The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1961, Image 1

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Ag&ard Action Prompts Extension of Library Hours
uruive w
..w. .... , By Jlm t orrest
A proposal presented by
the Ag Exec Board which
calls for the temporary ex
jpflgjnn of Ag Library hours
" (on a test basis) has re-,
ceived full approval from
the Administration.
Adam C. Breckenridge,
dean of faculties, announced
Friday that his office had
instructed Frank Lundy, di
rector of University libra
ries, to work out a plan that
would extend the library
hours to 10:30 p.m. for the
rest of this semester and
the 1961 Fall semester.
Late Friday afternoon
Lundy reported that he had
met with his staff and that
"as soon as a responsible
person can be found to su
pervise the late shift and
the campus police have
Training Center
Faculty Supports
Peace Corps Plan
Enthusiastic faculty support has been given the Peace
Corps program, necessary if Nebraska is to be successful as
a Peace Corps training center.
In one of a series of special faculty interviews, Dr. Rob
ert Sakai, professor of Far Eastern History, reflected that
"The faculty of the University have been stimulated by the
possibilities of the Peace Corps. The opportunity for accom
plishing good greatly outweighs the pitfalls of the program."
Dr. J. C. Olson, Chairman
of the Department of History,
emphasized "The Peace Corps
is a dramatic and imagina-
tive expression of the spirit
that built America."
Professor of Russian His
tory Dr. A. T. Anderson re
marked "We cannot sell short
the capacity of American
friendliness and good will to
gain the confidence of people
abroad as to the good inten
tions of our government and
people. And who can deny the
positive impression made upon
people abroad when they ofr
serve American youth leaving
an affluent society of abun
dance in order to help oth
ers?" "The Peace Corps will not
revolutionize our world posi
tion," cautioned Dr. Norman
Hill, professor of Internation-
al Relations in Political Sci
ence, "but it embodies some
of the initiative and Imagina
tion which we need to fight
the cold war.'
Dr. Edward I. Fry, assist
ant professor of anthropology,
labeled the project an "Ex
ellent idea, if we can pro
vide the Peace Corps mem
bers with adequate training
in the culture of the nation
to which they will be sent."
Dr. Anderson outlined the
challenge which faces the
Peace Corps:
"The American youth is
challenged not to impose his
culture and government on
other people of the world, but
to aid them in developing a
viable way of living to re
duce starvation, illiteracy and
disease. Americans must
eventually begin to think of
devoting a part of their life to
other people of the world, but
sending talent abroad which
today considers its first re
sponsibility to establish a
business and a home once
college has been completed."
Dr. Olson cautioned that the
U.S. must be modest in their
start to insure initial success.
"If the first group does not
make a good impression, we
might as well abandon the pro
ject," said Dr. Anderson.
Dr. Fry noted, "It would
be a waste of knowledge and
ability to send a college-prepared
teacher to fix tractors
or build roads. This is no Boy
Scout venture We must
match the job with talent."
"The Peace Corps is not a
joy ride, as many who in
tended to enter seem to think.
And we cannot become so im
mersed in creating good will
that we do the exact oppo
site," Dr. Hill interjected.
Nebraskans Effective
Does Nebraskan's boast of
longevity and health better
qualify our youth as "Peace
Corps members than youths
from other states?
Dr. Sakai added, "Nebraska
youth are largely drawn from
an agricultural population
which does not shrink from
manual labor. Familiar with
the soil, these youths are in
a unique position to work
alongside the peasant and
fanner from Asia to Africa,
dispelling the Communist in
spired impression of the
American as the 'big, fat
"Midwesterners strike a
kind of balance in American
qualities which are considered
good," said Dr. Anderson.
"This region, if not the best
from which to draw talent,
certainly is near the top of
the reservoir of talent."
And what will the actual im-
(Continued to page 4)
been informed of the ex
tended hours, the new sys
tem will go Into effect."
The library director went
on to say that the change
"f will probably take
place sometime this week.
The new hours for the Ag
library will be 7:40 a.m.
10:30 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and 7:40 a.m.-4:50
p.m. Friday and Saturday.
