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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1961)
, tfN I VARSITY OF NCSR, LIBRARY APRL24-1961 University Reveals By Nancy Whitford Sometimes there is no place to go except up. An eight to ten story dormitory and food service area, expected to cost over $3,000 per student housed, is being designed by archi tects Davis and Wilson ac cording to director of Uni versity services William Harper. Harper said the building, expected to house 700-800 students, will be located on the west side of 17th St. on a vacant field next to the Womens Residence Halls. Contracts are expected to be let during the early part Tribunal Amendments Council Accepts Two Proposals The Student Tribunal report proposing two amendments to the Tribunal constitution, which will broaden the power of the group, has been approved by the Student Council in a vote of 19 to 8. The two proposed changes tion so that the Tribunal would cases except those which concern suspension or expulsion from the University and to whereby a student would be of the Tribunal. Under the terms of the pres ent constitution, the Tribunal may only recommend a dec ision to the Dean of Student Affairs. The final ruling is made by the Dean. Presently there is no method of appeal available to the student. Most of the Council discus sion centered around ot h e r recommendations included in the report including a propos al that intramural athletics be removed as one of the activ ities in which a student on "conduct probation" cannot participate. Intramurals Have Value Those in support of this pro posal contended that intramur al activities were of therapeu tic value to the person on con duct pro. They also claimed it would not violate the main principle of the conduct pro penalty which is to keep the student from appearing in public as a representative of the University. Those opposed to allowing student on social pro to par ticipate in intramurals claim that often the person who competed in such events was not in any other organizations which cause him to lose his status as a member under a! conduct pro ruling. Therefore, if allowed to participate in in tramurals, he would not be un der any penalty at all. A motion to amend the re port to exclude the clause re ferring to intramural partici pation by a person on con duct pro was defeated by a vote of 15 to 13. . A second motion to amend the report called for striking the indefinite probation and indefinite suspension penalties from the penalty list. It was pointed out by those support ing the motion that these rulings poise in one person the power to keep a person in definitely out of the Univer sity or out of University ac tivities. Mutual Decision Jim Samples, head of the Tribunal committee, pointed out that under the provisions of the rest of the report the Spring Dance Tickets All organized houses in terested in buying block seats for the Corn Cob's Spring Night Show and Dance in blocks, must buy them from Corn Cobs before Tuesday noon. The tickets are priced at $2.50, $1.95 and $1.50 for the University approved show and dance. 4 r t h s MUSH! Not quite fast enough, these Phi Delts race down the home stretch in the Greek Gumes men's pyramid race Just behind the Sigma Chi's to take the second place honors ifi the event. ARCHIVES of 1962 and the building to be completed by 1963. Preliminary meetings have been held during the past few weeks between the ad ministration and the archi tects, but the. final design has not yet been decided, according to business man ager Carl Donaldson. An enlarged food service area, which may serve the residents of both the new and the old Women's Resi- dence Halls, is expected to be a major feature of the new unit. Harper said present din ing facilities in Raymond Hall are taxed to over 200 capacity. were to amend the constitu have the final decision in all establish an appellate system able to appeal a final decision power to .place a student on indefinite probation would no longer be in the hands of one 'person but would be decided by the entire Tribunal. The motion to delete the pen alties from the -'penalty list was defeated. The amendments proposed by the report will be placed on the ballot in May and are subject lo the approval or re jection of the student body. In other Council business the representation plan for Student Council membership was taken from the table for discussion. However, due to a time element, the plan was returned to the table with or ders of the day for this week's meeting. A motion to establish a fourth polling place in Selleck Quadrangle for the coming general election was defeated. It was the feeling of t h e Council members it would be difficult to prevent lobbying in the Quadrangle if a polling