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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1961)
I PNIVERS1TY OP NEBR. LIB ARt i fffR 77X51 By Tom Kotouc Academic courses will re place major portions of the basic two-year air science and army ROTC curriculum next fall, Cols. V. R. Rawie, professor of military sci ence, and Richard L. Ham ilton, professor of air sci ence announced Thursday. Freshmen in army ROTC will substitute academic courses for one-half the regular military science cir riculum during both se mesters, attending one hour of classroom and lab each week. Sophomores will at tend class and lab regu larly. Air Force ROTC fresh men will substitute aca demic courses for the air science curriculum during Student Council Representation Plan Causes Controversy By Norm Beatty A reorganization of Studen Council representation plan was subect to harsh consideration by some to 20 stu dents last night. The open meeting was the final of three held to gather Hardin Named Trustee Chancellor Clifford M. Har din has been named a trustee of The Rockefeller Founda tion, according to an an nouncement by John D. Rock efeller III, chairman of the board. Prominent national and world leaders are selected as members of the board of trus tees. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was president of the Foundation prior to his ap pointment to President John Kennedy's cabinet this year. Other newly appointed trus tees for a three-year term are: Sir Oliver S. Franks, chairman of the Lloyd's Bank Limited of London; Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, presi dent of Notre Dame Univer sity; Frank Stanton, president of Columbia Broadcasting System; and George D. Woods, chairman of First Boston Corporation of New York City. Hardin, a nationa 1 1 y known educa tor, is t h e i m m ediate past-p r e s i dent of the Amertara As- "dath flf - -1 .'t ? 3 the - spring, form . recital U drums), in states of 1". a dress part singing and u folk songs. The two festivals the most colorful s?u , ful of all the festivals u, dia, and remind every lit of the time of festivity. Indian students have invited all those interested to attend this celebration of their na tional festivals. Admission is free. Army ROTC Announce Course Revisions their first semester. Sopho mores will substitute daring the second semester of their sophomore year. One-hour drill labratory win be re quired weekly during, the two-year program. The reg ular Air Science curriculum will be taught for second semester freshmen and first-semester sophomores. The Air Force program, Colonel Hamilton points out, "will lessen the work load of an entering fresh man at the time when he is making a major and dif ficult adjustment to college life. Sophomores who decide not to go into the advanced course would be able to con centrate on required aca demic studies in the fourth 1 student views before the new reorganization plan is pre sented to the Council for ap proval. Part I, sections I and 2 which establishes Student Council representatives elect ed from eight student living districts was passed 11-6 on a straw vote. Part I, section three which reads: ""Each district shall be represented by at least one representative with additional representatives alloted ac cording to the number of votes cast in the individual district in the preceding general elec tion. This allotment shall be established so as to make the total number of representa tives, exclusive of noldover representatives, approximate ly SO," had seven students vot ing for its approval and nine against The question whether the present system of College rep resentation or the proposed student living districts repre sentation is the best method of selecting membership previd ed the debate for the evening. The possibility of creating student factions thereby cre ating more student interest in the Council an element in na tional politics which brings rise to candidate platforms) is an additional advantage of the new system, according to the committee headed by Bill Connefl. Students in attendance ques tioned the advantages of the plan over the present system of representation. Some felt the political faction would only further the situation of a few students "running the whole university." Voting nower for the cradu- students and the doing t of activity representa rpre both given approval attending students. The i of hold-over mem i the president and i,1ent of the council the sod of assen-.