The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    The Nebraskan
Monday, April 24, 1961
Page 4
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Latvian Woman Paints Picture
Of Iron Curtain Life for YDs
By Norm Beatty
"Will the Communists ever
take over the United States?"
"If the Russians take this
country how will they do it?"
"What can we do to stop
the Communists?"
These were only three of
several questions students
raised test week at the Young
Democrats meeting where a
speaker painted a remark
able story of life behind the
iron curtain.
The speaker was a small
woman in her late fifties who
smiled as she spoke in brok
en English. Her story, how
ever, was crowded with tre
bles she and her family en
countered while living under
the Nazi regime headed by
Adolph Hitler and the "Im
perialist Communists."
Her name will be withheld
to protect her daughter still
living in Europe under the
Russians but her words will
Life Under Russians
The speaker told the Uni
versity students that life un
der the Russians today is hard
ly different from the life the
Latvians had under the Nazis
during and before World War
- "After the War the Russians
deported 40,000 Latvians to Si
beria. The Nazis . . . took
the young men for their
army," she compared.
In Latvia today there is
"much fear," the Lincoln res
ident said. "There is no edu
cation for the young ... my
daughter's husband was tor
tured by the Russians after
the war," the woman stam
mered nervously when she re
fered to her daughter still
living in Latvia with her hus
band who is now nearly in
capacitated but te a c h e s
After World War II, the
speaker noted, "we were
promised a higher standard
of living by the Russians. This
is not true."
Low Wages
The average worker received
350 to 400 rubles per month.
IWA Plan Will Stimulate
Student-Faculty Relations
By Nancy Whitford
Thirty-four faculty mem-
bers have consented to par
ticipate in a program de
signed to "stimulate critical
thinking and better student-
faculty relationships."
Under the program, spon
sored by the Independent
w omens Association (IWA)
the faculty members will be
invited to individual living
units for informal discussion
on topics ranging from cur
rent events and campus poli
cies to science, religion and
Faculty members who have
agreed to participate are Dr.
Dudley Ashtoa, chairman of
the department of physical
education for women; Elvera
Berck, assistant professor of
physical education for women.
Lorraine Brandt, instructor
in home economics; Josephine
Brooks, associate professor of
borne economics; Fern
Brown,' assistant professor of
home economics; Margaret
CannelL instructor in home
Lyle K. Eddy, assistant pro
fessor of history; Ross Gar
ner, associate professor of
English; Ruth Ganshorn. as
sistant professor of borne ec
onomics; James Morrison, as
sistant professor of journalism
Rosalie Glffbora, assistant
professor of physical educa
tion for women; Mary E.
Guthrie, professor of borne ec
onomies; Jim Homer, assis
tant professor of vocational
education; D. P. McGill,
agronomy; Carmen Kebtel,
instructor in physical educa
tion for women;
B. M. Laging, instructor in
home economics; V i 1 e 1 1 a
Leiter, assistant professor of
Modern Music
Concert Planned
The Music Department will
resent a Contemporary Music
Symposium on Tuesday at
8:15 p.m. in the Student Union
Music Room.
Raymond Haggh will ex
plain the production of elec
tronic music and several rare
records obtained for this sym
posium will be played.
Walter Ross will explain
how be constructed the com
position "Experiment" for
tape recorder which was writ
ten for the occasion.
Other composers represent
ed will include Herbert Ei
mert, director of the Electron
ic Music Laboratory of Radio
Cologne in Germany; Karl
beinz Stockhausen; and Ernst
The program ill be fol
lowed by a discussion.
A pair of shoes costs 350 ru
bles, she explained to give an
idea of the wages in Latvia.
She noted that life in Latvia
is a "little better since Stalin
As the speaker continued
she refered to friends and rel
atives who suffered under the
Germans and the Russians
and some who are still living
miserable lives under the
Communists today.
She paused . . . twitched
her fingers . . . took a deep
breath and with a smile the
speaker continued.
Horrible Lies
"Our papers tell horrible
lies about other countries,
she explained. "Most of the
people do not belive in every
thing they read in Pravda
but. she added, "some of them
have nothing else to believe
Last summer she returned
to Germany to see a cousin
and was trailed by Comma
nist spies. "My daughter write
to me and said don t take a
trip to see her," she said then
paused as she stared to the
Her impressions of Khrush-
"He talks like a boy from
a village ... like he had
no education at all. At the
summit meeting in France the
interpreter would not inter
pret what he said because it
was so ... so filthy," she
How do the people of Lat
via feel about the United
The question birnht an
immediate smile i, her face.
