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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1961)
Kappa Alpha Theta Retains Campus Scholastic Lead Kappa Alpha Theta soror ity topped the fall semester campus scholarship list for organized houses with an average of 6.575. This is the second consec utive semester the Thetas have lead campus scholar ship and the fifth consecu tive semester they have lead sorority scholarship. The Theta average was .148 of a grade point higher than their leading average last semester. Farmhouse fraternity lead the men's honor roll with a house average of 6.231 which is an increase of .072 grade points over last se mester's leader among the men's houses, Cornhusker Co-op. In all composite groupings all averages are down from last semester's figures. The all University average de clined from a 5.554 to 5.457; all male average fell from 5.382 to 5.271; aU female average declined from 5.968 to 5.878; all sorority-fraternity average fell from 5.639 to 5.618. This semester's all frater nity average was 5.318 com pared to 5.376 recorded dur ing the spring semester of 1960. The all sorority aver age declined slightly, slip ping from 6.059 to 6.028. The scholarship rankings according to groupings and arranged in alphabetical or der are: Group 1 Average 6.000 or above Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Farmhouse Love Memorial Hall Terrace Hall Group II Average 5.500 to 5.999 Avery House Benton House Burnett House Canfield House Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Elsie Ford Piper Hall Fairfield House Fedde Hall Gamma Phi Beta Gustavson House I Heppner Hall Kiesselbach House Love Hall from Phi Delta Theta Pi Beta Phi Raymond Hall Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Kappa Sigma Nu Towne Club Theta Xi Zeta Tau Alpha Group III Average from 5.000 to 5.499 Acacia Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha Tau Omega Andrews House Bessey House Beta Sigma Psi Beta Theta Pi Boucher House Burr Hall A Cornhusker Coop Delta Sigma Pi Delta Upsilon Gustavson House II Hitchcock House Kappa Sigma Manatt House Phi Gamma Delta Pioneer House, Inc. Phi Kappa Psi Seaton House II Selleck House Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Delta Tau Smith House Theta Chi Group IV Average below 4.999 Ag Men's Gub Alpha Gamma Rho Brown Palace, Inc. Burr Hall East Delta Sigma Phi Delta Tau Delta MacLean House Seaton House I Pi Kappa Phi Zeta Beta Tau Kappa Alpha Theta KapparjRsgg?SspYrF NEBRftappa Delta JJL nra : Building Expansion Senators Plan Budget Talks By Nancy Whitford The Unicameral budget committee will meet with the University within the next week or ten days to discuss a summary of building expansion plans estimated at $27 mil lion and a department by department breakdown of oper ating expenses, according to Sen. Richard Marvel of Has tings, chairman. The additional information on the University budget was presented to the budget committee Friday. Sen. Marvel said he will meet with the University as soon as copies of the de partmental breakdown can be made available to all the mem bers of his committee for study. He said this breakdown in dudes detailed information on salaries, an analysis of pres ent operating costs and a study of increases for growth and development. The anticipated $27 million dollars for new- construction, renovation, maintenance re pairs and land acquisition would be financed by a 1.1 mill institutional building fund levy of which the University receives about 51. The summary, presented by Dr. Adam C. Breckenridge, dean of faculties and chair man of the University's build ing committee, is an esti mate of long range needs and represents no new requests by the school." Top priority -would go for five projects totaling $9,650,- 000: Physical science building, $2,200,000. Music facilities building, $2,300,000. Completion of renovation of former Elgin building (Ne braska Hall), $1,750,000. Continued development of city campus power plant to provide heat and electricity, $2,500,000. A building to house physi cal education and related ac tivities for women students $900,000. "High priority" items were T projects totaling $1,840,000: Renovation of Morrill Hall, $225,000. Renovation of Burnett Han, $90,000. Renovation of Architec tural HaU, $225,000. Major items of deferred and continuing maintenance, $350,000. Fulffflment of state fire ode requirements, $30,000. MisceUaneous repair proj ctf , $150,000. Purchase of land sur rounding the city campus, a continuing program of the last 50 years, $500,000. Proposed expenditures on the Agricultural College cam pus include 10 items estimat ed at $6,705,000: -library, $1,000,000. Home economics facilities $1,500,000. Animal science