The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1961, Image 1

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APR 25 m
Vol. 74, No. 98
The Nebraskan
Tuesday, April 25, 1961
Council Extends
Filing Deadline
Student Council contenders numbered 51, an increase of
Aree over last year, as of the filing deadline Saturday noon.
However, according to Don Epp, chairman of the elec
tions committee, filing deadlines for all colleges will be ex
tended until 5 p.m. Wednesday. He added that additional
filings were needed particularly in the Dentistry college and
the Engineering college.
Epp pointed out that it is
necessary that double the
number of representatives per
college must file for the elec
tion or the college automati
cally forfeits a representative.
Engineering college is al
loted three representatives
which would require six per
sons running for the positions.
To date, only five incumbents
have filed. Dentistry college
is allowed one Council repre
sentative thus requiring two
files. At noon Saturday only
one person had filed from the
Dent College.
Campaign Rules
The campaign rules for the
election as amended recently
by the Council have been
made available to the candi
dates, Epp reported. The
rules state:
1. Posters, 3 by 11 inches
or smaller, may be used on
University bulletin boards ex
cept those in the Student Un
ion where posters 22 by 24
inches or smaller may be
used. All posters must be
stamped by the registrar.
2. Use of loud speakers on
automobiles is prohibited.
3. Newspaper publicity must
be approved by the Student
Council elections committee.
4. There will be no cam
paigning within 15 yards of a
polling place on election day.
A polling place is any build
ing in which a poll is located.
(City and Ag Unions, Love
5. AU posters must be re
moved from bulletin boards,
telephone poles, etc. by noon
the day following the election.
6. Election ' complaints or
requests to invalidate an elec
tion must be filed in writing
with the first vice-president
of the Council (John Hoerner)
within 24 hours of the an
nouncement of the election re
sults in the Daily Nebraskan.
7. Violation of these rules
may be grounds for disqual
ifying a candidate.
In conjunction with rule
three the Council elections
committee has approved a
'Council Candidate' series
w hich will appear in the Daily
Nebraskan next week. The se
ries is designed to inform
campus voters of the ideas
and purposes of the candi
dates as well as afford candi
dates the chance to express
their views publicly.
Candidates will receive a
questionnaire from the Ne
braskan or may pick them
up in the Nebraskan office.
The questionnaires must be
returned to the office by Sat
urday in order to appear in
the series.
Student Council filings to
date include:
Agriculture: Dale Pohlman,
Michael Eason, Phyllis Rid
dle, Jo Ann Burkhart, Mary
Kesling, Susie Stolz.
Arts and Science: Steve
Joynt, Joel Lundak, Don Burt,
Carol Williams, Ann Wahl,
Mary Alice Crabill, Nina Mor
rison, Kit Thompson, Mary
Weatherspoon, Ardith Robert
son, Caralee Gunther, Linda
Business Administration:
Herbert Grossman, Bill Gun
licks, Jeanine Campbeu, Per
ry Dudden, Ronald Coleman,
Terry Umland.
Dentistry: James Killinger.
Engineering and Architec
ture; Dave Scholz, Steve
Cass, Rodney Marshall, Chip
Kuklin, George Krauss.
Law: Harold Hoff, John
Pharmacy: Philip Griess,
Bill Webster, Tom Cunning
ham, Betty Lou Frazer.
Teachers: John Abraham
zon, Don Dermyer, Nancy
Eriksen, Susan Swift, Janet
Janssen, Kathy Madsen, Judy
Schneider, Judy Tenhulzen,
Susan Wood, Julie Berner,
Karen Lund, Jeanie Morrison,
Linda Christianson, Cynthia
Tinan, Susai. Irvine.
Ivy, Daisy Cluiins
All Independent women
Interested In participating in
the Ivy and Daisy chains on
Ivy Day should pick tp
their application at the Stu
dent Union Activities Ol.'ice
RAM Holds
Dodson, Wright Vie
For Top Exec Post
Election of Residence Asso
ciation for Men (RAM) exec
utive officers will be held this
Thursday. Residents of Sel
leck Quadrangle may vote
from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Sel
leck. Roger Dodson and Bob
Wright are vying for the top
spot in the RAM elections.
Dodson is a sophomore in
Arts and Sciences and is now
activities chairman of RAM.
Wright is a sophomore in en
gineering and is treasurer of
RAM. Wright is also active in
other RAM activities and is a
member of Corncobs.
The two candidates running
for treasurer are Dick Ratz
leff and Paul La Greek. Ratz
leff is a freshman in business
administration. La Greek is a
freshman in Arts and Sci
ences. Neil Bateman and Rod Mar
shall are seeking the position
of secretary. Bateman is a
sophomore in Engineering a
Marshall is a freshman in En
gineering. Jerry Patrick will seek re
election to his present post as
social chairman. He will be
opposed in the race by Bob
Brehmf. Both candidates are
sophomores In Arts and Sci
ences. Gary Porter is unopposed
for the position of activities
chairman, He is a freshman in
Arts and Sciences.
