gold Dream" for their first Phi Delta Theta placed second in the men's sing and Theta X took third. In the women's sing Alpha Phi placed second and Alpha Omicron Pi placed third. On Friday during the Spring Day activities the Sigma Chis placed first in the men's di vision for all events. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was the runner-up. In the women's division Kappa Kappa Gamma won first place honors for all events. Love Memorial Hall va tha runner-up. Ag Prof to Attend Italian Parley . W. Steinbruegge, profes sor of agricultural engineer ing, will participate in the firA International Conference on the Mechanics of Soil-Vehicle Systems at Torino, Italy, from June 12-16. Professor Steinbruegge, who Is a scientific advisor to the U.S. Army, will attend the con ference in this capacity and under Army sponsorship. He will present a paper on "The Ideal Tractive Efficiency of Soils." While in Italy, the Univer sity staff member will also participate in a series of lec tures at the Torino Academy of Agriculture. His topic will be agricultural mechanization around the world. He will ad dress a session of the acade my on the problems of agri cultural mechanization in North America. Senators Debate Need for Analyst A public hearing on the creation of a fiscal analyst under direction of the Legis lative Council will he held to day at 2 p.m. by the Uni cameral Budget Committee. Both the University and the Budget Committee have agreed that creation of such a post would aid in determin ing the amount to spend for the University budget Moulton for a "service rendered on a contract basis." He said the University would prob ably have to set up a de partment of its own to keep alumni records if the asso ciation didn't do this. Hardin said nearly every University keeps records on its former students. Questions Office Space Sen. Marvin Lautenschal ger of Grand Island ques tioned the association's use of office space in the Stu dent Union. Hardin said he thought some of the original funds for the Union had been pro vided by alumni with the provision that an office be maintained for the associa tion. The University's contribu tion to the Alumni Associa- either help one individual or to help the organization as a whole, he is often not a mem ber of the organization he is assisting. Tom has also done a successful job in bettering the cooordination betw een the Independent Women's Associ ation (IWA) and the Resi-; dents' Association of Men (RAM) and all independents as a whole. He is also taking part in the Protege program this year. Kenneth Tempero has main tained a 6.661 overall average in pre-med. His qualifications for the nominations are: past secretary of Theta Xi Frater nity; Theta Xi Active of the year 1960-1961; past member of the Interfraternity Council (IFC); Scholarship Commit tee; member of Theta Nu. President of Alpha Phi Omega; member of German Club; president of NU Meds; member of Innocents Society; president of Stndent Council; National Commander of Pershing Rifles; President of Army ROTC Honor Code Com mittee; past chairman of the Military Ball Publicity Com mittee; and executive officer of Army ROTC Bridage. Miss Mary Ann "Skip" Har his has maintained a 6.8 over all grade average in Teach ers' College, Elementary Edu cation. "Skip" has been ac tive in many activities. They include: President of the As sociated Women Students (AWS); a member of Mortar Boards; a member of the All University Fund (AUF); panel and section editor of the Cornhusker; a member of Stu dent Council. Her offices in Pi Beta Phi Sorority have been. Rush Chairman, Pledge Trainer, Song Leader, member of Pi Beta Phi Executive Council, and winner of the Province Award of Pi Beta Phi; Wom en's Residence Halls Coun selor; Army, Navy, Air Force ROTC Honorary Comman dant; Homecoming Queen; Drake University Relays Queen; and a Cornhusker Beauty Queen Finalist Any student or faculty mem ber may nominate a candi date by writing a letter to the Daily Nebraskan, 51 Student Union. Letters should be signed by the person making the nomi nation and become the prop erty of the Nebraskan. The names of those persons mak ing the nominations will be kept confidential. Nominations will be accept ed until 5 p.m. May 19. The winners will be an nounced in the final issue, May 26. They will be present ed at a luncheon in the Stu dent Union that day. IWA Will Host Awards Dessert The Independent Women's Association (IWA) awards dessert will be held this eve ning at 7:30 p.m. in the Pan American Room of the Un ion. Approximately 25 unaffili ated women who have been outstanding in activities and grades during the year -will be honored. The outstanding IWA work er of the year will be recog nized and a plaque will be presented to the independent women's house with the high est average for the year. Ter race Hall now holds the plaque. Tickets for the dessert may be bought in independent houses or from IWA representatives. Questions NU tion represents about half of its $63,000 budget. At the committee's r e q n e s t the University said it will sup ply further information on the number of employees and the work done by the association. The committee also ques tioned an $11,900 expendi ture for the University Foundation. Hardin praisad this item as a "bargain." He said the Foundation turns over $400,000 to the University annually. About 60 per cent of this is for student a i d and the remainder for vari ous University programs. ' Operating Expenses The Chancellor s a i d the Vol. 74, No. 105 PA Council Polls Open Until 7 By Ann Moyer The polls opened at 7:30 a.m. today for the all-campus Student Council election and will remain open until 7 p.m. in anticipation of a heavy campus vote. The IFC slate and the Stu dent Council Betterment Com mittee slate may tend to in crease the number of voters iSoCoBoCo Outlines 7 'Top' Plans The Student Council Better ment Committee has outlined seven projects which it feels warrant Student Council con sideration during the coming year: The projects are cited as: Working in cooperation with the faculty to set up a program of informal bi-week ly or