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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1961)
I f r- Friday, March 17, 1961 The Nebraskan Page 3 .Dent Playmaker For Navy Is Captain Dents Represented By Lytle Brothers By Cloyd Clark Spunk, skill and scoring are the qualities of the 1961 Daily Nebraskan all-independent in tramural basketball team which includes two Dents, two Navy men and one Pacer. Dean Prazak of Navy is captain of this year's squad. Others on the team are Mike Stacey of Navy, brothers Joe ana Larry Lytle of Dents ana Neal Pocock of Pacers. Prazak, Stacey and the Ly tle brothers have participated In college basketball and the fifth member of the team, Pocock, played freshman baseball at Nebraska. ' Prazak, spunky leader of Navy's championship inde pendent team, shared scoring honors for the busy Navy team with Stacey. The 5-11, 165-pounder from Clarkson is a junior in Mechanical Engi neering. Prazak played freshman basketball at Nebraska and was a member of the Varsity team his sophomore year. Stacey is the "big man" on the all-star squad. The 6-3 center took charge of the re bounding department for the NROTC team as the sailors competed in the Lincoln City League and national NROTC competition in addition to the intramural league play. Stacey led his hometown, Weeping Water, into the 1959 8r 1 IT avy 10 Ind ependen I; "I ' I " - J j ''r",,A f X I i! rWl Clf L Ul m r- r N J. LYTLE- state high school basketball tournament and was named to the Lincoln Journal's all-state class C team in 1959. He was a member of the freshman cage squad last STACEY year at Nebraska. The Navy stalwart is a sophomore ' in Arts and Sciences with majors in political science and phi' losophy. . '; Dent College center Joe Ly Independent All-Stars Pos. Name Ht. Class fssouau.s.ooBS1 1 TAKE OVER A GEISHA HOUSE I ?::ii'ii.:.r-::i.'i:-:.i?:v F Joe Lytle, Dents ......6-3 Sr. F Larry Lytle, Dents . . . . .6-1 Sr. C Mike Stacey, Navy T 6-3 Soph G Dean Prazak, Navy 5-11 Jr. r! Neal Pocock, Pacers - 5-11 Sr. Honorable Mention Larry Kovar, Phi Epsilon Kappa Wes Berry, Dents; Mick McGo wan, Nationals; Don Tread way, Law College. a XT V0 BJF GLENN 4 U" " ' IfoONALD 1 f 1 L(iraiE8Bngair .-!.. JAMES SHtGETA r ,e mi ro.uMiir turn mm -trmuu-Jfm riMIIKO TAKA m MIYOSHI UMEWY EASTMAN M'Hl- CINEMASCOPE AAU Gymnastics Meet Scheduled for Saturday - By Hal Brown Nebraska's gymnasts will return to action at 2 p.m. Sat urday in the Physical Education Building when they go after their seventh Midwest AAU crown in eight years. The meet was started in 1954 and Coach Jake Geier's gymnasts have won every year but 1959 when they were halted by a snowstorm and never made it to Hastings for the competition. PRAZAK tie joins Stacey in the front line. The 6-3 Dent center was instrumental in putting the Dent team in the runner-up position in the independent tournament. The Dents tied NROTC for the top spot in the season standings among the independents. Lytle scored 14 points when the Dents upset the Navy team in the independent tour nament, 32-30, and was an im portant cog in the Dents' ef forts against the freshman basketball team in their sea son series. Joe played center for the Chadron State Teachers Col lege five before enrolling in the Dental College at Nebraska. His brother, Larry, helped the Dents roll to a 24-7 sea son record. Larry was an all state choice when Chadron POPOCK I Prep won the 1952 state bas ketball tournament in Class B. He stands 6-1 and weighs ib5 pounds. He played basket ball at Chadron State for four. years and was runnerup to brother Joe this season in scoring and rebounding hon ors for the Dent quintet. Pocock rounds out the Daily Nebraskan five as he led his Pacer team to the crown in League 8-A during the regular season and to the semifinals of the tournament action be fore being eliminated by the Dents. The 5-11 guard from Ord led the scoring and was playmak er tor the Pacer team. He is a senior in Civil Engineering. Honorable mention choices were Larry Kovar of Phi Ep silon Kappa, Wes Berry of Dents, Mick McGowan of Na tionals and Don Treadway of Law College. L. LYTLE Three teams have entered the tournament with Nebras ka's varsity and freshman gymnasts entering as one team. Other teams are the Omaha Sokol Hall and the Lincoln Gym Club, composed of top gymnasts from Lincoln high schools. Two events will be run at a time and all events will be finals. Events include free ex- e r c l s e, rebound tumbling, rope climb, sidehorse, nign bar, parallel bars, flying nngs, still rings, tumbling and all-around. All-around consists of scores from six events tree exercise, sidehorse, high bar, THE GREAT FOLKMUSICIANS, SONNY TERRY AND BROWNIE McGEHEE wit) appear at Dana College Bloir, Nbratka (luit 7$ minutes from Lincoln) Monday, 7:30 p.m., March 20. Admission $1.00 JOE COLLEGE "l WEEK-END SPECIAL 1! From 4 P.M. Friday to 9 A.M. Monday . II U t3'A PLUS II ' I 9c PER M,LE II V U t,n,3 includes all gat It oil Rent a '61 Ford or Other Fine Cor Col! HE 2-3405 y Kraft1 Parking 1313 M Street L. parallel bars and either fly ing rings or still rings. Nebraska