The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1961, Image 1

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Eiseley: 'Science: Not Unalterable, Absolute System9
Dr. Loren C. E i a e 1 e y,
writer, noted anthropologist
and native Nebraskan held
the close' attention of hit
audience at the final 1961
Montgomery Lecture
Wednesday afternoon.
Contrary to popular no
tion, science is not "an un
alterable and absolute sys
tem," and in this truth lies
hope that mankind- may
escape a dismal fate of
complete uniformity or
other extinction, indicated
"There is a widespread
bnt totally erroneous im
pression that science is an
To Attend Meet
By Dave Wohlfarth
Three past and present national officers of Sigma Delta
Chi (SDX), professional journalistic society for men, will
speak at the SDX banquet April 7 at the Cornhusker Hotel.
. E. W. Scripps II, Irving Dilliard and Warren K. Agee will
be present at the Nebraska SDX banquet, according to Herb
Probasco, SDX president
The banquet will be at 6:30
I p.m., following the Initiation
I of SDX pledges at 5:30, Pro-
I basco said.
1 Scripps, the grandson of
the famous E. W. Scripps, is
J vice-president of the Scripps
i Howard newspaper chain.
The chain, one of the largest
i in the nation, was originated
l by his grandfather.
Scripps, who graduated
j from the University of Ne-
:, vada School of Journalism.
formerly worked on the copy
J desk of united News Inter-
national in Washington D.C.
and Is currently the national
president of Sigma Delta
i Chi
I DHIard Is the past national
! president and still a member
of SDX. Now
retired, he
was a mem
ber of the St.
Louis Post
D i s patch
staff for
nearly 33
t ye""-
nt receiveu
honorary de
grees . from
Vim nil
Colby Col-
lege, the New School for So
- cial - Research, MacMurray
College, Brandeis University
and Southern Illinois Univer
sity. In 1959 the American Bar
Association cited him for out
standing contributions to pub
lic understanding of the judi
cial system, in recognition of
a series of articles he wrote
for the Post-Dispatch on the
Supreme Court.
The third speaker for the
banquet, Warren Agee, is the
national ex
ecutive offi
f icer of SDX.
He was a
newspap e r
m a n for 11
years and
a university
journal ism
teacher and
a d ministra
tor for 12
years before
assuming direction of the
Chicago office in November,
The 44-year old Texan was
selected unanimously by the
Board of Directors of the 16,
000 member society to direct
a reorganization program ap
proved by delegates from the
60 professional and 75 under
graduate chapters at t h e i r
annual convention in New
York City early in December.
A reporter for the Fort
Worth (Tex.) Star-Telegram
from 1937 to 1948, Agee head
ed the department of jour
nalism at Texas Christian
University for eight years
and was dean of the school
of journalism at West Vir
ginia University for almost
two and one-half years. ,
Coed Athletes
Go To Chicago
The Women's Athletic
Association (WAA) executive
officers and representalives
of the WAA Board will travel
to Chicago, 111., for the Na
tional Convention of Women's
.Athletic Associations on Sat
urday. The girls will be accom
panied by their sponsor, Miss
Mary Jean Mulvaney. The
group will tour Chicago for
four days ami go to the Uni
versity of Illinois on Wednes
day for the convention.
Shirley Parker and Fran
Johnson, as past and present
presidents of the Nebraska
organization, are the official
Also attending the conven
tion are the executive offi
cers, Mary Drishaus, Judy
Knapp, and the board mem
bers, Patty Knapp, Mary Rop
er, Judy Skinner and Jo Row
unalterable and absolute
system," he said. "It is sup
posed that other institutions
change, but that science,
after the discovery of the
scientific method, remains
adamant and inflexible in
the purity of its basic out
look. This is an Iron creed
which is at least partly il
lusory." Speaking on Francis
Bacon as a scientist, and in
general, on Bacon s philos
ophy dealing with science.
Eiseley offered many such
statements concerned with
the essence of science to'
day and in relation to Ba
Delta Chi
Committee Considers
Faculty Retirement
The Legislature's budget
committee, headed by Sen
Richard. Marvel of Has
tings, is taking a long thor
ough look at University fi
nances one of the more siz
able items under considera
tion is a proposed $900,000 for
faculty retirement.
