The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan
Wednesday, April
19, 1961
Page 2
It seemed to be the gen
eral Pershing opinion the
other night that whatever
Lola wanted she could have
had. We can only wonder
about scene 9D at Chris
opher Colombus. If Miss
Brayton did as amazing a
job of overcoming the
acoustics at the post-roast
as at the ballgame, the na
tional pastime may be
shifting to leftfield.
Speaking of motion pic
tures, the nomination for
the oversight of the century
goes to Oscar Academy for
managing to pass "Inherit
the Wind" ... for slighting
the declaration of social in
dependance, for Ignoring a
fantastic presentation of
the right to be wrong, right,
or lonely. When MC Hope
mentioned his bond with
Richard Nixon and Arthur
Miller, be neglected the
biggest loser in the country
the Academy.
Three fine gentlemen
presently in consideration
for Innocents selection
Bruce Smith, Dean Brown,
and Esky Nauman have
asked that it be announced
that they are presently ac
cepting nominations for the
'Miss Student Body"
award to be presented at
the conclusion of the Egg
Eace Saturday.
Some of you may ponder
the manner by which peo
ple are selected for "posi
tions on this newspaper
So here we're gonna tell
you that
What is politely referred
to as the "publications
Around Our Campus
Eatfcjr'a Mate: Thai h
aerfe af arttetea write kr aa mm
an M Mask Mum Chapter af Mar-
Twenty-three depart
ments one art gallery
approximately 250 faculty
members who instruct 1700
students all characterize
the College of Arts and Sci
ences. Numerous courses,
from anthropology to zoolo
gy, are offered the student
who is seeking a liberal ed
ucation. Under graduation,
a student will have taken
courses grouped under
humanities, logic and math
ematics, the natural sci
ences, and perhaps journal
ism, a related subject
Next year a new major
in East-Asia will be added
to the curriculum of the
College. Major . require
quirements will Include a
four-year planned program
with courses in history, ge
ography, economics, politi
cal science and language.
A graduate of the program
will have an extensive back
ground la East-Asian life
which will qualify him for
a career in foreign affairs.
The University is one of
the few schools in the Unit
ed States which offers a
complete course in actu
arial science. A student
planning a career as an
actuary must take mathe
matics, economics and oth
er courses designed es
pecially to prepare him for
employment in the insur
ance business.
Professors of the College
of Arts and Sciences have
the opportunity to study un
der the sponsorship of the
Frank H. Woods Faculty
Fellowships. The Fellow
ships are awarded each
year to three faculty mem
bers of the College. De
signed to encourage schol
arship in the humanities,
the grants sponsor leaves
of absence for one semester
or one full academic year
to enable recipients to pur
sue research and creativi
ty. Since the first Fellow
ships which were awarded
for the academic year 1955
56, 18 faculty members
have received grants to
study abroad.
Paul Schach, professor of
German, spent the year of
1956-57 fa Iceland and Ger
many, acquiring the knowl
edge, experience and tech
niques necessary to con
clude his study of German
dialects and "to lay the
foundation for a real con
tribution in the field of Ger-
Daily Nebraskan
Member Amociaied Collertate
KcpresentaUve: National Advertising- Service, Incorporated I
Published at: Koora SI, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Ulh AS I
Telephone HE Z-7S31, ext. 4223, 4226, 4227
Tha Daffr Mrhrmakaa la faHhe Maaaar. Twwaa?, WraaMoay aa Ttt-
a OarMt tha athaal year, exmvt aaitac mcaUan aaa exam arrtaof, kr
ataOmta tha CatvenHr af Nlnwka mnirr utfaarluuina mi the Camnrtttm
aa tMitl a(alia m aa ctpmalaa af ntuavat aalaioa. PaMlraiiaa aaaer ta
tarUiirtimm M tha gatmaiaintea aa Htaarat rahllratlea ahaH ha fret final
Micartal eenaarshla aa tha aart af the KuhrammttM ar aa ih pn af mat S
aifiwi aatalaa tha I'nt.natf. Tha neKten af th Dally Kfbraskaa staff m
MnMMMijr impHMlMa fa what hcr Mr, ar . ar eaaaa la ha Pilate,
a'afcraarr t. t!tf. 5
(taharrlBttaa ratra are M per anantcr ar M far the ara4rmie 7rar.
MMtmnd aa aeaa4 riaa matter at Um aat afflca hj Laarala. Urhraafca.
ftCer tha act Aafart a, tail.
Har Dara ralhana
Maaaaiar E41lar Gretchra ShHIhrr,.
