The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1961, Image 1

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    Midwestern College Compact to Give Mutual Aid
By Margy Martin
Nebraska is o n e of 10
midwestern universi
ties that have established a
compact for the purpose of
helping each member insti
tution strengthen its teach
ing and research programs
and increase its operating
Chancellor Hardin said:
"We are hopeful that this
association will make it pos
sible to have some joint
programs which otherwise
would not be possible. The
possibilities are the joint
use of expensive and highly
specialized laboratories and
personnel. And we are ex
ploring the feasibility of the
exchange of students in
specialized curricula which
may be available on only a
part of the campuses."
The University is one of
the leaders in the program.
Dr. John C. Weaver, grad
uate dean of the University,
is chairman of the execu
tive committee which
drafted the Articles of
The other universities, in
addition to the University of
Nebraska, are: Kansas,
Kansas State, Colorado,
Colorado State, Iowa, Iowa
State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma,
State, and Missouri.
According to Dean
Weaver, plans for the inter
university cooperative asso
schools, have been under
study for the past two
As stated in the Articles
of Agreement, the major
consideraticns leading to the
establishment of the Asso
ciation are:
"The increased costs of
higher, education in all its
perly conduct research pro
grams; "The competition with
other segments of society
for competent staff mem
bers; "The explosive increase
in student enrollment."
The four main purposes
of the Association are:
To promote the im
provement of specialized fa
cilities and programs at
several institutions and to
prevent wasteful duplication
in order that each univer
sity may achieve a h i g h
degree of excellence in all
of its programs.
To make the specialized
' or unique educational pro
grams of these universities
available at resident fee
levels to students on re
gional basis.
To promote cooperative
use of unusual research fa
cilities among member uni
versities. To cooperate wherever
possible in providing a uni
fied voice in bringing ma
jor research and educa
tional facilities and pro
grams to the region.
Dean Weaver said in fit
ture meetings it is boned
that specific program can
be outlined.
ciation, which was recently
phases, including the ever-
$f3T)saS)PCfcBnncreasing requirements for
by represent
h e expensive equipment to pro
R 10 1961
Jr Ia aa,
53 Groups in Jeopardy
Council Revokes,
Defers Charters
By Ann Mover
Thirty-two University organizations have lost their con
stitutions and 21 other groups have been placed on suspension
until April 19 for failure to comply with the Student Council
requirements for good standing status.
The first action against the 32 organizaions which lost
their constitution was taken on March 8. At that time, the
groups were given 30 days in which to comply with the Coun
cil requirements. They were warned that they would lose
their constitutions if they failed to do so. Now, m order to
gain reinstatement, the organizations must follow the same
procedure as that required of a new campus organization.
The authority for the action
stems from the Council con
stitution which states: (Art.
Ill, Sec 1, b-) powers of the
Student Council include the
power "to recognize and ap
prove the constitutions of any
new student organization,
without which recognition and
approval an organization shall
not be permitted to function
and sec. c-"To review the con
stitution of any organization
with power of revocation."
H the organizations placed
on probation until April 19 fail
to complete the good standing
requirements by then, they
will lose their constitutions,
John Hoerner, chairman of
the judiciary committee, ex
plained to Council members
that, according to University
policy, any student who is
member of any group unap
proved by the University is
subject to disenrollment at the
discretion of the Dean of Stu
dent Affairs,
He said this ruling would
possibly apply to members of
those groups which have lost
their constitutions.
Groups losing their constitu
tions include:
Alpha BpsUon Khs
A6rtli .
All-Urn varsity Square Dancers
Alpha Kappa Delta
American Guild of Organists
Cosmopolitan Club
Mil Phi Delta
French Club
Alpha Kappa Pli
Circle K
Ttelta Omicron
Gamma Alpha Chi
Kappa Epsllor,
Nebraska Collegiate Broadcasting Assoc
Vijrarj-fceator, Club
Nebraska University Council on World
Affairs (NUCWAl
Phi Sigma Iota
Post Grad Club
Residence Association or Women
Sigma Alpha lota
big ma Gamma EpslloB
Alpha Phi Alpha
Handball Club
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Sigma Chi
Pi Kappa Lambda
Pi Mu Society '
Sigma Alpha Theta
Sigma Delta Upsilaa
fc punish Club
Those organizations placed
on suspension until April 19
American Society of Agriculture Engineers
College of Buainess .Administration Student
Exec. Council
Itelian Union literary Society
Kappa Pai
Intercom Council
Nebraska Masquers
Mima Alpha Bta
Surma Theta Epailon
University of Nebraska Soccer Club
Battalion Recreation Council
Delta Sigma Kho
Agriculture Econoinics due
Phi Delta Gamma
Pi Sigma Alpha
Sigma Gamma EpailoB
Music Council
German Club
Delta Surma Rho
lntersorority Music Council
Pi fcigma Alpha
Art Critic
To Speak
Miss Dorothy Adlow, well
i,m art nritie of the Chris-
tian Science Monitor, will
visit the campus Frioay ana
discuss the question, -"What
is Contemporary Art?" at 11
a.m. in the Student Union
Miss Adlow, recognized as
one of the nation's leading
art critics, has appeared as a
visiting lecturer at the Met
ropolitan Museum of Fine Art
in New York City, the Al
bright Art Gallery in Buffalo
and the National Gallery of
Art in Washington, D.C.
