The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1961, Image 1

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By Ann Moyer
Student Council represen
tation according to estab
lished living districts is
presently the recommended
plan which will be sub
mitted to the Council today
for consideration.
Following Council discus
sion a final open meeting
will be held Thursday at
''30 p.m. in 234 Student
Union to allow students to
present their final views
concerning the proposed
The representation com
mittee will then present an
official motion to the Coun
cil requesting that the Con
stitutional amendments be
written to embody the final
'Help Project, Open Houses
Greek Week
Has Facelifting
By Dave Wohlfarth
Several changes are slated for this year's Greek Week,
to be held April 16-22.
This year's Greek Week will feature a Greek movement
to church, open houses, dinner speakers, exchange dinners,
discussion groups, faculty speakers, a convocation and a
special Help Project, as well as the traditional Greek Games,
according to Phil Tracy, Interfraternity public relations
chairman, who is in charge of Greek Week.
Plans have been maae
for open houses for all fra
ternities and sororities on
Sunday, April 16, following
the Greek movement to
From 2 to 3 p.m. houses
in Group II (all houses west
of 16th Street) will divide
its members so as to have
one or two members at each
open house at least for the
first half hour. The second
half hour can be spent by
visiting any house or houses
desired by those indi
viduals, Tracy said.
Each house in Group I
(all houses east of 16th
street plus Ag Campus) will
divide and function as ex
plained for Group II, he
Houses in Group I are Al
pha Chi Omega, Sigma Kap
pa, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Chi Omega, Sigma Delta
Tau, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Del
ta Delta, Alpha Xi Delta,
Kappa Delta, Pi Kappa Phi,
Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Gam
ma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha
Gamma Sigma, Alpha Gam
ma Rho, Farm House and
Group II includes: Theta
Chi, Zeta Beta Tau, Beta
Sigma Psi, Phi Gamma Del
ta, Alpha Tan Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Theta Xi, Phi Del
ta Theta, Gamma Phi Beta,
Alpha Phi, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Nn, Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, Delta Tau Delta, Sig
ma Alpha Mu, Delta Upsi
lon and Sigma Chi.
The open houses will kick
off a busy Greek Week.
Here is the schedule:
Morning Greek move
ment to church.
2 p.m. Open House
(Group II)
3 p.m. Open House
(Group I)
6 p.m. Individual house
dinners with alums.
Topic Alum-chapter rela
tions and discussion panels.
Houses serenade individual
6 p.m. Exchange din
ners among bouses.
12 noon 1FC and Pan
hellenic dinner.
2 p.m. Four discussion
groups going simultaneous
ly. Discussions led by prom
inent alums.
6 p.m. Faculty mem
bers for house suppers and
as speakers after dinner.
Topic Faculty-Greek re
lations. THURSDAY, APRIL 20
2-4 p.m. Housemothers
7 p.m. Convocation fea
turing Herbert G. Wunder
lich, Dean of Students at
Kansas State University.
8 p.m. Open House par-
8 a.m. Fraternities and
sororities project.
2 p.m. Greek Games
James Accepts
Chicago Position
Richard James has resigned
as a staff member of the Uni
versity's public relations de
partment to accept an edi
torial position with the Chi
cago office of the Wall Street
James, 24, joined the Uni
versity staff in July, 1959,
oHpt rnre'vinc his Master's
degree from Northwestern
Uninversity. He earned his
Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University School of Jour
nalism in 1958.
recommendations of the
The amendments would
first require the approval
of 2-3 of the Council and
then ratification by a ma
jority vote in a general
election in which at least
30 per cent of those eligible
students voted.
The plan to be presented
to the Council today in
cluded the following rec
ommendations: Part I Council Representa
tion. 1. The Student Council
shall be composed of rep
resentatives elected from
eight student living dis
tricts. 2. The eight living dis
tricts shall be:
To Speak
Scholastic Societies
Plan Spring Meet
The spring meeting of Phi
Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi
scholastic fraternities will
feature Irving Dilliard, for
mer editorial Daee editor of
the St Louis Post-Dispatch.