place were located there. Men's Ed Fraternity Initiates 17 Phi Delta Kappa, national men's professional education fraternity, has elected new officers and initiated 17 new members at a meeting held in cooperation with Pi Lamb da Theta, women's profes sional education sorority. Five University f a c u It y members were named as of ficers of Phi Delta Kappa. Lester Harvey of Teachers College was named presi dent; James Horner, assist ant professor of vocational education, vice president; John Kunkel, bureau of audio-visual instruction, sec ond vice president; Loren ! Bonneau, assistant professor of history and principles of education, secretary; and Wesley Meierhenry, teacher placement division, treas urer. The new initiates were Lyle Latimer, Louis Sullivan, Le roy Neal, Robert Kanub, J. J. Popisil, Ted Rethmeier, Paul Wurm, Bobby Griffith and Elbert Miller. Others Include David Ral ston, Leland Hull, Donald Byorth, Severin Sorenson, Paul Belz, Cecil Stanley, Jud Miller, Marvin Schact, and Don Olson. i ' t "We could use this exist ing dining space in the new plan, but would prefer to build an entirely new food area and remodel the pres ent facilities for other use," he said. Co-Educational He said the new dormi tory will probably house both men and women stu dents until the expected the PA Vol. 74, No. 97 oviet Aim By Jan Sack At the press conference Fri day afternoon the visiting So viet delegates, much at ease, made it known that a press conference was new to them and that their answers should be taken in that light. The first question posed was what does the average So viet citizen consider to be the main objective of his life? Group leader Nikolai Bara nov answered, "To serve the country and the Communist party. The object is to build under the leadership of the Communist Party a Commu nist society in the U.S.S.R. And we know that a Commu nist society can only be built if there is world peace. We I U.S.S.R. Delegation Soviets Exhibit Interest In Slate House Design Members of the Soviet del egation visiting the U n i t e d States responded well to the many camera flashes as they were briefly given a history of Nebraska in the governor's office by John Kelley, admin istrative assistant. After being greeted individ ually by Governor Frank Mor rison the group moved into the legislative chambers to see the unicameral in action. Nikolai Baranov, group lead er, addressed the senators for about five minutes through the interpreter Nickolas Bevad. The content of Baranov's speech was: "We came to your country under the cultural exchange program and will be staying one month. "Our impression is that there are very good contacts between ourselves and the youth of America and a good understanding between us." Typical Looking much like typical American tourists the Soviets listened attentively as the guide in the State House ex plained to them the meaning of the many mosaics on the second floor near the north entrance. After this brief explanation the delegates took the elevat- Theta Sig Cubs Meet There will be a meeting for the cub chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, Women's journ alism fraternity, Wednes day at 4:30 p.m. in the Journalism News Room in Burnett Hall. All women interested in journalism are urged to attend. Sigma Chi, Alpha Phi Take Games Laurels Sigma Chi and Alpha Phi copped the top honors in the fraternity and sorority divisions of the Greek Games Sat urday. The Sigma Chis won the men's pyramid race and took second in the featured chariot race, compiling 8 points to win the large traveling trophy. The Alpha Phis won both the women's events, the egg race and the tricycle race. Kappa Kappa Gamma finished second in both races to take second in the games, with Al pha Omicron Pi and Zeta Tau Alpha each winning a third. Alpha Tau Omega won the men'B chariot race, the last event of the day. The Sigma Chis took second and Beta Theta Pi finished fourth. In the men's tug-of-war, Sigma Alpha Epsllon proved to be the toughest. Farm House took second and Delta Sig ma Phi was third. Sigma Chi won the pyramid race, defeating Phi Delta and Delta Tau Delta in the final heat. ' Traveling trophies were presented to the two winning houses and each event Individual event winner received a plaque. These awards were sponsored by the Junior In terfrnternlty Council and Panhellenlc. The games, the final event 'in last week's Greek Week, were held on the south practice field. Plans completion of an additional mens dormitory on the east side of 17th St. in 1965. Such a plan is already in effect at Burr Hall on Ag campus. Ninety girls were housed in the east wing of this unit during first semes ter to ease overflow condi tions in the Women's Resi dence Halls. "This co-education living unit plan has Worked