The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    The Nebroskan-
Monday, May 1, 1961
Page 4
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Cadence Countess Organization ct Expert
Created Dunns: Coffee Break nu Campus
By Eleanor Billings
What was intended to be
only an informal discussion
over coffee resulted in the de
cision to form the Cadence
Countesses, one of the only
women's drill teams of its
kind. .
The group was formed m
October, 1959, by Capt.
Charles J. Svoboda, assistant
professor of Military Science.
Their first performance that
vear was at the 1959 Military
This was followed by trips
to various high schools
around the state to give per
formances at half time. Next
came an exhibition in a drill
meet at Iowa University. The
Countesses last performance
last year was at the Phalanx
drill competition in April.
In addition to its function
as a precision drill team, the
Countesses last performance
hostesses at all military so
cial events and members are
honorary members of Persh
ing Rifles
March in Boots
Another distinctive feature
is that the Countesses march
in majorette boots, while
most other women's drill
teams march in heels.
The Countesses' record for
their first two years of exist
ence has been very outstand
ing. This year they performed
at the Utah State-N'ebraski
basketball game, the M i 1
tary Ball and at Illinois
University, where they won
their first trophy of recogni
tion. The Countesses performed
in Minnesota in April and
wound up the year again with
the Phalanx meet.
Orange Blossom Hope
The Cadence Countesses
were accepted as participants
in the Orange Blossom Fes
tival in Washington this year
and although they were un
able to go this year, they
hope to participate next year.
The red capes and caps
worn by the Countesses were
given by the University.
Soviets Make Favorable Impression
In University Student House Visits
By Jaa Sack
Campus reaction to the So
viet delegates who visited the
campus last week seems to
be favorable from the reports
by the different houses that
they visited last Monday eve
ning. Nickola Bevad, the inter
preter; Yanis.Vaivods, the
Journalist for the Soviet
Youth; and Mavr Davtyan,
the lawyer, were guests of
Bet Theta Pi for dinner.
The group was at the fra
ternity from about 5:30 p-m.
to 7:3ft. Beta Grant Gregory
said that most of the time
they talked about education
and the Soviets seemed to!
have the impression that
American college students
didn't have to attend 1 e c
tures. The Soviets said that they
didn't see how American stu
dents could learn anything in
just four years. They seemed
sort of bewildered that the
University gave degrees for
much less work than in Rus
sia, Gregory said.
.Channel Changers
"A television set with re
mote control seemed to fas
cinate them as they played
with changing the channels,"
Gregory said.
candles. "They couldn't quite
understand all this at first,"
said Miss Parker, "but after
they saw it some of the prob
lems were cleared."
"They talked a great deal
about everything and were
willing to answer all que !
tions," said Miss Parker.
Delta Delta Delta sorority
hosted the other three Soviet
guests Monday evening.
Guests at dinner were Vadim
Koptilin, lecturer; Yuri Bych
kov, mechanic; and Gumar
Telyashev, the oil engineer.
Beautiful Women
KoDtilin. the usual crowd
Vaivods cave awsv t h e i nleaser in the eroup. said he
Peace Emblem that he was! had not realized that there-
wearing to Tom Henley, said were so many beautiful worn-
British Professor
Discusses Europe
Prof. Francis J. Monk
house, chairman of the de
partment of geography at the
University of Southampton,
England, will speak at the
University todiw and Tuesday.
Prof. Monkhouse win speak "One of the highlights of
on the "Mountains of Bri-: the evening was the singing 0 this because of t h e
tain," today at 10 a.m. in! of fraternity songs by Beta j laneuaee barrier. At first
the Geography Building, and j brothers," said Gregory, they thought the we said they
Gregory. The Soviets also
talked about the Communist
Party and told the house that
only four per cent of the peo
ple were Communists. The
Soviets also said they worked
with the children while they
were very young to introduce
them to the ways of Commu
en m me unuea oiaies. .vu
other one of the guests said
that his impression of t h e
U.S. had not changed since
he had been here.
Lou Sawvell. Tri Delt presi
dent, said, "They were very
interesting and informative.
We w ere a little surprised
that they were as old as they
were, a utue oiiiicuiiy grew
The group raised money
during the past two years
with candy sales. Yearly
dues of one dollar are paid
by members.
What does the future hold
in store for the Countesses?
They hope to tour more .high
school basketball games for
half-time performances and
perform at more Nebraska
games here at home.
Tryouts for next year's
group will be held May 9,
with preliminary practice ses
sions on May 2, 3, and 4.
