; lu'.iti uur jW,eWIllW8 Page l The Nebraskan Tuesday, May 2, 1961 iHiitwnriiiiiritniiitHiia rr win Civil Defense Testing Is Necessary Practice Where were you last Friday afternoon? - f 3 The answers to this question would be varied, but we doubt if many of them would be correct in the eyes of Civil Defense authorities. Last Friday afternoon the city of Lincoln, in conjunc- tion with a nation-wide project, took part in a mock atomic bombing. Many people on campus didn't know the - first thing about it, nor did they do anything about it. People in our community only knew that the Rock 'n Roll went off the air for a while or that some guy shoved them out of the Crib during their coffee break or s that a blaring siren Interrupted some groups' conversa- tlon for a few minutes. These are some of the ways the CD test affected the campus. s Too many people, not only on campus but through- f out the nation, fail to realize the consequence of a real bombing attack. The younger generation, for the most part, doesn't know what it means to be in a war. Most Americans don't know what it is to fight for your land and lives on your own soil. The Lincoln Air Force Base and the nuclear plants plants at Hallam and Mead make Lincoln a prime target area. If for no other reason, the people should be ready,, .for an attack. s According to reports, the city of Lincoln was com- pletely destroyed during the mock attack Friday. How would we come out of a real attack? Since World War II, the American has been told re- peatedly to be prepared to defend. Today most people s are tired of this alarmist attitude. Some people have gotten the attitude of "so what, if the Russians are com- ing, we've heard this for so long, I am sure they won t come today," Whether we are tired of hearing this or not, we must stay ready. Indies Negro Issue Revives U.S. Memory j Bv Eric Sevareid Trinidad, B.W.I. Prime Minister Macmillan has moved gracefully from Trinidad through the other islands of the British West Indies, con g r a t ulat ing the de s c e n d ants of im ported slaves on their in t e 1 ligent p r. o g ress to wards F e d e r- ation and Sevareid self-g overnment they should have independent Dominion status in an other year and their lead ers have replied in tones of graceful gratitude. But there is a giant joker in the deck for this careful ly supervised political new deal. This transaction, in evitable and right, bears a not too far-fetched resem blance to the inevitable and right emancipation of the American slaves a century ago, who were set free to breed in squalor, 'beg for work and migrate to dis tant regions in desperate search for a livelihood. Macmillan promised that Britain would continue eco nomic assistance, but a slight chill ran through many in his Trinidadian au dience when he added the comment that the United Kingdom's ability to help is not unlimited. How they can help , themselves, how they could meet the terms of a British equivalent of the new Kennedy Latin American aid program, with a quid from the re ceiver for each quo from the giver, is very hard to see. Nothing very far short of the bold, driving indus trialization thrust of the United States in Puerto Rico is likely to save these islanders from the final ravages of a blight already well advanced. On Trinidad itself sugar cane workers have been striking for a living wage. A near riot occurred when three thousand Trinidadians lined up to apply for a handful of jobs as migra tory farm workers in the United. States. Three hun dred women jammed a street in front of the office where three dozen were to be selected for jobs as do mestic servants in Canada. From my window nearby I could see each evening Mil Dailv Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press Representative: National Advertising: Service, Incorporated ' Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. 14th A R I Telephone HE 2-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD The Dally NeMaskaa la onollnhrd Monday. Taenia;, Wrdneaday and Frt- lay snirrair ths school year, except during vacation and exam period, bv arodVnts t tha University f Nebraska under uthoriiatlnn of the Committee an 8tnden Affairs aa an expression of stndent opinion. Publication nnder the Jnrlsdlctlosi of the 8uheommltte on stndent Publications shall be free from dltorlal censorship on the part of the Subcommittee or on the part of any 5 fwrsoa sutsldo the T'ntverstty. The members of the Dally Nebraskan staff are rBrsonaHy responsible for what they say, ot do, or cause to be printed. ebraary S. IMS. Subscription rates an t per semester or 5 for the