-v j tabor revision. -Jztr Staff C Corn wticn edi- April U, ksr. Ap 'ie pesi- la the t Ua- iks "31 7, :e 12 ? TL semester when the student has no interest in ROTC." Substitution Air Science freshmen mly substitute courses in the following areas: mathe matics, chemistry, English, engineering, engineering mechanics, biology, botany, earth science, geology, zoo logy, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, business organisation, geog raphy, physiology, public health and education. In the sophomore year, the Vol. 74, No. 88 ID BK's, Sigma Xis Chosen The University chapters of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, top scholastic honorary societies, announced their new undergraduate members at a joint dinner meeting Thursday evening. Pledge Training Violations Debated IFC Moves to Closed Session: Panty Raid Scare The Interfraternity Council (IFC) moved into closed ex ecutive session Wednesday night following officer and committee reports. According to the Executive Council, the reason for the executive session was to con sider several important mat ters and to review situations in a formulative discussion effort President Don Ferguson first read a letter from E. C Dewey, president of the IFC Board of Control. The letter stated in part, "It has come to my attention that rumors are going about the campus relative to a spring Tanty raid.' This sort of activity is definitely undesirable and is generally fomented and spearheaded by the more ir responsible and juvenile stu dents ... the several frater nity houses on the campus (should be warned) about the danger of any of their members participating in such an activity." The 1955 'panty raid" was mentioned and it was indi cated that the fraternity sys tem received favorable light at that time because it 'was not overly involved as were Lincoln high schools, Lincoln Air Force Base personnel and the dorms. Proposed Plans The several proposed Stu dent Council reorganization plans were discussed, and two members of the IFC voiced disapproval of one such plan which appeared in the Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 5, as it would tend to lower Greek representation and leader ship available through the same." Rod Ellerbusch, Sigma Nu representee, in commenting on the ideas connected with representation of the Student Council, stated, "The main purpose of the new propos- als is to obtain better repre- Tugging, , .By Dave Wohlfarth Highlighting Greek Week this year will be the Greek Games, which win be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 22 and win he the official end of Greek Week, according to Fh3 Tracy, public relations chairman of the Inter teleralty Council IFC). The frames, jointly sponsored by the Junior IFC and TstlcV -.ic, will for the first time include both sorority ii 1 : .rrlty participation. The events will be held on 1e i",'. re field, south of the stadium. ?f X - events f the 1961 all-Greek day will in a t .;! and a pyramid race for the men, e r..-::il?s will compete in an egg race and a -"t.lidL The events wSl be climaxed by the riat race, held on the north practice field, Mc::.-t ud Bob -Siedel, Greek Week co- "'1 t s scored cn a 5-3-1 scale with T,Pfx.heilenic and. IFC, being -;ty accumulating 'the- the Air Force cadet may substitute any sophomore course in mathematics, physical or natural sci ences, foreign languages, the humanities or social sci ences. The Army program allows substitution of any freshman course during his first year. The revisions will affect about 900 basic cadets in air science and about 1000 in military science. Concentrated Study . The substitution program Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary society for Arts and Sciences, elected 21 students, and 42 were chosen as sew members of Sigma Xi, na tional honorary science soci ety. sentation on the council and to receive better opinion from closer contact with stu dents. The college represen tation plan does not offer the contact with students which can obtain effective student opinion. ""We've got to raise the idea to a higher plane than Greek exploitation," contin tinned Ellerbusch. "It is of ten recognized that the coun cil is relatively ineffective. And its five-sixths Greek so in effect this criticism points to Greek ineffective ness. There is no need to be selfish. The Greek system can survive a lower ratio of representation en the Stu dent Council. What's impor tant is to look for an im proved council." Ferguson urged the IFC to attend the final reorganiza tion committee meeting Thursday night He an-; nounced that the Executive Council had decided to sup-' port the college representa tion plan with an elimination of activity representation. Statement Ferguson then read and and elaborated on a state ment dealing with the criter ia which the IFC Executive Council will follow in deal ing with violations of the IFC rules, regulations, and by laws. The statment read: "1. The Executive commit tee shall receive any written or verbal complaint against any fraternity for infractions of the constitution, by-laws or rules. 