Unra WW ...Jtorm Reattr
Sparta Ml!c Hal rlmra 5
Kiaff Writrn . .....Ana Morer. IMrk nturkry, Jifaarr Maltfora'
Janiar mU Wrltan ........... Kara Hohllartb, Jaa Hark, t'lora 4 iar 5
Elraaor Bllliora
Klrtt Krwa Kdltnr Kark
Kiflrt ewi fcallar Dav ttaaUarla q
By Dick Stuckeyj
bored" selects these people i
following interviews and ex- !
tensive research in matters I
pertinent to . . . uh . . . I
Christmas presents.
And to those of you who I
hold no faith in .the inter- i
view system, thinking it I
incompetent, m a n-oh-man j
you oughta see the pub j
bored. Look around, Le-
roy, and read more on this i
page Friday concerning j
same spoiled system.
A note concerning the un- j
organized organization con- j
cerning the Peace Corps j
development here anyone I
interested in adding to the i
good push forward best j
first reconsider lest he sab- i
otage a fine effort. The j
push is not interested in the '
aid of the run-of-the-mall
liver lipped hypocrites im-1
bedded in activity garbage
with hopes of making it to
the big dump. And so it
would be best if all suit and
tie ABC politicians kept
their cottin pickin lillies off
the ashes man. It's not that
"the Peace Corps needs i
you," but rather, that it j
probably doesn't, so don't j
consider your Builders Cal-!
endar space essential.
Suggestion: Replace the j
weather bureau and j
the psychology department j
with Public Relations. In a j
round about way, "It's j
spring" (for immediate re- i
lease) was the greatest ex- j
pose since Sam Hall left j
the head window open in j
December ...
We dont smoke and we-i
dont chew,
And we don't recognize j
them that do.
manic philogy. One result
of his studies has been his
recently published book, I
"Erbyggja Saga."
During the same year,
Emanuel Wishnow, profes-1
sor of Music, undertook a
research project in England
to pursue a wealth of mu-1
sical literature of the 15th I
and 17th century composers. I
By his research on the I
epoch of pre-Bach music
which had been previously I
neglected, Professor Wish-
now strived "to enhance I
the instrumental literature I
known today in the United f
Professor Reino Virtanen
of the French department
has just returned f r o m
France where, during the 1
year 1959-60, he collected
materials and read works
of Paul Valery, and inter-1
viewed writers Jules Ro-1
mains and George Duham-
el. Since his return, he has I
"launched into the writing"
of an essay on "Scientific 1
Imagery in Valery's
Prose;" "Science in the
Novels of Jules Remains,
George Duhamel and Rog-1
er Martin du Card;" and
"Existentialism and Natur- I
al Science." Professor Vir-1
tanen's most recently pub-1
lished book is Claude Ber-1
nard and His Place in the I
History of Ideas.
At the present time Pro-1
fessor Gail Butt of the art
department is pursuing a
program of creative work I
in painting and nlated re-1
search in Japan. Studying
in Berlin, Professor Koehl
of the history department
is tracing the evolution of
an SS leadership corps dur-1
ing the period 1929-39.
He expects "to write a f
history of the SS leader-1
ship" during this period by
developing biographies of
from fifty to one hundred SS
officers. Professor Bernice
S 1 o t e is studying manu-
scripts of Dylan Thomas'
poems in Wales and is con- 1
tinuing her research of the
influence of primitivism in
literature. 1
Next fall the art depart-
ment is planning a state-1
wide survey of available fa-1
cilities for art exhibitions.
Art works will then be sent
to towns which are ade-
quately equipped to display I
thtm. Doane and Hastings i
Colleges have already re-1
ceived such loans. I
Frets, International Prem
1 i lp I
mm h m i
SIP )'i TcA f
m m i Mkx
i p If iff Kf ir 5
Sf' . j
life ''f'( -I 1 ..f'J
Tonce. on im i vjqm't
Daily Nebraskan
Cynicism Prevalent
In Today's Society
I To the editor:
The labels of "imprac
tical" and "idealistic"
which have been attached
to the Peace Corps reflect
attitudes of materialism and
cynicism which are increas
ingly prevalent in today's
society. The idea that a
man will sujugate his de
sires of wealth, comfort,
and security to those such
as empathy, and philan
thropy seems so preposterous
to many of us that we
merely dismiss the man
with the convenient label
of "an idealist."
These attitudes reflect the
Americanism of today the
America in w hich the phrase
"almighty dollar" is uttered
not without reverence; a so
ciety which consistently
lives above its income; a
country in which success is
not measured in personal
satisfaction, or evei in ac
tual achievement, but in an
individual's ability to keep
up with the Jones's or to
put on a good front.
Such is the nation which
created, and yet seems to
despair this idealism. Cau
tion is necessary, but at
tempts to discourage an al
ready too cynical youth can
lead only to ill.
