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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1961)
Wednesday, April 26, .NU Thinclads Tri Triumph Gives Huskers Unbeaten Dual Season Nebraska tracksters downed Houston, 8847, iif the final home meet of the season to finish the dual campaign with a 3-0 mark. With Houston entered in only one field event the Huskers compiled a large lead which carried them through the track events. Six meet records were bro ken and one tied. Al Roots of Nebraska set a new Ne braska record in (he javelin with a throw of 218'-4" to beat Herb Grote's record of 216' 4" set in 1940. Al Wellman of Nebraska set a new meet record in the shot put with a toss of 52-3" Other meet record breakers were: Jim Kraft, breaking his own record with a vault of 13'-6" and Bob Knaub broke bis own mark with a jump of 23'-6". Barrie Almond of Houston, set a new meet record in the mile with a time of 4:07.8 and Ollan Cassell won the 220-yard dash with a record breaking :21.9. Ollan Cassell also tied the meet record in the 100-yard dash with a time of :09.9. Top Milers Another outstanding per formance was given by Ray Stevens of Nebraska who turned in a 4:11.3 mile. This is his fastest of the year and is just over the varsity rec- ird of 4:10.1 set by Bob uinn in 1941. Andy Anderson and Ollan Cassell of Houston and Le Roy Keane and Steve Pfister from Nebraska all turned in fine overall performances in the meet. The Houston relay teams, whose mile team won In the Kansas Relays, showed excel- Track Results M Pwt-1. Al WeOmaa OO S. Um Rcuwra IN) 1. Loo Jaaovj N). Dis. ST-l". JiTrlla 1. Al Roots (N 1 Al WeD mia CN) 3. Gary Robinson IN). Dis. 21'-4" Nw Nebraska record; OM rec ord aet br Herb Grow at 216'-4" is M40). Hlca Jama 1. (tie) Bill Williama X) and Bill Anderaon N) 1. Al Roots CN). Hi S'-10V. areas' Jama 1. Bob Knaob (N) I. Andy Anderaoa 1H1 J. Jim Parthnrst (H). Du ITV. (New meet record: Old record set br Knaab at JJ'-e" in lu. Pal Vaelt 1. Jim Kraft (N) 1- Larry Doeovaa (N I. Bob Knaub CN). Ht. 12' W. Daab 1. (MI a a CaxaeB (H) X Sim Pfiner N) 3. Jin Parknorst (R). T :. Hied meet record held br Andy Anderaoo of Houston set ta 19tio). l-re. Hick Hardin 1. BUI Fasano (N) 1. Milt Hardt (N) 3. (tie) Fred Wilke iM and Bob Waterman (HI. T :15.1. aaa-rd. Baa 1. Clarence Scott CN) 2 Pat Oonesar (H) 3. Bill Knuy (N). T 1 55. -TS. Daab 1. Oflaa Cassell (R). 1. Sev Pfister N 3. Joe Dow H). T :21 . 4-yd. Keiar I. Boostoa (Joe Dew. Jim Parkhant. Andy Aodersoa and Ol lan CasseUi. T :2.7. MHe Raa-1. Barrie Almond (H 2. Fay Stevens N 3. Clareace Scott (N). T 4:87.3. (New meet record; Old record set b yJo MuUias af Nebraska at 4; 13 1 la 19CA). 44-yd. Daab 1. Earl Harlaa (H) J. Aody Anderson (HI 3. URoy Keane (N). "wdlea-t URor Keane T--2S ' Kaaab (N). Twa-wile Raw 1. John Mac (H) 2 Paal Nwlsea (N) 3. Ray Steveas (N). T t:0i .5. Mlte aVlar-1. Hoastoa (David Hnflinfs Anderson. Barrie Almond and Earl Harlaa) 2. Nebraska. T ,H:2B4. Read Nebraskan Want Ads Main Feature Gock Varsity: "Pcpe," 1:00, 3:45, 8:30, 9:15. SUie: "J 01 Dalmatians,' 1:00, 3.08, 5:26, 7:42. 9:50. Nebraska: "We ft Bound," 1:00, 4:25, 7:50. "Young Phila delphians," 2:10, 5:35, 9:00. Lincoln: "Gorgo," 1:15, 3:00, 4:45, 6:25, 8:10, 9:50. Stnirt: "The World of Susie Wong," 1:10, 3:45, 6:25, 9:C0. "A Bright and Happy Package .Full of Fun and Frolkr u WSktSVOi'SBJES ut isni-cam tcuc-RiasiAiii A ix it He H it MATINEES 90c EVENINGS 1.2S SAT. t SUN. 90c TILL 2 P.M. CHILDREN 33c mm Is & masxm 1961 lent coordination and skill in their handoffs to give them their time of :42.7 in the 440- yard relay. This was not quite up to the meet record of :42.2 which they set In 1960. Ray Knaub and Vic Brooks, Nebraska freshmen, ran in an exhibition 100-yard dash, with Knaub turning in a time; of :09.9. Vic Brooks went on to jump a tremendous 25 -1 in the broad jump. Nebraska swept the 220- yard low hurdles and won first, second, and tied for third place in the 120-yard high hurdles. Improved Performances These performances were an indication of the improve