It was also announced that
the Ag library will, under
the new system, open on
Sundays at 2 p.m. and close
10:30 p.m. ,
Poll Prompts Approval
The library's approval
came following a poll con
ducted of Ag students in fra
ternities, dorms and co-ops,
graduate students and fac
ulty members. Those polled
expressed the . need for a
change. A totai of 700 polls
New Staff
Anne Sowles Named
Yearbook Editor
Anne Sowles has been
named editor of the 1961-62
Miss Sowles is a junior in
the school of journalism, and
is vice-president
of Delta
Gamma and
of Theta Sig
ma Phi, wom
en's journal
ism honorary.
Named as
sociate e d i t
ors were Kar
en Costin and
Lynn Wright.
. -
Miss Costin,
copy editor of the book, is a
junior in journalism, and is a
member of Delta Gamma,
Theta Sigma Phi and Orches
is. Miss Wright, photo editor
for 1961-62, is secretary of
Kappa Alpha Theta, and is
vice-president of All Univer
sity Fund (AUF).
All three have served pre
viously as managing editors
of the Cornhusker.
The four sophomore manag
ing editors will be Honey Lou
McDonald, member of Kap
pa Kappa uamma; lyntma
Holmquist, Delta Gamma;
Pat Mullen, Kappa Alpha
Theta and Helen Schmierer,
Serving as business man
ager will be Mark Sorenson, a
junior and a member of Phi
Delta Theta.
His assistant will be Pam
Holloway, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma; and John Nolan, Phi Del
ta Theta. Both are sopho
Interviews for section ed
itors of the 1961-62 Cornhus
ker will be held Wednesday.
Chemistry Coed
Wins Fellowship
Sonia Ruth Anderson, a sen
ior in the department of che
mistry at the University, has
been rewarded a National Sci
ence Foundation Cooperative
Fellowship for graduate study
in biochemistry at the Univer
sity of Illinois.
Spring Day to be Bigger,
By Sue Hovik
Jousting, roller skating, egg blowing and bicycle ob
stacle racing contests are just a few of the many games
organized houses, dorms and co-ops may enter in the
Spring Day competition.
This year, Spring Day competition will be held on Ag
campus. This new location will offer a bigger and better
game site plus opportunities for a wider variety of games.
Two men from each men's organization will enter the
jousting competition. The man riding on the other man's
shoulders will not be allowed to be tied or strapped on.
These gallant knights will charge at each other with gar
bage can lids and a padded pole at a distance of twenty
yards. The object is to dismount the opponent's rider or
drive them out of the three-foot lane in two out of three
Five member teams from each women's organization
will compete in the roller skating relay. Wearing regula
tion steel-wheeled roller skates, each girl will skate around
the Ag campus mall. One member from each team will
start on a given signal, skate around the mall, and tag the
next girl in line. The winner will be the team to complete
the course first.
Egg Blowing -
In the egg blowing contests, one girl from each organi
zation will move an eggshell 20 feet to the finish line by
blowing only. Crawling on hands and knees behind the egg
were distributed by the Ag
Exec Board.
The poll was initiated aft
er a reply was received
from the Student Council to
voice an opinion. The reply
stated nothing could be
done unless the Board in-1
vestigated the complaints
concerning the Ag library
still further. ,
The campus improvement
committee of the Board
with the aid of other mem
bers felt some concrete
facts and evidence were
needed, according to Russ
Edeal, Ag Exec represent
ative from Alpha Zeta.
"This committee also felt
specific needs of the stu
dent, Relative to lengthen-
Vol. 74, No. 93
By Jack Sack
Three senior male students
will be awarded the C. W.
Boucher Memorial Awards,
given annually for scholastic
excellence, at the University
Honors Convocation Tuesday
at 10:15 a.m. in the Coliseum.
The recipients will be Don
A. Kaufman, David R. Mc
Conahay and Francis P. Mc
Camley. -
Featured speaker at the
33rd annual Honors Convoca
tion will be Federal Judge
John R. Brown of Houston,
Tex., a University graduate
and former resident of Hol
drege. His topic will be "You
Don't Know Nothing Yet!"
