The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan
Tuesday, April 11, 1961
Why Are Students
Afraid to Speak?
"People are Funny" is a popular television show
which entertains many of us at one time or another. On I
this campus, people are funny and it's not very enter-
taming. .
Yesterday The Daily Nebraskan printed an article 1
which has taken neary three years of hard work and re-
search to complete. It was and still is the hope of this I
newspaper that the TNE's and the other subrosa groups 1
are thrown off this cammis for good.
Apparently some of the students of this University
are under the wrong impression about yesterday's TNE
article. It is not something that was left over from the
Pink Rag. It is not a joking matter.
. For years, the masses of the apathetic student body I
and the few of the leaders on campus have been com- i
plaining about the Administration and its tight control I
over the students. In some areas this is true, mainly be- 1
cause it is within the Administration's area of responsi-
Through the fault of the students and their continual
shunning of responsibilities, the Administration has had
to step in to take up the slack.
The picture, however, Is not a one-sided story. The
Administration has stepped over their limits many
times, so no one is pure. Perhaps this has been done,
knowingly or unknowingly on the part of the Administra-
tion, because the students won't bear the responsibilities I
that rightfully belong to them. i
People on this campus are afraid of anything that
may hint of change. People on this campus are afraid
to speak about some of the injustices that continue to
grow on this campus. The big question in our mind is
The staff of the Daily Nebraskan does not claim to be I
correct in everything it does. No one is ever one hundred
per cent correct all the time. But, The Daily Nebraskan
differs from the average student's opinion in that we are
not afraid of what we say.
The TNE activity on this campus is not a joke. If
you think it is just read over yesterday's article and then 1
think. Draw your own conclusions and make your own 1
decisions, form your own opinion then voice your I
opinion and get interested in the things that are running
your lives. v
- 1
1 t mi we most Keep sowe contact with those unhappy Cubans.
I What Social Fraternities
The Bite's Worse
Say About Subrosas
By Barbara Barker
After returning from a
glorious and grandiose ex
ploration of the city of New
York, I entered the Rag of
fice to wearily click off my
usual Monday-morning col
umn, only to find my "Bite"
ousted by the intended pub
lication of the ritual of one
of our campus's illustrious
sub rosa organizations. Al
ways enjoying a bit of mud
slinging and never ceasing
to thrill to the humming of
poison darts slashing an edi
tor, I deferred my editorial
comments until today's edi
tion, in hopes that the Let
terip column would not
make this effort look like a
mere flash-in-the-pan.
The advertising conven
tion which I attended-during
the past week, and the
memorable week of pleasure-pursuing
in which I in
dulged the week prior to it,
were all in all, magnificent.
I have been warned not to
comment on the plays
which I saw, beings as Mr.
Boroff has given literary
comment to many of them,
and being .one of the semi
literary masses who enjoys
such proceedings purely for
the sake of entertainment
(which I realize is a very
base reason for attending
such performances), I en
joyed the plays immensely,
and didn't find a bad one
among the lot
Being the aforementioned
semi-literate, I can, how
ever, comment on the many
nightclubs and cocktail
lounges (I'd say bars, but
they're really too intriguing
to be called bars) which I
frequented. It's really un
believable, I think, the un
usual decorations which can
be employed in making one
"bar" different from the
Probably about the most
fun part of exploring New
York City is the fact that
one is unbelievably incon
spicuous. It is impossible to
retain any amount of self
consciousness in a city of 7
million people, where every
one is minding his own busi
ness and nobody really cares
wnetner you do or don't do.
After living in Lincoln for
20 years, where everyone
bears if one deviates in any
manner from the ultra-con-
H (Editor's nolo: The MCond put of Mm report mi Thta
Nu Epillon la a oondrnied vmlon at what rlrhtorn ria
ls (umj aitniai Mtmit ia An thl. uniaiH h v. tn nr abont
SayS Bark " other IIbn orfanlraikwu.)
Nearly every national fraternity located at
2 Nebraska has a definite statement of non-
servative set standard, and I affmation with any activity , by subrosa or
after being here at school I ganizations Listed below is the stand of
the past four years, where i most of the fternities:
literally everyone knows I ALPHA GAMMA RHO: "No chapter shall
and makes it his or her I elect or initiate into Alpha Gamma Rho
any member of any exisiung secret gen
eral national college fraternity." Since
TNE is a secret organization, my in
terpretation is that the above clause bars KAPPA PHI:
our members from membership in it. Cer
tainly that would be the ruling of the Ex
ecutive Council of Alpha Gamma Rho.
Sleeter Bull, Grand Secretary.
business whether you 1
smoke, drink or don't drink,
frequent the Crib . or the 1
Grill, are or are not a Greek I
or an Independent, it is im- I
mensely refreshing to be 1
able to do what you want I
to do without havinc it .
come out among the scan- ALPHA TAU OMEGA: "Our fraternity
dal-mongers the next day. 1 (ATO) is in complete accord with the In-
tenraternity council at tne university oi
Nebraska in arresting the growth and in
fluence of TNE." Norman E. Ritchie,
Assistant' Executive Secretary.
talent, or poise, forget it. s BETA THETA PI: "Beta Theta Pi does not
You could strip on the street permit its members to be members of
any similar fraternity association. When
ever I have heard TNE discussed it has
always been in tones of derision or lack
of regard for it." J. Moreau Brown, Gen
eral Secretary.
The advertising business. 5 DELTA SIGMA PHI: ". . . is definitely op-
the mecca of which is New 1 posed to TNE and its actions, or any
similar organization. Membership in these
activities is prohibited and should we learn
that an individual is a member of any
such organization, he would be automat
ically expelled from the Fraternity."
Francis Wacker. Executive Secretary.
ing number of stereotypes DELTA TAU DELTA: "Members of Delta
among the higher echelons 1 Tau Delta fraternity may not join Theta
particularly. It's touch-and- a Nu Epsilon or Kappa Beta Phi."
go all the way if you know I FARMHOUSE: "Farmhouse is not in accord
the right people and get the 1 with the establishment and promotion
of organizations such as TNfc- and wiu
therefore cooperate with the administra
tion of any college or University in its
efforts to support only those fraternal or
ganizations which have purpose, validity
and reason for being on a college or uni
versity campus." Darl E. Snyder, Na
tional Secretary,
PHI GAMMA DELTA: "No person who
holds membership in Theta Nu Epsilon,
Kappa Beta Phi or any other organiza
tion of similar character hereafter desig
nated ... shall be eligible to member
ship in the Fraternity and . . . shall be
liable to expulsion."
PHI KAPPA PSI: ". . . Any member who
joins such organization shall thereupon
forthwith become and be suspended from
membership ... and if he persists in such
alliance, he shall be expelled from the
such a diabolic op-
If any of you plan to go to
New York to make a big 1
spasn spiasn witn a n y g
amount of beauty, brains, 1
and subsequently stab your- I
self and the only stir you
would possibly create is the i
clogging of a street-cleaning
machine. I
York City, is an awesome 1
thing, and my two optimis-
tic eyes were somewhat i
dimmed after learning of I
the distinct hierarchies of I
the business and the amaz-
breaks there's no limit to I
how far you may progress 1
ur to we salary you may a
earn. However, if these
things don't happen to come
your way, you could spend 1
mucn ot your career in an
agency mail room or steno I
pool at $55 a week. And I KAPPA SIGMA: "TNE Prohibited: No
that's no half-truth. Th e I
publishing end of journal- I
ism looks much brighter for
the aspiring young adver- I
tiser. In this field, you are I
accepted much more on I
your merits, and the ad-
vances in the field do not I
member of this Fraternity shall join the
class society known and TNE or any class
society which the E.E.C., by unanimous
vote, shall declare a similar organiza
tion, and no person being a member of
TNE, pr any similar organization, shall
be eligible to membership in this fratern-it."
look so distant and unattain- a PHI DELTA THETA:
And so, this columnist,
and for the present, sheep- s
skin-seeking student, has re-
turned to the Midwestern
norm, refreshed, spirited,
and ready to return to the
East coast and discover
more of the never-ending
fascinations of New York
Oh yes, Van, you must f
have created quite an im-
pression neraia square re-
membered you without any 1
reminder at all!
No member
may join any genenal or local . . . class
secret society or ribbon society existing
at the institution where his chapter is
established, in case his chapter shall
have adopted a by-law or passed a vote,
forbidding its members to join such so
ciety; . . . Membership in organizations
having a secret membership or those op
posed by the authorities of the institutions
where located, is prohibited."
eration as Theta Nu Epsilon would cer
tainly place any member of our fratern
ity ... in jeopardy of being expelled from
the fraternity by action of the National
of Theta Nu Epsilon, Kappa Beta Phi,
or any similar organization, shall be eligi
ble to membership in Sigma Alpha Ep
silon Fraternity . . . Any member who
violates this law shall be expelled from
the Fraternity."
SIGMA ALPHA MU: "Our National Officers
join ... in eradicating TNE or any other
subrosa fraternity from the campus of
the University of Nebraska. James
Hammerstein, Executive Secretary.
SIGMA CHI: "TNE. and any similar sub
rosa organization is definitely included in
our Fraternity's statutes, and the discip
linary measure indicated in these statutes
is applied without sympathy when such
cases are brought to tne attention ot me
Fraternittv's executive committee. (Pen
alty is expulsion.)" Murray K. McComas,
Assistant Exeoutive Secretary.
SIGMA NU: "No member of this Fiaternity
shall join or belong to Theta Nu Epteilon,
Kappa Beta Phi, or any other similar so
ciety which may be deciarea Dy me mgn
Council to be deteriments."
SIGMA PHI EPSILON: "No member of
Sigma Phi Epsilon shall belong to any
college society or organization, member
ship in which shall be inconsistent with
the principles of Sigma Phi Epsilon, such
as Theta Nu Epsilon, Kappa Beta Phi or
kindred society or organization."
THETA XI: "5.71 No member shall be eligi
ble to membership in this Fraternity who
is a member of any other similar college
fraternity or any outlaw fraternity."
DELTA UPSILON: "No member of the Fra
ternity shall belong to any college society,
membership in which shall be inconsistent
with the principles of this Fraternity nor
shall any member belong to any fraternity
represented In more than one institution,
professional and honorary excepted."
FERENCE: "On motion by Delegate
Hugh Ryan of Delta Sigma Phi, duly sec
onded and carried, the delegates voted
to recommend to the members of this
conference to advise their field secretaries'
to take appropriate action whenever they
found evidence of any activity by TNE or
any similar organization."
Nebraskan Letterip
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Colletiate Pres., International Pre
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
pBbUshed at: Boom 51, Student Union, Lincoln. Nebraska.
14th A K
Telephone HE t-7631. ext. 4225, 4226, 4227
Taa Dally Nrhratkaa l aualljhrd Mondar. TnMda. Wodimdao and Frl
af dollar tha oehool year, rirrpt during ratatlnni and tnn period, by
atndrata of the Dnlwnltj of Nrbraika ondrr anthorliatlon of the Committee
a Btudrnt Affairs aa aa axpmoloa of ttudnat opinion. Pabllratlaa under the
xrlH!tloa af the gnboommitb-o oa Student Publication! .ball be free from
editorial OMiurchlp aa the part ot the Subcommittee or oa the part of an?
Bonoa oatolde the Intromit?. Th member of the Dally Kebraikaa ataff are
prraonal.r mponiiblo to what they aay, at do, or eanta to a printed.
cooraarr a. not.
Smhacrlptloa ratea ara X nor ammrer or M h w .-.a.,. ....
ICtend ae aeernid else, matte, at th. po.t afneo ta .Near-afca. I " . , u "1B
to. ae of Aurmi , mt. ... solicitation for chanties pos-
'" d.t. r.ihou. se-
N.dU4;.;;;:v.V.V.V.:.V... rm"' I coPeration from
sparti Editor .V.V.'.'.'.'.V.V.'; nii Bwa I these people was a definite
EAVF Thanks
Faculty, Others
To the editor,
AUF would like to thank
members of the University
I faculty for their contribu-
tions in the recent All Uni
1 versity Fund drive.
The organization would
j also like to express its
gratitude to The Daily Ne
1 braskan staff, Jerry
I Petsche, Ed Hirsch and all
those people who made the
aid in helping students and
members of the faculty
work together for a very
beneficial cause.
The total amount received
from the faculty drive will
be published as soon as all
of the contributions have
been received.
The AH University Fund
Council Clarifies
Dorm Situation
To the Editor,
One point of clarification
should be made: Residence
Association for Women was
listed among those groups
losing their constitutions.
The reason for this is that
this organization has been
replaced by the Women's
Residence Association,
which is in perfectly good
There has been some ad
verse publicity in various
circles about the new or
ganization and it would be
well if this were cleared
Thank you,
David Bliss, '
Student Council
Now that the Pink edition
and the "T" exposure have
passed, I have great news
for the male faction of our
community before the next
Men! Are
you tired
of campus
queen after
with honor
after hon
or? If SO'
here is a
chance to
win a little
Through the cooperation
of Paramount Pictures, one
male student on this cam
pus will have an opportun
ity to win an expense paid
trip to Hollywood, Calif.,
and a date with one of the
starlets appearing in Jerry
Lewis' newest production
"The Ladies Man."
Each organized men's
house of residence will be
given the chance, to sub
mit one candidate for the
local contest.
