The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Just A Thought
By Dare Cniiounl
No giant undertakings today ... I'm still worn out
from riding on top of the Phi Delt pyramid. The first f
heat was the worst Thanks to Doug Moore's bobbing
head, I now have a shattered left kidney.
Speaking of the Greek Week games, the award for
the most determined participant has to go to Luida Hal- f
lam, the Alpha Phi's winning tricycle rider. Never has a
coed shown so much determination. Especially during I
the last half of the race, when she was sprinting her tri-
cycle in reverse.
AU in all, Greek Week snowed a vast
improvement over previous attempts.
In fact Greek Weeks in the past were
almost nothing.
Most of the activities planned by
the IFC and PanheL mostly IFC, seem
ed to go over fairly welL The convoca
tion Wednesday night, although sparsely
attended, produced several thought
provoking ideas.
Greek Week on the University cam
pus certainly hasn't reached the point it
could, but with advances such as this
year's, tt could become one of the biggest weeks on cam-
Speaking of big weeks, there are several coming up
in the near future. - I
This week, of course, is the big one for the fellows
at the west end of the campus. From all indications, this
year's E-Week will be as great as ever. I
The following week marks the Spring Day,-Ivy Day g
weekend. Already, the juniors are starting to look wor-
ried. Several fellows I know went over to the Kappa Sig 1
house to buy the goat's still-new knee pads. Here's hop-
ing they bring you better luck than the former owner, e
Only one word from this corner on Spring Day and
the games. It seems rather stupid to hold the games en
Ag campus. Nothing against the Ag campus or any of the
students out there, but the transportation problem Is
going to be something.
This idea was proposed on the Student Council floor s
several weeks ago and ran into some opposition. It seems 5
that the planners feel that the space at Ag campus can
be used more effectively than that of the practice field
south of the Stadium. Perhaps this is so, but when com-
pared to the problems that will come with transportation,
the space problem should seem insignificant.
The comment "I'd walk over to the Stadium, but I s
wont ride out to Ag campus" has already been uttered
by many of the city residents. I
The whole problem was summed up during a Coun-
cQ session, when one of the opposing members said,
"Wouldn't it be easier to bring the cow (for one f the
contests) down to the city campus, than bring the major-
ily el the University students out to the Ag campus?"
If the transportation problem does become grave,
the A TO chariot runners have offered to transport some
of the city residents out to Ag campus.
The Nebraskon
Monday, April 24, 1961
Tlw Bite's Worse
E A new week . . . the Rus-
sians have arrived, the
chariots ran as scheduled
with no casualties, and Fi
ll del Castro has once more
proved to the outside world
I that he is a "thinking man."
I To get away from the
crises of the world and
come back to the shocking
Just a brief reminder to all of you would-be Pulitzer
Prize winners. The new edition of the Daily Ncbraskan
Magazine will be out May 24. Contributions must be re
ceived by the 17th, which is less than a month away.
The magazine is tentatively scheduled to be 12 pages,
maybe more if our Business Staff gets in gear.
This magazine is not a literary magazine, Sunday
cimninmpTit imiTTilisTn lab outlet or anv other croup ef'
fort It is simply a vehicle to give outlets for the talented reality of everyday activity,
efforts, very often the first efforts, of University writers I I have selected as my topic
and would-be writers. 1 of discussion, wit, sarcasm.
If you feel you can write something of general inter- and feeble-mindeflness to
est, why not sit down for a couple of hours, write it up day one which is in line
and bring it into the Nebraskan office. 'rth the current barrage of
- intellectualism which has
it irk 1 I invaded our campus.
pW KflflKS ' 1 That's the wit part of this
XlVfT iFWivc? discussion.)
New York, Doubleday, 1953. I for a person who does
Observations on the conflict 1 only a limited amount of
between Communism and 1 outside reading, I choose
By Marilyn Hastings
The following books have
recently appeared an the
University library shelves:
America Challenged."
Princeton, Princeton Uni
versity, 1950. The Walter E.
Edge Lectures in Public
and International Affairs
were presented at Prince
ton and published in 1960.
The first lecture, "The In
dividual and the Crowd,"
deals with the need for in
dividual action and leader
ship in today's world. The
second lecture, ""The Nation
and the World," reappraises
our relationship among the
nations of the world with
emphasis on the Soviets and
the underdeveloped areas.
"We the Judges; studies
in American and Indian
constitutional law." New
. York, Doubleday, 1956.
Justice Black in the Ta
gore Lectures, given at the
University of Calcutta in
July, 1955, reviews many of
the principal decisions of
the Supreme Court through
out the years as well as the
major decisions of the High
Courts of Indiaj from the
year of Indian independ
ence until the spring of
"An Almanac of Liberty,"
New York, Doubleday, 1954.