The native Nebraskan was
appointed by President Eisen
hower in 1955 as Circuit judge
of the U.S. Courts of Appeal
Wunderlich to Speak
Greek Week Convocation
Features Subrosa Topic
. By Dave Wohlfarth
The Greek Week convoca
tion will feature a speech by
Herbert J. Wunderlich, Dean
of students at Kansas State
College, Thursday at 7 p.m.
in the U n l
Auditorium. "W u n der-
lich's speech
topic will cov
er, in part, a
discussion of
subrosa fra
t e r nities,"
said Don Fer
guson, Inter
frat ernity
Council (IFC) President.
Wunderlich has been the
dean of students at Kansas
State since 1955. He previsous
ly held a similar position at
Peace Corps Meeting
There will be a special
meeting Tuesday at 8:00
p.m. in the Student Union
for all University students
interested in the Peace
The purpose of the meet
ing is to outline a plan for
the future of the University
of Nebraska as a possible
Peace Corps training cen
ter. Anyone desiring further
information should contact
R e n n y Ashleman, Jack
Burns, Marvin Keller, or
Bob Nye.
ing the library hours, should
be known," he said.
When the results of the
poll were tabulated and pre
sented to the B o a r d, its
members voted to recom
mend the proposed changes.
The proposal was then for
warded to the Administra
tion for action.
Longer Hours Needed
Many students and faculty
members of the college
have a very serious prob
lem and great need for
longer Ag library hours.
This is shown, said Edeal,
by the return of 387 of the
700 of the polls distributed,
or a return of 55.3 per cent.
A large majority of the
students polled, 86 per cent,
for the Fifth Circuit, compris
ing Texas, Louisiana, Flor
ida, Georgia, Alabama, Mis
sissippi and the Canal Zone.
More than 600 students who
rank in the upper 10 per cent
of their classes will be hon
ored. Special recognition will
be given to 79 seniors who
rank in the upper three per
cent or who have been on the
honor roll since their fresh
man year.
Highest Senior .
The Boucher award for the
senior student with the high
est four - year accumulative
grade average will go to Kauf
man. He has an average of
- Kaufman is enrolled in
Teachers College majoring in
general science. He is a mem
ber of Sigma Xi, honorary
the University of Montana.
He was assistant dean of
men at the University of
Washington from 1936 to 1938,
and from 1938-1942 was dean
of men and executive secre
tary to the president of the
University of Idaho.
Native of Idaho
A native of Coeur d Alene,
Ida., Dean Wunderlich holds
his B.A. in history from the
University of Idaho, his M.A.
in history from Harvard and
his doctor's degree from Stan
ford. Wunderlich, who holds mem
bership in Delta Sigma Rho,
Phi Delta Kappa and Phi
Beta Kappa, was also assist
ant dean of students at Stan
ford University for two years.
In the U.S. Navy from 1942
to 1946, Wunderlich rose to
the rank of commander and
his last duty being on Mac
Arthur's staff in Tokyo where
he was in charge of textbook
revision for Japan.
In preparation for this duty
he attended the University of
Chicago, where he received a
military government certifi
cate. He received the army
merit citation for this work.
High Point !
The convocation is being
tabbed by IFC officers as one
of the high points of Greek
Week, which started yester
day with Greeks attending'
church and open houses.
The plans for this year's
Greek Week were laid by the
Jr. IFC, then approved by the !
shell, the contestant will not be allowed to use her hands,
feet or nose to stop or direct the ball. .
Each contestant from a men's organization will com
plete a total of ten laps in the bicycle obstacle race: five
laps around the regular track, two laps through the ob
stacle course, and three laps around the regular course
again. Each contestant will furnish his own standard
American bicycle, with standard 26" wheels. The fenders
may be removed if so desired.
.The obstacle course consists of one ramp, one teeter
totter, a sharp S curve, and a zig-zag between poles. At the
end of the first obstacle lap, the contestant must ring a bell
and blow a horn to let the crowd know that he has finished
that lap.