monthly dinners for fac ulty members within the or ganized livmg units. Completion of the paving in the Selleck lot with an in crease in parking permit fees if necessary to prevent addi tional installation of parking meters. A compilation of student opinion on the effectiveness of faculty scholastic advisers. An extended study of the problems inherent in the col lege representation system of the Council. This study would propose either a change in the system or means to improve communication between the students and their represent atives. Establishment of a student organization to promote rep utation teams of students to the high schools of the state. These teams would promote the University and seek to recommend it to the high school students as the insti tution which they should at tend. Formulation of a plan designed to stimulate student interest in legislative activi ties during the next session of the Unicameral. Sponsoring a minimum of two all-University convoca tions per semester and study ing the possibility of making attendance at these convoca tions mandatory. The SCBC consists of mem bers from Independent Wom en's Association IWA), Inter Co-op Council, Residence As sociation for Men (RAM) and Delta Sigma Pi business fra ternity. English By Eleanor Billings The Nebraska Council of Teachers of English is taking the lead nationally in planning an English curriculum for all levels, from kindergarten through the first two years of college. Instrumental in the formulation of the curriculum will be members of the State Department of Education, the state's institutions of higher education and the elementary and secondary schools across the state. Emphasizing that the curriculum will only be a suggested system, the Council appointed a State Committee, headed by Dr. Paul Olson, assistant professor of English at the University. Regional subcommittees will be appointed to collect from all parts of the state opinions and information pertain ing to the preparation of a curriculum study, according to Dr. Olson. Evaluation These reports will be sent to a spueial subcommittee in Lincoln where the information will be evaluated and the reports prepared. According to Dr. Olson, the College Entrance Board has demonstrated an interest in the program and has indi cated that it hoped that the Nebraska study would become a national model. Dr. Olson said the problems now existing in English instruction, in his opinion, stem f ram curricular difficulties. He said that nationally English teachers have "failed budget appropriation covers operating expenses as t h e donations usually carry no provision for overhead. Hardin outlined, to the budget committee, the step-by-step process which the University goes through to make up the budget. He said two types of eval uations are made. The first is a continuous evaluation of student needs and enroll ment within each college. The second occurs when there is a vacancy in any department. At this time the dean of the college is asked to give a report on progress, teaching loads and problems. If going to the poll, Council members agreed. Last year's election figures show 2,446 students voting, one t the heaviest votes ever recorded in a Council elec tion. This figure compares with 1,986 voters in 1959 and 1,908 voters in 1958. The 1959 Council election brought a request for an Arts i QUEEN J. A -3 r The 1961 May Queen, Miss Nina (NickO Herndon reigned over her court of coeds and the festivities at the Ivy Day celebration on Saturday. Mortar Boards, Innocents Page Four Fitzwater Wins Language Prize DaireE R. Fitzwater has been awarded the Scena Han sen Curtis Prize of $50 by the German languages and liter ature department, Dr. William K. Pfeiler, chairman, an nounced Friday. The award for high scholar ship is given each year to a student majoring in German. It is made possible by a grant given to the department by Mrs. Edwin Curtis of Minden, a former German major in the University. Fitzwater, a graduate stu dent, is a member of Delta Phi Alpha, German language honorary society and the Ger man Club. Council Expenditure Legality Hardin explained that he was convinced the Univer sity was falling behind in library acquisitions and that it had been for sev eral years. Ranks Second Director of University Li braries Frank Lundy terms this area of need as "sec ond only to adequate sal aries." The University has con sistently spent about three per cent of its budget on library facilities during the past ten years. California educator Dr. Lyman Glen ny recommends the figure be upped to five per cent. Budget Chairman R i c h- III The Nebraskan and Science recount as an in-1 cumbent was defeated by one ' vote. However, the results re-! mained the same after the re count. In addition to the election of Council members, voters will receive a supplementary ballot containing a series of questions pertaining to the method of Council officer elec- 1. NICKI Dr. Pace Wins Alumni Award The chairman of the Univer sity's department of physiol ogy. Dr. Donald M. Pace, re cently received the 1961 dis tinguished service award given by the alumni of Susque hanna University, S e 1 i n s -grove, Pa. The award is given on the "outstanding achievement and service" in professional and business fields. Dr. Pace, who is also the director of the Nebraska Cel lular Research Institute, re ceived his baccalaureate de gree from Susquehanna in 1928 and took his graduate studv at Duke and Johns Hop- llcins Universities. wmm Plans Study to communicate to our students the sense that the language is not our private possession but the language of our col lective communty. We have failed to get students to underr stand what the language is, and we have insisted upon im posing upon them artificial notions of what constitutes grammatical nicety. Language Study In mapping out its curricular program, the Council agreed that the study of English should be defined as the study of language and literature with accompanying work in composition directed at those two areas. It was also agreed by Council members that composi tion in the English courses should be directed