Freshmen and sophomore
women interested in trying
out must attend two of the
three practice sessions.
'Drop' Deadline
Students dropping a
course for which they have
registered must file an of
ficial drop slip in the Office
of the Registrar or their
grades will be recorded as
failing. ,
The deadline for dropping
courses is May C, Saturday
Dr. Elizabeth Roemer, U.S.
Naval astronomer, will visit
the University today and to
morrow as a guest of the
physics department
Her lectures are being spon
sored by the American As
tronomical Society with the
aid of the National Science
Foundation. She will appear
today at a physics undergrad
uate seminar entitled "The
Small Bodies of the Solar
System" and on tomorrow at
a physics colloquium, "Stellar
Velocities." Both meetings
are open to the public.
Dr. Roemer has been an as
tronomer at the U.S. Naval
Observatory Station in Flag
staff, Ariz., since 1957. Her
current work is concerned
with astrometric and astro
physical investigation of
She writes the "Comet
Notes" appearing in the Pub
lications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific and is
also the author of the article
"Comets" in the Encyclopedia
She is a fellow of the Royal
Astronomical Society and of
the American Association for
the Advancement of Science.
Kennedy Proclamation
Establishes Law Day
Bus Lines Delay Action on
Ag Transportation Proposal
"The European Economic j "They just loved it."
A Geographic I
were old."
While this group was at the i The two women, Iana and
Inga then visited the girts'
dorm for a little while. The
Soviet women wanted to know
the difference between dorm
Appraisal." Tuesday at 8 j Beta house, another group
p.m. in Love Library Audi- was having dinner with the
torium. 'Alpha Xi Deltas. Included in
Prof. Monkhouse is the j this group was Nicholai Bara-
author of seven books and no v, the group leader; Inna aBd sororitv
life and t h e v
co-author or another in re- j Korotkava. the interpreter for ' also wanted to know ' if the
gional geography of Europe, groups visiting Moscow: and t Kappa Sigs always had their
physical geography and cart-; Inga Runova, journalist for
ography. Pravda.
He is currrently a visiting "We found them very inter
professor at Miami Univer- j esting to talk to." said Shir
sity of Oxford. Ohio. i ley Parker, spokesman for
Prof. Monkhouse's visit is! the Alpha Xis.
sponsored by the departments j The Soviet guests even par
ol geography and by the Uni- j ticipated in a pinning cere
versity Research Council. Imony by helping hold the
window decorated with the
"Inferno" desigi.
The men of the Soviet
group stayed in the Farm
house fraternity and seemed
to enjoy the rooms that they
stayed in, said Ray Preston.
"The top event was the dis
cussion Monday evening."
By Jim Forrest
The Lincoln City Bus Lines
will not give any consider
ation to the Ag Builders pro
posed transportation system
between Ag and city cam
puses until next fall.
Leo Whitson, superintend
ent of the city bus tines, said,
in a special interview, that
the bus lines have just
changed over to their new
summer schedule and that
"possibly by next fall some
thing can be w orked out along
the lines of the proposal."
Whitson received a five
page letter and a copy of the
proposal from the University
Business Manager's office for
consideration shortly after the
Ag Builders presented the pro
posal to the University In
"The proposal appears
distance between the agricul
tural campus and the city
campus, stated the Builder s
"The system now provided
by the Lincoln City Bus Lines
has increased this problem
daring the past year since
they have cut down the fre
quency of buses going to and
from the campuses," the re
port said.
The report continued by
showing how, because of the
buses running only every half
hour with schedules that fluct
uate a great deal, it is some
times impossible to reach
classes on time or at ail.
The Ag Builder's report
urged the University to ar
range with the city bus lines
the setting up of a bus sys
tem between campuses in ac-
. cordance with class schedules
be -basically sound" saidjdent. uj facult
Whitson, "but with school just
about out. next fall is the
time to discuss the matter."
The controversial proposal
was made by the Ag Builders
last month out of a need for
a dependable and efficient
transportation system be
tween the University's twe
"Students of the College of
Agriculture at the University
have a major transportation
problem due to the two mile
i 1
A '
lib tdiiafb op front f hat counts
if-'ILTER-OLENP is yours in Winston and only Winston.
Up front you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected
and specially processed for filter smoking. Smoke Winston.
Winston !r
It was the hope of the Ag
Builders that the new trans
portation svstem or a sim
ilar one would be followed
on a one year trial basis be-
g iming in the fall of 1962.
Law Day USA is being ob
served throughout the nation
today by a proclamation by
Pres. John F. Kennedy.