ment Nebraska s sprinter's and distance men have made during the season. Coach John M o r r i s s, of Houston, and Coach Frank Sevigne of Nebraska will take their teams to the Drake Relays in Des Moines Friday and Saturday. DU Takes 104 Victory Over Kappa Sigma Nine KM. By Cloyd Delta Uosilon took another mural softball title as they whipped Kappa Sigma, 10-4. The DUs. last vear's runner-up team, have a 3-0 record as then enter the semi-finals softball play. Farm House beat Theta Xi, 12-3, to win a berth with the Delta Upsilon squad in the semi-finals. The two teams will play early next week. Manatt downed Seaton II, 15-6, and won temporary lead ership ranking in the Burr Selleck tourney. Kappa Sigma and Theta Xi will have a brief layoff as they wait for the other teams in the loser's bracket of the double elimination tour nament to catch up. The losers will begin play today with three of four games devoted to fraternity teams who have lost one game, but are still in compe tition. The 1960 softball kings, Al pha Tau Omega, will be try ing for a comeback as they play the Phi Kappa Psi team this afternoon. The ATOs lost their open ing game, 10-14, to Kappa Tareyton delivers the flavor. . . THE TARIYTON Htm ; MARKS THE REAtTHIKGl I'' ' I J I ' " I, I ' t s ; DUALFIIIER sww(w Wiswaw awinWiaattftiiiiiisji -miwiimttmum Here's one filter cigarette that's really different! The difference is this: Tareyton's Dual Filter gives you a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with a pure white outer filter to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton delivers and you enjoy the best tale of the bent tobacco, DUAL FILTER Tareyton I Z Huskers Boost Batting Mark Over .200; Harris Tops Hitters By Hal Brown Nebraska's team batting average climbed over the .200 mark for the first time this season with Jerry Har ris' 6 for 10 in the Iowa State series leading the way, Harris hot bat boosted his average from .242 to .326, giv ing him the' team leadership in that department. He is also the leader in runs scored with nine, bits with 14 and walks with nine. Harris is tied with- Bill Redmond with 16 total bases. The Huskers team batting average climbed from .194 to .209 daring last week end s series. The team ERA Clark step toward the 1961 intra of the top league of fraternity Sigma in the first game of this year's softball season. The Phi Psis were also put into the loser's bracket by the Kappa Sigs. Kappa Sig ma rolled up a 12-6 score to down the Phi Psis. Delta Tan Delta and Sigma Chi will meet for the second time this afternoon. In their opening game, the Delts won, 6-1. The Delt team fell into the loser's bracket under the force of Jim Kowalke and the DU team, 10-1, in their second game. Play Boys will play the Dents this afternoon for the third game on the Ag Campus fields in a semi-finals match of the independent league. Play Boys won over Voca tional Education, 18-11, and the Dents downed Navy ROTC, 13-1, to advance into semi-final play. Both teams are undefeated. '.a 4 - The Nebraskan P dropped from 4.11 to a very respectable 3.52 and the team fielding percentage climbed slightly from .937 to .939. Three Husker pitchers, all sophomores are below the 3.00 ERA mark with Ernie Bonistall's 2.05 leading. Tom Ernst is at 2.25 and South paw Ron Havekost has a 2.42 mark. Each of the three have 1-1 records. Jan Wall leads the pitchers in strikeouts with 15. Redmond is second in hit ting with a .295 mark. He leads in runs batted in with HARRIS DUAL FILTER DOES IT! j$pyy&ii yy',,,, y y, y '..'' S f 3 . ' t 1 I i -' 2'- 1 "f L tit' I -l ;: - J .