The two candidates for
scholastic chairman are Keith
Phillips and Larry Ourada.
Phillips is a member of RAM
Council and is a sophomore
in Arts and Sciences. Ourada
is a member of Corncobs and
is a sophomore in Engineer
ing. Steve Lovell, Bill Poppert
and Dale Lauritzen will be
running for intramurals chair
man. Lovell is seeking re
election to his present post as
intramurals chairman. He is
a sophomore in Engineering.
Poppert is a freshman in Arts
and Sciences and Lauritzen is
a sophomore in Arts and Sci
ences. The race for Student Coun
cil representative wifl be be
tween George Peterson, Wen
dell Bell and Norbert Schuel
ler. Peterson is a member of
RAM Council and Is a sopho
more in Arts and Sciences.
Bell is active in Kosmet Klub
and is a sophomore in Engi
neering. Schueller is a Kos
met Klub worker, a member
of White Caps and a sopho
more in Arts and Sciences.
Cornhuskcrs Coming
The 1961 Cornhusker will
be on campus May 13th,'
with a strong possibili
ty that it may be back from
the printer by Ivy Day, ac
cording to Ann Sowles, 1962
Cornhusker editor. This date
is four weeks earlier than
last year.
The Cornhusker will an
nounce the Beauty Queen
winners, the Most eligible
Bachelors and citation
awards. It features a larger
divided color section, in
cluding Miss Cornhusker in
Junior Officers
The Air Force ROTC has
begun a program this week
for the preparation of junior
cadet officers to assume com
mand of the cadet wing.
The junior cadets have been
assigned temporary positions
and are being advised by sen
ior cadets who have held the
position. They are attending
all staff meetings and are
being briefed on the jobs in
the areas they will handle
next year.
The cadets will be rated
during this training period to
determine their positions to
be assigned before the change
of command parade May 11.
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Looking as gallant as a knight upon his mount, these
two members of Delta Upsilon, Curtis Harper (top) and
Dennis Doyle practice for the Spring Day "jousting con
test." The event will be held for the first time this year,
and the object of the contest is to dislodge the opponent's
Spring Day Frivolity
Ends With
The All University Spring
top its afternoon activities with a barbecue luncheon at 4
p.m. sponsored by Alpha Zeta, Ag honorary.
The fact that Spring Day wDl be held on Ag campus this
year has made it possible to add several events such as a
cow milking contest, an obstacle race, and a roller skating
relay, all for women.
In the roller skating relay
each member of a five mem
ber team will take her turn
skating around the Ag Cam
pus Mall. The firsf team to
finish will be the winner.
The jousting contest is a
new event for men. Teams
will consist of two men, one
riding on the other's shoul
ders. The object of the con
test is to either dismount
one's opponents or drive them
out of the three foot lane in
two out of thi'ee matches. A
bicycle obstacle race will
also be added this year.
Couples will compete in the
two mystery events. Those
participating in the P & B
contest must bring their own
dccostical noise makers.
Organized houses, dorms,
and co-ops will take part in
the traditional spring event.
Professor Heads
English Council
Dudley Bailey, associate
professor of English and di
rector of the freshman Eng
lish program, was named the
new president of the Ne
braska Council of Teachers of
English at the 1961 meeting
in Omaha.
The 1962 conference of the
organization will be held here
at the University. Gene
Hardy, assistant professor, is
the new secretary and Paul
Olson is the chairman of a
committee working on the ar
ticulation of the English pro
gram from elementary levels
through college levels.
Seedlings Initiate
Long befqre there was such a thing as Arbor Day,
more than 90 years ago, a small group of young men at the
University, spurred on by the barren prairie that sur
rounded them, planted a few burr oak and American elm
Two of them still stand this Arbor Day and around
them thousands of other trees.
While no one will say just how many kinds or species
of trees or shrubs exist on the campuses of the Univer
sity, there is general agreement that one would have to
travel many miles to find such a wide variety in such a
small space.
Landscape architect at the University, Chester B. Bill
ings, has a tentative list which includes more than 125 rec
ognizable species.
Number of Species
"I doubt if anybody here could tell you the exact num
ber of species, or the exact number of trees without a
whale of an effort," Billings explained.
There are very rare trees such as the Kentucky Cof
feetree and those with such exotic names as the Goldrein
tree, the Maidenhairtree, the Peking Cotoneaster and the
Chinese Pagodatree.
Planted on the University campus are species of trees
which have not changed in form for millions of years. An
example is the Glnko, the heritage of-which can be traced
by scientists back through millions of years of prehistoric
time. The leaves of the Ginko today are almost exactly
- . i '
Day, to be held May 5, will
In the evening, a show and
dance, sponsored by Corn
Cobs, will be held in Persh
ing Auditorium. Trophies
will be presented to the first
place winners at this time.