Dilliard will speak at the
special meeting of t h e two
societies, held in honor of
their new undergraduate
members, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Student Union ballroom.
Dilliard. who is also sched
uled to speak for a S i e m a
Delta Chi banquet Friday
night, will speak on "Are We
Underminine Our Bill of
Rights?" He is considered an
authority on the US. Supreme
Court. i-
A member of the P o s t-
Dispatch staff for almost 33
years, Dilliard retired in 1960
to devote more time to writ
ing and lecturing.
A graduate of the Univer
sity of Illinois, he was a mem
ber of the first group of Nie
man Fellows at Harvard Uni
versity. He joined the Post
Dispatch in 1927 as an
editorial writer and from 1949
to 1957 served as editorial
page editor.
During the Second World
War Dilliard was attached to
Supreme Headquarter, Allied
Expeditionary Force. After
the War. he was in charge of
information control for the al
lied military government in
Bavaria and supervised the
re-establishment of German
newspapers under the occu
Dilliard edited -"The Spirit
of Liberty," a collection of
Judge Learned Hand's
papers, and "Mr. Justice
Brandeis. Great American."
He is also the author of "A
Guide to the Show-Me State,"
and his a r t i c 1 e s have ap
Deared in manv magazines.
He is. presently writing a
book on the United States
Supreme Court.
In 1959 the American Bar
Association cited him for out-
standine contributions to pub
lic understanding of the judi
cial system in recognition of
a series of articles he wrote
for the Post-Dispatch on the
Supreme Court. A chevalier
in the French Legion of Hon
or, he is also a Phi Beta
Kappa Senator.
Indian Culture
Festival Planned
University students from In
dia will sponsor a cultural
program on Sunday at 8 p.m.
in the Student Union Ballroom,
Jagjit Singh, program direc
tor, announced today.
Celebrating the Baisakhi
festival, marking the end of
the harvest season, and the
Basant, marking the dawn of
spring, the students will per
form Yoga exercises, a tiinau
Marriage ceremony, Moslem
sinEins. Tabla recital an in
strument of two drums), folk
dances from the states of
Punjab and Gujerat, a dress
parade and devotional ana
folk songs
Indian students have invited
all interested to attend this
celebration of their national
Representation Proposed for
a. Social fraternities
b. Social sororities
c. Men's city university
d. Women's city univer
sity dorms
e. Men's co-op houses
and professional f r a t e r
nities maintaining houses
f. Women's co-op houses
and ag dorms
g. Unmarried students
living in unorganized hous
ing h. Married students liv
ing in unorganized housing
representative LlQBARa'ddi-
APR 6 151
74, No. 87
Douglas Convocation Today
All University classes will
be dismissed at 11 a.m. today
according to Assistant to the
Chancellor James Pittinger,
in order that students may
C ' mi
Soloists for the University Singers
spring concert are (from left, front row)
Sue Worley, Joan Baker, Carolyn Rhodes,
University Singers' Spring Concert
Dedicated to Former Conductor
The annual spring concert
of the 93 voice University
Singers will be presented
The program will be held
at 4 p.m. at the First Plym
outh Congregational Church,
20th and D streets, and is
open to the public. The con
cert is under the direction of
Earl Jenkins, associate pro
fessor of music.
The concert will be dedi
cated to the late Dr. Arthur
E. Westbrook, who served as
director of the School of Fine
Arts and as chairman of the
department of music at the
University from 1939 to 1952,
and as conductor of the Uni
versity Singers from 1939 to
A feature of the concert
will be 'the performance of
the contemporary choral
work, Te Deum." by Zoltau
Cheer Practice
Cheerleading practice will
be held from 44 p.m. on
Wednesday, Thursday and
next Tuesday, on the stage
of the Coliseum,
AD students interested in
trying out must attend a
minimum of two practices . .
KK Spring Show
Tickets on Sale
Kosmet Klub's Spring
Show, "Damn Yankees" will
be presented at 8:15 p.m.