A fear of expressing a
desire for asthetic values is
all too common today. We
cynical and satirical youth
are afraid to present our
dreams to others for fear of
having them shattered. Why
not soften up live for these
ideals and don't be afraid
to stand up for them or to
express them.
However, the Peace Corps
doesn't need just aa idealist
anv more than it wants a
strict so-called "realist."
The men and women who
are to be our embassaries
and who will accomplish
the ends which tbey are
charged with must be, if you
will excuse the phrase, realistic-idealists.
There must
be people w ho will not easily
be disillusioned by the hard
ships which they will be
called upon to carry.
The Peace Corps should
be a part of everyone here
at the University we stu
dents can do more to show
the true Americanism than
any other Americans.
It has to start here we
can't acquire ideals as soon
as we enter a foreign coun
trywhy not attend a NIA
meeting Why not?
Bob Nve
Action IS'eeded
Against Subrosas
To the editor,
What is wrong with the
Administration and the stu
dent body on this campus?
Why aren't they backing
this fight against the sub
rosa organizations? Is it be
cause they're cowards or is
it because they're members
of the Red Dots, TNE's, or
the Pi Xi's.
It won't be a pretty pic
ture when the students fi
nally realize that the sub
rosa organizations will have
completely taken over this
campus. These groups will
exercise so much power
that every one of ns wDI be
like a needle In a hay
stack. Do you think your
votes will actually count in
important elections? NO!
These subrosa organizations
wifl choose whoever they
want, whether it be a cam
pus queen or' the president
of the IFC or PanheL Tell
me, do you want this cam
pus to be dictatorial or do
you want it to be demo
cratic? Take your choice.
The April 11th editorial of
the Daily Nebraskan print
ed .what eight national so
cial fraternities on t h i s
campus had to" say about
subrosa organizations, but
evidently they don't enforce
these policies. If the fra
ternities are so much
against these groups, why
don't they do something
about it, or, as we said
once before, are they cow
ards? It's time for the students
wake up. The minute you
shut your eyes on a situa
tion such as this, you are
inviting trouble. It's high
time everyone takes action.
Express your views, get the
subrosa members out of
the fraternity and sorority
houses, get them out of high
offices, get tbem off this
If every one of you want
to support these atrocious,
nonethical groups, go
ahead, but there are still a
few students on this cam
pus who will fight it out
until the very end. Let's
breathe free air once again
on the University of Ne
braska campus.
Auntie Subrosa
Ideology Sim ilarities
looted byjieader
To the editor.
After reading the articles
appearing in the Daily Ne
braskan about subrosas, I
have become more fully
aware of the similarities be
tween these subroasas and
the major deterrent to the
free way of life . . . TO
this dramatic statement
may bring plenty of laughs
from some of the students
on the campus. But if one
stops and looks at how the
fascists and communists get
their starts, there is a sim
ilarity especially to fas
cism. Tascism has been
made well known by the
Germans in World War II.
Among other things, its
doctrine is based on the de
nial of human equality and
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KcK You.
a code of behavior based on
A MEMBER must live in
a world of lies the day he
joins the CLUB. SECRECY
above all else! But how
about the oath he made
when he became an active
member of his legitimate
One -.of the major
strengths of totalitarianism
is its underground activi
ties. To me it seems some
what similar to the activi
ties of the subrosas. Before
the subrosas can rise
again and control this Uni
versity's students as they
have in the near past, I
think we, as members of
the University of Nebraska,
should rise up and protest
these organizations ... or
shall we submit to their
subversive activities?
W. N.
$Uie4 raatwa Srnlicala, lac
A brand new
of Sunday
tmmS strips
The perfect
spring pick-up
At your college bookstore
226 No. 10 I
A new first bvs hit the
campus a real Greek
I am now a junior and
never before have the pre
vious so- a-
Greek I
Weeks ft
shown as
much ac-
e a mDlish- J .
ment and
as the pres
ent affair. -
Each ' A
year the Beatty
Greeks (perhaps a gross
generalization) have
pledged themselves to the
high ideals and purposes
that their respective houses
are based upon.
So far this year, Greek
Week has REALLY started
to show what it should be.
Whether it be showing
good taste, a show of good
scholarship or sound busi
ness practices within the
individual houses, this year
it is not a Greek Weak.
I venture to say that one
of the big reasons this
Greek Week is an improve
ment over the previous
shindigs is the general im
provement in the system it
self. The respect and pres
tige of the Greeks in gen
eral is much higher than
what it was just two years
The success and failure
of any such vast organiza
tion such as the fraterni-
C. L STORER, Jeweler 124 No. 12th
Cl block north of "O" on e vie of 12rk)
VvX (Author of 1 Wat a Teen-ap Dwarf," "The Man
A Commencement Day draws near, the question on everyone's
lips is: "How did the different disciplines come to be marked by
academic robes with hoods of different colors?" Everybody
but everybody a asking it. I mean I haven't been able to walk
ten feet on any campus in America without somebody grabs my
elbow and says, "How did the different disciplines come to be
marked by academic robes with hoods of different colors, bey?"
This, I must say, is not the usual question aAed by collegians
who grab my elbow. Usually they say, "Hey, Shorty, got a
Marlboro?" And this is right and proper. After all, are they not
collegians, and, therefore, the nation's leaders in intelligence
and discernment? And do not intelligence and discernment de
mand the tastiest in tobacco flavor and smoking pleasure? And
does not Marlboro deliver a flavor that is uniquely mellow, a
electrate filter that is easy drawing, a pack that is soft, a bo
tli hard? You know it!
lit. J I ? -
But I digress. Eatk to the colored hoods of academic robes.
A doctor of philosophy wears blue, a doctor of medicine wears
green, a master of arte wears white, a doctor of humanities wears
crimson, a master of library science wears lemon yellow. Why?
Why, for example, show; master of library science wear lemon
Well sir, to answer this vexing question, we must go bade to
March 29, 1844. On that date the first public library in U
United States was established by Ulric Sigafoos. AM of Mr.
Sigafoos's neighbors were of course wildly grateful all, that
is, except Wrei Todhunter.
Mr. Todhunter had hated Mr. Sigafoos since 1822 when both
men bad wooed the beauteous Melanie Zitt and Melanie had
cbosen Mr. Sigafoos because be was mad for dancing aod Mr.
Sigafoog knew all the latest steps, like the Missouri Compromise
Mambo, the Shay's Rebellion Schottiscbe, and the James K.
Polk Polka, while Mr. Todhunter, alas, eouM not dance at al
owing to a wound be had received at the Battle of New Orleans.
(He was struck by a falling praline.)
Consumed with jealousy at the success of Mr. SgatWs
library, Mr. Todhunter resolved to open a competing library.
This he did, but be lured not a single patron away from Mr.
Sigafoos, "What has Mr. Sigafoos got that I haven't got?" Mc
Todhunter kept asking himself, and finally the answer came to
him: books.
So Mr. Todhunter stocked Lis library with lots of dandy books
and soon he was doing more business than his hated rival.
But Mr. Sigafoos struck back. To regain his clientele, be began
emng tea free of charge at his library every afternoon. There
upon, Mr. Todhunter, not to be outdone, began serving tea
with rugar. Thereupon, Mr. Sigafoos began serving tea with
sugar and cream. Thereupon, Mr. Todhunter began servicr
tea with sugar and cream and lemon.
This, of course, clinched the victory for Mr. Todhunter be
cause he had the only lemon tree in town -in fact, in the entire,
state of North Dakota-and since that day lemon yellow has of
course been the color on the academic robes of library science.
(Incidentally, the defeated Mr. Sigafoos packed up bis library
and moved to California where, alas, be faUed once more. There
were, to be sure, plenty of lemons to serve with his tea, but,
alas, there was no cream because the cow was not introduced
til CaJifrimia until 1071 V, T,.t n:
" "j uuu
And todai Californium, happy among their Guerntcyt and
Hohtetnt, arm ditcovering a great new, cigarette tht un.
Mltered, king-iiie Philip Morrit Commander end to are
American in aU Uty elate. Welcome aboard! 4. i,
By A'orm Beatty
ties and the sororities as
a group, however, r e 1 y s
partially upon the type of
leadership behind it.
I can reasonably under
stand why 30 odd fraternal
organizations would be apt
to slide into mediocrite or
worse when the leaders of
the system themselves are
incapable and In some
cases, inconsistent with the
duties of the office they
An example is when the
ideal of Greek Week itself
was brought into the public
eye this year a hail of crit
ics came out of the wall and
condemned Greek Week on
the basis of its predecessors
before it had a chance to
work. Yet the IFC payed
no heed and pushed on to
the successful Greek Week
we now have.
Logically, then, the suc
cess of this year's Greek
Week is directly responsi
ble to both the individual
houses and the fine leader
ship of the Interfraternity
Council. Both should be
commended for showing
what the Greek houses
should and DO stand for
on this campus.
Aside from my preju
diced view, and the criti
cism of the independents,
the fraternities and sorori
ties play an integral part
in making this University
the respected institution it
is today.
Vz Price!
plus tax
- - -
yue. eiteu