The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2
The Nebraskan Wednesday, April 5, 195 Page 2 ,1 tf 'i 1 "1 1 5 EDITORIAL Interest in Douglas From Any Angle As most of you know, the first all-University Convo- cation of the year will be held at 11 this morning. The I University's Convocations Committee and the Student Union's Talks and Topics Committee couldn't have made a better or more timely choice than Justice . Douglas of the U.S. Supreme Court I - A noted lecturer and traveler, Justice Douglas has written more than a half-dozen books, dealing with such topics as the Supreme Court and great movements in - political, social, religous and legal liberty. His topic for the convocation will be "Democracy vs. Communism in Asia." In the afternoon, he will answer students' questions at a coffee hour in the Union. The time for this affair has been set at 2:30. If you can't find anything in the above biography that . interests you enough to go to the convocation, possibly his . stand on the House Committee on Un-American Activities, as reflected in a recent Court vote, would help interest you. 1 Several weeks ago the Supreme Court by a slim 5-to-4 decision upheld the convictions of the men, cited for con- I tempt of Congress by HUAC. f No matter what the reason, all of the students and faculty of this campus should make a special effort to at- tend the convocation. All classes will be dismissed during s the 11 a.m. period, so there can not be any excuse from that angle. Conscience of a Liberal 1 By Steve Gage f To reply to an "examin ... ation of" or, more bluntly, an attack on views ex- ?ressed In the column of He Daily Nebraskan seems to have the adverse effects of lending some no bility to the remarks which compose the mass of the attack. Such is not the pur pose of this column. To de fend every word used by my guest writers and my self is not the purpose ei ther. Certainly It may be said that there were true state ments made in those col umns critical of mine; ' there is no disputing these " facts. But certain unfair and distorting generaliza- ', tions were made on the ba sis of my last effort., It is ' only justice to those stu dents involved in the ac- ' tual writing of the column and to any student or fac- . ulty member who, at least : in part, endorsed the views expressed to attempt to clear away the cobwebs of misinterpretation and lack of understanding. It might appear to any reader at first to conclude that any writing appear- ing in any part of the arti cle was integrally linked with every other part, that every part was implied by or was implying every oth- " er part. But to the reader who did more than skim the column there undoubt . edly appeared a balance and an independence of the individual parts. The hasty generalization drawn by one of the readers, how ever, which linked two sep arate themes, independent of each other, certainly was not a compliment to the rest of the readers. To review the structural logic of the article, I moved ' from the familiar "straw t man" opening to the ob ' servation that prejudice could be practiced on the University campus, cer . tainly not an original or de batable thought. After placing before the readers -some pertinent questions concerning the inter-relationships between world knowledge,, and cam pus life, I then began the introduction of my two guest writers who proceeded to discuss "culture" on the campus, a theme chosen independently of the pref ace for its pertinacy in all of our lives. My discussion which followed the stu dents' writing was, in part, to introduce a step-in-the-right-direction, a partial solution to some of the questions set forth through out the rest of the column, and, in part, to recognize what I considered a sincere and honest effort by two Americans to strive for more than a place at the bridge table or one of the more tangible forms of campus activity recogni tion. Moving on to etfier criti Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Frew, International FreM KepreteataUr: National AdrertiLnr Service, Incorporated rBbllahei at: Eoon 81, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. Hth S Telephone HE 2-7831, ext. 422S, 4228, 4227 PvWrfMtMi raua mrm $ aer mMk tt H fw Iht mrmt'mle mm, fcam m iwH taM (naMcr M M ao tint la Ltoeala. AVaraaka, rr kngmmt 4, Kit. faa tommy KrtmkM tm paMlafci Maaaar, TumuUt, WMn4kr an tr tm rm nt rear, ntrm anna ftwim mu4 nam prrimom. hf vim mi tbm t'mrHr a Nrkrmk aar ) M tha VMnnHttrm mm 4-M affalra m aa nnnnlmm ml tiuit rlnba. ruhlK-aMoa nrr mi M UtiwmiMW aa "taawrt Paklirattnat aaH to frm (mi a4"rtaj iiim mtm mm tt part mt thr HmhrammHlmr mr aa Ik pan af aa " l m rahwewtt?. THm anar af tar Dally