April 15 at Pershing Audita-
num. i
Tickets may be purchased
from Kosmet Klub workers.!
Ben Simons, Golds, Miller
and Paine and at the Student
Tickets will be on sale in
the Union from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. today, Thursday from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Friday.
The booth will be open from
Monday through Friday next
General admission tickets
are $1.50 and reserved tick
ets $2. Over 1,400 tickets r en
sold prior to spring vacation
and an audience in excess of
4,000 is anticipated.
tional representatives al
loted according to the num
ber of votes cast in the in
dividual district in the pre
ceding general election.
This allotment shall be es
tablished so as to make the
total number of representa
tives, exclusive of holdover
representatives, approxi
mately 30.
4. Affiliated students, re
gardless of their true place
of residence, shall vote
within the affiliated living
Graduate students shall
be eligible to vote.
6. There shall be no ac
hear Justice William O .Doug
las of the U.S. Supreme Court
speak on "Democracy vs.
Communism in Asia."
The public has been invited
7 ' , W
Kodaly, assisted by Prof.
Myron Roberts, organist, and
Jean Sanders, pianist. Solo
ists will be Joan Baker, Sue
Worley, Gene Dybdahl and
Kenneth Scheffel.
Carolyn Rhodes and Paula
Knepper will be soloists in
"Yea, I Will Comfort You,"
from the German Requiem by
Other numbers of the Sing
ers concert are: "O Domine
J e s u Christe," PaJestrina;
"Vere Languores," Victoria-,
"Lord, in Thy Ressurection,"
Gallus; "Cold winter, villain
that thou art," Debussy;
"Lord, lovely has Thou made
my dear." Debussv: and
"Spring Returns," Christian
sen. j
Members of the University
Singers are:
Sopranos, Margaret Arm
strong, Lexy Lou Bell. Sharon
Binfield, Ann Blomquist, Nan
tie Booth, Carolyn Bristol
Carolyn Coffman, Gail Gallo
way, Karen Glade, Gwynne
Grevlng, Cheryl Jaecke, Joan
Jeiinek, Paula Knepper, Judy;
Lawrence, Lyn Loudon, Mona
Mueller, Ann Olson, Rosemary;
Peterson, Claire Prucha, Car-;
olyn Rhodes, Carolyn Weiss,1
Charlene Whitney, Sue Wor
ley, Claire Roehrkasse, Anna-;
bell Zilunund. j
Altos, Lois Anderson, Joani
Drop-out Fees $19,398
By Leon Nyberg
Students who have withdrawn from the
University so far this year have lost
$19,398 in tuition and fees, according to
records in the Registrar's office.
This amount is the difference between
total fees paid and the amount refunded
to the students who have withdrawn from
school last semester and so far this se
mester. The Registrar's records show that 309
students have withdrawn or have been
dropped from school since the beginning
of the fall semester. In addition, approxi
mately 400 first semester students failed
to register for the second semester.
The 309 students paid a total of $37,373
to the University, and they received re
funds totaling $14300.
First semester refunds amounted to
only $5,,t!66, indicating that many students
left school after the fifth week of the se
tivity representation.
Part II Holdover Repre
sentation and Officers
1. The Council, sitting as
a nominating committee,
shall nominate two of its
members for president and
two for vice-p resident.
These two offices shall -be
voted upon by the student
body at the general elec
tion. 2. The two losing candi
dates shall be holdover
members of the Council.
3. The office of second
vice-p resident shall be
4. Holdover representa
The Nebraskan
to attend the convocation
which will be held in the Col
iseum under the sponsorship
of the convocations committee
and the Union talks and
Paula Roehrkasse Knepper; fback row)
Jean Sanders, accompanist, Kenneth
Scheffel and Gene Dybdahl.
Baker, Cynthia Dybdahl,
Fields, Annette Hall, Mary
Ann Harris, Joyce Johnson,
Mary Kay Kapustka, Mary
James Schlegelmilch, Larry
Knolle, Nancy McGath, Sher
oJyn Parks, Sara Rhodes,
Jocelyn Sack, Nancy Soren
sen, Susan Stohs, Joyce Story,
Judy Tenhulzen, Nancy Wat
ton, Heather Wilhelm.