entries will be: Dennis A 1 b e r s, all-around; Dennis Anstine, all-around; Bill Brass, tumbling, rebound tumbling; Lou Berkel, all around; Herb Hanich, flying rings, still rings, rope climb, parallel bars. Gene Hart, sidehorse; Ger ald Harvey, free exercise, tumbling; Larry Hojer, hori zontal bar; Richard McCoy, all-around; Doug Moore, re bound tumbling, flying rings, still rings, rope climb; Steve Swihart, free exercise, re bound tumbling, tumbling; Larry TeSelle, sidehorse; Charles Williams, free exer cise, tumbling, rope climb; Tom Sitzman, parallel bars, rope climb, still rings. Anstine, B r a s, Berkel, Hanich, Hart, McCoy, Moore, and Williams are members of the Husker Varsity. Albers, Harvey, Hojer, Swihart, Te Selle and Sitzman are fresh man. Lack of endurance takes a lot of the fun out of sports for many part-time athletes. Now science has discovered an easy way to increase muStle stamina. Now available at all drugstores is Absorbine Jr. Warm-Up the invigorating rub you use before exercise. Warm-Up has proved in clinical research to make muscle power last longer. 1 Clinical studies reveal the time required to fatigue a muscle treated before exercise with Warm Up is almost double that of an untreated muscle. Using the Elec tromyograph (electronics' newest medical tool) doctors could actu ally see Warm-Up almost double muscle endurance. Now you can have longer-lasting muscle power for sports and exercise. Whenever you want extra endurance, rub on Warm-Up be fore you start. See if you don't have more stamina. Warm-Up is available at all drugstores. Absorbine Jr. Waem-Up BEFORE Sports AFTER Over-Exertion Entries Due Monday For Weight Lifting Intramural weight lifting entries are due Monday at 5 p.m. in Room 102 of the Men's Physical Education Building, according to Jim Maul. The Spring weight lifting will include bench press, squat, and dead lift. IM Spikers Scores Pratenllr Kppt Sim J . . Delu Upulon 1 BfU TheU PI 1 ..Alph Tq Omen. 1 Sigma Chi I Delta Tau Delta 1 Phi Delu TheU 2 Phi Gamma Delta Theta XI 2 Farmhouae 1 Cornhusker Coop t Siraie Alpha EpaUon e Kappa gifma 2 ... Phi Kappa P Barrelleek A ?nf' , Gua I (forfeit) Smith J Kiewe.bach (forfeit) Fairfield i Andrewi e (forfeit) Seaton n 2 Cut II (forfeit) Fraternlrr B Beta TheU Pi 2 Alpha Tan Omen Theta Xi 1 Defta Tau Delu ft (forfeit) Phi Gamma Delta 2 Phi Kappa pai 1 Beta Sigma Psi 2 Sigma Alpha Ha (forfait) Ac Men 2 Delta Sigma Pi 0 (forfeit) Sigma No 2 ..Alpha Gamma Sigma 1 Zeta Beta Tau 2 Acacia 0 (forfeit) Delta Sigma Pi 2 Theta Xi O (forfeit) Read JVebraskan Want Ads WVWWVVWi vwwwv Main Feature Clock Varsity: "Cry for Hanppy," 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 8:20. State: "T h e Unfaithfuls," 1:00, 4:12, 7:14, 10:06. "Herod the Great," 2:30, 5:41, 8:43. Stuart: .."Tomboy and the Champ," 1:25, 3:25, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY TO YOU from tht Rag staff WWWAVW. Free parkhur after pm.1 DOORS OPEN 12:15 140 N 13th EEMU5 NOW SHOWING u mm Superior Ace Chooses NU Larry McCord, all - stater from Superior, will enroll t the University of Nebraska next fall, Coach Bill Jennings announced. McCord has won four letters in football, basketball and track and has won two base ball letters while at Superior High School. Larry is 6-0 and weighs 185. Coming from the home town of Ed Weir, twice an All America while playing at Ne braska, McCord says: "I think football is the greatest sport in America. Therefore I get a great thrill just being able to play the game." His greatest sports inriii came the evening he scored three touchdowns against Cen tral City to pull Superior into a 20-20 tie. One came on a re covered fumble followed by a 93-yard run. wan i i i wmmmmmmmmmtm MMwwwjiaaW m mm h liiMm iim maiim mmmma Shell Oil Company Next Monday, March 20, a Minneapolis Marketing representative will interview 1961 Civil Architec tural, and Mechanical engineering graduates for openings in construction and sale. He will also inter view '61 Liberal Arts and Business Administration grads for sales and accounting. See Mrs. Glover 210 Social Science Building before neon Monday Shop Monday and Thursday 9:30 to 9:00 '""! fife' mrPitn '- f A fr A VV7, V7 VA? i ' K p y- Ml The gallant, all-heart story of the makintf of a pair of cfiampions a glowing tribute to the 4-H Club ideals and the Future Farmers of America CANDY MOORE-BEN JOHNSON JESSE WHITE -CHAMrTf.ltHw A p.m., Other Days to 5:30 p.m. DAY AFTER DAY Golds OF NEBRASKA HAS MORE OF EVERYTHING SURE TO SUCCEED COORDINATES BY HELEN HARPER.. EXCLUSIVELY AT GOLD'S Spring means beauty, beauty In new colors and a more beautiful you. , Elect these fashion co-ordinates to take you successfully into spring. Flowery print, box-pleat skirt with mated blouse is perfectly accented by color-matched bulky Orion acrylic Chanel tyje cardigan sweater with sleeve. Aqua, pink, mauve, orange on beige. Blouge. 30-36 Skirt, 8-18 ... Sweater, 36-40.. 4.98 5.98 8.98 GOLD'S Sportswear Street Floor SHOP THE EASY WAY, USE YOUR. GOLD'S RCA!" f ! ,ii,iibiwiWiWiwi'iwiibiiwiiibi mmmammmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtAl