Page 2 The Nebraskan Friday, March 24, 1951 .$?&!!! By Dick Stuckev It may be of special in terest to everyone to know that they are all invited to Monte Kiffin's m o t h e r' Easter egg hunt over va cation in Lexington, Ne braska. A quarter prize for the golden egg. But to the subject materiale. Recently we have heard that we all of us ain't got no culture. Wellgeewhiz! What'ya want and go and say that for? Holy smoke, we got all kinds of culture here. Statues and can openers and politics and coffee breaks and lipstick and basketball and everything. Whasamatter? Don't you liberal cosmos appreciate what you got already? Or isit that you've been too far from home too long to remember where the fires burn. We'll junk the historical junk this week. There are a couple of friends to intro duce. Friend number one is A. Walden Cabbin, who recent ly remarked, as he pondered the merit of the effort of merit, tr the lack of same, or the lack of "en thusiasm for cultural en listment": "If you would learn to speak all tongues and con form to the customs of all nations, if you would travel farther than all travellers, be naturalized in all climes, and cause the Sphinx to dash her head against a stone, even obey the pre cept of the old philosopher, and Explore thyself. Here in are demanded the eye and the nerve." Cabbin was commenting at that point, unheard, on a type of cultural basis which has backboned America, but the crowd stood aside towards the soapbox derby, nodding at the Union Talks and Top ics Committee ticket sellers Enuring forth free responsi ility booze to insure the Sunday evening musicians Examination Of A 'Liberal?' Conscience By Bob Nye surge; and even the "uncul After a brief interlude tured," degenerate TV set with my personal oracle has been offering more ex (which impressed upon me cellent programming, the necessity for graphical- Now let us turn to the Un ly expressing my emotions ion programs which the stu m order to save them for dents seem to be so apa posterity), it is again time thetic towards. I have at to plague my dwindling, but tended several concerts and still fanatical, disciples with recitals and a few of the more of my perverse wis- talks; some were excellent, flom- while others a complete The cry of "white su- waste of time. Our student premacy" and "ugly Amer- orator who was expelled icanism" which was raised from the Soviet Union had by Steve Gage and compa- nothing, if not less than ny seems to revolve around that, to offer. 1 feel better our gross cultural deficien- programming, hours, ad cies. ; vertising and less complain The proposed Renais- ing would benefit the Un sance of culture in. Nebras- ion committees, ka strikes me as being al- The distasteful reference most as humorous as it is to Nebraska's football team pathetic. What the critique showed an appalling lack of failed to note is that the understanding of the very very existance of our cul- issue being presented, tural facilities shows an ap- America, the Middle West, preciation of them. the South, and the East Take a look at the muse- have a culture of their own, urns, libraries, and the backed with long tradition, parks, in and around Lin- I feel a football game in coin, not to mention Oma- the fall is an integral part ha. It is possible these can of the American tradition, operate with the "unin- The color, competition, and formed, uninterested, and excitement have their roots uncultured, ugly Amer i- deep in our heritage. The can," which they would people of the Midwest are have us believe is so prev- noted for being friendly and alent? How can the Com- down to earth this is cul xnuhity Concert and the ture. Community Theater func- Are our critics attempt tion? It's a fact that In the , ing to judge on the basis of past few years the quality a foreign culture which of performance presented they would like to force has risen just as the attend- upon us? Certainly every ance (Our Student Union one respects and admires Talks and Topics commit- the traditions of India but tee might keep this in we don't condemn them or mind). What have our crit- tell them they are "ugly" ics got to say about Van because they lack our cul Cliburn's sellout preform- ture. ance in Omaha this week. All in all, if Steve and his Over the post few years two outstanding Nebraskans numerous cultural facilities would examine their "liber have opened (the art gal- al" consciences they might lery under construction on find them clouded with mis campus now); the sales of information, lack of under classical records have standing, and quite a bit of made a tremendous up- "cultured" conceit. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD 14th St R Telephone HE 2-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: 3-5 P.M. Monday through Friday 8fc9rlpttoa ntr ere $S per semstr mr $5 for the academic yrar. Eatera M second rtass matter at the poet office la Lincoln, Nebraska, ander the act of Aurnt . mz, The Dally Nebraska Is pnhllthed Monday, Tnenday, Wednesday and Fri day durlar the school year, except durtnr, vacations end eam periods, by students mt the Cnlvenlty of Nebraska under authorisation of the Committee m Student Affairs as an expression of student opinion, Publication nndcr the Jnrtsdlctloa of the Subcommittee on Student Publications shall be free from editorial censorship en the part of the Subcommittee or 'en the part of any person outside the University. The members of the Dally Nebraskan staff are personally responsible far what they say. or do, or cause to be printed, tebniary I, MM. EDITORIAL STAFF Fdltor Dave Calhona M"rln Editor Gretche Shellbcrc Norm Heatly Bports Editor Hal Brown Z Nw,1.Mlto Jim Forrest Cony Editors Pat Dean, Louise Hnlbert, Jerry Lamheraon Staff Writers Ann Moyer, Dirk Stuckev, Nancy Whltfnrd Junior Staff Writes Dave Wohlfarth, Jan Sack, Cloyd Clark , Eleanor Rllllnss Night News Miter , ; P(rt DeM BUSINESS STAFF Business Manatee Man Kalman Assistant Business Managers . .Doa FernMou, Bill Gunllcks. John Schrw-der Circulation Manager Gen Kreuseher a full house, lest they be forced to self-express to wards empty folding chairs. If that paragraph went by you, we've got a sonofagun down on the end . . . down on the farm . . . some thing. Nextly though, we hear that it seems as if the Ugly Nebraskan "has been doused in apathy." We hear of "the vigor that must go with campus life." We are challenged to prove that we are not ugly. We are accused of fallacy if we present Gil Rawhide Favor, Josh Bring'Em Back Ran dell, Fred and Wilma Park Forest Flintstone, or Bugs Roadrunner Bunny to visit ing Russian students as an intregal, existing part of our cultural sustenance. And overlooked is the earth turning, cultural molding power of the plow and the steed up front, the spirit of same steed and blade to which we owe what mind we've left, which spirit Cabbin up there spoke of putting to work. But a submittal: You may be right, cul turats, but not at where you think which. 'The cul ture may be needy now but not of Community Con cert tickets and opera passes. Those things will fall in place well enough. As is elsewhere stated to day, their very existence is directly indicative of a like sum of appreciation. But here now, friend two, introduced as Clark Kerr, superman, and Chan cellor of the University of California at Berkeley, by William Whyte, Jr., of "Or ganization M a n" fame. Kerr goes something like this: "The danger is not that loyalties are divided today but that they may be un divided tomorrow ... I would urge each individual (continued to page 4) ((u3mwl East mils Inside View By Phil Boroff Tennessee Williams is per haps America's most popu lat playwright. His plays are continually produced "A Streetcar Named Desire" a recent success of University Theater. Since the late 1940's, the filmgoing audience has made the name Tennessee Williams a boxoffice plus. The first Williams play transferred to film was "The Glass Menagerie," which starred Jane Wyman, Gertrude Lawrence, Kirk Douglas and Arthur Ken nedy, The second and per haps most successful Wil liams adaptation was 1951's "A Streetcar Named De sire," featuring Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Karl Maiden and Kim Hunter. The 50's saw several Wil liams' plays adapted to the screen "The Rose Tattoo" with Anna Magnani and Burt Lancaster, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" with Eliza beth Taylor, Paul Newman and Burl Ives, and "Sud denly, Last Summer" with Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn and Montgomery Clift. In 1960, "The Fugitive Kind" starring Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani and Joanne Woodward was based on Williams' "Orphe us Descending." Filming has already been completed on "Summer and Smoke" with Laurence Har vey and Geraldine Page and also on the screen version of Williams' lone novel, "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" with Vivien Leigh and Warren Beatty. And this is not the end plans are on the board for screen versions of "Sweet Bird of Youth" and "A Pe riod of Adjustment." By the way, the name of Williams' new play to open in the fall is "The Night of the Iguana." . . . Tuesday evening's Du Pont Show of the Month was "The Night of the Storm" by Horton Foote. The production was very entertaining and included and outstanding cast head ed by Julie Harris, Jo Van Fleet, E. G. Marshall and Mildred Dunnock. I particu larly liked the concluding two speeches "Come