At the end of the second obstacle lap, the contestant
will stop, pick up a flag which has his number on it, and
put on four articles of women's clothing before finishing
the last three laps carrying his flag. The winner will be
the one who completes the lap in the least amount of time.
Trophies to Winners
In each of the contests, trophies will be awarded to
first place winners, and second and third place winners
will receive prizes.
In addition there will Te two mystery events. All
houses, co-ops, and dorms wishing to enter Spring Day
competition must have the entry forms filled in and re
turned by April 20.
wanted the Ag library hours
extended. The faculty did
not favor extending the
hours but they did express
the opinion that students
would probably need it, said
The results of the poll
also showed that 88 per cent
of the students who an
swered the poll wanted the
library open on weekends,
especially Sunday.
Although the original rec
ommendation from the
Board called for a 11 p.m.
extension Dean Brecken
ridge suggested that the
hours be extended only un
til 10:30 p.m.
"If we find there is a war
rant for extending the hours
The Nebraskan
science society, Mu Epsilon
Nu, honorary teachers soci
ety,, and this year is the re
cipient of the Herbert Brown
ell Scholarship.
McConahay, whose average
is 8.364, will receive the
award for maintaining the
highest scholarship record
among senior athletic letter
men in a major sport. He is
a member of the varsity golf
team. He's is a chemistry and
pre-medical major.
McConahay is a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma
Xi, both national honorary so
cieties, and president of Phi
Kappa Psi social fraternity.
McConahay was also a
member of the University
band, assistant business man
ager of the Cornhusker year-
IFC. The project was turned
over to the IFC affairs com'
mittee under chairman Roger
After consulting Panhellen
tic, which sent representatives
to help in the organization of
Greek Week, the plan was co
ordinated by the affairs com
mittee. The Jr. IFC and Pan
hellenic are responsible for
organizing each day.
Greek Week's new activities
this year include the convo
cation, open houses, house din
ners, serenades, exchange din
ners, an IFC-Panhellenic din
ner, discussion groups, facul
ty speakers, a housemother's
coffee and a Help Project.
Also included are the tra
ditional Greek Games, which
will be held Saturday at 2
p.m. this year.
Cold War Debate
A discussion meeting on
the Cold War G.I. Bill will
be held Wednesday at 7
p.m. in 232 Student Union.
This Cold War bill is now
being considered by Con
gress. The meeting is being
held to acquaint the ex-servicemen
with the contents
and possible consequences
of the bill and its status at
the present time in Con
AH ex-servicemen not at
present receiving G.I. Bill
privileges are urged to at
tend. The public is invited.
to 11 p.m., we will take an
other look," said the dean
of faculties.
Extension Is Improvement
"The 10:30 p.m. extension
is an improvement," said
Edeal, who coordinated the
work on the poll. "We
thought that the 11 p.m.
closing hour would be more
beneficial, but if it is the
Administration's experience
with Love library that 10:30
p.m., is sufficient then it
would be advantageous for
us to go along with them."
Lundy said that extending
the library hours from the
present 73 hours per week
to the proposed 86 hours per
week will cost an additional
$100 in salary this semester
o inree
book and president of Inno
cents Society and Corn Cobs.
ROTC Candidate
The third Boucher award
will go to McCamley for the
senior ROTC candidate for an
officer's commission with the
highest four-year accumula
tive grade average. His aver
age is 8.120.
McCamley is majoring in
agricultural economics. He is
a member of Alpha Zeta, ag-
Health Day
Meet Features
Dr. Fishbein
The feature speaker at the
annual Health Day Convoca
tion to be held at the Uni
versity this Thursday will be
Dr. Morris Fishbein, former
editor of the American Med
ical Association's Journal.
Dr. Fishbein, one of the
leaders of the American Med
ical Association (AMA), will
deliver two addresses on the
topic of marriage. "Prepara
tion for Marriage" will be the
subject of an 11 a.m. session.
The second session at 8:30
p.m. will feature a discussion
of "Successful Marriage."