'Z. The Executive commit tee will then take the follow- ing steps: a. Investigate and review, the facts of the case with the fraternity involved and' other sources as may be; necessary. b. After examining the is sues, the committee will take such action as it may seem necessary and in accordance Egg Race at Greek Games rated also will mean a more con centrated study in the Army and Air Science subjects, Colonels Rawie and Hamil ton pointed out. Military history will be shifted from the first to the second year in the Army program. The first year program will in clude instruction in organi sation of Army and ROTC, individual weapon and marksmanship, U.S. Army and national security, and leadership laboratory. The second year will involve, in addition to military history, The Nebroskon i Irving Dilliard, former edi- I tor of the editorial page of the St Louis Post-Dispatch, was the speaker for the meet ing. As an authority on the U.S. Supreme Court, he spoke en "Are We Undermining Our Noted with the Constitution of the IFC. c. All actions shall be re ported immediately to the In terfraternity Council as a whole. d. Appeals shall be in ac cord with the Constitution of the IFC." Two reported violations of the pledge training code were announced by Fergu son. The action of the IFC in each instance was a severe warning to each house in volved. The first violation con cernd a violation of the rule confining pre-initiatioa activ ities to the chapter house. The fraternity involved re portedly sent their pledge class to a sorority house in an effort to obtain the "measurements" of the young ladies on the house roll. Stopping Cars The second violation, in volved the same rule, stemmed from an incident in which the pledge class of the fraternity concerned was stopping cars on a public road. As the action was found to be a part of the ritual of the national fraternity, Ferguson asked for all houses to check their existing ritual and by laws against IFC regulations, so that waivers can be granted for conflicting legis lation. In closing Ferguson com mented on six main areas which the IFC has concen trated action during the past two months. He listed the revamped committee system, an ac tivated" Greek Week, im proved public relations, lm- proved relations between houses, the IFC office ex expansion, and next summer and fall's rush program as areas in which considerable progress and improvement have been shown. There will be three heats and top pyramid in each beat No Support Three men will carry two seated secondary men on their shoulders and the last man will sit on the shoulders , of the secondary men, with no support other than bands allowed throughout the pyramid construction. The traditional chariot race will consist of four fra ternity men pulling, while the sorority girl of their choice will compete in the finals. - The women's egg race will be run over a 151 yard course and requires three runners from each sorority. Eggs will be placed in the first runners mouth and in each elbow with the arms crossed. She must transfer the eggs to the second runner, who, likewise, transfers the t eggs to the third. A team will be eliminated for running off the track, breaking another runner's eggs or breaking all of their own eggs. One contestant from each house win participate in the .women's tricycle marathon, riding a tricycle forward 50 yards and then backwards 25 yards. Participants Miss Moffitt said, "It is the hope of the Greek Week Committee that each house will include as many different 'irticipants as possible in these events and contribute to support and spirit needed to supply a climax to the k Week activities. We want the houses to keep in ihst although the games provide a basis for coro r this must not undermine the basic purpose of '-enjoyment accomplished through the cooper- Ireek Games champion was Delta Tau ho have copped three straight chariot event ' map and aerial photo read ing, and introduction to op erations and basic tactics. Under the revised air sci ence program, the second semester of the freshman year will involve subjects such as elements and po tentials of air power, air vehicles and principles of flight, national security and professional opportunities in the Air Force. The first semester of the sophomore year will deal with fundamentals of aero space weapon systems. This BUI of Rights?" Eight students were named to both societies. They are: Sonia Anderson, Kenneth Barjenbruch, Douglas Bereu ter, William Fish, Douglas Kent Mary Schmelzer, David Sell, and William White. Prof. Emanuel Wishnow, chairman of the music de partment was elected an hon orary member of Phi Beta Kappa. Other members of Phi Beta Kappa, all of whom have a high scholastic average and have completed requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences, are: John Anderson, Elizabeth Blore, John Else. Grover Kautz, Richard Krause, Merlin Montgomery, Richard Newman, Jr., Pat Porter, Glenn Reed, Sylvia Rodehorst Linda Rohwedder, Gail Simon and Carol Ver maas Smith. Newly elected undergradu ate members of Sigma Xi, who have shown excellence in two or more departments of pure or applied science and have shown evidence of an aptitude in scientific research, are: David Armstrong, Henry Bents, Donald Elliott, Rich ard Enrich, Stanley Farlin, TODAY ON CAMPUS Friday: Psycholoiy Symposium, 3ft -m. and 2 P.m. Small Auditorium. Student ('man. University Symphonic Bund concert, t P.m. Stale Vocational AaTieultor Jsdfnu Contest, all Uj. Activities Building. Ac Campus. Baseball. Nebraska vs. Oklahoma. 