This proposal, made possi
ble by enabling legislation
passed in 1959, would provide
a vested, pay-as-you-go re-
tirement plan should the nee-
essary funds be appropriated
during the current session of
the legislature.
Beginning Sept. 1, all fac
ulty members 30 years of age
or over with at least - one
year of service would receive
retirement contributions from
the University not to exceed
six per cent of their salary.
ipecinc aeatiis, such as
changing the accounting1 ma
chinery and choosing an
agency to administer the re
tirement annuities, remain to
be worked out. But certain
advantages of the plan are
already apparent to Univer
sity administrators. .
Comptroller Joseph Soshnlk
believes the University will
be able to compete more fa
vorably with other schools in
the region because "faculty
members will no longer be
forced to sacrifice potential
retirement benefits when
changing jobs."
Under the present plan ben
efits do not become available
to faculty members unless
they are teaching at the Uni
versity at the time of retire
"By - making the benefits
the property of a professor as
soon as accumulated, we can
expect to attract younger fac
ulty members and to finance
the project on a far more
business-like basis," Soshnik
said. "The instructor will
own the benefits and nothing
which he owns can be taken
away from him. In addition,
survivors benefits will be
granted np to $200 per month.
Cecil E. Vanderzee, profes
sor of chemistry and chair
man of the committee on re
tirement and insurance said
the plan will prevent shifting
expense to future generations
by "paying for the retirement
fund as it is earned rather
than all at once when the age
of 65 is reached."
NU Foundation
Names Trustees
University Foundation trus
tees have been announced by
Perry Branch.
New members of the board
are: W. E. Barkley, V. J.
Skutt and Col. Leonard Dens
more, one-year term; William
Gold II, three-year term.
Today on Campus
Faculty Club Dance, 9 p.m.,
Selleck Quadrangle
Spring Vacation begins, noon
"Astrology Fact or Fic
tion," 2:45 p.m., Planetarium
Ceres, transparent woman,
10:30 ' a.m. and 3:45 p.m.,
Health Galleries, Morrill Hall
"Astrology Fact or Fic'
tion," 2:30 and 3:45 p.m.,
Ceres, transparent woman,
2:30, 3:30 and 4:30 p.m..
Health Galleries, Morrill Hall
con's time.
He pointed out that some
physicists are now "c o n
vlnced that a principle of un
certainty (rather than cer
tainty) reigns in the sub
microscopic realm of par
ticles and that out of this
queer domain of accident
and impact has emerged,
by some kind of mathema
tical magic, the sustaining
world of natural law by
which we make our way to
deafer, 'to'
Vol. 74, No. 85
ii m-
Interest in
Much interest in and en
thusiastic approval of the
aims of President John. Ken
nedy's Peace Corps program
was expressed by several for
eign students at a recent dis
cussion of the Peace Corps.
More than 50 persons at
&MVMif'im::fnJ3k . ..( - '
Ready for a vacation?. Shown above are
four University students preparing to go
"as far south as we can." More specific
ally, these winter-weary collegiates are
U.S. Students Flock to
To Escape
By Janet Sack
Where the girls are?
They're going south! And
where are the boys? They're
Ft. Lauderdale will soon be
teeming with masses of book
tired, lethargic eyed college
students from all over the
United States.
A 2 a.m. exit by four stu
dents yesterday typifies the
iVo Rag Monday
Due to the scheduling of
Easter (Spring) vacation,
there will not be an issue of
the Daily Nebraskan Mon
day April 3. The Pink Rag
will be published the follow
ing day, April 4.
Corn Cobs Elect
Arnold President
Roy Arnold has been elected
as the new president of Corn
Other officers for the 1961-
62 school year are Ron Gould,
vice president; Paul Moess
ner, secretary; and Dan
Wehrbein, treasurer.
Fifteen sophomores were
also initiated into the organi
zation. . They are: Leroy
Bentz, John Bishoff, Frank
Brewster, Jerry Hurd, Larry
Ourada, Jerry Rathjen, Marc
Samuelson, Richard Slepicka,
Stuart Souders, and Bob
Committee chairmen for the
next year are as follows: Le
roy Bentz, New Student Week;
John Bishoff, publicity; Wes
uraay, rallies; Jay Graf,
card section; Larry Hammer
.nd Richard Slepicka., Home
coming; and Bob Wright,
flower sales. "
erele Francais
To Sponsor Film
Film connaisseurs Parlez-
vous Francais?