Tenors, Calvin Carlson,
Larry Cole, Donovan Cran
deJL Calvin Cutright, Steven
Ellenburg,. Allen Epstein,
Darrell Fast, Larry Hoepfing
er, Arthur Hughes, Walter
Hutchison, Richard Lening
ton, George Mechling.
Vance Nelson, Terry Otto,
Jim Petersen, Dennis Ras
mussen. Kenneth Schcfel,
David Stenzel, William Walk
er. Basses, Terry Boyes, Larry
Dubas, Gene Dybdahl; James
Eno, John GilJiand, Ronald
Holscher, Paul Holzworth,
John Jorgensen, Wendell
Koontz, William Larson, Lou
is Lawson, Richard Leigh,
Willard Marquardt, Monty
McMahon. John Mills, C.
Richard Morris.
Kent Murray, Douglas
Pearson, Robert Person, Rog-1
er Quadhamer, Allen Rinne,
Shaw, Richard Slepicka. Rol
and Stock, Robert TideswelLj
Jack Watkins, Dewey Wines, j
tives shall be eliminated
except for the four nomin
ees specified under sec
tion 1.
Presently, five seniors
are nominated and elected
by the outgoing Council as
holdover members. Offi
cers are then elected from
the holdover members by
the outgoing Council.
The number of Council
members would remain ap
proximately the same as at
present. Representation by
colleges would be elimin
ated in favor of the living
district representation
method. The representation
topics committee.
In addition, Justice Doug
las will be the featured guest
at an informal coffee hour to
be held in 232 Student Union
at 2:30 p.m. He will visit
with students and answer
their questions at this time.
Douglas, an associate jus
tice of the Supreme Court for
19 years, will discuss the ris
ing democratic institutions in
Asia, the impact of Marxism
and communistic tactics in
that portion of the world and
the methods of repelling
His lecture will also cover
Red China and its conflict
with India. He will discuss
Western relations with Soviet
Russia and give an appraisal
of the ultimate outcome.
Douglas is the author of
some half-dozen books, his
latest being "Russian Jour
ney," published in 1956.
Others include: "North
from Malaya," "Beyond the
High Himalayas," "Strange
Lands and Friendly People,"
"Of Men and Mountains,"
"We the Judges," and "An
Almanac of Liberty," a book
in which the great movements
toward political, social, reli
Douglas Discusses
Justice William O. Doug
las of the U.S. Supreme
Court will answer questions
on his speech, books and
other topics during an in
formal coffee hour discus
sion at 2:30 p.m. today. The
coffee will be open to stu
dents and the public in Stu
dent Union, Room 232, 4 and
Riddell Talks
GOP Money
To YR Club
John Riddell, Republican
state finance chairman, will
address the YR's at their
meeting Thursday at 8 p.m.
in the Union.
Riddell represents Ne
braska on the National Re
publican finance committee
and is general counselor for
the state Republican party.
An active Republican for over
40 years, he has been named
"Mr. Republican" by his col
leagues. The executive council meet
ing will be held at 5 p.m.
Annual YR elections will be
held April 13, 8 p.m. in the
Membership cards w i 1 1 be
checked at the door. Only
members will be allowed to
Officers will be nominated
by a nominating committee
meeting this week with addi-
t i o n a 1 nominations made
from the floor.
A University accountant explained that
a student who registers but then with
draws before classes start gets a com
plete refund with the exception of a five
dollar processing fee.
During the first two weeks of school 80
per cent of the tuition is refunded. This
percentage drops by 20 per cent a week
until after toe fifth week, when there is
no refund to the student.
The accountant said there is no way to
determine if the amount retained from
each student actually covers toe entire
cost of the process of administrative work
and classroom instruction before toe stu
dent withdraws from school.