toward the legitimate subject matter of English. Among the items to be included in the final Teport of that State Committee, as directed by members of the Coun cil, will be: (1) a statement of reasons for the proposals for each school level, iZ) a statement of the skill or competence needed at each level so that the student can prosper at the next level. (3) suggested materials and programs for students who are able to profit from more difficult or more extensive work than that proposed for each level, (4) a student of criteria used by the committee in se lecting texts and other materials for each level, (5) a highly selective bibliography of very moderate length suggesting ancillary materials to the teacher. ard Marvel of II a s 1 1 n g s asked where his commit tee should come into the picture in the budget build up as it was traced from department recommenda tions through approval by the Board of Regents. Hardin said value judge ments could be shared if an interim budget committee would meet with faculty members of some of the University's larger units during the early stages of budget preparation. It was also agreed that the fiscal analyst which the budget committee has pro posed employing for the Legislature would serve as an important link between tion and the representation system. They will also vote on a purposed amendment to the Student Tribunal charter which would give the Tribunal the power to render the final decision in all cases except those dealing with suspension or expulsion from the Univer sity. The amendment also IFC-Slated Candidates Give Aims The candidates running for Student Council who are backed by the Interfraternity Council have drawn up a number of issues which they will support if elected to the Council. They are; We feel the opportunity af forded by having a Peace Corps training center at the University of Nebraska would be of tremendous value to the entire state. The youth of the state, and the University of braska students in particular would benefit greatly from the educational and prestige values of this endeavor. We would suggest a thor ough investigation as to the actual value of certain group requirements in the various colleges. Perhaps more gen eral courses in non-major fields could be substituted for present specific courses which do not provide a well rounded background of the subject. Transportation between ag and city campus can and I should be greatly improved. Faculty evaluation by the students would be a great help in improving the aca demic level of our University. Finally, we are in firm be lief that in order to improve communications between the Student Council and the stu dent body, that the commit tee structure of the Council should be changed to allow non-council members on com mittees. This would allow approxi mately 100 interested non council members to take part in the Student Council com pared to the present 30 coun cil members on these com mittees. This would be a big step toward improving communi cations between the Council and a larger portion of the student body. the University and the Budget Committee. Commends NU Sen. Fern Hubbard Crme of Lincoln commended the University for staying with in its 1959-61 budget re quest She noted this has not been true of all state agencies, especially in the area of salaries. Marvel said the Univer sity has given the commit tee all the figures re quested. He said the only area of disagreement is in the analysis of those fig ures. "This is a philosophical area," he said, "where there will probably always be some disagreement" Monday, May 8, 1961 calls for the establishment of an appellate system whereby a student may appeal his case. Students in the Business College will elect members of the Biz Ad Executive Council. This election is generally held in conjunction with the Stu dent Council election. The Daily Nebraskan will ! serve as the official means of notification for the winners ia the Council election and re sults will be published in Tuesday's edition of the paper. Polls will be located in Love Library, Ag Union and City Union. Students must have their student identification cards in order to vote. Bal lots which are not marked ac cording to instructions will be invalidated. VOTE TODAY Council Reminder . The student activities com mittee of the Student Conn cil w ishes to remind organ izations that it will continue to enforce activities legis lation throughout the re mainder of the school year. Organizations that have re cently held officer elections are reminded to ffle the re sults of these elections in the Student Council and the office of the Division of Stu dent Affairs within ten days after the election. The activities, form for the report may be obtained in the Division of Stndent Affairs office from Mr. Col lister. VOTE TODAY YD's Hear Talk; Choose Officers Charles Hein, executive sec retary of the Nebraska Demo cratic party will be the guest speaker of Young Democrats (YD) Tuesday at 7:30. Hein will discuss the fu ture development of the party in Nebraska and the role the YD's can play in it, according to Ted Muenster of the YD's. Election of officers will also be held for the coming year. Students who wish to vote musts present their member ship cards. The executive meeting will be held at 7 p.m. and the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 348 Student Union. The Bossibilitiv of a fafl visit by former president. Harry Truman, win oe dis cussed. University Autos Get Safety Belts AH replacement vehicle used by the University vfil be equipped with two front-seat safety belts, according to Uni versity Public Health Engi neer Edward Simpson. This action, has been ap proved by the University ad ministration. Simmon said 11 vehicles have already been equipped ana a sustained erion win do made to have all University personnel use belts even in their private cars. According to safety commit tee members, this measure was taken because of general statistical evidence which shows that a property used safety belt is often the differ ence between serious injuries or death and minor bruises in both one and twocar acci I dents.