Daily readings on various
aspects of civil rights, con
stitutional law and man's
struggle for individual -freedom.
"Being an American."
New York, John Day, 1948.
A collection of essays and
speeches representing vari
ous aspects of Justice Doug
las interests. Subjects cov
ered include civil liberties,
biographies of men and
-women active in public
-service and political philos
ophy. "North from Malaya; Ad
venture on Five Fronts."
opposing ideologies in Ma- b o k s which are small,
laya, the Philippines, Bur- cheap, and with big type, so
ma, Indo-China, Korea and 1 People win think I really
Formosa are interspersed I read a lot. Not long ago I
with anecdotes of the peo- received two books which I
pie with whom he met and s added to my collection pre
talked. e iously consisting f 'Win-
"Of Men and Mountains." 1 'e the Pooh," "The House
New York, Herper, 1950. I at Pooh Corner," "Never
An autobiographical de- Tn,st a Naked Bus Driver,"
scription of the author's life "The Ides of Mad."
in the great Northwest, this The first of these is a very
book is notable for the pas-1 smaD Wiie paperback enti
sages describing the beau- led "'The Fatal Lozenge,"
ties of the mountain life and y ne talented Edward
the adventure of mountain-1 Gorey. To put it mildly, this
eering. I book is a highly amusing,
"Russian Journey." New bluntly stated, epitome of
York, Doubleday, 1956. Ap-1 sadism,
proaching Russia through It involves an alphabet
Iran, Justice Douglas had s Same, whereby each letter
the unusual opportunity of I is given some appropriate
traveling through the Cen- I word, a poem is written
tral Asian countries of the I about the word, and a very
Soviet Union. Added to his i cleverly - executed drawing
account of the characteris- accompanies the poem,
tics of the people and their I Some of the more vivid
way of life is his usual per- i P o e m s and characteriza
ceptive comments on the tions evolve around such
political scene and an ap- I words as cad, effigy, inval
praisal of p o 1 1 - S t a 1 i n I id, journalist (a very sad
changes. s tale), orphan, ressurection-
"Beyond the High Hima- I ist, xenophobe, yegg, and
layas." New York, Double- I various other simply fasci
day, 1954. Crossing the Hi- I nating terms. Probably the
malayas the author visited two most endearing poems
Pakistan, Afghanistan, I are those for "suicide."
Thailand. Swat and Indone. I The Suicide as she is
6ia. The narrative of his
travels is laced with com- I
mentaries on the changing
lands and the influence of
the Communist doctrine
among these peoples.
"Strange Lands
Friendly People."
York,. H a r p er, 1951. Al-
though written .almost a s
decade ago, the observa-
tions and descriptions of
Justice Douglas' trip
through Iran, Greece, Is-
rael, India and the Arab
and Moslem worlds are still .
timely and provocative
By Barbara Barker
is also ... more than a
mere statement of feeling
or a picture of nature: there
is an implied identity be
tween two seemingly differ
ent things ... the haiku is
not expected to be always a
complete or even a clear
statement. The reader is
supposed to add to the
words his own associations
and . imagery, and thus to
become a co-creator of his
own pleasure in the poem."
Quit saying this is insan
ity. Don't read the follow
ing if you are saying this
is insanity.. Because if you
really read these things,
and think about them in the
context of the dusty closets
of your own little mind, yon
might enjoy them more
than you think, and find
some really amusir.g and in
teresting meanings in them.
If you're not in the mood
to read this now, wait until
you are in the mood. Then
vou might understand it
better. Weller? More bet
ter? Better, I guess. Any
way, her' here's a bit of
Haiku. Swallow it as your
palate allows.
Don't touch my plum tree
Said my friend' and
saying sa
Broke the branch far me.
Yon stupid scarecrow!
Under your very stick-feet
Birds are stealing beans !
My shadowy path
I've swept aD day and
(Continued to Pg. 4)
Daily Nebraskan
Member Atwoc'.ated Collegiate Treaa, International Prem
Kepresentatlve: National Advertising Service, lneorporated
rnbllshed at: Room El, Student ttaion, Lincoln, Nebraska.