academic year. Entered as second class matter at the post office la Lincoln, Nebraska, naVw tfca act of August 4, 1B11. MDITOR1AL STAFF Fdltor , nave Calhoun Mamas-Ins Edit . Gretchen ShHIbeiv News Editor Norm Rentty Af News Editor Mm Forrest Sports fdltor ,, Ha Brnvn, Copy Fdltors Fat Tlean, Louise Holbert, jerry Lamhrrson Staff Writer Ann Mor. Dirk Stuckey, Naney Whltfnrd Junior Staff Wrltcn Dave Wohlfartfc, Jan Sack. loyd Clark Kleannr Rillinss Nlsrht New E4itor Dave Wnhlfarth 'lsht Mews Kdltor Klranor Bllllnlts Bl'SINKSS STAFF Business Manager sian Kalr.iao Assistant stuslneso Manacera . .Don Ferguson, Bill Gunllcks, John Schrocder 31 the weary plantation work-1 ers trudging home tnrougn the dust, past the clusters of the unemployed idle 5 squatting Detore meir s shacks. The farm workers had earned approximately &. dollar and seventy-five cents apiece that day, and prices for the important 1 things they must buy are by no means low. (When a newly established Ameri- can planter provided free shoes and medical care for his work force, the la- tent anti-Americanism that I seems to exist in every British territory boiled briefly on the surface.) If the problem were mor- ally and economically tidy white exploitation of black-i it would be far easier I than it is to rectify. But the exploiters themselves are in trouble, and that invariably means the exploitees are in double trouble. The founda- tion for these islands rested on cocoa, coconut and cof- fee, as well as sugar. Total world consumption of cocoa is now 850,000 tons each year while total production is 1,050,000 tons. Already prices are virtually even with production costs, while Ghana, Nigeria and New Guinea push strongly into this field. Much coconut rots on the grourtd and many coffee growers this year are not bothering to pick their crop. AH over Trinidad itself the signs are up, advertising plantations I for sale'. Hundreds of Jamaicans pour into London from the Southampton boat trains I every month, creating a I new Harlem in north Lon- don. Leaders of the West f Indian Federation are or- i ganizing pressures to en- 1 large their immigration 1 quota to the United States, now held to 1,000 a year, and they demand this as a I matter of moral right. 1 The story of the West In- 1 dies is the faithful foreword I to the whole Latin Ameri- can book of modern hor- I rors, involving in its thick- 1 ening plot virtually every i country in the vast conti- f nent which begins across the. narrow strait from s Trinidad. The lesson is nearly everywhere the same: Most of the rich are getting richer and most of the poor are getting poor- er. The major threads of causation are two: the sur- plus of basic export crops 1 and the surplus of human beings. Dial. 1961, Hall Syndicate. Inc. K fl f It Formal Rush Favored by O.U. Students (UPS) - An Oklahoma Daily public opinion poll showed last week that Okla homa University Greeks and independents alike were satisfied with their system of a formal rush week and wanted only minor modifi cation with no sweeping changes such as an infor mal rush week. The University Regents recently did away with the formal rush week and are now studying possible new forms for the Oklahoma University rush. Two separate question naires were distributed to 150 Greeks and 100 inde pendents. The Greeks ques tioned were 97 sorority members and 53 fraternity men. Only nine of the 53 fra ternity men thought that a change would improve the rush system: most felt any change would hinder. Seventy-nine of the 97 sorority members believed that a change would hinder rush, and only six per cent of the independents polled felt a change would improve the rush system. Every questionnaire form, almost unanimously ex pressed some idea to the ef fect that the Regents of Oklahoma University want to soften the blow by chang ing the rush week pattern and to prepare the way when the fraternities and sororities are banished. Ray Hall, Oklahoma Daily reporter, commented on the results of the poll: "Students have had an op portunity to express their opinions. It can't be helped but be noted that the per centage of those who are misinformed on the original decision of the Regents is great. Another conclusion is that we found that the greatest critics of the Greek system are the Greeks themselves. There was very little criticism of fraternity rush and widespread opin ion that it was as ideal as it could possibly be. Sorori ties were criticized exten sively for emotionalism, confusion and elaborate ness." "A great majority of stu dents felt the O.U. Greek system is in danger from up above. Very few were