ex are working for peace so strongly and a part of that is working with fereign youth." What does the group miss most away from the Soviet Union? Miss Country Baranov said they missed the things that most other people would miss. "First, he said we miss our country. And since we are all married we miss our families. We are kept very busy here and do not have much time for rest and relaxation. A Soviet work day is seven hours. The Sovi ets also said they could not keep up on life in the U.S.S.R. because of a lack of access to Soviet newspapers. or to the 14th fleor for an aerial view of Lincoln. During the luncheon with the Young Democrats and the Young Republicans Vadim Ko- ptflin, the young lecturer, sat across the table from this re porter and was asked many questions about the Soviet Un ion by members of the polit ical clubs. Koptilin said that within the next 10 years the Soviet Un ion would catch up and pass the United States in every form of industry. Why did the Soviets propose to do this? Koptilin said that the Soviet Union wanted to raise the standard of living to that of the United States. Hungary? Then the question was asked whether or not Russia would force their aid or help onto other countries such as Hun gary? Koptilin said that Rus sia does not force their aid upon any country that does not want it. The leaders of the political clubs then tried to point out the differences between the two parties. The speakers were continually asked to be more specific in their an swers. At the press confer ence later in the afternoon the answers given by the Soviets were of a more general na ture. Saturday they went to some farms near Crete and In the evening were entertained by the Nebraska International Association (NIA). The Soviet delegate seemed to enjoy the Latin Ameri can music of four members of the NIA. Yesterday, the group took In the movie "Pepe" instead for New Dormitory tremely well at Burr this year," Harper said, "and we see no reason why the method could not be used again. In fact we have had fewer problems in' Burr since the girls started living there than before. Harper said this plan will also make it easier to fi nance the new building. Finances "Living units are financed The Nebraskan MMM World What, if anything, has the group seen in the U.S. that they would like to see emu lated in the U.S.S.R.? Again the group leader Ba ranov took the lead and said that they had seen many good farms and had been told of the great yields on some of these farms. He also said that the Soviet farmers get good yields on their farms. "On the negative side," Ba ranov said, "we have seen the unproductive use of ma chinery and the non-equal de velopment of all aspects of farm work." Corn Yields Baranov said, "I would like the Soviet farms to have corn yields like those of the better of touring the State Historical Society as scheduled. Today, they will visit some of the industries in the Lin coln area. Class Visits Tuesday morning will be spent visiting classes on the University and Wesleyan cam puses. Yanis Vaivods, Inga Runo va and Nicholas Bevad. the interpreter, will visit the inte grated courses in journalism. Vadim Koptilin and G u n a r Telyashev will visit a Russian language class. At 10 a.m. Koptilin will visit a political science lec ture and Telyashev will visit a chemical engineering class. Mavr Davtyan will visit a law class. Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. in the Student Union, Dr. A. T. An derson, Dr. Erwin Goldstein and Warren Brown will repre sent the U.S. in the open for um. The Soviet members have not been named. Ivy Sing Meeting Song leaders for associ ated Women Students (AWS) Ivy Day Sing are to meet in 232 Student Union, today at 5 p.m. Each song leader should bring three copies of the selection and the $3 en try fee if it has not already been paid, according to Nickie Christie, Ivy Day Sing chairman. TODAY ON CAMPUS Monday: Dr. A. W. Kuchler, Univer sity of Kansas, lecture: "The Mosaic of Phyto Coenoses," 7:30 p.m., 244 Keim Hall. FY I vT BETA BITING MUD Whoops! One Beta loses his foothold efforts, the Beta's didn't garner the first and takes a mud-bath during the Greek place award, as the brawny members of Games tug-of-war event. Despite all their Sigma Alpha Kpsilon were the victors. by rent payments." Harper said. "Filling unoccupied rooms with men students will enable the University to plan for a future increase of women students without the loss of revenue from idle facilities." The housing expansion is being accompanied by ad ministrative reorganization to centralize housing fi nances under one office. farms in Iowa. We need to have been here longer to give you a truly full answer." Vadim Koptilin, the lectur er, said that he very much liked the machines