"America is a iairyland to
everyone. Everybody is rich
in America ... everything
without working is how the
people think of America."
She said that the people in
Latvia expected the Ameri
cans to overcome Communism
after the fall of Hitler. When
asked if she thought the peo
ple feel let down she simply
remarked: "I couldn't say."
The biggest freedom the
speaker felt she enjoyed in
America was the "freedom
English; Lewis Leiter. assis
tant professor- of English;
Ruth Levinson. assistant pro
fessor of physical education
for women:
John Loehlin assistant pro-
fessor of psychology: Larry
instructor in music:
Howard Martin, assistant pro-;
fessor of r a d i o-television;
Shirley Miller, instructor in:
physical education for wom-s
en: j
Milton Ploghoft, associate j
professor of elementary ed
ucation; Marie Xeal, assis
tant professor of elementary
education; Florence Smith,
assistant professor of home
economics; ;
Janette Sayre, Doris O'Don- j
nell. Donna Neal and Maryi
Jean Mulvaney. associate
and assistant professors andj"1 Kappa I'm Elects
SLihysical HH1 '6K62 President
Lion for women. . .....
'. W arren Hill was recently
J -School Seniors
Go to St. Louis
Two seniors in journalism,
Keith Bland and Donnette
Keys will represent the Uni
versity at a two-day work
shop in St. Louis.
They were selected on the
basis of outstanding accom
plishments in the study of ad
vertising. Outstanding adver
tising students in 11 mid west
ern universities will be at
tending the workshop which
is sponsored by the St. Louis
Advertising Cbb.
Miss Keys and Bland went
ot St. Louis Sunday with Pro
fessor Conrad Hill, their in
structor in advertising.
Want Ads
Ljrl -Large browe leather envelope
bttorjKIng to tn4 of brief oh. If
ftncl. pfeue return t Cviart Adel
Dw La or call 421-VMS,
axlMip Opportunity etitrimer ale
opportunity with toktrtiip pro
gram. !ow Intereiewir r, tor limits'!
jrrwp UJ eaixpue Work in area
of yvtt ctvAc Xitjotta liy nmf
eiMnl. AAA-! company- Basle !
extwrlenea. Must lure ear. Writ fnr
lB"r Mr. P. K. rWi. P.O.
rot sale
Das-erjport. ortr-tvutivt rhir:
tvJ iwxmcaaa ait ndfcralout
';K a-447t.
Rfrar type tetmof rilh euui'.or-
iI mmmVam. Verv h'-fti quality and
tnninum. Can HE 2-V731 alter .
At'eiwl POKTP.A1T (n Jat 111 by
PM Ma Alpba .nfom B) bar
mtemrfl done in the mwrr,
irtUm. Oriental eomporlttunn. SIS'
ffneat Jaxr nmitatu. Cuesl Katlt
and Jjlzz vaeaiiM au4!tKn winner.
We., itar . : p m.. Unlets
Bi)rcw. Ticket on sale April 24
Bt. VtiXm ioutir.
Cwupi wwuid hut fit to Wlamt etern
ity e-v! of May. Sr. re expeoac.
$R 7-t.T rerj)Eir.
jot Opportunity
Tt- Kew Burner Cotwty tic-tool at
JirnMrr Kehr.. Bee4 three
tnrtytr. Pvra terruace. turn
rreia 1. Uj. ,raje Top aa
P!.' ff .' re-it -free twieinir f.m
tt ew r. p. rj4fTr- Hr-V-"x
from fear . . . here we are
"During the war the Ger
mans would take us to con
centration camps for saying
one word . . . one word!
Nazism may still be alive in
Europe, she added. Then she
gave a hopeless explanation
"The people don't think very
deeply. They thought life was
better under Hitler. B u t I
couldn't say now."
The elderly lady and her
family now live in Lincoln but
originally came to the U.S. to
live in Texas where they suf
fered further when they had
to pick cotten and live in a
near-slum dwelling.
She answered each question
as best she could and thanked
the Young Democrats for al
lowing her to speak. She was
then escorted back to her
home by Jim Huge, president
of the YDs, knowing that she
had enlightened a group of
free people at the risk of ex
posing her friends and rela
tives still living under the
Home Ec
Career Day
Nearly 1,000 high school
girls from all parts of Nebras
ka are expected to visit the
University's home economics
department on Hospitality
Days, Tuesday and Wednes
day. According to Sharon Ramge,
chairman of the exent. Hospi
tality Days are designed to
inform girls of carreer oppor
tunities for young women with
college home economics train
ing. "They are also given a
chance to see the College of
Agriculture campus and city
campus and to visit the home
economics department and
residence halls," she said.