14th A K
Telephone HE I-76S1, ert. 4225, 4226, 4227
VtM Baity WalmMkan trt aunlMna Hnntmy, TaMMtoy, WrdnMidsv and pn
ay tfwriaa; th etaaol ytmr, exmnt during aflainm and warn pTlmtti. by
atlanta f the t)nlerlty f NMitaaka anrir author! catlnn of the cmnrittiw
a MiMlmrt Attain m aa mpiMnnHi at tudmt nptnioa. Pnliilratioa undrr thr
JmrbuMfttkM af th Babmmnlttm an rltadntt Puhlleatlom hll h trap Irani
adimnal ronnamntp aa th part of the. Hukaammlttw or an ihr part ef any
ara autaiaa tar Tinhmratty. Th mMnhrra of thr Dally Mrhraakaa ataff am
aaraaaauiy mnonjIM la what May aay. wr ao. at aaiHw to ae urinteri.
owrrnuv , mm.
tinaarripttaa rataa an R par mim ntm at S for tm amdrmlr mar.
KaMrad aa aaonad Mm mattar at the, paat afi. la Unaolu, Webradka,
itar ta act f Aacaat . I w 1 2.
Aatlatant Hhu
.man Hmmaa
Maaacan Itoa parnrana. Bin Ounlinks, John rieliroeder
rmtm . .... .-. ,... . ... Hove Oalhonn
Maaain Rdltar rftohea Wvllher,
Wan a-dltor Norm Heatty
. . J leamir Hlllinn
anorta rdiior ., H-, M,WB
Mtaff Wrllow Ann Moynr, IMm fltunkoy, Kanrv Whlffurd
JnnMr Htnff fVrlaaa .. Iay Wohllartk. Jan Mark, Olord hrk
Mrht rmun .Bt i)rvut
IS iew idiwr .. .Wlok Hturkey
Illuminated by the moon,
Regrets her act, and finds
The thought she win be
dead so soon.
and I ancl fr "tourist":
New I The tourist huddles in the
While slowly night gives
way to dawn;
He finds a certain
In knowing all the trains
are gone.
Of course the Charles
Addams-type etchings of a
blanketed tourist huddling
in a deserted station and a
I suicidal maniac leaping off
I a cliff add to one's enjoy
1 ment of the proverbial liler-
1 The second of these books,
h although much more intel-
lectual than the first, is
1 nonetheless fascinating. It
is a book of Japanese Haiku
I poetry. The h a i k is a
I three-line poem, consisting
always of seventeen sylla-
Lies. The first and third
lines contain five, and the
second line seven. In the
f introduction to the book, the
I author explains that "There
is almost always in it the
f name of the season, or a
key word giving the season
I by inference. . . . But there
ave a
in fci
this S
(and get college credits, too!)
Imagine the fun you can have on a summer vacation in
Europe that includes everything from touring the Conti
nent and studying courses for credit at the famous Sor
bonne in Paris to living it up on a three-week co-educational
romp at a fabulous Mediterranean island beach -club
resort! Interested? Check the tour descriptions below.
FRENCH STUDY TOUR, $1233 per day plus
air fare. Two weeks touring France and Switzerland,
sightseeing in Rouen, Tours, Bordeaux, Avignon, Lyon,
Geneva, with vimts to Mont-Saint-Michel and Lourdes.
Then in Paris, Btay six weeks studying at La Sorbonne.
Courses include French Language, History, Drama, Art,
Literature, for 2 to 6 credits. Spend your last week touring
Luxembourg and Belgium. All-expense, 70-day tour in
cludes sightseeing, hotels, meals, tuition for $12.33 per
day, plus Air Franc Jet Economy round-trip fare.
$15.72 per day plus air fare. Escorted 42-day tour
includes visits to cultural centers, sightseeing in France,
Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Den
mark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, England, Holland and
Belgium. Plenty of free time, entertainment. Hotel, meals,
everything Included for $15.72 per day, plus Air France
Jet Economy round-trip fare.
CLUB MEDITERRANEE, $13.26 per day plus
air fare. Here's a 21 -day tour that features 3 days on
your own in Paris, a week's sightseeing in Rome, Capri,
Naples and Pompeii, plus 8 fun -filled, sun-filled, fabulous
days and cool, exciting nights at the Polynesian-style
CluhMediterranee on the romantic island of Sicily. Spend
your days basking on the beach, swimming, sailing - your
nights partying, singing, dancing. Accommodations, meals,
everything only $13.26 per day complete, plus Air France
Jet Economy round-trip fare.
6K3 f ifth Avenue. New York 22. N. Y.
'leHe ruh me full information on the following:
French Study Tour Q Student Holiday Tour
rj Club Meditarranee
By Jim Forrest
To those of you who read
last week's Barnstorming
and would like to see a first
hand practical demonstra
tion of the inadequateness
of the pres
ent Ag Un
ion facilities
are invited
to drop in
or near the
Union's bor
rowed build
ing some
time tomor
r o w or
W e d n es-
rl a v I two-
Haw mn no less) when the
Union will be stormed by
the anticipated 1,000 high
school girls during the Home
Economics Department's
Hospitality Days, or, if you
can not make it either one
of these two days, a mod
ified showing can be seen
Thursday when some 400
high school boys will be on
campus to take part In the
annual Science in Agricul
ture Conference.