in the U.S. factories. "In 10 years the U.S.S.R. will catch the U.S. in indus try and the same goes for agriculture. I would like to see some aspects of the Amer ican fraternities taken back to the Soviet Union especial ly the serenading." Do you fell you have been subjected to ill treatment while in the U.S.? Soviet Colonies In reply to this question Yanis Vaivods, the journalist from the Soviet Youth, said, "One girl in the YWCA at Iowa State University said that the Baltic states of Lithu ania, Estonia and Latvia are colonies of the Soviet Union. I am from Latvia and consid ered 'this to be an abuse." In direct contrast to this Baranov said "This tiny ex perience -cannot influence our general experience. I do not know of any unfriendly feeling toward the group. The gov ernments and the legislatures have been good and welcomed us. We have also had good faculty and professional con tacts. "People who have been in contact with us want to bet ter the relations between our countries," Baranov said. Did the U.S. correspond to your preconceived notions? Definite Yes The answer to this was a very definite, yes. Baranov said that he had read widely of the U.S. in both newspa pers and magazines. Khrushchev has said that Soviet newspapers are too dull for readers. What is be ine done about this? "I have never heard any-' thing of that sort. Otherwise how could our papers have such a large circulation? The Komsomol Pravda has a cir culation of 3'2 million and there are over 100 different local newspapers and maga zines for young people in the Soviet Union." Baranov said that he doesn't think that their newspapers are without fault, but he add ed that the correspondents are doing their best to pro vide the best coverage. Better Sections. "The question is not to make the paper bigger, but to make all the different sec tions better," he said. "News papers are adding sections once a week containing inter esting material to attract new readers." Mrs. Inga Runova, a jour nalist for the Komsomol Pravda, said, "Pravda now has discussions and they get letters from readers which they answer through the newspapers." "Pravda has organized two - 1 II- roii Twin ." I f r tA i , 1 7 if Under this plan, financial records and duties of Uni versity controlled housing will be transferred from the house manager to the ad ministration. Students will pay rent di rectly to the housing office. Harper said he expects this move to develop uni formity in rate refunds and to make it easier to audit the records. Monday, April 24, 1961 clubs one for holding discus sions and one for movies. Now, Pravda is holding a public opinion institute con cerning aims f the younger generation." What does the Soviet edu cational system stress most and why does it stress that particular point? Correct Attitude "The Soviet educational sys tem is trying hard to give a college student an opportun ity to know everything that will be used in practical work. The system also stresses a correct attitude to physical work," Baranov said. "The aim of the system is to get students to share ideas of the people and work under the leadership of the Commu nist Party for the country." Baranov said the Soviet Un ion is proud of its educational system proud that it is free and that it has such good spe cialists to construct machin ery that will put a man into orbit and return him to earth. Did you have government preparation before you came? And did you have instructions on which questions to avoid? Equality, Friendship "From our childhood through all our life we are prepared to honor cur coun try with its equality of treat ment of people of different nationalities in the spirit of friendship," said Baranov. "No one from the government contacted us because of the many people going abroad. We just received a phone call from the committee that or ganized the trip and asked if we would like to go." The members had to meet several conditions before making the trip. Their own wish to meet the people and study the American culture and know about the United States. Having the money to pay for the trip. Having good health. Getting the consent of their husbands or wives. Task of getting vacations. The last question asked was about the Louie Armstrong show in Ames, la. Baranov said that the group was satis fied with the Armstrong con cert, but that the trumpeter made a great deal of noise. "I would prefer a little less noise, but that doesn't mean he isn't a good musician," Baranov added. During the press .conference the members of the Soviet delegation seemed very much at ease and laughed with the newsmen and women. Sue Stewart Heads Aquaquettes Qub Sue Stewart -was recently elected as the new president of Aquaquettes, women's syn chronized swimming group, for the coming school year.