Theme of the open-house,
which will feature demonstra
tions and displays, will be
"Wonderland of Opportunity."
I The highlight of each days
! activities will be a fashion
I show presented by the Uni
i versity coeds and displays
j that will be.set up in the home
economics department depict
ing various home economics
careers from home ec journal
ism to fashion coordinating.
in. ? tF
ttltC S W OTSC
(Continued from Pg. 2)
now ... oh no!
Ca mellia-Shower !
Stupid hot melons . . .
Rolling like fat idots
Out from leafy shade.
(Patience one one more
a propos to closing . . .)
Friend, that open mouth
Reveals your whole
interior . . .
Silly hollow frog!
elected as the new president
of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity
for the 1961-62 school year.
Other officers for next year
include Ed Bierl, treasurer:
Ron Dicht, secretary: Bill
Webster, warden: Ron Beers,
historian and Gene Bugal
wicz. chaplin.
VV . A 1,1 I
'I rk AV. . Fk.r--'. m. I'
' ftlfcT:C '''' ) "-""I IN-
' lll '
Tuition Raise Receives
Majority Aceeptanc
By Harriett Keller
Favorable reactions to the
University's increased tuition
rate for next year have been
voiced by 10 of 20 students
polled on campus.
The remainder of those
questioned were split into two
groups one group of six de
cidedly negative and a group
of four who were not particu
larly concerned.
An increase in the tuition
rate of $12 has been approved
for next year and will make
resident tuition $132 and tui
tion for non-Nebraskans, $252.
Among the students ex
pressing favorable reactions
was Pat Egan, a sophomore
studying pre - law. "We're
lucky to have such a cheap
tu'.tion.". he said, "with the
cost of everything else going
up, tuition has to be included
and it is at a minimum in
Not Unreasonable
"I don't think it is unrea
sonable at all," said Hal
Spurrier, junior in Engineer
ing and Agriculture. "As the
cost of living goes up, it's
bound to cost more to go to
Marilyn Leighton, a sopho
more in Teachers College,
said "It seems like it still
isn't as much as other col
leges and they have a good
reason for increasing it."
Another Teachers College
i student, junior Nancy Wilson,
said, "It's worth it. It doesn't
! seem like too much to add if
' it will benefit the University."
'if it's necessary to raise
: it to increase the income, then
i it's the best thing." was the
; opinion of Darrell Grapes,
! senior in Business Adminis-
j Marilyn Hastings, freshman
1 in the College of Arts and Sci
ences, said she felt that "they
I wouldn't have done it without
Increased Benefits
"Twelve dollars isn't such
j a great increase for the ben
efits you can get from the
University," stated Bob Geis
ler, junior in Business Admin
istration. A foreign student. Mats
I Holm of Sweden, said that he
was not too familiar with the
tuition system as it did not
exist in his country. "But,"
he said, "Nebraska's tuition
rate seems reasonable in
comparison with other campuses."
comfort . . . quality . . . appearance
Also in favor of the increase
was Chuck Borchman, junior
in Business Administration,
who said, "It's all right-it
should help the University."
Veretta Dorf, a sophomore
in Business Administration,
agreed. "It isn't too much.
There's no cause to worry be
cause it wouldn't have been
raised if it wasn't necessary,"
she said.
Students expressing nega
tive reactions to the rate in
crease included Hilary Las
sek who said, "I'm strictly
against it." He is sophomore
in Arts and Sciences.
"Naturally, I'm against it.
I'm paying my own way
through school and every in
crease makes it harder," said
Phil Schenck, sophomore in
Arts and Sciences.
Too Much
Mary Eager, a sophomore
in Business Administration.
; said that she did not favor the
increase because "I think it
is just too much to pay."
"I don't approve," said Car
ol Johnson, freshman in Biz
Ad, "as long as the school
gets money from the state
there is no need to make the
students pay more."
Another negative reaction
was that of Iraj Azimzadeh
who said, "I think it is pretty
expensive now and as a for-1
eign student, I don't know
how I'm going to afford it."
Find Another Way
Bill Paxton, a senior in en
gineering, stated, "It looks
like they could find some oth
er way to raise costs this is
supposed to be a state-sup-i
ported school."
inose wno ma not seem
particularly concerned made
statements such as "It's just!
anotner added cost.
"Everything else is going
np, so I suppose University
costs have to," said Loren!
Brunke, freshman in Arts and
Also in this group was Kar-!
en Boesiger, a junior inj
...... I. . ".!! a, . '
iMcuert Allege, ane said,
"Things just keep going up
they're getting out of hand."