buildings, $1,900,000. Student By Ann Moyer (TdHor'i aotr: Thte 1 tae flrat of a aerlea of four article walca win appear la the ball? Kiebraakan thto week gtvlut tar view ana plntont of candidate for Btndent Council positions. The purpmie of thli Mirhw at to acquaint voten with aa tawum of the election! ana the ojuallfleatloaa of the foBtenden.) Six Student Councfl candidates from the coUege en gineering and architecture have submitted information for the first of four "Council Candidate" articles which will appear throughout the week. Steven Cass Steve Cassf a sophomore with a cumulative average of 6.39, feels the responsibilities of a Council member should be to serve as the communicant between his college and the council and to help the students of his college to under stand the proceedings of the Council. Cass favors the present system of representation ac cording to colleges, particularly in the Engineering and Architecture CoUege. He suggested, "Because many of the students of this college are five year men, married stu dents, independents and fraternity men, I believe repre sentation of this kind would be much more effective be cause the members of the colleges are scattered throughout Lincoln and the campus. Cass cited possible Council projects which he would suport if a member as more publication of Council proceed ings through the Daily Nebraskan and more non-council workers on Council committees. This would allow more time for committee chairmen to devote to Council busi ness. This system would also help to acquaint other stu dents with the council workings and issues. George Krauss George Krauss, sophomore with a 6.25 overaU, feels a Council member should be responsible to act on aU is sues in a way which he feels wiU serve the best intererts of the University. In regard to the Council representation system, he felt a further study should be made of the various possibiUties of representation systems before any change is made. As a Council member, Krauss would work-for a better Compliance with fire and safety code, $200,000. Addition to the power plant $650,000. Renovation of Agricultural HaU, $110,000. Growth chambers and greenhouses, $600,000. Capital additions to outly ing stations, $600,000. Complete rewiring o f dairy and plant industry buildings, $70,000. Radioisotope laboratory, $75,000. Six projects totaling $3,035,' 000 would receive top priority under the special .25 mill levy for building needs at the med ical coUege in Omaha: Renovation of University Hospital Units I and II, $700, 000. Renovation of south build ing for student laboratories $600,000. Renovation of anatomy morgue, $35,000. Compliance with fire and safety code, $75,000. Electric circuit renova tion, $25,000. Additional hospital and lab construction, $1,400,000 to $1,800,000. Breckenridge said items w.hich win not be completed by the time the medical col lege levy expires in 1965 wiU cost an estimated $5-$7 mil lion. TODAY ON CAMPUS Monday Tassels Picnic, 5-7 p.m., Pi oneer Park. Faculty Roundtable, Prof. Edward Zimmerman, physics department, 7:30 p.m., 232-5 Student Union. Georgraphy lecture, Prof. Francis Monkhouse, Univer sity of Southhampton England, 10 a.m., 105 Geography build ing. Physics seminar, Dr. Eliza beth Roemer, Naval astrono mer, 4:15 p.m., 210 Brace Laboratory. Conference, Association for Field Services in Teacher Ed ucation, aU day, Student Un ion. Council Vol. 74, No. 101 Counci Betterment Committee Gives Slate The Student Council Better ment Committee (SCBC) an nounced last week its slate of candidates for the S t u d e n t Council election, May 8. Agriculture; Jane Fau quet (Love Memorial Hall) Engineering; Larry Oura da, Dave Scholz, and Rod Marshall, Selleck Quadran gle. Teachers; Susie Wood and Julie Berner, Alpha Xi Del ta. Art and Sciences; Paula Warner, Womens Residence Halls; Joel Lunda, Sigma Chi; Bill Buckley, Sigma Nu; Don Burt, Phi Delta Theta. The SCBC is composed of representatives from the In dependent Women's Associa tion (IWA), Resident Associ ation for Men (RAM), Delta Sigma Pi, professional busi ness fraternity, and the In-' ter-Coop Councfl (ICC). The slate was selected from 40 candidates during inter views held last Thursday. The candidates are being backed by the committee "on the basis of their capability to better the Student Councfl and not necessarily on a cor respondence of ideas with the committee members. The committee hat ar ranged for the IWA campaign committee and the RAM pub licity committee to aid the candidates on the slate. Individual expenses up to $7.50 per person wfll be paid to the candidate by the com mittee and special meetings with the committee wfll be available to help brief the candidates on campaign pro cedures and Student Council issues. This