The loss in revenue to. toe University
IMs year amounted to the refund total
of $14,200. plus $3,775 in tuition scholar
ships which withdrawing students failed to
committee supported this
Bill Connell, chairman of
the representation commit
tee, cited the following ad
vantages to the living dis
trict plan: it would avoid
double representation, pro
vide closer Council contact
with the individual stu
dents and assure equitable
representation of all eg
ments of the campus com
munity. Students are encouraged
to attend the open meeting
Thursday evening and pre
sent their views concern
ing the proposed plan.
Wednesday, April 5, 1961
gious and. legal liberty are
traced to their sources.
In 1922 Douglas set out for
New York's Columbia Univer
sity Law School, paying his
fare by herding a carload of
Chicago-bound sheep.
His specialty was the rela
tion of law and business and
his Wall Street research led
to the reorganization of the
Stock Exchange.
In 1939, while he was serv
ing as chairman of the Securi
ties Exchange Commission,
President Roosevelt appoint
ed him to the Supreme Court.
Seven Grants
Awarded For
Grad Study
Seven graduate fellowships
amounting to $12,500 for ad
vanced study at the Univer
sity have been awarded sub
ject to acceptance by April
13. .. .
Two of the awards for
$2,000 each are being made
under the University Regents
Pre-Doctoral fellowship pro
gram to Robert N. Man
ley, who formerly taught
in schools at Seward, Mc
Cook, and Osceola, and who
is now a teaching assistant in
the University's history de
partment and to Dan D. Gus
tafson, a teaching assistant
in the University's English
The other five awards are
made from the Franklin E.
and Orinda M. Johnson fel
lowship program and provide
$1,700 stipends to:
Mrs. Nancy Coover Andrea
sen, an honor undergrad
uate of the University
who is now a staff member
of Nebraska Wesleyan and is
working toward a Ph.D. in
Waller L. Baumler, a teach
ing assistant in the Univer
sity's department of sociol
ogy who is working toward
a Ph.D.
Willard E. Smith, who is
a teaching assistant in the
University's department of
political science and working
for a Ph.D.
Alt E. Kambal, who is now
a graduate in agronomy.
Miss Ching Ju Wang, a
graduate student in pharma
cognosy. The University's Graduate
Fellowship committee inter
viewed 83 applicants before
selecting these seven as re
cipients of the awards.
Cornhuskcr Posts
Cornhnsker yearbook ap
plications are now available
in 309 Burnett. Applications
w ill be accepted until 5 p.m.
Friday and should be re
turned to the J-school office.
Interviews for the paid
positions will be held the
following Tuesday beginning
at 3 p.m. in the Ogallala
room of the Student Union.
All-Vat! Cwnrttw. "TVmocracr
. Onmuntn in Asia." br Juntust wa
htm o. rxmrta. VS. Supreme Court, U
a.m.. Qaaaeom.
Atrwmr Lecture, Dr. Juris Jaekaoo,
I'nncmir f wKaoa. 4 .a 2M Htim
Hail, At nur.fos.
U,u m kwiaad, Acnar Tberdaraoo,
NtUstl librarr tartand, 7; wm
Lwv Ubmrr auditoruim.
Hr4 trow Lmxterciu BteetiM, .M
) m.. Stnfest Ue.u.
'u VocsUaul Arteuitor Jadjm
twDtevW. M ActtvUM Kiuldiix, Ct
kr A ! tectum.
Rate Future Fuwre 1 Aaaarlta
try At mYtia, all axr. AtiivtUea
builcluK, At eampuc.
pfwhuitw wmfowam. t a.a. an
ID .., S.u4ntf Vmvm baUrowa.
KrixM Butter InwUttU menu. 1
am.. Muftost Vmm.
Lwtiuv i Vwiano. A rear TfcerdarMa,
1 9 m., IU RuraMl Hail.
Pim- CuIkKiuiom, I'm. B r l a r 4
Ceudsuta, Viuwtnar f Miaacittri. 4:11
?.m.. 211 SriKw Ltwrr.
ptu RHa Kama, frutnta Xi wtM mnri,
inc. - aMmavr, a Muani