Dr. Schmidt to Attend
Summer Tax Seminar !
Dr. E. B. Schmidt, Univer
sity professor of economics,
has been selected to take!
part in a national 10-day tax'
seminar sponsored by Clare-:
mont Men's College.
The rich texture of fine oxford skillfully
tailored gives the assurance of being well
dressed. Case in point: the Arrow University
Fashion B.D. with the authentic roll of the
classic button -down. Your wardrobe is
incomplete without a selection of these casual
Arrow ghirte in both long nd short sleeve.
'- From the "Cum Laudc Collection
MetrecaVs Big Brother
Provides Athletic Boost
Metracal, the latest fad Siet
food which is stocked by drug
stores, groceries and depart
ment stores in either handy
powder kegs or liquid six
p?cks, has a big brother.
Metracal's brother Susto
gene is known on the Univer
sity campus most popularly
as the. "athlete's food." The
main difference between the
two products is the calory
content, Metracal being low
calory and Sustogene high
Experimentation with the
use of Sustogene as an ath
lete's pre-game food was ini
tiated at the University
Health Center last fall. Re
sults, according to Or. Ken
neth Rose, director of student
Health research programs
were quite favorable.
As a result of the study,
schools throughout the nation
are inquiring about Nebras
ka's athletic feeding program
and the use of Sustogene in
conjunction with college ath
letics is spreading rapidly.
Sustogene consists of pre
digested milk protein with
vitamins, minerals and car
bohydrates added in the cor
rect amounts. It was original
ly developed as a post-operative
feeding solution or as a
supplemental feeding for un
derweight people.
The University research
with Sustogene was financed
by a grant from Mead-Johnson,
manufacturer of the
product. Preliminary re
search showed that the heavy
pre-game meals customarily
RAM Ratifies
2 Amendments
The individual houses of the
Residence Association for Men
(RAM) have unanimously
ratified the two amendments
to the RAM Constitution, an
nounced Fred Rickers, presi
dent. Amendment one changed
the source of parliamentary
procedure from "Robert's
Rules of Order" to the mor
modern "Sturgis ;. Code of
Parliamentary Procedure."
The second amendment
made the vice president and
treasurer two separate of
fices. The approval of this
amendment has created an
opening on the RAM election
slate scheduled for April 27.
A stuSent desiring to run for
the vacancy may do so by ob
taining a petition from Rick
ers and having it signed by
30 members of RAM by mid
night Thursday.
Other shoes may look like Keds, but
! jr aMa. "s. J
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feeling." Because Keds have a patented
cushioned inner sole. And because Keds
are built over tested, scientific lasts, to fit
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are right for class, gym, tennis court or
dorn. Machine-washable (and they even
look good clean). His: Keds "Court King."
Hers: Keds "Champion." Get your U.S.
Keds at good shoe or department stores.
given to athletes several
hours before the game were
not completely digested by
game time. This resulted in
stomach upset as well as de
tering the players energy.
It was known that liquids
leave the stomach much
quicker than solid foods so
it was postulated that perhaps
a liquid food such as Susto
gene might be effective.
According to Dr. Rose, the
players felt better both before
and during a game. "The
football team was very highly
satisfied with the Sustogene
diet and used it all through
the season."
Sustogene is now used in all
University sports.
Block, Bridle
Gives Award
To Frahm
A College of Agriculture stu
dent has been named winner,
of the merit trophy award
made annually to an outstand
ing member of the Block and
Bridle Club.
He is Richard R. Frahm,
who was announced as receip
ient of the award at the an
nual Block and Bridle Club
honors banquet. Runner-up for
the honor was Larry Williams.
Also honored at the ban
quet was Mylon Filkins, who
swept top honors in the live
stock judjing and showman
ship contests sponsored by the
club. Reserve champion and
over-all showman was named
to be Roger Stork and Larry
Williams was named as cham
pion sheep showman.
Filkins, Stork and Williams
were all awarded medals by
The new traveling Cy Wink
ler trophy for the top student
group judging team was pre
sented to an Independent team
who compiled a score of 3,191
points to edge out the Ag Men
Co-op team which had 3,186
points. -
Team members included Ol
iver Holbein, Dale Gengen
bach, Ronald Richardson, Har
lan Ladehoff and Fred Zillick.
Ifoung GOP Federation
Elects MJ Coed
Nancy Butler, program
chairman for the University
Young Republicans, has been
appointed to the executive
committee of the Midwest
Federation of Republican
only U. S. Keds can give you "that great
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