KHmilin staff mrm anaaiir wi)aIWa la what- hr aar. ar . ar cmw ta to ). lraav I. 1M. rtuar ..I , nan CKtmm Maaaaiar KaNar OrrUh-m Nfe libra Krwa -alUw , .hmrrn H-all pmmrtm tAHmr Hal Orawa Af aw fctiiar turn tmrmt OPINION cisms of the column, I would like to comment on the statement: "What the critique failed to note is that the very existence of our culture facilities shows an appreciation of them." Here the mistake is antici pated by Miss Froschheus er when she states: " . . . what is offered is appreci ated by relatively few peo ple . . ." (re: Conscience of a Liberal, March 21). Such views as expressed in my column were not in tended to criticize any of the existing cultural facili ties or any of those noble souls who patronize them. These views were pointed toward those who do not participate in any cultural activities whatsoever and who are critical of those that do, and this group con stitutes a large percentage of the students. To propose that every Nebraskan re main solely within the breadth of his own "heri tage" seems to smack of a "cultured" conceit ex - pressed nowhere in my col umn. And it would indeed be an unfair criticism of Nebraskans. As mentioned earlier, certain statements made by a critical columnist had a good deal of merit. In deed improvements can be cited as progress is more or less inevitable under the guidance of constructive commentary, whether this be called complaining or liberalism. However, one critic seemed to have ad mitted to his own charge of lack of understanding in his attempt to point out the "distasteful reference" to Nebraska's football team. To review, my statement was "These are students who will certainly not in crease Nebraska's chances to have again a winning football but who will, by speaking their opinions and living their college lives, add to all-important meet ing of the four winds here at Nebraska." I support the Cornhuskers no less than my critical colleague and hope that no one else misinterpreted this state ment as an innuendo against any of my more athletically-favored friends. Certainly a football . game has become an integral part of our tradition, but must .a simple statement suggesting the value of cer tain students to the Uni versity climate be miscon strued to be a heresy against the Cream and Scarlet? To rest upon another point, I would like to sec ond the general notion that people of the Midwest are friendly and down to earth. But 1 would like to press home hard the fact that we as students at the Univer sity do not practice this tra dition as much as we would (Continued to page 4) NEVER AlNt WHO OWNEP ir I WANT To KNOW UHO LOST ITi U.S. Policy Goals in Africa Never Had A Chance Sevareid By Eric Sevareid It seems clear to this re porter after a month back in the United States that the Congo business has rid Americans of many of their i 1 1 u sions about Af rica ,but by no means all of them. There a e still American s who want to believe that our original and offi Li L Sevareid cial-policy hopes for Africa, to keep the cold war out of that continent and to pre vent the Balkanization of that continent, can be real ized. Let us accept reality; there was never a chance for either aspiration. ( Since the acceptance of reality is the beginning of both wisdom and construc tive action, we ought to be glad, not sorry, that the Congo is heading toward a federalized structure at best or more probably, a multi nation area. A unified Congo was never possible save in Lumumba's wildest dreams. Even the federalized Nige ria may have to carve out more quasi-independent states within it, if it is not to grow shaky under tribal ist pressures. Let us face further facts: There is not going to be a "United Africa," Nkru mah's ambitions notwith standing. There is not going to be even a West African Feder ation consequential in scope and cohesive in action, not for a long time to come. Separate jealousies will out weigh mutual interests. The mutuality of color alone loses its binding quality where the white man with draws. There are not going to be any truly democratic parlia mentary regimes in Black Africa, not before decades of intensive education have passed, and probably not then. The roots of vio lence and strong-man rule Plus A Kin; Size Coke with Order From 6:00 to 10.00 P.M. NO DELIVERIES Regular Prlc$ $1 $1.50 $2 ROMANO'S PIZZA 226 N. 10 HE 2-5961 y 8 2 Vi PRICE are several thousand years deep; political democracy is an act of reason that very few peoples have ever successfully performed. It took Western socialists much too long to cease con fusing left with east; let us cease now confusing black with democracy. (Attorney General Ken-, nedy pleaded on television that we support "the peo ple" in this age and not their f arbitrary rulers. Sup pose, for purposes of argu ment, that a mass people's revolt develops against N k r u m a h's rule. What would he want American policy to be?) Because the British have carefully and successfully turned over power to native leaders in West Africa, let us not assume they can carry on the p r o c e s s in Kenya or Rhodesia without chaos and bloody violence. Withdrawal of white power from Black Africa is one thing withdrawal from Black-and-White Africa is a totally different task. Portugal has but a short lease on her life in Angola. Like Belgium, her own strength is too limited; like the Congo, Angola is too vast an area, too jerry-built in structure, to withstand these "winds of change." This is not going to be the "century of Africa" as Dag Hammarskjold has been ' quoted as believing, unless be is s p e a k i g of Africa only as a center of world trouble. I fail to see bow those who speak of Africa as coming to hold the "balance of world power" can make e v e n a hypothetical case. Since Af rica is, as a whole, under populated, underdeveloped and deeply riven by rival ries, Jts physical immensity makes for weakness not strength. No potential, spe cific power center there is now forseeable, save pos KpSMET KLUB presents . DAMN YANKEES April 15 Pershing Auditorium Reserved $2.00 General Admission $1.50 DAILY' UEBRA VAfJT Word! 1 4y 2 4my$ ( iayt 4 4yt 1-19 .40 .41 .IS 1.M 11-1 5 .50 .10 1.0S 1.2S H-30 .60 .$ 1.2S ISO 21-25 .70 1.10 1.S 1.25 26-30 .10 1.25 1.43 2.00 sibly in Mediterranean Af rica. Side by side with the rapid and long overdue march, of black Africans to wards self-rule, however dictatorial, and towards achievement of this cen tury's material blessings, I am afraid that for years to come we shall witness many, many outbreaks of what has to be called by its accurate, if t e r r i b 1 e, name: race war. 'Jazz '61' , To Liven Legacies The Don Rice Workshop Band will present "Jazz '61," a contemporary jazz concert Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. The Band consists exclus iveiy of musicians from this area, and has been described as "four times better than Jimmy Dorsey." Members have played with such leading bands as Stan Kenton and Richard Maltby. Highlighting the program will be an American folk suite arranged in contemporary jazz idiom and a commentary on jazz as a music art form. The band includes John Geslak Quartet from the Red Lion in Omaha and vocalist Nancy Stevens, who has re corded an album to be re leased soon. . Advance tickets ire on sale In the Program Office for 75 cents. All sororities are urged to bring their legacies to acquaint them with some of the other phases of campus life. Spring Day Meeting AH Spring Day house rep resentatives in charge' of game entries for their house will meet Friday at I p.m. in the Student Union. The meeting room will be posted in the Union. ADS Around Our Campus The department of Chem ical Engineering, headed by Prof. James H. Weber, is not only one of the newest fields of engineering study but also, one of the most lucrative. The program in the de partment is designed to pre pare students for work in the chemical process, the petroleum, and petrochemi cal industries, certain phases of atomic energy field, and for graduate study. Graduate chemical engi neers engage in a variety of activities in the numerous industries cited above. Some of the more important areas of work are produc tion, sales, market develop ment, process design t and development, research, 'and management. Natu rally, there are a number of chemical engineers in the teaching profession. Like other fields of engi neering, chemical engineer ing is an applied "art" and science and our students must have a g o o d founda tion in the basic sciences, chemistry and physics, as well as mathematics and English. This is true of all engineering students, but the chemical engineers, as would be expected, must have a much broader back ground in chemistry. The courses in chemical engi neering follow those in the basic sciences and involve the study of the application of principles learned pre viously. The individual courses offered by the De partment cover such topics as, material and energy bal ances, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, distillation, ab sorption, thermodynamics, kinetics process and proc ess engineering economics. We believe the best meth od of keeping a good under graduate program is to have (Aih of "J Wat a Tten-aqt Dwarf, '!Tke Man Lota of Dobie OiUit", tic.) HAPPINESS CAN'T BUY MONEY With tuition eosta spiralling ever upward, more and more under graduate are investigating the student loan