Even If you don't, you will
still enjoy the French film
(with English subtitles!) to
be presented in Love Library
Auditorium on Tuesday, April
4, at 7:30 p.m. by the Cercle
Francais. ;
our homes, and finally to
our graves."
Human hope for true
progress, Dr. Eiseley sug
gested, rests more with the
unusual instances of non
conformity and unexpected
ness than with the usual
and predictable. He warned,
however: ,
"The scientific concern
with mass is in danger of
programming the individual
out of the. universe" even
while scientists themselves
tended the meeting spon
sored by the University
Young Democrats and the Ne
braska International Associa
tion. Jim Huge, president of
Young Democrats, moderated
the panel discussion.
In his report to President
Books During Holiday
Intense spirits of the vacation
bound collegians.
But Ft. Lauderdale is not
the only place the students
are heading. The vacationing
students will invade New Or
leans, Colorado, California,
Arizona and New Mexico.
With nine days of freedom
countless students are n s t
going home no matter where
home is New Jersey, New
York City, Texas, Washing
ton, just 30 or 40 miles from
Lincoln or clear across the
Many students not traveling
to one of the resort areas
will take home loads of books
to study or read, but some
thing happens to those books
after reaching their destina
tion. Usually they are stared on
some back shelf until the
night before the students
come back to the campus.
The forecast calls for the
temperature to run about
five degrees below the sea
sonal normal of 48-53. If old
man sun should come out to
brighten and warm up t h e
cool breezes, many hours
will be spent playing tennis
or trying to shoot that seem
ingly impossible hole-in-one.
The Nebraskan's photographer takes a sneak preview of
"Damn Yankees," Kosniet Klub's spring production.
"are fascinated by the un
predictability that hovers
over the individual and hap
pily erratic practical."
Emphasis in the employ
ment of the scientific meth
od, Dr. Eiseley declared,
has shifted from one of
solving problems to one of
"From a thoretical desire
to understand the uni
verse," he said, "we have
come to a point where it is
felt we must understand it
The Nebraskan
Corps Grows
Kennedy on the Peace Corps,
R. Sargent Shriver, director
of the Corps, said, "The first
year's projects should be
spread through several coun
tries in Latin America, Af
rica and Asia."
Thursday night on Channel
heading for Fort Lauderdale, Fla. in the
annual migration to this spring vacation
spot for thousands of college students.
The highways in Nebraska
and to all points north, south,
east and west are normal,
said Colonel C. J. Sanders,
chief of the Nebraska Safety
Patrol. (
There will be an increase
in traffic over the holiday
period, but the amount of
traffic will depend on the
weather and other -factors,
Col. Sanders said.
"Everyone driving should
accept the full time respon
sibility of driving," said Col.
Column to Attend
Language Meet
Dr. C. W. Oolman, profes
sor of Romance languages,
will attend a national meeting
of the directors of the Sum
mer Language Institutes for
secondary school teachers in
Spanish and French at Okla
homa City, March 31-April 2.
The Language Institute will
be held at the University be
ginning June 12 and continu
ing for eight weeks.
It is conducted under the
National Defense Educational
Act grants of 1958, one of 6
across the nation.
to survive. Governments
expend billions upon par
ticle research, cosmic ray
research, not because
they have been imbued sud
denly with a great hunger
for truth, but for the very
simple, if barbarous, rea
son that they know the
power which lies in the
particle. If the physicist
learns the nature of t h e
universe in his cyclotron,
well and good, but the
search is for power."
12 at 8 p.m. Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn.), Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt, R. Sar
gent Shriver, Senteca Kajubi,
professor of the University of
East Africa, and Prof. Sam
uel Hayes, author of the
Peace Corps Task Force re
port recently presented to
President Kennedy will dis
cuss the Peace Corps pro
gram. Re-Run
Immediately preceeding the
discussion Mrs. Roosevelt and
President Kennedy will d i s
cuss the Peace Corps. For the
benefit of those who missed
the first show, a re-run will
be telecast on April 3 on
Channel 12 at 9 p.m.
At the discussion at t h e
University M. Vittal of India
said, he was "so enthused
about it I think it's going to
have far-reaching effects."