She recently received the
National award in art criti
cism from the American Fed
eration of Art for her contri
butions to important art jour
nals and columns in the U.S.
and Europe.
Miss Adlow has appeared
several times on educational
TV programs and has served
on approximately seventy art
juries including Hallmark
Award and Boston Arts Fes
To Feature
Role of Women
To Be Debated
The University Young Wom
en's Christian Association
(YWCA), will feature a series
of speakers Saturday to talk
about the role of women in to
day's world, according to Bar
bara Bakker, co-chairman of
the fyent.
Some of the questions that
will be discussed in connec
tion with the women's role
are: Will you be ready? Are
we, as women, pushing our
selves into a niche or is it
real? Should women claim a
new frontier? What is the cre
ative role of women?
The speakers and discussion
leaders in the morning will be
Mrs. David Dow, a University
graduate now a housewife and
lecturer in social work. Also
in the morning win be Dr.
Alan Pickering, chaplain of
the United Campus Christian
Following a luncheon at
noon, the afternoon speakers
will be Dr. Pickering, Mrs.
Glenn Fosnot, instructor from
the Art Department, and pos-
sibiiy Helen Synder, dean of
women at the University.
Dr. Victor Harnack, profes
sor of speech at the Univer
sity of Colorado, win speak
on leadership and give a dem
onstration on the same using
members of the audience.
Dr. Harnack has been con
sultant to many organizations
such as the Federal Media
tion and Conciliation Service,
North American Defense Com
mand Headquarters, United
States Chamber of Commerce
Institute, Architectural Sales
Institute, and also for the
Denver Adult Education Asso
ciation, the Parent Teachers
Association, PTA, and church
The program wifl be held in
the Telephone Building in the
8th floor auditorium. Conven
ing time will be 10 a.m. and
will last until 4 p.m. The total
cost is $1.50.
Youth Corps Project
A reversal in the United States Youth
Corps project caUed the "Experiment in
International Living" has brought an Italian
youth to study and observe at the University.
Carlo Ramadoro of Rome, Italy, is the
first person to come to the state under the
international exchange program.
The 24-year-old Italian is here mainly to
observe the operation of the CoUege of Ag
riculture's Tractor Laboratory.
Td heard of the University of Nebraska
tractor testing laboratory back in Italy and
now I have the wonderful opportunity to see
and work with it first hand," said Ramadoro.
Heard About Lab
, He explained that he heard about the lab
oratory from two of his friends who were
brought to the United States several years
ago to test tractors for the Fiat Company.
Ramadoro, who lives with the L. F Lar
sen family in Lincoln, spends most of his
spare time at the testing laboratory. Mr.
Larsen is the engineer-in-charge of the
tractor laboratory's faculties.
When not at the tractor laboratory, which
is on Ag Campus, Ramadoro is attending
three classes at the University: English,
speech and farm motors. But be is looking
forward to June when he wiU spend most of
his time In the testing laboratory.
His participation in the international living
program and his stay in the United States is
being sponsored by the Fiat Co., where he
has worked for the past six years.
"I'm here because the Fiat officials want
Vol. 74, No. 89
cience Academy
The 71st annual meeting of
the Nebraska Academy of Sci
ences and affiliated Societies
has been slated for Firday
and Saturday on the Univer
sity campus.
The meeting is expected to
draw some 600 men and
women of science.
Two principal addresses will
highlight the general session
Friday with sectional meet
Coed Counselors
To Merger with
Members of the Coed Coun
selor board have given unani
mous approval to a proposed
merger of their organization
with the Associated Women
Some 80-100 girls who are
now Coed Counselors will be
affected by the merger which
would place the counseling
duties under the control of
The transition has been ap
proved with the following stip
AH freshmen women are
to be contacted in some.way
during the summer.
AWS will assume respon
sibility of All Women's Night
during New Student Week,
which has previously been a
style show.
Two Coed Counselors who
have previously been on the
Coed Counselor Board will
work as advisers to AWS dur
ing the school year 1961-62 as
ex-officio members of the
AWS Board.