The observance started four
years ago to counteract the.
Soviet's observance of May
Day when they display their
mighty war machines in a pa
rade in Red Square.
Law Day may have a par
ticularly deep meaning this
year because Communism is
so near America's front door
Cuba. According to Associ
ated Press reports enthusi
asm has been building up for
rallies in Havana, Camaguey
and Santiago de Cuba today.
Here on the University cam
pus Law Day was observed by
& convocation at 10 a.m. when
Judge W. W. Nuernberger
spoke on "The Lawyer and
the Juvenile Court." Nuern
berger was appointed to the
cost of juvenile judge in De
cember of 1960.
A pictorial display of the
early Nebraska law offices
and court houses are on dis
play in the Law Library. The
Law uay aispiay in me stu
dent Union contains three
books "Laws of Nebraska
1959," "Laws of Nebraska
Terrltorv" and the Cumula
tive Supplement (1959) to the
''Revised Matuies ot ine siaie
of Nebraska 1943" which
cover the long span of the tra
dition of Nebraska Law.
In addition in the Umon is
the "Creed of the Student
Lawyer" and "The Law as a
Profession by Dean emeri
tus of Harvard Law School
Roscoe Pound.
Proclamation .
The proclamation by Pre.
Kennedy reads:
WhHMM, m ttoa ni remain fiw mnlft IM ppl !i
undntuxl Ui napoo sibilltle they mll an) nurture tht wlU to prcmnfc
thtm: tnd .
Whereat, tew K tk rtrontoat link ew mM Mi ref"T "ff.,tJ
trncthilnc tlw rul of taw wo contribute by oxompl to tho foal ot juiUc
under taw lor oil mankinc; and ... .
WKoraaa. tk Conrmea of the taltra state, by f l teoloto apprwrr
April 1. ha dtlnatd tho flret day of May of each year a Law
Day T8A. and ha rquotd the President to iiu a proclamation calling roe
appropriate obaorvane of that day: and
Whore, tho obleeMTr of law Day ISA aro to ri Anrtoan r
dedicate UiemaolvM to the Ideale of equality and luetic under tho law !
thlr relation with ach othr and other nation: to cultlvat that napoct
for law which I vital in a democratic oclty: and to foator a full undor
(tanding and appreciation of our llbertie and of tho legal and ludtclal
Inetltutlona which protect them:
Now. Thrrrforr. I. JOHN F. KEXSFDV. President at the rmtra Statta
of America, do hereby urge the peopl of the United 8tat to obaerr Mon
day. May 1. a Law Day USA, with aultable ceremonies. 1 especially urg
that public bodies, educational institutions, the legal profession, civic and
service organisations, and the media of Information take the lead In sponaorlnf
and participating In educational undertkings and other appropriate means to
give effect to the objective of this national observance.
1 also can (MbUe official to oaoie the flag of the Cult States
to b displayed on all government building on that day.
la Wltaea Whereof, I have tomato set my hand and caused the Mad
of the United States of America to be affixed.
Deae at Ike City ef Washington this Seventh day of April la tho Year
of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one. and of tho Independence of
the United State of America, the On Hundredth and Eighty-fifth.
Bt the President:
Secretary of State Tho White Hoaoo
Non-Greeks Plan
The Independents will have
a "Spring Fling" May 19 a
picnic and street dance at Pi
oneer Park.
The event is being spon
sored by the Residence Asso
ciation for Men (RAM), the
Independent Womens Associ
ation (IWA). Towne Club, the
Inter-Co-op Council, Delta Sig
ma Pi and the Women's Resi
dence Association.
Students living in these
houses will be eligible for a
free ticket to the picnic upon
signing a forfeiture slip for
meals at the living unit that
Other tickets may be pur
chased for 75 cents for dates
and guests.
Clyde Hits Road;
Wins Turtle Race
The Friday Phi Delt turtle
race upheld fable as well as
In the specially featured
tortoise-hare race, "Clyde",
the rambling hannah of Delta
Gamma, won in a fairy-tale
finish," edging out the unspir
ited hare of Alpha Phi. The
hare had obviously read the
book and seen the show, as his
interest in the contest was at
a low ebb. He even lacked
the literary overconfidence
originally responsible for the
defeat. The hare didn't have
a hair.
In the final race of the
regular entries, "Clyde" man
aged first place over the
Gamma Phi Beta's "GLmm
py". Alpha Phi showed and
paid $2.40. Time unmen
tionable, but consuming.
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