plan. If you are one who is considering the "Learn Now, Pay Later"8vtein,yo would do well first to study the case of Leonid Sigafoos. Leonid, the son of an upholsterer in Straitened Circum stances, Idaho, had his heart set on going to college, but his father, alas, could not afford to send him. Leonid applied for a Regente Scholarship, but his reading speed, alas, wa not very rapid two words an hour and before he could finish the first page of his test the Regents had closed their brief cases grossly and gone home. Leonid then applied for an athletie scholarship, but he had, alas, only a single athletic skill balancing a stick on his chin and this, alas, aroused only panging enthusiasm among the coaches. a, lbtmumtt0r And then, huzsuh, Ionid learned of the student loan piat he could borrow money for his tuition and repay it in e&irf monthly installments after he left school! Happily Leonid enrolled in the Southeastern Idaho College of Woodpulp and Restoration Drama and happily began a college career that grew more happy year by year. Indeed, it became altogether eotutic in his senior year because Leonid met a coed named Salina J. Nem wit' hair like beaten gold and eyes like two squirts of Lake Louise. Love gripped them in He big moiht palm and they were betrothed on the Eve of St. Agne. Happily they made plans to lie married the day after corn, menccment plans, alas, that never were to come to fruition because Leonid, alas, learned that Suliria, like himself, was it college on a student loan, which meant that he had not onljT to repay his own loan when he left school but also Salina's, nd the job, alas, that was waiting for Ionid after graduation at the Boise Raccoon Works simply did not pay enough(la, to cover both their loans, plus rent and food and clothing. Sick at heart, Leonid and Sulina sat down and lit Marlboro Cigaretu and tried to find an answer to their problem and, sure enough, they did ! I do not know whether or not Marlboro Cigarettes helped them find an answer; all I know is that Murllxros taste good and look good, and when tilings close iw and a feller weds a friend and the world is black aa the pit front pole to pole, it is a heap of conjort and satwfaction to be sure that Marlboros will always provide the same unflagging pleas ure, the same unstinting quality, in all times and climes and onditions. That's all I know. Leonid and Salina, I say, did find an answer-a very simpU ne. If their student loans did not come due until they left school, why, then they just wouldn't leave school! So affe-r receiving their bachelor degrees, they re-enrolled and took roasters degrees. After that they took doctors degrees, loads and loads of them, until today Leonid and Salina, both aged 78, both still in school, hold doctorates in Philosophy, Humane Utters, Jurisprudence, Veterinary Medicine, Civil Engineering, Op tometry, and Dewey Decimals. Their student loans, as of hut January 1, amounted to a combined total of eighteen million dollars, a sum which they probably would have found great d.fficu ty in repaying had not the Department of the Interior recently declared them a National Park You rfon't need , .tudent Uxn-ju.t . cAmf. L neu: Und of """""' maker. offfartboro-thi unlllUred kinii..llt PhUtp MorrU Commander, Hekomt aboard; staff members engage in research. Consequently, each staff member in the Depart ment has a number of re search projects, Dr. Weber said. These include studies of diffusion in the laminar flow region, the application of ultrasonics to heat trans fer, the continuous dissolu tions of metals, liquid phase reaction kinetics and vapor-liquid equilibrium re lationships. Chemical engineering, & a profession, has for a num ber of years been research oriented. This is true be cause most of the early chemical engineers' were trained as chemists a n"d chemical engineering is a rapidly changing and ex panding field. The result of this is that, on a per capita basis, a greater number of chemical engineers take ad vanced study than any oth er type of engineer. Poli Sci Honorary ' Schedules Initiation Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honor so ciety, will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 325 at the Stu dent Union. According to adviser R. D. Sloan, Jr., assistant profes sor of political science, the main business will include in itiation of new members and the election of officers. Spring Day Workers Students interested in working on Spring Day committees should sign the interview sheet on the door of the Student Council of fice in the Student Union by Friday noon. Interviews for those ap plying will be held Friday afternoon beginning at 2 p.m. Wsf fcrtonlrv. -mrVmtV. IM linlMi