. AWS will use its own dis
cretion in planning whether
or not to continue Coed Coun
selor work with Junior Divi
sion during New Student
Coed Counselors will sup
ply necessary funds for oper-
Rodeo Ticket Sales
Tickets for the annual Ne
b r a s k a Intercollegiate
Championship Rodeo, May
13, may now be obtained
from any Rodeo Club mem
ber or in the Ag Student
Union activities office.
Tickets w ill not go on sale
downtown until two weeks
before the Rodeo, according
to Rodeo Club officers.
The Rodeo will present
two performances at 1:30
and 8 p.m. in the State Fair
ings in the morning and after
noon of both days.
D. James G. Gaume of Den
ver, chief of space biotech
nology for the Martin Co.,
will speak at 11 a.m. Friday
on "Medical and Biological
Aspects of Space Opera
tions." The address will be
given at Love Library Audi
torium. As a Creighton University
ations during the next two
Susan Stanley, president of
Coed Counselors said the or
ganization has been faced
with a constant need for re
organization during the past
five to seven years.
She said the counseling dut
ies could be bandied, more
efficiently through AWS be
cause of the extensive Junior
Division orientation program
and the growth of sorority
and dorm counseling pro
grams. Earlier, the Independent
Women's Association had ex
pressed a desire to help coun
sel women who would not be
Yell Prospects
Close Sessions
The last practice session
for those interested in being
cheerleaders will be held at
4 p.m. Tuesday.
Three new freshman men
and three new freshman
coeds will be selected. Those
interested in trying out must
have attended a minimum of
two practices and must have
a 4.5 average.
The new cheerleaders will
be chosen April 12 at 7 p.m.
on the stage of the Coliseum.
They will be chosen by a
board composed of 10 mem
bers: Yell King Al Krizelman,
the new yell king, the presi
dent of Mortar Board, the
president of Innocents, the
president of Student Council,
the cheerleading coach, the
band director, a representa
tive of the athletic depart
ment, the president of Tas
sels and the president of Corn
cobs. The new cheerleaders will
be picked on the basis of two
yells: "Huskers Fight" and
the "Old Locomotive."
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Carlo Ramadoro looks with interest at an integral part
of the factor testing laboratory at the University Col
lege of Agriculture. He is the first person to come to Ne
braska under the "Experiment in International Living"
The Nebraskan
I graduate, Dr. Gaume directs
' Viic oftmnamr'c rocosrph in all
medical and biological areas
applicable to manned space
j flight He was one of the first
experimenters in the one-man
space cabin simulator
At 8:15 p.m. Friday in Love
Library Auditorium Dr. Lloyd
M. Beidler, professor of phy
siology at Florida State Uni
versity and national Sigma
included in the sorority and
dorm programs.
Miss Stanley said it is ex
pected that filings for coun
seling positions will be open
at a later date this spring.
"We regret that the identity
of Coed Counselors, as an or
ganization will be lost within
the coming year," he said,
"but we feel the most im
portant thing is that the nec
essary duties are carried out,
whether under the name of
Coed Counselors or AWS."
Howell Theater
Announces Cast
The cast for Howell The
ater's last play of the 1961
season, "Ring Round the
Moon," has been chosen, ac
cording to Director William
R. Morgan, assistant profes
sor of speech and dramatic
The cast is as follows: Cur
tiss Greene as Joshua, Fred
Gains as the twin brothers
Fredric and Hugo, Leta Pow
ell as Diana, John Turner as
Patrice, Mary Teal as Lady
India, Catherine Hahn as
Madame Desmorte, Mary
Meckel as Capulet, Gordon
Trousdale as Messerschmann,
Jerry Mayer as Romainville,
Nancy Wilson as Isabelle,
Bonnie Benda as Mother and
Doug McCartney as General.
Tassels meeting, 5 p.m.,
Room 232, Student Union
American Association of
University Women meeting,
5:45 p.m., Ogallala Room,
Student Union
Independent Women's As
sociation meeting. 8 p.m..
Room 334, Student Union.
Brings Italian to NU
Xi lecturer, is scheduled
to speak on "Biophysical Ap
proach to Taste."
The annual banquet and
business meeting of the two
day meeting is slated for 6
p.m. Saturday in the Student
Union. Dr. Carl T. Bradhorst,
past-president of Concordia
CoUege at Seward, wiH give
the banquet address.
Also held concurrently with
the Academy win be the Ne
braska section of the Mathe
matical Association of Ameri
ca in 108 Burnett.
Two Papers
Dr. W. Roy Utz, Jr., win
give two papers for the Ne
braska section meetings. His
first wiU be entitled "Proper
ties of Solutions of a Non
linear Differential Equation"
at 3 p.m. Friday and "Some
Combinatorial Theorems and
Problems in Geometry" at 9
a.m. Saturday. Dr. Utz is
from the University of Mis
souri. Winding up the Nebraska
section meetings win be a
talk by Dr. Henry Van Engen
of the University of Wisconsin
at 11 a.m. Saturday. He wiU
talk on "Recommendations
for the Training of Teachers
of Mathematics."