The second place winners will
receive awards and traveling
trophies will be awarded to
the men and womens units
accumulating the most points
throughout the day. These
trophies are now held by Al
pha Gamma Rho and Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Opera Group
Invites Lishner
Prof. Leon Lishner has
been invited by the Chatta
nooga Opera Association to
sing the role of the Police
Chief in Gian-Caroi Menotti's
opera "The Consul" on April
Prof. Lishner, a mem
ber of the University's de
partment of music, created
this role and appeared in the
world premiere of "The Con
sul" on April 27th. He has
performed it some 600 times
on Broadway, in a tour of
the United States, in two Eu
ropean tours and with opera
companies throughout the
He is heard in the Decca
recording of the opera, has
appeared in a telecast of it in
London and has performed it
on film for pay television,
shown for the first time sev
eral weeks ago in Toronto,
Canada, over a closed televi
sion circuit.
Cathy Carr Will Share
Spring Night Spotlight
With Aces, Inman, Ira
By Ann Moyer
Sharing the spotlight with
the Four Aces and Inman and
Ira for the Corn Cobs Spring
Night show is Cathy Carr,
well known recorder of the hit
tune, "Ivory Tower."
Miss Carr, the Aces and In
man and Ira will appear at 8
p.m., Friday, May 5 at Persh
ing Auditorium. Luther and
his Night Raiders will also
appear at the show to pro
vide music for the dance ses
sion to be held from 10:30
p.m. to 1 a.m. Womens hours
will be extended to 1:30 a.m.
for the evening.
Miss Carr, whose recording,
"Ivory Tower," was on the
"Hit Parade" for 22 weeks,
has more recently scored a
second hit, "First Anniver
sary." She has appeared on many
of the top television shows in
cluding the Perry Como Show,
the Lawrence Welk Show,
Dick Clark's Bandstand and
many others.
In addition to her record
ings and TV appearances,
Miss Carr has performed in
many well known supper
clubs throughout the U.S. such
as the Copacabana in New
York, the Fontainebleau Ho
tel in Miami. Beach and the
Casino Royal in Washington,
D.C. She has co-starred with
popularities such as Joe E.
Lewis, George Gobel, Red
Buttons, and Jack Carter.
Critics have said of her,
Three Win
Three University students
have been selected as win
ners of the annual Vreeland
awards for "exceptional cre
ative ability" in art, literary
composition and musical com
position. Don Williams, a sophomore,
will receive the Francis W.
Vreeland award of $400 for
his excellent and promising
work in art, primarily paint
ing and drawing.
Lee Parks, a senior, will
receive the John H. Vreeland
award of $300 for his short
story writing.
Walter Ross, a graduate stu
dent, will receive the Ida M.
Vreeland award of $300 for
his alto and string quartet,
"Sinfonia en Gris Mayor,"
composed this year.
The Vreeland awards in the
department of art, English
and music are made possible
by the bequest of the late
Francis William V r e eland,
artist and native Nebraskan.
The formal presentation of
the awards will be held May
Annoclation of Childhood Education
(ACE) mrrtini, 4: p.m., 100 Teach
er! Colleie.
American Association of Unhreraitr
Profewora (AAUP). public lymposium,
'The Insredltnta of Higher Education,"
3:30 p.m.. Love Library auditorium.
Dr. A. W. Kuchler. University of Kan
sas, lecture: "Character and Distribu
tion of Tropical Vegetation," 4 p.m.,
Bessey Hail auditorium.
Contemporary Muic Symposium, I: IS
p.m., music room. Student Union.
Track, Nebraka vs. Houston and La
mar Tech. 3:30 p.m.. stadium.
like the fossil varieties discovered in rock.
The cross-bred trees on campus, many of which are
volunteer varieties, stubbornly refuse to be pigeonholed or
Not Suitable
Trees on the campus that ordinarily should not be
grown in Nebraska for most purposes include the Eastern
(American) Larch and those whose life span is very short
including the Black (Lombardy) Poplar. Those with long
life include the Medis Sequoia. You name it and the Uni
versity probably has it, has tried it, will someday try it.
"We even have some varieties of elm, oak and Cot
tonwood that have cross-bred themselves to the point where
an authority might not be able to identify and classify cor
rectly," Billings said.
Nebraska residents are particularly fortunate in that
they can get expert opinion and counsel in the selection of
trees and tree care from the Extension Service at the Uni
versity and the various departments of College of Agri
culture including the departments of entomology, horti
culture, agronomy and botany.
In preparing a list of known species of shrubs and trees
on the two campuses Billings said that they are not neces
sarily for various reasons, good for the climate and soil of
Anyone wishing to plant some of the more rare species
should make a preliminary check with the University Ex
tension Service.