1:30 p.rn- Two games. Uiuversiuv -diamond. Tennis. Nebraska vs. Air Faroe Acad emy, 1 a.m., University tennis courts. Golf. Nebraska vs. Air Force Academy. 1 a m. Uncola Country Club. Ajtroloey Fact or Victual,' :45 m. Kalph Mueller Planetarium, Morrill Ball. Ceres, transparent woman. 20:30 a.m. and 1 a.m. Health Galleries, basement. Morrill Hall. State Future Farmers f America Con vention, ail day. Activities Buildine. AC. Campus. Baseball. Nebraska vs. Oklahoma State. 1:30 a.m.. University diamond. Track, varsity vs. tresoroen. X P-nu Memorial Stadium. Jazz Concert. Don Rice Workshop band, :30 p.m. Student Union ballroom. Sprinc Concert: Dnrwsity Smears. p.m.. First rrymautn ausresauuiuu Cburch. 30th and D Streets. Food Manager To Attend Meet Allen F. Krause, food serv ice manager of the Nebraska Union, will represent the Uni versity April 15-19 at the 38th annual Association of College Unions' international confer ence at Colorado Springs. This year's conference theme, in accordance with the purpose of college unions everywhere, is "Higher Edu cation and the National Pur pose". It w2 be s t a d i e d throughout four days of 31 program sessions. the finals will consist of the win include an introduction of aerospace missiles and aircraft aerospace defense, modern targeting and elec tronic warfare, high explos ive, nuclear, chemical and biological warheads. The Navy ROTC program is continuing to review their program but does not ex pect it to be changed next year. This past year, the Navy has allowed the sub stitution of Psychology 70, taught by University per sonnel, for an advanced Navy-taught subject Friday, April 7, 1961 David F a r 1 o w, Richard Frahm, Bernard Frakes, Gary Gil bert, Gary Hergenrader, Max Houser, Paul Kamrath, Don Kaufman, Philip Kester, Fer nando Lagos, Sara Lazlo, Dave McCon anay, Ron McKeever, Rich ard Miller, Dennis Nelson, Sheryl Oberg, Heinz Otte, Keith Saxton, Ron Schafer, Roger Schindler, George Schurr, Andris Stak lis, David Swartz, Richard Truble, Richard Waldo, David Whitney, Arnold Wiebold and Larry Williams. Dilliard Speaks ToSDX Irving Dilliard, retired edi torial page editor of the St Louis Post-Dispatch, will dis coss "Public Information: How Public How Informed?" this evening at the annual spring banquet of Sigma Del ta Chi. Dilliard is a former na tional president of the profes s i o n a I journalism honorary and a feUow of the society. Also to be present at the C:39 p.m. banquet wfll be E. W. Scripps IL, vice president of Scripps-Howard Newspap ers and national president of Sigma Delta Chi, and Warren A gee, executive officer of the society. Scripps and Agee will also be present at the Saturday business meeting of the un dergraduate and professional chapters. The meeting will conclude with a luncheon at the Student Union. The banquet is open to the public, and reservations may be made through the Univer sity School of Journalism, 309 Burnett HalL Thursday Dilliard spoke to the joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi frater nities on the topic, "'Are We Undermining Our Bill of Rights?" He is presently writing a book on the United States Su preme Court and in 1959 was cited by the American Bar Association for outstanding contributions to public under standing of the judicial sys tem. Spring Concert Sunday The annual spring concert of the 83-voice University Singers win be presented SuBday under the direction of Professor Earl Jenkins. The program, open to the public, win be held at 4 p.m. at the First Plymouth Congregational Church, 2$th and D streets. Book Nets Medal For Dr. Eiseley The John Burroughs Medal for 1961, the highest honor granted for a popular bock in the field of science, was awarded to Dr. Loren C. Eise ley, a University graduate, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, this week. Dr. Eiseley, an internation ally known anthropologist, author and provost of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, re ceived the award in recogni tion of his latest book, "Tha Firmament of Time." The award is based on orig inality of observation and con clusion, and is presented an nually for literature which combines excellence of writ ing with accuracy. Dr. Eiseley completed his graduate studies at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. He recently delivered a fe" f Montgomery Lectures on tho University campus.