Sponsored by the Univer
sity's Health Service, depart
ment of physiology and Divi
sion of Public Health, the
sessions are open to the pub
lic. Dr. Fishbein has edited
two books on marriage, "Suc
cessful Marriage," published
in 1955, and "Modern Mar
riage and Family Living,"
published in 1957.
He is presently ' editor of
Voice of Medicine, Medical
World News, and World Wide
Abstracts of General Medi
cine. He also is medical ed
itor of the Britannica Book
of the Year. He was editor of
the AMA Journal from 1924
1950. In addition to articles on
marriage, Dr. Fishbein has
written about socialized medi
cine, obstetrical care, mus
cles, colds, hay fever, social
diseases, harmonious liar-
mones, poliomyelitis, medical
quacks, influenza, the truth
about candy and the Heart.
Dr. Fishbein is professor
emeritus of the University of
Chicago and the University of
Illinois Colleges of Medicine.
Budget Hearings
To Begin Today
The legislature's budget
committee will begin public
hearings today on the Univer
sity's proposed $30,605,893
Sen. Richard Marvel of
Hastings, chairman, said the
committee would probably
wait until Tuesday to hold an
executive session on the budg
et and that the tentative de
cisions made then would not
be made public until recom
mendations were presented to
the legislature in June.
About $2,500,000 of the re
quested $5,600,000 increase is
for salary raises, $900,000 for
a pension program and $15,
000,000 for new or expanded
Soc Chairmen Meet
All fraternity social chair
men are asked to meet with
the Corn Cobs Tuesday
night at 7 p.m. in 348 Stu
dent Union.
If the social .hairmen
cannot attend they are asked
to send another house offi
cer, according to John Bis
choff of the Corn Cobs.
alone and $500 for next
"It is a good investment
. if it works out," he said.
During the temporary pe
riod, library officials will
watch closely the number of
students using the extended
hours. However, Lundy said
that the success of the ar
rangement will not hinge on
the remaining weeks of this
semester but officials will
consider the use it gets next
semester, also.
The library hours at pres
ent are 7:40 a.m.-9:20 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
and 7:40 a.m.-4:50 p.m. on
Friday and Saturday. The
Ag library is not open on
Monday, April 17, 1961
ricultural honorary, and an
Army ROTC Cadet Captain.
This past semester he re
ceived a distinguished ROTC
student award.
Also to be presented will be
the University Foundation
Distinguished Teaching
Awards in humanities and so
cial sciences and in physical
and technology sciences. C.
W. Battey, Foundation vice
president, will present the
$1,000 stipends to two recipi
ents on the Universtiy faculty.
Chancellor Clifford M. Har
din will preside at the Convo
cation and Dr. L e r o y T.
Laase, chairman of the Hon
ors Convocation committee,
will present the honored stu
dents. Steve Gage, student
representative of the commit
tee, will introduce the
The University Symphony
Orchestra, directed by Prof.
Emanuel Wishnow, will play
Overture to "Oberon," and
Semiramide Overture.
'Hunters' Own
Loin Cloth, Bow
The noted anthropological
film, "The Hunters" will be
presented Tuesday by the an
thropology department.
"This is the most remark
able anthropological film I
have ever seen", said Mr.
Clyde Kluckhohn, past chair
man of the division of anthro
pology of the National Re
search Council.
The film which will be
shown in Love Library Audi
torium at 1 p.m., 3 p.m., and
7 p.m., is concerned with the
rapidly disappearing Kung
Bushmen of South West Afri
These people hunt and gath
er melons for their food and
have a loin cloth and bow as
their only possessions.
Interviews Set
For Tribunal
Applications for Student Tri
bunal are now being accepted
at the Student Council office
room 339 Student Union.
Students who meet the gen
eral University requirements
for membership on the Tri
bunal may sign up for inter
views from today to 5 p.m.
A charter of the Tribunal
and a report of the recent
Tribunal committee's recom
mended changes will be avail
able for students to read when
they sign up, according to
A total of seven student
judges will be chosen.
Interviews will be held Sat
urday morning in the Union.
Board of Regents, 10:30
a.m., 308 Administration.