Displays of the Junior
Academy of Sciences will be
on exhibit at University High
CalaVa1.1 Coll1aT IN sf Aflfl s"1 AM
with the Academy. I
Student Council Terms
Photo-ID's 'Not Feasible'
The possibility of student'
identification cards carrying a
photograph of the student has
been tabbed "not feasible" by
the Student Council social
committee which had been in
vestigating the matter.
The possibility of the use
of photo ID's was brought be
for the Council several
weeks ago and referred to the
social committee headed by
Mike Milroy. Milroy reported
that the committee based
its decision on facts collected
from the Administration re
garding cost and necessity of
such a system and informa
tion gathered from local bus
inessmen and Unive:sity per
sonel. Milroy said the University
Administration and Regis
trar's offcie did not feel such
a system was feasible or nec
essary. At one time, photo
ID4s were used at the Uni
versity but they had bees
abandoned because 1) the
cost of the identification sys
tem was prohibitive, I) then
some people with a knowledge of English,
since many of their products are exported
to Australia and Canada," he explained.
Knowing just a few words of English, Ra
madoro has been in the United Slates since
the first of February.
"I took French in school," be said, "but I
had some friends in a film factory that let
me watch English movies before they were
translated into Italian. I have also learned
English from some American jazz and sing
ing records at home," be said.
The small, solidly built youth, always
ready with a smile, says he thoroughly likes
to wear blue jeans and has already formed
many impressions of the people of the state.
National Problems
The farms are very mechanical here com
pared to those in Italy, he observed. Rama
oro feels that the farmers are much more in
terested in national problems than they are
in his country.
Many of the farmers, the youth said, wiU
buy a tractor or other piece of machinery in
sort of a co-operative. Five of them may buy
it together and then work out times for its
Other observations about Nebraska?
The people are very friendly and want to
know about other people. And the classes
at the University are fine by Carlo because
"you get to practice in the classes." In Italy,
classes are mostly leetures with very iew
Monday, April 10, 1961
The schedule of sectional
meetings open to the public:
Asgknswiagy. Burnett Ball Boom Bit.
1:30 p.m. Friday.
Bietagfeal and Medical Sciraees. Bet
sey Hall aoditorium. 2 p.m. Friday and
am. SaRrday.
Chemistry an4 "arii. Morrill Hal
Room 219. 12:30 p.m. Friday.
Earla Science, Morrill Hall Room 21.
J a.m. Friday.
Engineering, Ferguson Hall Room 217.
1:30 p.m. Friday.
History and Paussopby f Science,
Bessey Hall Room 218. am. Saturday.
Science Teaching. Social Science Hall
auditorium. 1:30 pjo. Friday and a.m.
Cauegiate Academy, Bessey HaU Room
218. 1 p.m. FnJay.
Nebraska Chapter af Nataenal Canrl
ef Geographic Edncatiee. Geography
Building Room 1(6, aJn. Saturday
and 12:15 p.m. Saturday.
Nebraska Section sf Mathematical
Ansa, af America Burnett Hall Room
H, 1 p.m. Friday and a m. Satnrdayj
demonstration of MJ computing center
Nebraska HaU. 1:30 PJB. Saturday.
was increasing student re
sistance to the photographs
and much displeasure with
the quality of the pictures,
2) there was increasing stu
dent objection to the incon
venience of reporting to be
photographed and to retrieve
the completed ID, 4) too few
departments were profiting
from the program to justify
the loss of students' time as
well as that of others involved
in the process and cost, and
5) it was felt there were too
few dishonest students to war
rant the use of photos on stu
dent ID cards.
Milroy pointed out that a
photo ID system would not
prevent the procurement of
liquor by University students
because all retail liquor es
tablishment were supposed to
follow definite procedures for
determining the age of a cus
tomer which did not include
the inspection of University
ID cards.
Another area of investiga
tion by the committee, con
cerning passing ID's for Uni
versity events such as foot
ball games, showed that this
problem has been reduced to
the point that Administration
feels it is almost nonexistent.
- Five major downtown Lin
coln firms, who do a great
deal of business with Univer
sity students, reported that
they had very little trouble
with checks received from
students. Therefore, the com
mittee concluded from these
reports, that photo ID's would
have little value as a preven
tive of passing bad checks
since few were passed.
The use of a photo ID in
connection with punishment
for misconduct was found to
have ne value as the idea of
stamping the type of punish
ment for misconduct on the
student's ID card has been
abandoned in favor of other
possible ideas. '
It was further reported that
the present student identifica
tion cards provide excellent
means of positive ldeniuica
tion. In most cases driver'
licenses and selective service
cards are usually requested
first. A University ID card is
generally accepted if the
other cards are not available.
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