Both events will force the
Union to de its utmost to
keep the participants from
being disappointed in the
"social center" of Ag cam
pus. After all they are de
signed to show the advant
ages of the University and
its Ag College to prospec
tive college students in an
attempt to attract the state's
top level scholars to the
The high schoolers, who
are usually from the upper
25-per cent of their classes,
are certainly going to be im
pressed by the College's Un
ion and its abundant facil
ities. But maybe the high
schools of Nebraska are
graduating a new breed of
students who are not inter
ested in a few minutes of
relaxation in a well equipped
University campus Student
Well, Ag campus? Do you
have something against mu
sic good music? I sup
pose you have settled back
to enjoy your new f u n d
privllage of longer library
hours and are going to ig
nore other happenings on
Last Wednesday evening
the Ag Student Union (bless
its over stuffed halls) spon
sored in conjuction with the
music department an hour
of delightful and relaxing
American music directed by
Gene Dybdahl. It was the '
campus' first try at pre
senting a Spring Concert
"out-on-Ag," but there was
one question in many peo
ple's minds who did attend
"Where were the stu
dents?" -
Since it was the first of
what is hoped to be annual
concerts there may have been
some slight excuse for the
over-all low attefidence
Wednesday evening. Howev
er, there is little, in fact,
no excuse for the small num
ber of students that made
an appearance. For the most
part the audience, estimated
to be around 100-120, ap
peared to be mostly parents,
faculty and probably even
a number of Lincoln resi
dents from the area sur
rounding the Ag campus,
who wanted an enjoyable
evening's entertainment and
were not disappointed. You
will of course notice that
these spectators can be gen
erally classified as adults.
Want Ads
9' V
Defining- "sportswear" ia a aotnewhat sticky vidbet ra m ec&nn
for university men. Apparel which ii considered appropriate psljr
for leisure wear on one campus, may be perfectly fnsiteble for the
classroom or evea for casual dates on anohec
Therefore, IB not attempt to dictate wben the following xasbkna
should be worn ...that' a up to each xaaa oa each campus to decide
for himself. These are the newsmakers in the general sportswear
field for the warn seasons ahead:
TOD KEVER RAO IT S3 USHTm jackets! The
new crop of wash-And-wear jackets ia combina
tions of Dacron and cotton are almost shirting'
weig-ht, and unlined ia the b&rg-ain. Two positive
trends are notable: giant plaid for the pace-set-ters;
miU wAoringt in the native craft fabrics
(batik, madras, Kalamkari) for the conserva
tives. Outstanding color-mates ia the plaids will
be either olive and blue or olive and ffrey. These
look best witi solid color lightweight trousers in
deep live or grey. Complete the outfit with a
classic, button-down collar shirt in white or the
new "Jute" color... light natural tan, especi
ally effective with olive.
with Yankee know-how, are currently in great
favor. Chooe a natural-shoulder, sinffle-breasted
version with metal buttons in navy or one of the
newer hues. ..olive, jrold or light jrrey. The
double-breasted bl&Kers are smartest in navy, ac
cented with white pearl buttons.
THE KKITS ARE IT for casual shirts in cotton, Eanlon or blends.
These, in the conventional, solid-color, short-sleeved pullover style
will be offered in light tan, gold or olive. For kicks, pkk one in
bright red. Xote, too, the great variety with contrasting border
stripes at colltu- and sleeve edge, and another group with knit
collars and button placket half-way down the front'
stnpm and plaids. The fabrics are light
weight and washable. Basic tan chitum
continue to be popular, but let yourself go
and add at least one pair of patterned
slacks to your Summer wardrobe this
vestigate the eemi-btdkiet ia pullover or
six-button cardigan style. These look
warmer than they are because the knits
are very porous and many are of cotton or
blends, as well as very lightweight wools.
Whit Is still the number one choice for
warm weather, but tan, gold and olive are
also good.
Advance tip: aa my recent fashion-scouting
trip through Europe and the Scandi
navian countries I saw patterned sweaters
everywhere, some in such wild color com-
Dinauons as purple, orange and white.
STANDOUT SHOES in the sportswear category are the hi-riseis
...either shp-on or laced desert style.
noose j ours in olive or natural tan in
brushed leather.
i in! ,14 Lft
iiimitii iiirm
tir.AI a AntAU: In the next column,
we U clear up some of the confusion abc
correct form.-.lwear and accessories, i M
report on the new trends in beach wear, bu
long, for now.
nn, -V