is the first year the Betterment committee has backed a council slate. Spring Show Tickets Tickets for the Corn Cobs presentation of the Four Aces, Inman and Ira and Cathy Carr are now avail able at the North entrance of the Student Union. Engineer Hopefuls State communication and better expression of Council action. His other activities include a member of the Publica tions Board, IFC sub-social chairman, IFC representative and Blueprint. He is also & member of Phi Eta Sigma freshmen men's honorary. Chip Kuklin Chip Kuklin, sophomore with a cummulative average of 6.961, was a member of Student Council this past year. He feels that a Council member 6hould be weU informed on the desires of the student body and the duties and ac tivities of the Council. In regard to CouncU representation, he states that be does not believe a living district plan would help to Im prove communications. "The present system with a few modifications and the elimination of the activities repre sentation would be more effective than a major change. As a Council member he would propose an improved line of communication, and aUow non-members to serve on the Council committees. Kuklin's other activities include IFC political commit tee chairman, Student Council, co-chairman of Teenage project, E-Week assistant publicity committee chairman. He is also vice president of Phi Eta Sigma, freshmen men's honorary. Rod MarshaU Rod Marshall, freshman with an overaU of 7.733, lists the responsibilities of a Council member as: to discover and voice the problems of the students he is representing and to work for the good of the University as a whole. , MarshaU feels there are definite flaws in the present representation plan. He suggested a compromise between college representation and Uving district representation might solve the problem. If elected to the Council, MarshaU would recommend a serious re-evaluation of the present representative sys tem to promote better communications between the repre sentatives and those he represents. He would also advocate the paving of the north half of SeUeck parking lot at the Pi ;f ;" John Stolzenburg (inside) and Norbert Robson prepare to do a little quiet study ingin a bomb shelter. The University students planned a two-day stay in the Summer, Fall Registration Nears; Course Schedules Available May 8 By Jan Sack Early registration for the fall semester and the sum mer sessions wfll take place this month, according to Mrs. Irma Laase, assistant regis trar. Junior Division advisers are being sent appointment blanks and advising instructions have been mailed to the students and the advisers. Schedules for both the re vised summer sessions and the faD semester will be avail able May 8. Students should make appointments to see their advisors between May 8-19 so that advising may be completed by May 22. Junior Division students are to leave their worksheets with their advisers. Business Ad ministration and Ag College upperclass students will leave their worksheets at their Dean's Office after seeing their advisers. Registrar's Office "AU other upperclassmen are to bring their worksheets in person to the Registrar's Office, 208 Administration. DM The Nebraskan ections V 10 INCH WALLS -BASE FALL IN Junior and senior students should turn in their work sheets for fall and summer on Monday, May 22; sopho mores on Tuesday, May 23; and freshmen on Wednesday and Thursday, May 24 and 25," said Mrs. Laase. Late worksheets wiU be ac cepted on Friday, May 26. Students not returning their worksheets by the 26th wiU have to wait until June 12 to register for summer school and until September 13 for the fatt semester. "Because the students are not present in person when the cards are pulled it is very important that alternate courses be listed on the work sheet," said Mrs. Laase. "Stu dents are to make out their own time schedule, after the adviser has approved the courses." Complete Detail The bottom part of the schedule should be filled out completely by the student in cluding any definite work schedule with employer's name, address and telephone number, intercollegiate ath same time preventing the instaUment of parking meters on the lot. MarshaU is social chairman of Benton dorm, student manager for the Freshman basketbaU team and a member of Phi Eta Sigma honorary. Larry Ourada Larry Ourada, sophomore with a 5.500 overaU average, says the basic responsibility of a Council member is to represent his constituents, their ideas and their goals with out regard to social ties or interest groups. Ourado felt both representation plans have some merit but that neither systems gives proper representation of the students. He felt the elimination of activity representation was a mistake as "these activities are