in. . . . You might learn some thing." (Reply) "Thank you, I think I will." . . . I think everyone interest ed in theater should have a spring vacation like mine. I am currently in New Ha ven, Connecticutt with sev eral other University stu dents at the Yale University Drama Festival through Sunday. New week we will be in New York City on a theater holiday. More about this later. . . . Marvin Cox Elected President of Acacia Marvin A. Cox was recent ly elected president of Acacia fraternity. jm- - ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH if Jllli' VI f I I w f ) Lincoln't Downtown Church WvLr fot I Worship Services ot 9:30 and 1 1 am Happy Spring Vacation BEN YOUR HAIR DRESSER SCHOOL OF BEAUTY Ph. HE 2-6822 Hairdressing and permanents for the public at student prices supervised by professional in structors. STUDENT PRICE PERMANENTS FROM $4.95 & UP SHAMPOO & WAVE 75c HAIRCUTS 75c MANICURE 75c Open Till 9 pjn. Every Wigfif DAY AFTER DAY NEBRASKA HAS MORE OF EVERYTHING Golds OF Spring Fashion Favorites LET THE COSTUME RULE YOUR WARDROBE Destined to make you most feminine this spring Is a coat costume. Black and beig-e woven plaid combine In full lenrth coat that covers beige basic linen-look rayon sheath with short sleeves and scoop neck. Sizes 10-18. GOLD'S Lincoln Shop . . . FASHION FLASK, KNITS WIN AGAIN It's a short story . . . popular 26 inch bulky knit Orion acrylic toppers in two smart styles lead the spring- parade stain this year. Red, white, black, belre, rreen, fray. Sizes 8-18. 22.95 GOLD'S Coats Second Floor 1228 M St. Shop Monday and Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Other Days to 5:30 p.m. 35.9.5 Second Floor IS I I 1 V f I Professor Travels A University professor, Dr. Gayle B. Childs of the Extension Division, will leave Tuesday for a 13-day trip to Latin America coun tries for a series of interna tional educational confer ences. Dr. Childs is head of class and correspondence instruc tion, and administers the DANCING WORSHIP SERVICES ON CAMPUS BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Royf I.. Jones H. Meryl Burner Director of Student Work 9:30 p.m. Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 10:45 o.m. Morning Worship 7:00 Evening Worship 5:30 p.m. Supper 8:00 After-Church Fellowship Groups Meeting at Frst Baptist Church 14th and K Street! Second Boptst Church 28th and S Street! DISCIPLES STUDENT FELLOWSHIP (Christian Churches) 1231 R Street Keith Stephenson, Campus Minister 10:45 o.m. Worship (Cooperatvely with U.C.C.F. at 333 No. 14th) 5:30 p.m. Supper, Worship & Forum (Cooperatively with U.C.C.F. at 333 No 14th) LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) 535 North 10th Alvta H. Petersen, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Coffee Hour 10:45 a.m. Worship 5:30 p.m Lutheran Student Association SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Center) 1119 Q Street G. J. Keenan, pastor R. P. gheehy. t. R. Myers, associates Sunday Masses at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30 Confessions on Saturday: 4:30-5:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Business Meeting and Social Hour 7:30 p.m. UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian, Congregational, E.U.B., E. St R.) 333 North 141 h Street Alan J. Plrkerlnc, Minister 10:15 Communion Served at UCCF Student House 10:45 o.m. Corporate Worship 5:30 o.m Forum Fellowship UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Services at t'otner while present building being rebuilt Gilbert M. Armstrong Chaplain 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 5'30 o.m. Fvenina Prover .UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri Synod ) ' A. J. Nernen, Pastor 15th and 4 Streets 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 5:30 p.m. 'Gamma Delta Supper 10.45 a.m. Worship WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) William B. Gould A J, Benton White, Pastora 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion (Wesley House, 1417 R Street) 9:30 o.m. Morning Worship (at LSC. 535 North 16th St.) 10:30 o.m Coffee Hour and Discussion (Wesley House) 5:00 p.m. Cost Supper (Wesley House) 6:00 p.m. Vespers 6:15 p.m. Forum (Student Union, Room 234) tfi i Hull ' i y 5 v 1 - -A J ijt If ; ' GOLD'S !S AS CLOSE AS . YOUR TELEPHONE . . . CALL GR 7-1211 To Latin America University foreign corre spondence courses of l.Kl students outside the U.S. Dr. Childs will attend meetings in Caracas and Bogata, where all American schools participating in the foreign correspondence pro gram will be represented. He will also visit several schools in Venezuela. Open to the Public Saturday, Mar. 25 GENE JAMES ORCHESTRA Adm. $1 each For Res. Ph. IV 8-282S Ottsfc sE N 1