Each candidate will tell
in 25 words why he thinks
he should be Nebraska's
Ladies Man on special
forms to be distributed late
this week. From this field
of eligibles, finalists will be
selected through interviews
to be set up later this
The final winner will be
selected early next month.
I have tentative plans to
hold the election on Ag
campus on the same, after
noon of the Spring Day
games. As I have said this
is only tentative and I will
pass further information on
to you.
, By Norm Beally
The final winner. on this
campus will be entered i ' "
national competition. T h a
. winner, as I have point: 1
out, will receive an ex
pense paid trip to Holly
wood and a date of l's
choice of the starlets ap
pearing in the movie "The
Ladies Man."
Second prize in the na
tional contest is a roomful
of Kroehler furniture.
' Now is the timefor each
house to gather your
thoughts and submit the
name of your candidate be
fore the coming weekend
so I can get the applica
tion blanks to your own
particular Ladies Man. '
There is nothing to lose
but much to win. Why not?
B. J. Holconil)
Wins Contest
A University law student,
Betty J. Holcomb, is the win
ner of a nation-wide Law
Day poster contest sponsored
by the National Association
of Women Lawyers, accord
ing to Miss Adele I. Springer,
national chairman of the
committee on Law Day and
World Peace Through Law.
Raymond Burr, TV's Perry
Mason, and Edith Head, Os
car winner and chief designer
at Paramount Motion Picture
Studios helped choose the
Poster entries were re
ceived from all over the
United States on the themes
of Law and Justice and
World Peace Through Law.
The prize for the winning
poster is a 20-volume set of
World Book Encyclopedia.
Author of "I Wat a Teen-age Dwarf '."The Many
Loves of Dobie Gittis", etc.)
Now in the waning days of the school year when the hardest
heart grows mellow and the very air is charged with memories,
let us pause for a moment and pay tribute to that overworked
and underappreciated campus figure, your friend and mine, the
dean of students.
Policeman and confessor, shepherd and seer, warden and
oracle, proconsul and pal, the dean of students is by far the
tnost enigmatic of all academicians. How can we understand
him? Well sir, perhaps the best way is to take an average day
in the life of an average dean. Here, for example, is what hap
pened last Thursday to Dean Killjoy N. Damper of Duluth
A and M.
At 6 a.m. he woke, dressed, lit a Marlboro, and went up on
the roof of his house to remove the statue of the Founder which
had been placed there during the night by high-spirited under
At 7 a.m. he lit a Marlboro and walked briskly to the campus.
(The Dean had not been driving his car since it had been placed
on the roof of the girls dormitory by high-spirited under
At 7:45 a.m. he arrived on campus, lit a Marlboro, bod
climbed the bell tower to remove his secretary wbo had been
placed there during the night by high-spirited undergraduates.
At 8 a.m. he reached his office, lit a Marlboro, and met witl,
Derther Sigafoos, editor of the student newspaper. Your
Sigafoos had been writing a series of editorials urging the
United States to annex Canada. When his editorials had evoked
no response, he had taken matters into his own hands. Accom
panied by his sports editor and two copy readers, be had gone
over the border and conquered Manitoba. With great patience
and several excellent Marlboro Cigarettes, the Dean persuaded
young Sigafoos to give Manitoba back. Young Sigafoos, how
ever, insisted on keeping Winnipeg.
At 9 a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and met with Enrin X
Bender, president of the local Sigma Chi chapter, who came to
report that the Deke house had been put on top of the Sigma
Chi house during the night by high-spirited undergraduates.
At 10 a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and went to umpire an
intramural Softball game on the roof of the law school where the
campus baseball diamond had been placed during the night by
high-pinted undergraduates.
At 12 noon the Dean had a luncheon meeting with the prtwi.
dent of the university, the bursar, the registrar, and the chair
man of the English department at the bottom of the campu.
swimming Pool where the faculty dining room had been placed
during the night by h.ghpirited undergraduates. Marlboro.
were passed after lunch, but not lit owing to the dampness.
. LP;?-,nackJ his the De0 't Marlboro and
isceived the Canadian .minister of war who said that unless
Iaifgh.SM 8Lmm?ed a aKreed to ive back Winni
at first refused but finally agreed after young Sieafoos olaced
him on the roof of the mining and metauur buiidm?.
from tWH " arlboro and met with delegation
lmaSw if, Wb0 aune to P"n hi with a set
clothing and Mariboros LTedWS, NewX where h"
is now in the aluminum siding came ' where h9
To th, dean of itudentt and all tmu ,,,. . j '. .
from the maktrt of M,1S J" mok ng pleamr
UonU Commander, mk&rdl unMttted Fhili"