an integral part of the campus." As a Council member, he would promote better com munications between students and their representative. He suggested using the Daily Nebraskan more. Ourada is a member of Corn Cobs and the Arnold Aid Society. David Scholz David Scholz, a sophomore with a 8.74 overaU, cited the responsibilities of a Council member as: the voice of group he represents. He added that a representative should be alert to opinion of his group and should be avaflable to receive complaints and suggestions from members of his group. Scholz favored i living district representation plan be cause a CouncU member could more effectively represent the students he lives with. As a CouncU member, he would promote closer student-faculty relationships. He would also encourage im provement of the campus parking situation and work for a more simplified CouncU committee organization. Scholz's activities include Institute of Radio Engineers, ElWeek committee, University Band, Phi Eta Sigma and Gamma Lambda, band honorary. He was also the recipi ent of the Sigma Tau freshman medaL Stir Act I fl blast resistant shelter at 2627 No. 27th as part of the Civil Defense test in Lincoln. A mock air raid drill was observed on campus Friday. letics or activity. This imor mation will be used if a shift in sections and courses is nec essary. "University regulations re quire every student to sched ule at least two-fifths of his classes in the afternoons or on Tuesday, Thursday or Sat urday mornings. This must be observed if the University is to take care of students with the present staff and fa cilities," said Mrs. Laase. Cards are pulled for stu dents from their worksheets in the Registrar's Office. In case of closed sections or courses not taken care of by listed alternative courses, the Registrar's Office wiU notify the student so he may plan a different program with his adviser, Mrs. Laase said. Students will fill out forms and pay fees for the summer sessions in the Men's Physi cal Education Building on June 12. Fall semester fees will be naid. A-K. Thursdav. 'September 14; and L-Z, Fri day, September 15 in the Col iseum. Policies Monday, May 1, 1961 ion IFC Asks Fraternity Support A special meeting of the In terfraternity Council (IFC) Friday afternoon clarified the IFC's stand on fraternity Stu dent Council aspirants not in cluded on the IFC slate. A motion was passed to dis continue the practice of ruling a house ineligible for the IFC Student CouncU slate the fol lowing a year if a man from that house opposes the slate. Political committee chair man Chip Kuklin then asked for a clarification of the direc tion in which his committee ought to act in regard to three possible situations concerning slate opposition: A Greek, who fUes for Stu dent CouncU unaware of the purpose and existence of the slate; An applicant who runs in opposition to the slate without his house support; A man running in opposi tion to the slate with the sup port of his house. An amended motion was passed which stated in effect, "A man in the third categroy shaU cause his house to for feit IFC slate eUgibUity and shaU cause the removal of any slate selections from that house for the present year." The group deemed house support to be an executive de termination with the assist ance of the poUtical commit tee. IFC Signs Non-Subrosa Statements AU 22 Interfraternity Coun cU (IFC) representatives and members of the IFC exec councU (officers and commit tee chairmen) have signed a statement that they are not members of subrosa organi zations. The signing took place at the IFC meeting last week. The IFC executive councU al so had signed a simUar state ment before the Administra tion earUer in the year. The statement signifies that the signers "are certain that a true Greek wUl respect and hold in high esteem the regu lations as set forth by his fraternity and the University. Therefore, we state that we are not, have not been, and wUl not become members of any subrosa or non-approved University organization, spe cificaUy Theta Nu EpsUon (TNE) or Pi Xi (FlXi). The statement continued, "our aUegiance to the Greek system, to the ideas of the Fraternity system must be primary. We cannot owe and keep double allegiances. Wt are convinced that the sup posed goals of subrosa organ izations are not as they have been stated or claimed to be, or there would be no need for such organizations to be in existence. "We definitely frown on any action by members or aUeged member of such or ganizations, and offer our firm statement of non-amaa- tion and of non-support to any of their activities. We further label such men as "hon- greek-Greeks" and win work to secure the eUmination of such elements from our cam pus community," concluded the statement.