The political science grad
uate student said what India
really needs is help in medi
cine, education, engineering
and agriculture which the
Peace Corps is designed to
give. He said that India did
not need guns or ammuni
tion. Ahmed Ballal of the Sudan
said "We need more schools
and industries to supply our
basic needs." ,
Only 10 Schools
Sudan, a country in East
Africa, has a population of
13 million, but has less than
10 schools. Ballal said, "Much
good will come of the Peace
Africa's most pressing
need is for teachers, Ballal
said. Yousef Meshiea, a pre-
medical student from Libya,
said his country also needed
Meshiea said that the pros
pecuve reace corps repre
sentatives will encounter
strange traditions and cus
"They will have to forget
themselves for quite a while
and respect their host coun
try's traditions. Otherwise the
program may fail," he said.
'Mind of Curiosity'
The Peace Corpsmen must
go abroad 'with a mind of
curiosity" said Roy S. Bryce
of Panama, a graduate as
sistant in Spanish doing ad
vanced work in secondary ed
ucation and sociology.
He said that "too often
Americans go with the idea
of crusading." To accomplish
anything the Peace Corps
volunteers will have to un
derstand the foreign country's
values,- traditions and ideolo
gies and mix with the com
mon people, not just the elite.
Bryce said that the Peace
Corps program can reduce
Latin American skepticism of
U.S. motives by helping the
common people build roads,
schoolhouses and recreation
Ballal said that the Peace
Corps representatives will
the costume sketches for
Eiseley threw light on
Bacon by reminding that
the latter was important as
a statesman and philoso
pher of science, but that
he was trapped in an age
of static ideas.
"Bacon hoped a second
world could be drawn out
of nature," continued Eise
ley, "and to him it lead to
a perfect Atlantis, but to us
it leads to other worlds
which do not serve the individual."
Friday, March 24, 1961
need to give direct material
help, such as work, to show
democracy's advantages and
not give political speeches.
Bryce said he hopes the
Peace Corps does not become
merely a tool of American
political propaganda. Foreign
countries would resent it, just
as the Americans resent and
dislike Communist p r o p a
ganda. v
"Another discussion of the
Peace Curps will be held in
the near future," said Huge.
IFC Sees
Rush Film
First Showing Set
For April in Beatrice
The Interfraternity Council
(IFC) rush film was shown
for the first time Wednesday
night when it was presented
to the IFC representatives in
the Student Union's Little
The half-hour film, depict
ing fraternity life on the NU
campus, still has some addi
tions and corrections to be
made, according to Jim
Huge, IFC rush chairman."'
He explained that a musi
cal background will be added
to the silent black and white
film. The film will be shown
to high school students at
several places yet this
This first showing is set
for April 21 at Beatrice.
Huge said.
In connection with next
year's Rush Week, the com
plete. Rush Week schedule
was released by Vice Presi
dent Ron Gould and Jerry
Gale reported that the Rush
Book is finished with the ex
ception of three caption head
ings. The book will go to, t h e
printers at the first of next
week, according to Gale.
In other business, Roger
Myers, chairman of the af
fairs committee, announced
that the convocation speaker
for Greek Week will be Her
bert G. Wunderlich, Dean of
Students at Kansas State
Wunderlich, who is an alum
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra
ternity, will speak at the
April 20 convocation for all
fraternity and sorority mem
bers. Myers also suggested that
house parties not be manda
tory on Friday, April 21 due
to the conflict that some
houses have their spring for
mals planned for that night.
A motion to have 15 men
per house help on the Greek
week community service
project was also passed unan
imously at the meeting.
Any disciplinary action
against two fraternities
reportedly violated the IFC
pledge training code "has
been delayed pending further
investigation," said IFC pres
ident Donv Ferguson.
Dooley To Attend
Washington Meet
John W. Dooley, assistant
professor of journalism at
the University win attend a
Foreign Policy Briefing Con
ference sponsored by the U.S.
ueparimeni or aiate on April
3-4 in Washington, D.C.
Professor Dooley was in
vited by Secretary of State
Dean Rusk. He will be one
of 300 news directors, public
affairs program directors,
editors and commentators
from all parts of the nation
who will participate in the
According to Secretary
Rusk, the purpose of the con
ference is to examine a num
ber of current international
issues and to provide oppor
tunity for discussion by the
participants. . '.