-.J I fcil iriniia-i ''-rt in iiiirminiiniiii I iiinnmuli m XT ouston eight and doubles with three. Rex Swett is the stolen base leader with four. The Huskers have complet ed 13 double plays, more than twice the number com pleted during the entire 1960 season. Swett has been in on 10 of them. Nebraska will be on the road for the next two week ends, meeting Colorado Fri day and Saturday with Kan sas providing the opposition the following week end. The Huskers return home May 12 and 13 for a three-game set with Oklahoma. The three sophomore pitch ing aces are expected to draw the mound assignments at Colorado. Sharpe said Bon istall and Havekost would start the two games Friday. Tom Erust, who was forced to retire in Saturday's game against Iowa State when he hurt his shoulder, is expected to be ready for the Saturday contest with Colorado. Sharpe said he plans to Dave McClatchy (.250) cf; Don Schindel (.250) If; Har hs (.326) rf; Dick Becher (.209) lb; Bill Redmond (.295) 2b; Dale Anderson (.273) 3b; Rex Swett (.133) ss; Dave Myers (.171) c; and the pitcher. Batting averages after 13 games: AB R RBI BA. 43 S 14 4 S Harris Redmond Anderson Smlt McClatchy Schindel Wan Ernst Becher Bonistall Myers Salerno Swett Havekost ' 44 S 13 I .295 ...n . . .22 ...23 3 S 1 J 7 7 1 .273 .250 .290 ...12 ..12 ... ... .. . 33 ...28 ...41. ... 7 J50 .222 .209 .172 .171 4 .143 .133 Si MB Johnson IIIIUKI Webster . 1 a a .oo a a a .eoo Dyer Rood t. t x 337 4 83 30 M Ptteknu W LIP R ER B? ERA Bonistall I 1 22 S i 22 2.05 . 1 1 2 7 5 22 2-25 .1 1 221-3 I 20 142 Ernst Havekost Johnson . 1 12 11 ( 11 4.50 1 3 112-3 11 13 24 in 1 4 2-3 4 7 7.71 4 SS2-3 SS 39 102 3.52 Wall Webster 4" j , i J" I J 0 ' irrr i in y S . K J'yyy white outer filter , ACTIVATED CHARCOAL inner filter ef neee0eMi J&tewp&ypitnjp m "fsnaai m mm mdOt mm fca-r.a .,' " Mizzou In Pin The Student Union bowling lanes will be the sight of the Big Eight bowling tournament Saturday at 7 a.m. Missouri will bring the regular season Big Eight bowling champs to Lincoln. W. Becker is leading the team with a 201 pin average. Hancock and Poe both claim over 190 pin averages for the only Big Eight team to be ranked in the national top ten. The second place team in the Big Eight, Colorado, will also bring along their top man, C. Donaldson. Donald son, boasts the conference's top game with a 276. He has a 195 average. The host squad placed third in regular season roil-oifs. The Huskers are led by cap tain Ralph Holmstrom with a 189 average. Keith Van Velkinburgh, NU anchor man, holds the high series in the league with a 674. Bill Carey and Terrell Hays will be the Kansas mainstays in the week-end tourney. i i 4, v yy ''i'.'y'y '''yy'y , 'V i fTl Hi Engineered jyLr Professional j f Man I LJ 'Lm Why are some girls prouder of their rings than others? You see it in her eye-but the reasons aren't all roman tic ones. Her diamond ring is an Artcarved. This means it meets rigid standards of excellence in cut, carat weight, color and clarity. Nor is this simply a verbal promise. Artcarved's written guarantee explains how the exclusive Permanent Value Plan lets you apply the full current retail price toward the purchase of a larger Artcarved anytime, at any Artcarved jeweler throughout the country. You will b proud, too, of Artcarved's award-winning styling, like th Evening Star shown here. To be sure it's an Art carved: Look for the name inside the ring, and ask for your written Artcarved guarantee. Of course, being engaged is wonderful, but sealing the engagement with an Artcarved ring makes it more wonderful than ever foreverl Arte DIAMOND AND :-Yi Cvtai! Star is a aulusiv aatt4 oasif M of Ancarat aarird-wiamni scttiafs. City Page 3 Favored Tourney Kansas State, Oklahoma State, and Iowa State also will be represented in the full day of bowling on the Un ion lanes. IM Softball Wednesday: Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Kappa Psi Delta Tau Delta vs. Sigma Chi Playboys vs. Dents Phi Delta Theta vs. Phi Gamma Delta AH things to oU taxaoot, this first tru tweJv wontfc MMt owes its cbomeUonj cosafoft to Colleg Holl's metal 9-OZ. Skorkslcia fabric t Captain'? UJalh 1127 R Street a rve WEDOINO RINOS A R- Wood A Sons, Inc, OapL SPt1 S16 E. 4h St, New York 17, N. Y. Pleas tend ma more tacts about diamond rings and "Wedding Guide for Bride and Groom". Also name of nearest (or home town) Artcarved Jeweler. I em enclosing 10 to cover handling and postage. Nme Address.. .County or Zone State. 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