able to see wonderful things happening as a result ofny modifications or "minor changes." We ca"n't help but agree. "We wish it was a well known fact how many schools are changing from other systems and adopting the system that we just dis pensed with. Is this a step backward?" Launching Pad Editor's note: The following kits are what comes -hen a student takes the maxims, tbe poetry, and the political quips of yester year and applies them to today's society. We make no apolo gies for them they just kappeaed. By Richard A. Masters And Lynn Wright Oh swear not by that in constant moon or in front of mother's bridge club. I think that 1 shall never see a poem that I could analyze in class. Good night, Sweet Prince I'll put it on your bill. If at first you don't suc ceed, try theology. When in Rome, do what the Roman cops will let you get away with. This above all to thine ownself be adjusted. Here lies the noblest Ro man of them all . . . just deader'n Hell. Let us go then, you and I and dodge the draft. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may . . . "statuatory" is five to ten years with good behavior. "Vanity, vanity," salth the preacher, "is okay if you can afford it." k In my craft or sullen art exercised in the still night between hangovers. Four score and eighty-sev PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Sponsored by Pi Mu Epsilon National Honorary Mathe matics Fraternity A chain of. letters was started by one person. He writes three letters to three different persons, each of whom writes three letters the next day, and each of them three letters the next day. Assume that each day each operation is complete. Assume no duplication and that it were possible, in how many days would every per son in the world have re ceived a letter in this chain? Population of t h e world is 2,905,600,000. BRING OR SEND ANSWERS TO 210 BURNETT. Answer to last week's problem: Borrow scores a one in French. Correct an swers were submitted by Roger Becker, Vern Clark, Carolyn Frederick, Warren Groeling, Shirley Heinert, Jerry Dickinson, Ronald Ingram, Gil Janssen, J. LOCi DOESN'T BELIEVE THAT' ml fni-H "Til; X LUCY l ;; DO&N'TB&IEVEl il I IN THE 6REAT ) en years ago ... oh, damn it. Then lay on MacDuff he's fat and comfortable. Never before in the course of human events, have so many owed so much to cred it bureaus. Love is a many splendor ed ring if you can't talk your way out of it. Rock of Ages, cleft for me B.1939 D.1962 . . . Laos. What this country needs is censored or against the law. And what is so rare as a day in June except may be a nude in the Crib. Neither a borrower nor a lender be unless the folks don't come through. Whether tls nobler in mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or just drop the damned course. While I pondered weak and weary counting the empty ones ... Double bubble,' toil and alka-seltzer. Iron bars do not a prison make and neither do house mothers. Give us this day our daily double at Pimlico. Lombard, Max Mankin, Or rin Mueller, Roxie Robin son, Ben Powley, Norm Schafer, Donita Schmiui, Gary Schrack, Jackie Schultz, Larry Schuster, Wayne W a r n k e n, Leon Weise, and Tim Wilson. YD's Prepare Truman Invite The Young Democrats will discuss the possible fall ap pearance of ex-President Har ry Truman at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday in 348 Student Union. Truman has tentatively agreed to appear if a mu tually satisfactory date can be arranged, said Ted Muen ster, first vice president of the organization. Muenster said that he spoke personally with the ex-president in Inde pendence, Mo., earlier this year. 5H DOESN'T BELIEVE THAT ON HAlLOWfEN NiSWT HE RISES OUT Of THE awPtCIN fATCH GIN HI5 OPb OF TOYS FOR ALL THE 6O0D LITRE CHILDREN Of THE (OORLD I CANT IMAGINE WHAT HAS MADE HER 50 6LIND.' Overset Hup, Tuup, Thrup, Fo . . . Camp Ashland and a weekend of war is over and much to my surprise, I'm still alive. T r a d i t i o n a 1 ly Army ROTC Jun iors spend a weekend in the woods for the purpose of national def e n s e ?aw!if.' 7 (ha), the Beatty acquisition of military techniques and a chance to "toughen up." I question what part I (or the other juniors) played in safeguarding the nation. However, I feel like I'm go ing to die from severe mus cle abuse caused by my ef forts to toughen up. I left the usual easy life Friday afternoon when most students were basking in the sun (or doing other things). I don't know how they did it but, the Army found the highest hill in Nebraska for us to climb. This little feat seemed simple enough at the outset but not for long. What