Cathy Carr, the Ivory Tower
girl, made her copa debut.
She can be the new Dinah
Shore even the women liked
her." New York Post; "A
blues and ballad singer ,this
Cathy Carr, she can sing!"
New York Journal-American.
Miss Carr was born in
Bronx, N.Y. and studied danc
ing and singing at the age of
six. After graduation from
high school she joined the
Sammy Kaye orchestra. She
was picked from an audition
of 500 girls to sing with the
Soviet Discussion
An open forum on the
educational systems of the
United States and Russia
will be held today at 4:45
p.m. in 232-34-35 Student
Presenting the United
States system will be Dr.
A. T. Anderson, Dr. Erwin
Goldenstein and Warren
Brown. The Soviet panel
members have not been
chosen as yet.
Dr. Goldenstein will give
a small presentation of the
American system and a
member of the Soviet dele
gation will do the same.
After this the discussion will
be open to questions from
the floor.
From Britain
Comes to NU
Tobias R. Weaver, under
secretary of the British Min
istry of Education in London,
will visit the University
Thursday to speak before the
Doctoral Club of Teachers
Scheduled at 4 p.m. in 232
Student Union, his talk will
be on "American and British
Education Some Similari
ties and Differences." The
meeting will be open to the
Weaver will spend three
weeks in the U.S.A. to visit
various schools. He is the son
of the late Sir Lawrence and
Laoy Weaver. His father, a
well-known architectural jour
nalist, was concerned with
the art-in-industry movement
which later was to evolve the
Council of Industrial Design.
During World War II, he
served as assistant director
general of Army Education
in the British War Office. He
joined the Ministry of Educa
tion in London in 1946, and
since 1956 has served as head
of schools branch, with the
rank of undersecretary.
In 1949, 1950, and 1951, Wea
ver headed the British delega
tion tc the annual conference
of the International Bureau of
Education and UNESCO at
Geneva, and was elected
chairman in 1950. From 1948
to 1951 he was a member of
the Anglo-Netherlands Cultur
al Commission. In 1959, he
headed the British delegation
to the UNESCO Conference
on Secondary Education held
at Sevres.
She is an avid record col
lector, favoring the classics.
She has collected over 4,000
Tickets for the show may
be obtained from any Cora
Cob member'. Today is th
last day for only reserve seat
sales. Tickets will be sold in
blocks to all organized student
residences for the price of
$2.50, $1.95 and $1.50.
Spring Day awards, for fee
winners of the games to be
held that afternoon on the Ag
campus, will be presented at
the show.
The show will be held from
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and danc
ing to Luther and his Night
Raiders will begin at 10:30
Will Hold
AAUP To Sponsor
Education Talks
"The Ingredients of Higher
Education" will be the main
topic at a public symposium
at 3:30 p.m. today at Love
Library Auditorium presented
by the University chapter of
the American Association of
University Professors
This will be the first of
several symposiums offered
to the students and the pub
lic by the AAUP.
The symposiums are de-
s'gned to relate the services
of higher education to the
public and to discuss the pro
pagation of further education
in the light of increased em
phasis on higher education.
According to Prof.. Rob
ert L. Chasson, chairman of
the department of physics, it
is hoped that this symposium
will create a greater interest
in higher education among
the students and the public.
The next symposium will be
held in the fall.
Speaking today will be Sen.
Richard Marvel of Has
tings, chairman of the Uni
cameral's budget committee
and political scientists, pre
senting "The Framework of
Higher E d u c a t i o n," Dr.
Charles Patterson, chairman
of the University's depart
ment of philosophy, speaking
on the subject "The Aims
of the Higher Education," and
Dr. Vance D, Rogers, presi
dent of Nebraska Wesleyan
University, discussing "The
Central Position of Universi
ties in Higher Education."
A half hour discussion will
follow the participants, who
will speak approximately 20
minutes each.
Sinfonia Presents
Jazz Portrayal
Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonia, mu
sic honorary, will present its
Annual Jazz concert Wednes
day, May 3, at 8 p.m. in the
Student Union ballroom.
"Portraits in Jazz" will be
the theme with Susan Daven
port, vocalist audition win
ner, singing. The jazz-lab
band, an 18 piece band, will
provide the music.
According to Jim Herbert,
chairman of the Sinfonia com
mittee, this will be a rare op
portunity to hear a dance
band this big and this tal
ented. This band puts the
University with the other
leading schools in the jazz
field. Some of the members
have played in Warren Cov
ington's band, Russ Carlyle's
band and other big same
The band, conducted by
John Mills, will provide a two
hour show in "modern idiom."
The goal of the band is to
raise the level and quality of
good music in this area.
Tickets for the program
will be one dollar per person.
The money will be used for
music scholarships.