seemed like hours la ter, I drug my body to the summit of "little pikes peak" bogged down with 40 pounds of battle equipment. It was at this point in my new experience that I knew the purpose of a canteen. Had it not been for this small water container, I'm sure I would have died of thirst. My first assignment was r.Xlv ft V (Author of "1 Was a v lorn (4 OLD GRADS NEVER DIE In just a matter of weeks many of you will be graduating especially seniors. You are of course eager to go out in the great world when opportunities are limitless and deans nonexistent. At the samt time your hearts are heavy at the thought of losing touch with so many classmates you have come to know and love. It is my pleasant task today to assure you that graduation need not mean losing touch with classmates; all you have to do is join the Alumni Association and every year you will receive a bright, newsy, chatty bulletin, chock full of information about all your old buddies. " fi J?1 Oh, what a red-letter day it is at my house, the day tb Alumni Bulletin arrives! I cancel all my engagement, take the phone off the hook, dismiss my chiropractor, put the ocelot outside, and settle down for an evening of pure pleasure with the Bulletin and (need I add?) a good supply of Marlboro Cigarettes. Whenever I am having fun, a Marlboro makes the fun even more fun. That filter, that flavor, that pack or box never fail to heighten my pleasure whether I am watching the television or playing buck euchre or knitting an afghan or reading Mad or enjoying any other fun-filled pursuit you might name ex cept, of course, spearfishing. lut then, how much apearfishinf does one do in Clovis, New Mexico, where I live? But I digress. Let us return to my Alumni Bulletin and lei me quote for you the interesting tidings about all my old friend and classmates:. Well, fellow alums, it certainly has been a wing-dinger of a year for all us old grads! Remember Mildred Cheddar and Harry Camembert, those crazy kids who always held hands is Econ II? Well, they're married now and living in Clovis, New Mexico, where Harry rent spearfishing equipment and Mildred has just given birth to a lovely 28-pound daughter, her second in four months. Nice going, Mildred and Harry! Remmber Jethro Brie, the man we voted most likely to sue- ceed? Well, old Jethro is still gathering laurels! Last week he was voted "Motorman of the Year" by his fellow workers i ; the Duluth streetcar system. "I owe it all to my brakeman,'' said Jethro in a characteristically modest acceptance speech, Same old Jethro! - Probably the most glamorous time of all us alums waa had by Francis Macomber last year. He went on a big game hunting -safari all the way to Africa I We received many interesting post -cards from Francis until he was, alas, accidently shot and killed by his wife and white hunter. Tough luck, Francis! Wilma "Deadeye" Macomber, widow of the late beloved Francis Macomber, was married yesterday to Fred "Surestof Quimby, white hunter, in a simple double-ring ceremony in Nairobi. Good luck, Wilma and Fred! Well, alums, that just about wraps it up for this year. Keep em flying! Old irad, hew grads, undergrade, all agree: The beet new nonfd.rr cigarette in many a long year i: the king-size Philip Morris Commander, Welcome aboard! By Norm Beatty to lead a squad of men(?) up a trail via the use of fire and maneuver to take an objective, another hill top. I'll readily admit I'm not completely versed in lead ership but this mission was nearly a farce. The element of surprise was all impor tant so I had my troops crawl for nearly 100 yards through sandburrs and weeds to reach a depres sion in the groun4 which I thought would afford good cover. (I found out later that all our uncomfortable crawling was in vain as we were observed by the ene my from the start. We might as well hava walked!) Much to my dismay, the depression turned out to be a 40 foot gorge where all of u ended up in a pile. It was at this precise point (temperature 101 degrees in uniform) where I asked my self what I was doing there. We finally made our charge of the hill only to find that we started too soon and we had to run up hill for another extra 150 yards. (By the way, we lost the battle when 90 per cent of the rifles jammed and wouldn't fire our, blank rounds.) As I nurse my wounds I received during the three day outing I can only hope that summer camp (six weeks of similar opera tions) is more fruitful. But for those of you who have little insight of the military War (especially on warm afternoons) is hell! Teen-age Dwarf," "ThtJtmy DebieGiMs," etc.) ; 'v OlMl MaxSkalmaa